Last Film You've Seen


Pro Adventurer
^ unfinished???? I'm also shocked that I saw that 14 years ago.

Oblivion 9/10, really enjoyed it. Fun show.

trash panda

I didn't realize that Titan AE was unfinished. I watched it not long ago. And when I say not long ago I mean sometime in the last five years...

I recently watched what I believe was a made for TV movie called The Promise.
I also watched a movie called The Fall.


Chloe Frazer
To elaborate: Don Bluth was the second director to work on the film. Fox being the geniuses that they always are did the usual meddling they're infamous for, vetoed ideas and rushed the movie out before it was even remotely ready just to beat out Treasure Planet. The other big factor that contributed to Titan's box office failure was that Fox was unsure if the movie should've been targeted at kids or teenagers and adults and it's obviously the latter as movie was never meant to be targeted at kids. Tvtropes has a pretty good description as to why this is one of the worst and most destructive cases of dueling movies ever: "Winner? Neither. The two films destroyed each other, with Treasure Planet being unfairly compared to the (poorly-marketed) Titan, nearly killing the entire genre of traditional animation in one of the worst case of Dueling Films ever. Fortunately, both were later Vindicated by Cable." The failure of Titan took down Fox Animation Studios and basically ended Bluth's career.


The Wolverine

The action was pretty lackluster tbh. Could use a little more martial arts. But I particularly like the overall theme of family and tradition. 3.5/5
The Lego Movie

Now I won't agree with everyone saying it's the second coming of cinematic jesus, but its a damn fine movie. Just go see it. It's funny, has a great art style (tho it seems like they switched between "stop motion" and fluid movement at random), extremely well written, and has more heart that most other kids movies.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Questioning Darwin

A documentary where creatioists try to talk people into creationism. They basically say "mankind is special and can't be related to lesser creatures" in various way repeatedly. After watching this I kind of pity these people.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Questioning Darwin

A documentary where creatioists try to talk people into creationism. They basically say "mankind is special and can't be related to lesser creatures" in various way repeatedly. After watching this I kind of pity these people.

I wouldn't stand a minute of that and you watched the whole thing. You have my admiration, sir.

@thread: I FINALLY got to see Thor 2. Review goes to the appropiate thread :awesome:


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
I wouldn't stand a minute of that and you watched the whole thing. You have my admiration, sir.

I was hoping they would actually build to some kind of point. They didn't. I had also hoped they would point to something, ANYTHING, other than the bible as evidence. They didn't. For what it is worth, I went in with an open mind, which is more than the people that made/stared in this did.


Harbinger O Great Justice
LEGO Movie & 3 Days To Kill

Both excellent and way more fun than I'd expected (albeit for very different reasons).

X :neo:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
The Great Gatsby (2013).

It could have been better had they used actual 20's jazz music instead of techno and rap. Sorry, but I can't look pass "artistic licenses" if they involve jarring historical inaccuracies, especially when not a hunderd years have gone by yet, and especially when I was eager to listen to some good oldies :/

DiCaprio was superb, by the way, but I'll still stick to the original novel.


Just watched Gravity, probably didn't have the same impact on me as most people on behalf of me watching it on TV instead of the cinema and being on the ready for jump scares, :monster:. It was pretty neat though.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Just watched The Book Thief. This is how I described it to Ryu on the Skype chat:

Reminds me of life tbh
Everything's all hunky dory, then something happens, you think that's going to be bad, then it's good. And when everything kind of comes back to normal, life gives a major FUCK YOU and takes it all away.

What makes me think the most from it? The voiceover. Who is it? I now know that it's
the Angel of Death
and yet I did think it was several different people. Or even just the voice of a book. I don't know. But it was a brilliant film for me and really makes me feel bad for not really reading lately.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Black Swan. Had some interesting visuals but I just couldnt give a single shit about any of it.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

Plot plays like 'Ernest Goes to Jail' with Muppets. Nothing ground-breaking or inspirational, despite the typical fun antics and decent songs
the Miss Piggy and Celine Dion duet is my fave
. The movie lacks the heart of its predecessor, and instead relies a little too much on surprise cameos, some of which are utterly wasted.

Don't miss the 'Monsters University' short at the beginning!

Rating: 3.5/5.
Need For Speed

Honestly, better than I expected. Lots of nods to classic car movies (vanishing point, american graffiti, etc.), the races are all actual cars with no cg and very little exaggeration (there's like one part where a car catches fire when it probly shouldnt have).
The story is.. meh. It's a vehicle (heh) to move the movie along. My dads a huge car guy and he said that one of the races was the best car race/chase he's ever seen in a movie.

Grand Budapest Hotel

So yeah, Wes Anderson. Not much else you need to know. Its funny tho, and Ralph Fiennes does a great job as the lead.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier. All thoughts here.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Saw Captain America: TWS yesterday. I enjoyed it more than I did Iron Man 3 or the Thor films(They don't try with those).

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer


Where do I even start? Well, right off the bat, I can tell you this movie sucked. Really.

Peter Parker's all angtsy and whiny with Gwen Stacy in this tiresome and overlong sequel, not to mention he can now see dead people (cough cough, 'Sixth Sense' anybody?). None of the action seems even remotely exciting (save for the beginning scene with Parker's parents) and is just meant to play as a pointless CGI 3D fest. The villains, my God, are so flat and wooden that it makes 'Spider-man 3' look like a masterpiece. Electro acts more like an angry obsessed fan of Spider-man with super powers (whether he was like that in any comic book incarnation I'm not sure) rather than an actual super villain. Poor Harry Osborn has daddy issues and then spends the movie acting as an emo brat. Paul Giamatti is utterly wasted and unmemorable in his role as the Rhino that the movie practically forgets about him.

Too many villains and too many plots happening all at once that I simply stopped caring halfway through. I'm really not looking well forward to a third installment
with a possible Sinister Six.

Rating: 1.5/5.

Oh yeah, Gwen Stacy dies. Boo-hoo. Totally didn't see that coming from 5 miles.

Serah Farron

Captain America 2.

I really liked it, better than the first. Also Natasha was AMAZING and killed it. Holy hell please let her have her own movie. I ended up shipping her with Steve by the end.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Just saw Captain America: Winter Soldier. Liked it a lot.

One thing bothered me. At one point in the movie we find out that the Scarlett Johansson character was born in 1984. Later she admits to being in the KGB. So she was in the KGB when she was 6?


Apparently, yes :monster:

I watched it last night too; for a sequel, it's pretty good :monster: (most of these marvel sequels kinda suck, more of a TV show episode than a standalone movie).

What I don't really get is that it's an alternative timeline, with mutants and superheroes and technological superiority on all counts compared to our own world, but at the same time they still have the exact same conflicts (or it's hinted at by that falcon dude).

Similarly, where'd they get the money / resources to build those airships? But then, economics is kinda overlooked. Oh well :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I watched a leaked version of Son of Batman

As someone who read Grant Morrison's storyline, I felt that the adaptation is fun but didn't have the soul of Damian's story and disappointing in terms of capturing the Bruce-Damian-Dick relationship. It's just your average superhero fanservice flick with a flawless Batman, sexy Talia with Deathstroke and Nightwing appearances.

My review is here.

BUUUUUUT if you want to enjoy the movie more, according to a tumblr user, think of it as Damian's fanfic of his life.
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