Last Film You've Seen


Ok, what's up with Skyline? Everyone's been giving it good reviews around me and it looked like utter shit in trailers.

Must check out now.



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark

Saw 3-D? I saw it. It was ok. I felt like the 3-D wasn't really used to it's fullest potential. A horror movie in 3-D should scare the shit out of you. But everything else was typical Saw. So if you liked the previous films, you'll probably like it. It's not scary, but entertaining. (I might be desensitized to horror films though, lol.)

3-D movies are about $15+ dollars these days (in NY at least), and I hate paying that much for movies. I was treated to it, so I can't really judge if it was worth the money. I did enjoy it for what it was.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief

Well, I loved the cast: Kevin McKidd (Dog Soldiers) as Poseidon, Sean Bean (Goldeneye 007, Lord of the Rings) as Zeus, as well as Pierce Brosnan and Uma Therman.

My only real complaint with this film was how the characters had such a hit-and-miss knowledge of Greek mythology, despite living it. In particular, not knowing the fairly common knowledge that
the Hydra grew two heads for every one decapitated

Also, having Persephone say the only thing that made living in Hades bearable was her six months away from the place. While in Hades, during June. Yeaaaahhhh...

Last major annoyance: Alan Partridge as Hades. Really? Really?

Otherwise, good. :)

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Toy Story 3. I am so glad to see that they didn't drop the ball on this one. I loved the first two films, and cna honestly say that this third movie is eveyr bit as good. It had humor, action, drama, and most of all heart. It felt sincere and was a great experience.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Yes, but not necessarily for the right reasons. :P

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum

okay at the very least will ferrel did not write this so it is not total shit and it got a lot of points for using mr. blue sky which is one of my favorite songs. But all in all, it's a doofy kids film.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Avatar: Collector's Edition Cut

I mostly agree with the review posted here, but I'll post my own opinions as well.

The Collector's Edition Cut add a LOT to the film, and it changes some siginificant scenes, and the several characters greatly benefit from it. I'm not sure what of that was added in the re-release, but all of it and more were included in the Collector's Edition.
The opening with Jake on Earth completely wrecks the reveal of him being in a wheelchair, but it shows so much more about Earth and who he was. You get to find out why Grace's school was shut down, after 10 years, which gives you a HUGE sense of scale for what the project on Pandora has been doing, and it also gives a lot of insight into Neytiri's initial reactions towards finding Jake in the woods. Perhaps the most significant additions were showing the Na'vi attack on the machines that first broke down the trees, before the all out attack on Hometree. Tsu'tey's death scene is also shown in its entirety, and significantly changes his and Jake's relationship.
There's also some smaller scenes of Jake actually hunting Sturmbeests with the rest of the Na'vi from his Ikran, Neytiri playing with the fan lizards, and the Sturmbeests attacking the humans in Amp suits.

Aside from the new cut(s) of the film on the first disc, the other two hold a metric fuckton of special features. There's over 45mins of deleted scenes, which make it VERY easy to see how James Cameron's original cut of the film EASILY ran around the 4 hour mark, and gave a lot of development to the human characters that would have been interesting to see in the film, and some more tribal scenes with the Na'vi. "Capturing Avatar" is a four part look at how the film was made, and one of the most amazing things that I've ever seen. The development, innovation, technology, and work that went into creating every little detail, and making the film work are absolutely stunning. The 3D technology was impressive development, but to me, the way that filming took place in the virtual environment was absolutely mind-blowing, because it's SO radically different than everything about how films are conventionally created, and the potential it has is simply staggering.

I'm still not all the way through the third disc, but it's REALLY interesting to watch a large set of scenes and be able to switch between the raw live footage, the basic CGI, and the finished version, with the raw performance reference. Really, I've never been more impressed by the work put in to a film, simply because Avatar has SO much that was done to make the film work as an experience, and it does SO much right to make things work and look real, which means that you'll never notice it, because of that. Things like hiring artists and sculptors to work for 1-2 YEARS doing concept work before the film was even greenlit. Making ALL of the clothing that's worn by the Na'vi and doing tests with it, so that it looked and moved properly when it was added into a digital environment. The mix of Live and Virtual performances, and how the Virtual Camera works. The fact that after the main filming took place, James Cameron spent almost a YEAR with just the data and the virtual camera to actually film the shots that appear in the movie. I could go on, but it's absolutely stunning, and nothing like a film has been made before.

After seeing this, it also makes SO much sense why he would film a second and third film back to back and release them a year apart, because of how the editing process. With the innovation and learning that's been done on the film, I can't even imagine what they could accomplish with the other films.

X :neo:
American Psycho

First time watching it. I had heard it was good occasionally but otherwise havent really heard anyone talk about it. Im not sure why, it's a pretty good movie and Bale gives a great performance. I only ended up watching it cause I watched a documentary on horror movies and it had the clip with Bale running through his apartment complex hallway naked except for running shoes, covered in blood, and branishing a chainsaw. How could I NOT watch that?


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Disney's Beauty and the Beast

I spent half the film trying to work out Beast's age. D: The narrator at the beginning said about the rose wilting on his twenty-first year. As Lumiere says later that they've been enchanted for ten years, that means Beast must have been only ten or so when he was transformed. DX

Also, despite describing him as a prince at the beginning, from the fact he was called "your Grace" or "your Eminence" by his servants, he must have been a lord or a duke.

Nitpicking aside, good film.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
The Thief and The Cobbler: Recobbled Cut

The Thief and The Cobbler, called Arabian Knight in my tape back then for me, was a very VERY strange animated film, so much it probably influenced how trippy I am RL. I owe it to this strange film, arguably my first animated film before Little Mermaid and Jurassic Park to get me into drawing. :lol: I've spent nearly 14-15 years looking for it ever since I lost the tape when moving to the middle east. I didn't know it had a bajillion other titles or cuts till I saw the review itself on Nostalgia Critic. I must say I applaud Richard william's attempt to create a masterpiece, though I don't remember anything anymore from the 'knight' version, I was treated to the Recobbled cut now available in youtube which was put together based on the true original and mixed in with the animation quality of the other later releases. This was my first fan edit film to see, not counting the fan dubs I've seen.

Due to seeing Recobbled cut, I'll be speaking about it for the majority of the review rather than the 'knights' version. Which I might give a look later on.

The film starts out quietly, subtle and quiet, not like the knight version I've seen when I was young (maybe that's why I forgot about it altogether, due to its noisy narrative combined with the trippy animation). It begins with some old guy narrating the purpose of 3 balls kept atop of some tower, if they were removed, then some evil empire led by the Great One Eye would invade and destroy the golden city.

The Cobbler named Tack and Mr. Thief are arguably my favourite characters in this one, they say nothing at all but contribute to the story in such a great detail that you don't really need voices. The background music and their actions tell the story for you, that is quite amazing if you ask me, given the near cgi-like emulation of the scenes i've seen. It's breathtaking by how you see them run around the castle (warning if you do see that scene, you might get dizzy by how it goes so tread carefully). In the Knights version, Tack was voiced by Matthew Broderick, which kinda puts me off because he was unsurprisingly fit for the role. THIS version however surprised me greatly by using Sean Connery's voice for Tack at the end when he spoke for the first and only time, I like this kind of surprise because of the physical appearance Tack has, you'd never expect someone like Sean Connery to be voicing such an unassuming guy. XD

The Princess ... sadly didn't appeal to me much upon her introduction. Indeed it was wonderful but scenes with her alone didn't impress me to a degree at the start, she was always with her father or just gawking at Tack when he came into the scene. Sure she had the beauty, but she seemed so bland even in this version that I didn't care much about her initially, she grew in me as the story progressed but it was only contributed by the romance between her and Tack. I did like her determination to
save her kingdom from imminent destruction later on and being supportive of Tack in the later act.

I found the primary antagonist ZigZag to be too weird due to his method of rhyming every god damned time he speaks. He's like a bad ... version of Jafar or some shit, but he manages to blend well with the story and how he plots to take the throne by marrying the princess (note this was made in the 60's WAYYYY BEFORE Jafar plotted to marry Princess Jasmine).

The other characters are alright, the secondary antagonist One-Eye proved to be a powerful force in the story and indeed brought terror to the citizens of the golden city. I took him alot more seriously than the comical ZigZag because of the powerful army he commands and the visual depiction of his harem and fortress, it shows the viewer how pretty screwed the golden city is if it falls into his hands.

The animation in the Recobbled cut was stttuuunnning! the guys who worked on the fan edit really worked hard to restore Richard William's intended masterpiece and it shows. For once, I am intrigued by an animated film that doesn't rely on musicals to show it's potential to tell a story. Recobbled cut is definitely a good watch.... NOT so sure about Arabian Knight/Princess and The Cobbler versions.
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Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Fair Game

No offense America, but I really want to punch an alarming amount of your politicians in the balls.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Hook, yes, the one from 1991

I loved it as a kid, and it's stood up to my nostalgia. The neat thing is that I pick up on totally different things watching it as an adult - the various references, the very complex relationship that is antagonist and protagonist, TinkxPeter...and it's just a really enjoyable movie.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Return of the king extended version. Four hours and eighteen minutes long. My ass has gone numb. I don't care however, as the movie is still every bit as epic as it was every time I've seenit.


New Kids: Turbo!

:monster: It's a terrible movie, but more funnier than anything Hollywood's spewn out this year. The Dutch language will be forever immortalized in this movie for its use of diseases and genitals as derogative adjectives for just about every word and its use of derogatives in general.

"Overstretched cunt" just doesn't have that same ring to it in Engrish.



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
^lawl. Ew. Those guys are gross-looking. :lol:

Watched Inception last night. Cool movie. Everyone should see it.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
The Expendables, which was exactly what I expected: a total man-movie with totally mindless action that serves to simply entertain.

How to Tame Your Dragon omg so much love <3 awesome movie


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
The Expendables, which was exactly what I expected: a total man-movie with totally mindless action that serves to simply entertain.

Haha. I watched that too. Barely-there plot with random ass kickings and explosions. If you're going to have all action, then be over-the-top with it.

It was less than they portrayed. They threw out all these names that were going to be in the movie, but Arnold Schwartzenager and Bruce Willis were in it for 2 minutes. It was basically all Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham. And Jet Li should have had more time since he's most kick-ass out of all of them. And wut up with Stallone's face? Plastic surgery much? LOL



Rookie Adventurer
You can call me Elusive for short if need be. Or Fish. My nickname is Fish, so I'll respond to that
Gladiator. ((I had never seen it before, and was really in the mood to watch a world antiquity type movie, and my grandmother recommended it because she has a crush on Russell Crowe.))

Anyone has any suggestions for movies about set in world antiquity, I'm open.
Lord of the Rings : Fellowship of the Ring & The Two Towers (both extended of course).
Cast Commentary. :monster:

It's an enjoyable commentary. Unlike other commentaries, they make sure to not have stretched out moments of silence. There are moments though when many of the cast members speak at once, trying to out-speak one another, but other than that it is good.

Now I'm going to follow up with LoTR: Return of the King, Cast Commentary.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
New Kids: Turbo!

:monster: It's a terrible movie, but more funnier than anything Hollywood's spewn out this year. The Dutch language will be forever immortalized in this movie for its use of diseases and genitals as derogative adjectives for just about every word and its use of derogatives in general.

"Overstretched cunt" just doesn't have that same ring to it in Engrish.

I think it has the perfect ring!

Seriously, I have never heard of this film. I was it like Spy Kids?! :huh: And then the foul language made me think....ah those crazy Dutch guys and their relaxed attitudes to swearing in kids films. Anyway now I looked it up so I know what it is. Probably give it a go at some point.


It's technically not a kid's film, although it probably will bring forth a(nother) generation of foul-mouthed people, just like Kabouter Wesley from our southern neighbors will.

Relevant: Movie broke all Dutch movie records to date. This actually says a lot about the state of Dutch movies.

@thread, Iron Man 2. I am disappoint.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer

Saw it on TV, but missed the first hour due to not realising it was on. God, I'd completely forgotten about this film... it was one of my favourites when I was younger.

Tommy Lee Jones was awesome. :D
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