Last Film You've Seen


Pro Adventurer
Let Me In. Watched it again for Halloween last night. I can't decide if I like it or Let The Right One In better.
Hocus Pocus oh yeah.

It's become a Halloween tradition. :)
Come little children, I'll take you away.. Into a land of enchantment. Hush little children, the times come to play!

Puss In Boots

It was alright. Nothing terrible about it, and if you're a cat lover you'll laugh/appreciate alot of the cat jokes (and there's alot), but coming out of it, I doubt I'll really remember it on monday.


Harbinger O Great Justice

It was significantly better than I'd been expecting, and it utilized a lot of really interesting artistic colorations and designs (the same director did The Cell), and also has some of the best scene transitions that I can think of. One of the things that I have to give it immense credit for is doing really well utilizing 3D, in fact it's one of the few films that I would hands down recommend seeing in 3D if you can. (While I enjoy seeing films in 3D, most films are pretty average about utilizing the effects well and only a few are very much worth seeing in 3D). The effects of depth that's portrayed in combat is beautifully choreographed, and used very effectively, and the fact that there are a large number of relief images manages to give a subtle sense of shape and depth in many other scenes so that the effect always seems noticeable. It's also used briefly to give a slight feeling of clausterphobia that was achieved fairly well. On top of that, the violence is very purposeful; it's not clean, and it's not overly gory, but it's VERY present. On top of that, it feels a bit more like a European film in how the story plays out. There are a number of things that made the film not feel Americanized, which was probably one of the biggest reasons that I enjoyed it. In fact, despite some visual/filming elements, this didn't remind me of 300 nearly as much as I'd thought it would.

Overall, I felt that it was well worth seeing, and also actually worth the 3D if you're not opposed to it.

X :neo:


Saw the Immortals as well.

God this movie was so bad... it pretty much devoid of any kind of pacing. I feel like absolutely no effort was gone into making the script. It felt like I was just waiting for something important to happen. It was pretty obvious that this was a lame attempt at recreating 300 (it failed).

That said I still this it's worth watching. Tarsem Singh is a wonderful director and this movie... it just looked so gorgeous. Like X said above me, the transitions were really well done and the costumes and everything was just hnnngh.

The 3D was the most interesting I've seen in ANY movie ever. It was impressive throughout and I honestly believe it added a certain charm that the movie would not have had in the 2D version.

And also

the most important reason to see this movie

Henry Cavill...



abs everywhere.

King of my vagina.


Harbinger O Great Justice
The film's narrative really does jump around a lot, but I can't help but forgive it, because it's just so damn pretty when it's happening. It's really difficult to care that the story flow between everything doesn't always work, because the visual flow DOES, and it's so damn mezmerizing to watch. It's kinda like trying to tell a story with pieces in an art gallery, "I don't know how you transitioned from here to there, but good GOD they're both fantastic looking."

Also, Mickey Rourke has some rather awesome parts just being an absolutely evil antagonist.
Like this one from io9's summary review something like, "I'm going to conquer the world by raping a ton of women and squirting my seed everywhere so that everybody's sons will wear my face in the future." That review overall is pretty spot on.

X :neo:

Elisa Maza

The Adventures of Tintin - The Secret of the Unicorn.

I saw it last night and I was blown away. It was magnificent as a film and as an adaptation. It was obvious a labour of love from the creators towards the source material. Just from the very first two seconds of the credits, I knew that we were in for a work of art from Tintin lovers for the whole world to see. The references are never-ending, the scenario is witty, the action takes you away and the pacing is fast as lightning. This isn't surprising, since we have some incredible names:

Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg as directors, screenplay by Moffat (Doctor Who) and Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz). With these people, it is hard to go wrong.

The animation was amazing. This has to be the best motion-capture animated film ever made. Herge's creations came to life with a realistic look, but always looking like Herge's sketches.

America will have it next year, I think. It's OK to be jealous. :P Just make sure to go and watch it when it comes to your theatres. It deserves it and you'll like it.
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Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku

Started off really good, had some excellent atmosphere, and then dropped the ball as soon
as they introduced the Pinbeck crazy astronaut character. Like, seriously, the super intelligent AI computer didn't think it should mention the fact that there is an unknown crew member running around the ship? And considering it announced 'CREW DETECED IN AIR LOCK' when both Mace and Cappa entered it why wouldn't it have announced it when Pinbeck snuck in? And then he survives getting stabbed in the neck with a rotor-scalpal? On top of those horrendous burns he somehow managed to survive with for 7 years without getting a single infection?

JUST ARGH. Ruined what could have otherwise been an excellent movie.

Soundtrack was good though.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
The Muppets

this was so good i was so happy when i left it was good


Captain America. Okayish. It rushes through the story with snapshots of heroic (and corny) deeds here and there, but it just didn't feel like a complete movie to me - despite being two hours long.

I did like the special effects / editing though (shorty at the start of the movie), very nicely done.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Tower heist -

Actually really enjoyed it, Eddie Murphy was probably the most annoying character in the entire film though. Seemed like they just threw him in it to have a token celebrity black guy in it. Alan Alda is amazing and even though he is old as fuck now I still look at him and shout HAWKEYE!!!!


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
The Re-enact or something like that. It was pretty old but SO GOOD. The plot was amazing.... Jean Claude-Van Damme gave me the chills. It kept me on my seat for 2 full hours. Good movie.


Pro Adventurer
Tangled with my mum <3 She loved it and thought that it was the best Disney movie that she had ever seen, and she can't wait for the mini- sequel for Flynn and Rapunzel's wedding, which is shocking because she haaaaaaates Disney. D:


Tangled was squee-worthy, I loved it. Flynn is forever an Assassin in my head.

I saw A Princess for Christmas.
LOL. Exactly what it sounds like. A made-for-TV movie about a woman who's made the sole guardian of her niece and nephew after a tragic accident takes their parents' life, BUT EVERYTHING IS OK BECAUSE HER DEAD SISTER WAS MARRIED TO A PRINCE YO. They travel to...I dun remember where and spend Christmas in a castle. And meet a prince.

It's pretty much an eye-roller, but fluffy.

Elisa Maza

Happy Feet 2.

Stupid and disgustingly cheesy, even more than the first one. That fucking thing had EIGHT writers and no one saw that what they were writing was brainless farts. Blerh. What COULD save it would be the two shrimps actually being gay, but alas.

Went to watch only because sister wanted to. Deeply regretting it.
Ip Man 2

Been meaning to watch this for awhile. Just as good if not better than the first, but I felt the final fight could have ended better. The sequel amped things up fight wise quite well. The scene where they're fighting on the table was great.
And I loved who they picked for Mr Twister. I dunno if the guys an actual boxer or not, but it sure seemed like it, and he's built like a fucking rock. His character's also one of the douchiest guys I've ever seen.


Well yeah, but that's what he's supposed to be, :monster:. Chinese or w/e movies do overly stereotype people a lot, it seems.

Not that Hollywood doesn't, mind.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Robot Wars- a cheesy as hell sci-fi flick from 1993, set in a somewhat dystopian future in the American southwest, involves two giant robots fighting it out, dastardly asians, a stupid love plot, and enough ham to feed twelve families for seven christmases.

But it's beautifully directed by the man who did the puppet master films, so it's nice to look at.


127 hours. Great movie. Though apparently Some people fainted in theaters because of the amputation scene, it wasn't that bad.


Just saw that latest Transformers movie. Great and gratuitous action and probably the best CGI of all times etc, but... still too many humans, :monster:.

On the one side, it's epic win. On the other, it's sickeningly patriotic, and they can't help but chuck in shittons of comic relief and terrible one-liners that, really, make no sense at all.

And really, lose the humans. Yes, humans are weak and all they can do for 90% of the movie is run away and scream a lot, occasionally shoot guns for no reason at all - you hammered that point home in the last two movies, stop already. Do an all-robot / all CGI movie next time, please - with the shitton of CGI in this movie, doing it completely shouldn't cost any more.
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