Last Film You've Seen


ACF Refugee
I just watched Transformers. It was meh. It didn't make my mind explode from suckage, but I wouldn't see it again. There were Black Robots, Robot Testicles, Most of the robots were incredibly under-developed characters (the only ones who got ANY attention were Bumble Bee, Starscream, Megatron, and the two black ones), The Fallen was INCREDIBLY under-developed (he had maybe 10 minutes of screen time out of the whole 2 1/2 hour movie), Megan Fox is a terrible actor, there was much pacing issues in the script, and all over there were TOO MANY damn robots.

Of course there were the up-sides. John Turturro is ALWAYS funny no matter what role he's in. Sam's parents are the most likeable characters in the saga. Megan Fox is a babe. I cannot repeat Schwing enough when she pops up on screen.

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

OMG. I was crying for maybe the last half hour of the film. One of my favorites now.


slow down, you crazy child
kimmyowns, Oxydox
Ordinary People. Very good movie, excellent acting from Timothy Hutton and Donald Sutherland.


Pro Adventurer
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I liked it, great action, just not nearly enough Ironhide. And how come Blackout sucks....again?


ACF Refugee
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

OMG. I was crying for maybe the last half hour of the film. One of my favorites now.

This and Assassination of Jesse James are Brad Pitt's best movies of the past decades. I'm sure that Inglorious Basterds will be great too. I'm glad to see Tarantino's making films again.


ACF Refugee
I just watched Fanboys, and I can say, having seen all of the Star Wars films 100000000 times as a kid and having seen all of the prequels opening day, I can tell you this was a good film. Not the best film ever, but funny and very meaningful. I imagine it wouldn't be the same for people who haven't seen Star Wars, but it's still awesome. and Damn Kristen Bell is beautiful.

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
This and Assassination of Jesse James are Brad Pitt's best movies of the past decades. I'm sure that Inglorious Basterds will be great too. I'm glad to see Tarantino's making films again.

I never saw the assassination movie, but I concur with Inglorious Basterds being good. Tarantino making this film only boosts my interest in it.

Joyful Blue

Rookie Adventurer
Too many to list.
Blood: The Last Vampire

I wasn't expecting much and I didn't get it. I only went to see it for Jun Ji Hyun but in terms of actually being a good film, well it didn't get very far. Still, I expected no more/less.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I watched He's Just Not That Into You, after having look forward to it for months. I was disappointed. It had a couple funny parts and a lot of sad parts and a lot of awkward parts. So eh.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
How the hell do you adapt a self-help book into a feature film anyway? It doesn't make any sense


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Apparently not that good. :monster:

I didn't know it was a self-help book, and suddenly.. it alllll makes sense.


~The Other Side of Fear~
I saw the movie and while it wasn't bad, it wasn't good either. I liked the concept myself, but it fails in execution. It just wasn't developed enough is all.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I expected more from it tbh. I expect this huge feminist "You go girl!" movie and it only vaguely delivered that... it delivered heavily on the message that "Love conquers in the end and you always get what you want."


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
The only bit I rly thought funny was the Wiccan bit... and only because I had a Wiccan bf once and they're every bit of nuts as he portrayed. :awesome:

Damn you database errors!


~The Other Side of Fear~
Yeah, that was funny. :P I also liked when the chick was wondering why "Connor" wasn't around or whatever, when it was pretty obvious what the deal was up with that.

But er, a forgottable movie otherwise.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Yah, definitely disappointing. Might check out the book though because now I'm curious about it. :monster:

Killer Tofu

Killing in the Name Of
Bobby. It never gets old, and I liked that it was focused on the stories of the other people
who got shot
rather than Bobby Kennedy. Obviously, we know his story, but there were others involved as well. It was kind of cool seeing why these people were there, what was going on in their lives, and then seeing the event that pulled them all together. Not like Crash, though...that shit's stupid.


ACF Refugee
I loved Bobby, I thought everybody in it was REALLY good.

I just saw Once Upon a Time in Mexico. God I LOVE any film Robert Rodriguez does, except Spy Kids of course. Johnny Depp was fliptastic and stole every scene he was in. There were obvious pacing problems, and I think there were so many characters that you didn't really know which character to side with. Antonio Banderas is supposed to be the main character, but he only gets half of the screen time. Of course Johnny Depp's character is so damn likeable, you side with him anyway, even though you know he's the bad guy.
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