Last Film You've Seen


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
The Exorcist.

Yeah I had seen it before years ago but this time I decided to pay attention. To be honest I didn't really enjoy it that much, there are creepy parts but much of it just annoys me. I think the real scare is more the ideas it conjures up rather than the film itself, and a few of the effects are quite dated now which probably spoils the illusion.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
  • What about Bob?: Watched it many years ago, but stands as one of my favorites. Black comedy courtesy of Frank Oz, with the help of Richard Dreyfuss and the great Bill Murray.

  • Captain America: The First Avenger: O... M... G!!!! I have the sudden need to watch more recent Marvel movies!!!


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Will do as soon as I can. But first I have to watch Iron Man and Thor (mmm... Loki...).

In the meantime I watched Inception for the first time. I can't believe I was missing out so many good movies :/

About Inception, I love mind-screwy movies, and this one was even more than what I expected. My take on the ending
is that Cobb isn't dreaming, because the credits cut just when the spinning top was trembling as it lost inertia and was about to fall
. Just my two cents XD


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Muppet Treasure Island

I'm prepared for cries of heresy, but I prefer this to any of the Pirates of the Caribbean films. :awesome:



Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Got a busy weekend with superheroes:


Ironman 2 (It's refreshing to see the leading beauties go buddy-buddy instead of fighting over who is the prettiest)

Thor: I knew Thor was from the start a bratty prince, but I didn't expect that he was so very arrogant and silly. Good to see that he got way better.

By the way, I got assimilated into Loki's army. Resistance is futile :awesome:


Save your valediction (she/her)
Moonrise Kingdom is amazing. I say this every time Wes Anderson makes a new movie, but this is his best work so far.


Chloe Frazer
Finally got a chance to see Serenity, it was pretty great. It had some really hilarious moments plus the outtakes were pure gold.
Wash's death, I knew it was coming but damn.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Let Me In (the newer one): LOVED it. Probably one of my favorite vampire films ever, now.

Snow White & The Huntsman: Quite enjoyed it. It delivered on everything that I was hoping for.

X :neo:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Prometheus: if you liked the sci-fi body horror/cosmic horror story strands of the original Alien, this will be right up your alley. Any further discussion will be on the film's thread.

Superman vs the Elite: enjoyed it, my only gripes were a couple of changes made with narrative and dialogue, plus George Newbern's voice "acting" and of course Americans trying to do British accents. A more detailed synopsis and review is upcoming.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Just caught up with Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Awesome stuff. It's full of action, but oddly restrained with the explosions and such. Plus there is some intellectual play in between Holmes and Moriarty, which is great.
With some cute callbacks to the previous movie, and another ripper (and honestly very unique) soundtrack by Zimmer, this is my idea of what a good sequel should be about.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson

All my hnnnghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!


ACF Refugee
Got back from Prometheus a good hour ago, started watching Alien, came on here. I've come to build a resistance towards expectations, even though upon announcement I heralded its release as the next great moment of life, primarily because its genesis coincided with my budding love affair with Blade Runner. That being said, I enjoyed it, but as a whole it felt like a missed opportunity. Underdeveloped. Another half a year's writing would have helped.

I found myself disagreeing quite peculiarly with most reviewers. The film is praised for its epic scope, but little actually happens that we haven't seen before. Although towards the end the stakes escalate, nothing interesting ever happens with the characters. There are plenty of powerful character dynamics teaming with potential, all of which are almost immediately craftily set up in the first fifteen minutes, that are never explored and a couple plot twists that are almost jokes because they end up meaning NOTHING, which is especially a shame given the talent in front of the camera. The ending's a tease, and then you realize the whole movie's been a tease that hasn't really given the Alien universe anything you could have lived without while asking exponentially more questions than it answered, and you can become so frustrated that you'd rather not have them answered, because they were never as inspired or cryptic as: "Who is the space jockey?" Yes, this question is concretely answered and its ties to Alien pretty obvious. Yes it is a good answer. Have a decent amount of people probably already guessed as much? Yes. Between both Ridley and Lindelof I expected a LOT more. Ambivalence is a good thing, but in this case it undermines the rest of the film when important characters begin dropping for no reason with no symmetrical arch to be found, shameless sequel teasing, and no theme capitalized upon, except for that which I've christened Life on the whole which is "unfulfillment."

Two problems reviewers often had with it is that it was too cerebral and not enough like Alien, while on the contrary it is VERY much like Alien, in fact I'd say they're almost identical in formula. It's a slow moving, tense, horror/creature film, except nothing looks anywhere near as good as Giger's Xenomorph. That being said, it could still be very very tense, disturbing, entertaining, and Fassbender is worth the price of admission alone, but I would've rather watched the trailer for 2 hours. In all likelihood I'm going to see it again. Hopefully it'll be a better viewing, as is the case with most of Scott's work. If not I hear there's 21 minutes of unused footage that'll keep me nice and anxious for a DVD/Bluray release.

On a side note, I finished Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me after what may very well be a three month/four month break, possibly more. I literally only had to finish the last 20 minutes on youtube. Leland Palmer hatefully lusting his daughter is probably more terrifying than the majority of Prometheus. Another open ended show. Shame the Twin Peaks franchise is so dead.

Celes Chere

I just saw Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. It was okay, really anything September 11th related really touches me and makes me sad. =( It's a nice heart felt movie I think some of it could've been expressed idk... better? But the point gets across, ofc I was a big babu watching it. I didn't cry but it was a heart melter for sure.

Elisa Maza

Snow White and the Hunstman.

Bad, completely non-enjoyable movie. Not worth the money. Or time.

But, all the comments we made in the theatre were SO worth it. We turned it into a parody. XD Not that it didn't deserve it. Or, asked for it. And I'm sure we got death glares, but like we cared.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

I quite liked it, definitely a feel-good type of movie. Tbf, hard to not enjoy a movie with so many awesome Brit actors.



I don't really know how I feel about it. I spent a long time reading about people's thoughts on the film, but by the end I realized I was looking for reasons to invalidate my own initial disappointment.

I guess the reaction that sums up my feelings best was this: It was a film that was merely content with raising questions and then completely abandoning them. And that's it. When Noomi Rapace's character made that final recording, I was like...that's it? What? You can't end now!! But it did. Without really addressing any of the issues it raised in any meaningful away.

It was still an enjoyable film. Visually stunning. Great performance by Fassbender. Aliens! I just wish my reaction wasn't a mere "meh".

The crew was fucking incompetent though. How did they survive on their own planet, let alone an alien one?

EDIT: Lol, I just read Fenrir's post. You pretty much summed it up, man.


The most recent film? Probably Wrath of the Titans...and Dumb & Dumber; its an ageless classic always on at my place: and the most quotable movie of all time(/opinion).

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
Right, before I get into the last movie I saw, I'd just like to spend a minute and review another movie I watched last month but always forgot to mention:


Better than I imagined. It's the first time we get to see Tarsem Singh bring out some comedy in his films, which actually made me laugh (kudos to the hilarious dwarves). Settings and art direction are stylish (and very Singh-ish), Lily Collins is all right as Snow White, but Julia Roberts was horrible. Maybe that's putting it harsh, and to be fair, I did like the tongue-in-cheek-ness she brought to the Queen's character, but what brought it down was her ever so muddling accent, which I couldn't tell whether it was British or American (make up your mind, woman!).

Ending scene with whole cast doing a Bollywood/Indian dance was fun but weird. Is it wrong for me to call it a 'Big Lipped Alligator Moment'?

Rating: 3.5/5.

Okay, now recently, I just watched:


Dull, dreary and boring. Charlize Theron gives us a (needlessly) over-the-top performance as the wicked Queen Ravenna, who just HAS to scream at almost everyone and everything. Kristen Stewart delivers a good English voice, but her character's completely one-dimensional, and so are the rest of the cast. Too gloomy, small character development, too many contrivances (where the f%ck did that white horse come from during Snow White's escape scene at the beginning?!), and the worst problem; not enough humor.

Rating: 1.5/5.


ACF Refugee
I just saw the Fincher flick "The Game" which had a very interesting premise, and I could understand why it went over well in the 90s, but as far as thrillers go it offers little I haven't seen before. Compared to Zodiac and Se7en, which can be genuinely unsettling and feature really likable, gripping character, The Game is two hours of cheap entertainment.


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster

Men In Black III

I finally got to see this last week and man, it was awesome! I love how it seems to tie right into the first movie,
now that we know K had always watched over J since his father Colonel James Edwards Jr, was killed by Boris. It also explained why J was the only person who remembered K, because he was there when the incident happened (with J seeing himself as a child after Boris is killed).
I tell ya, I really came close to tears when we find out the truth.. It was kind of sweet ^_^.

I would recommend this movie for anyone who likes MIB, also cuz this one trumps the second one big "time". (PUN FULLY INTENDED!!)

EDIT: Okay, I totally forgot to add this: Josh Brolin's performance as Young Agent K was just incredible! He didn't feel different in the least and he pulled off K's mannerisms so well. I have to agree with critics praising his acting work in this film, I was just BLOWN away :D! Awesome work Josh Brolin!!!

~ Raz

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

Saw an early screening today. And wow, I was impressed (not amazed but pun intended). Marc Webb certainly has a good sense of humor and I'm sure he watched the previous Spider-man films to keep the action scenes as intense and gripping as they were before. A little less cartoon-y from Raimi's films and slightly more grittier (without being overwhelmingly dark) with
a few scary scenes of people and mice getting mutated
. Andrew Garfield gives us a more smart aleck Peter Parker, Martin Sheen and Sally Field are wonderful in their roles as is Rhys Ifans as the main villain, the Lizard.

I didn't fancy the relationship between Parker and Gwen Stacy that much, and I sorely missed Mary Jane. If they're going to bring back J. Jonah Jameson in the sequel, PLEASE don't recast him, bring back J.K. Simmons!


Mid-credits scene was confusing...
who's the guy in the hat, Mephisto, Tombstone?

Don't miss Stan Lee's cameo!

All in all, a fun movie and worth watching.

Rating: 4/5.
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