Last Film You've Seen

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Recently saw Cabin in the woods. I enjoyed it well enough. I doubt I'll watch it again, but it served well as both a source of entertainment for the evening, and as a deconstruction/spoof of the horror genre.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Django Unchained. I expected it to be shit, and it was. Didnt expect it to be so fucking long.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Justice League: New Frontier

Thanks PSN. I've been wanting to see this for the longest time. Big fan of the original graphic novel, especially Cooke's art style. The casting was superb, in particular:
-Kyle MacLachlan as Superman. Sounded as I imagine Superman to. No pose, no superiority, just a Midwest farmer's son.
-David Boreanaz as Hal Jordan. OK, they cut my favourite Hal bit in the graphic novel from the movie. Still, Boreanaz sounds (and looks) the part a helluva lot more like Jordan than Ryan Reynolds.
-Jeremy Sisto as Batman.


‪‫‬‭ ‮
please tell me you watched the TV series and EoE.

the new movies are utterly lame by comparison and they're only worth watching as sequels to the first productions. they're glossy moneymakers for anno while he waits for a new idea to come along.

the animation in the new movies lacks iso's momentum and mari is an unnecessary but all-too-predictable addition to the cast. and the tension and despair that built up throughout the TV series was achieved by taking the time 26 episodes of screen time affords you; these movies are too quick to create the same atmosphere.

that said, 2.22 was all right. 1.11 didn't diverge from the TV series enough to justify its creation and 3.0 was just bad.

last movies seen:

lawless [5/10]
→ dull

joan of arc [3/10]
→ oh dear

in bruges [9/10]
→ almost fucking perfect. ralph fiennes personally brings it to 9/10 from 7/10.

this is england [4/10]
→ seriously, this was an overrated movie and it could have been much better

Ghost X

I've seen the original series and EoE, don't you worry :monster:. The major issue for me with the movies is the use of 3D animation.

Ghost X

The Lone Ranger

I was told it was gonna be pretty shit, and admittedly, it was better than I expected. 3/5 stars.


Pro Adventurer

Ethnically diverse cast, good POC representation, unconventional characters, Rinko Kikuchi playing one of the best Hollywood characters I've encountered and playing it excellently



Evil Dead (2013)

Surprisingly liked it. I usually don't enjoy over-the-top gore *coughSaw* but this kept me watching. Looking forward to the Army of Darkness crossover in the works.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

Yep, just got back from seeing this. There's a lot I could nitpick about which could go on for days, most especially about the main villain and his plans. But aside from the shortcomings, it's still a fun X-men movie. Haters of the last Wolverine movie will find this at least an improvement. As for the Silver Samurai,
they pretty much screwed up his character from the comics. Instead of getting a guy in bad ass armor, we get an old geezer fighting in a robot suit.

Viper is seriously underdeveloped and hardly gets much screen time.

Ah, but don't miss the end credits scene with Magneto and Professor X. Can't wait for 'Days of Future Past'!

Rating: 4/5.

Probably my biggest question:
Where the hell did all the ninjas disappear to at the end? Did they just go home after capturing Wolverine?
Last edited:


Chloe Frazer
Saw The Bournce Legacy for the first time today. It was entertaining but nowhere near as good as the original trilogy. Jeremy Renner did a good job as Alex Cross but he wasn't even close to touching Jason Bourne. Plot was ok and the final 'confrontation' between
Cross and the 'super soldier' was completely underwhelming. Just a bike chase no fight and the dude kept getting hit by things and the gets killed by the scientist, super soldier my ass.
The Wolverine

Can I just say that wish more action movies would have fight scenes without music? It gives it more tension and reality than any shaky cam or bombastic score can give.

It was pretty good. I wish they would have explained what was actually going on before the final battle though. I had a theory which turned out to be partially correct, but it was starting to annoy me how they literally weren't explaining what was going on.

Also it's pretty brutal for a pg-13 film. They don't show Wolverine cutting guys up (camera angles and some shaky cam cover it up), but there were at least 3 times when I winced, squirmed or the violence/body stuff effected me.

I also thought this was a more intense and brutal Wolverine than Jackman's portrayed before. Without the x-men or a shitty movie neutering him from cutting loose.

That scene in the credits got me so hype. Fuck yes.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

Bittersweet drama/romance about a toddler who falls in love with cinema and he befriends a lonely old projectionist, sparking a close friendship with him for the years to come, and later falling madly in love with the girl of his dreams. Superb writing and beautifully shot. I only wished it didn't drag so long (mind you, I was watching the Director's Cut version, which runs for almost 3 hours).

Anyone here who's a movie buff must watch this.

Rating: 4/5.


Pro Adventurer
Scenic Route: 2 guys brake down in the desert highway, argue, get insane, almost kill themselves, stubbornly miss out on 4 chances of rescue, ...and, well you go see how it ends. Recommended film (barely)


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
The World's End

The non-spoilery stuff first: yes, the base of the plot is pretty much what you're expecting it to be if you've heard anything about it. It was interesting to see Simon Pegg and Nick Frost pretty much reversing their roles from the other two films of the Cornetto Trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz), with Frost (largely) being the more common sense of the two and Pegg playing the stuck in a rut character.

Great performances from the main cast, especially the actors who you immediately recognise (and watch out for Bill Nighy's cameo).

The main two that stick in my mind are towards the climax of the film: earlier in the film, a Blank dressed as a schoolgirl swallows the wedding ring of Andy (Frost's character) as part of a seduction attempt. Later, she appears in front of Andy (Frost's character) and says "I want you inside me". There's a beat, then Andy goes "OK", and punches into her stomach up to the forearm and pulls out his wedding ring.

And of course, how the Network decides to leave after realising how much effort uplifting humanity would be.
"What, really?"


Pacific Rim and The Conjuring.

Absolutely loved both.

The Conjuring in particular is a win for me, partly because I find it hard to find decent horror flicks lately. The plot is nothing extraordinary, and there's some things I didn't like, but overall it's great and well.. actually scary.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

Painfully average sequel which tries to focus its attention more on Smurfette seems to go somewhere promising
(including quite a cool evil/good Smurfette transformation in the opening scene)
but ultimately fails. Hank Azaria is still perfect as Gargamel, but Vexy and Hackus, the new Smurfs, are just plain embarrassing to watch and terribly unlikeable. Kids probably won't mind though.

Rating: 2.5/5.


Pro Adventurer
Battle Royale: One of the few Japanese films I've seen ; it's amazing how much the setting reminded me of The Hunger Games. Good movie, though.


Pro Adventurer
The Amazing Spiderman.

Actually quite enjoyable, it held my attention throughout. It seems to have matured past those event sequences where a major set piece is obliterated, which plagues most blockbusters.
Gattaca. Very good, I especially liked how it was thematically quite a bit more complex than just being about the abuse of genetic profiling. However, since the premise is so focused on genetic profiling, the dystopia didn't feel completely fleshed out, but the film is so well done that it doesn't matter.

Also, finally got around to seeing Pacific Rim, which was great.


‪‫‬‭ ‮
New releases:
  • Pacific Rim - 8/10. 2 hours of things getting the shit kicked out of them on a huge scale. It might have shamelessly recycled Independence Day's story but it was still awfully good fun to watch.
  • Only God Forgives - 5/10. A complete mess. This is what would happen if someone from 4chan tried to make a serious/deep indy movie. Alternative title: Betafag in Bangkok.
  • RED 2 - 3/10. Absolutely shit. Bruce Willis's girlfriend was a constant irritation. The only reason to remain in the cinema was to watch Anthony Hopkins, but The Silence of the Lambs/Red Dragon are better and cheaper ways to watch him shine as a villain.

Old stuff:
  • The Remains of the Day - 8/10. Perfect 4am movie. Fuck all happens, but the actors shine, their everyday exchanges are gripping and is the script is solid. Not a bad social commentary considering it's a film.
  • Jane Eyre (2012) - 10/10.
  • Leon - 10/10.
  • Sonatine - 8/10.
  • The Breakfast Club - 10/10.


Pro Adventurer
  • The Remains of the Day - 8/10. Perfect 4am movie. Fuck all happens, but the actors shine, their everyday exchanges are gripping and is the script is solid. Not a bad social commentary considering it's a film.

Good plan, 3.30 am here and I've been meaning to get through it.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Evangelion 3.0: I thought it would succeed what 2.0 had set up. I thought we were on our way to a better path for this series.

I was wrong. Whatever the last will be, I do not feel like pursuing it anymore. Not after what I saw.
The Fly ('86)

Pretty good. The various stages of his transformation were well thought out and great, the effects were great, performances were great.
I just thought that Goldblums performance when he was in his second to final stage was lacking. I knew he had snapped because of the previous scenes and the things he does, but I was never sold by the performance. He just seemed like Goldblum in a potato sack.
If he hadn't made the comment earlier about how insects are brutal and remorseless I would have been pretty confused as to why he spewed on whats his name for no reason other than to torture him (there was no real reason to melt his foot off)

Solid movie tho.
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