Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


Great Old One
I'm just drooling over the thought what they're going to do with those capes during the battle scenes. It's going to be epic.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
wow that outfit is terrible

can't we just have her original one back


I love it. I just have to see her in action to evaluate its practicality, but she's rocking it.


unsavory tart
I'm not... hugely fond of it. I didn't hate XIII-2's either but I always missed the original outfit.

I think the only thing that stopped me from raging about it is that it made sense with the direction Lightning took and the overall atmosphere in the game, and for me you can look silly as long as it makes sense in game. And this looks like it makes sense in Lightning Returns, just looking at the concept art from the game and the monsters. And the direction Lightning's character will take after this decrystalization- ie lost her sister and the world.

But a part of me really didn't like the turn of Lightning's character. Being human, granted a talented-stronger than most, but still very flawed and understandable person- into this weird demigod who talked it prose, kept talking about regret, and turned ultimately unrelatable. Which in turn made me not be a huge fan of the clothes design.

I guess I'm trying to say is- it makes sense. Just a kind of sense I'm not a fan of.


Great Old One
Did anyone else think of Cid (and even some of the Cieth) when seing the shoulder/arm part of the outfit? Or, armor, rather.


I also lovelove Lightnings old outfit, I don't think anything can ever top that. But I still love the boldness of the new one - I like this one way better than the feathered armor.

Edit: @Splintered, I agree. I wasn't too fond of what they did in XIII-2, I will probably always prefer XIII Lightning. But I'm still excited to see what they come up with storywise/ character development wise. I'm slightly afraid they're gonna make her flavorless like they did with Serah - but hopefully the vanilla characters will be there to be squee material (like Hope) so Lightning doesn't have to be 120% likable, because that just isn't Lightning to me.

Alex Strife

The problem with FFXIII is how "unimportant" the first game seemed towards the second, and how presumably unimportant the second game could be towards the third.

I mean, it doesn't feel like what they did truly mattered, save for the obvious connecting points. So, while I liked FFXIII and I liked FFXIII-2 as well, I did not feel they were properly connected.

As for the new outfit... I'm not hating it, but I still don't know whether I like it or not. For one, it's odd, and then I can't see it properly, so... One thing I can see already is that it's better than XIII-2's.

But am I imagining things, or they said we'd be able to customize their looks extensively? From that, I took that the original outfit would be more of an excuse, rather than an iconic look.


Double Growth
I really liked the Blazefire Saber too. I liked just about everything with her original design. And character, for that matter.


What? Either you're all on crack or I am, because I think that outfit is actually awesome. I just said elsewhere it's like a dark hybrid of awesomeness. I actually prefer it to her original outfit, which I was also hoping to see return :monster:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
But am I imagining things, or they said we'd be able to customize their looks extensively? From that, I took that the original outfit would be more of an excuse, rather than an iconic look.

Yes, that's what they said on the presentation, so I hope they also include a Guardian Corp uniform among the multiple customizable choizes (only not through DLC, please, it's a robbery having to pay for a costume).

Other than that, I like it. At first glance I thought I was a design for a Castlevania game (wich I lovelovelove); I know it looks weird, but so do the clothes of NPC that we have been shown so far, so I think she won't stand off so very much.

I only want, and with this I agree with most of you, that we get back a relatable character, like she was in the first game.


Double Growth
In fairness, the games have spanned dimensions and centuries so things should probably look different. But Lightning herself certainly is. She's almost unrecognizable (as a character).

And yeah, I actually liked the 13-2 armor, but it wasn't Lightning at all. I know not everyone is crazy about Cloud's AC outfit, but its comparable enough to still look like something he might wear.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Lightning in XIII-2 wasn't exactly happy during her stay in Valhalla, she was sad the entire time, she had given up hope.


I liked Lightning's original outfit...

I think it looks weird. :P

wow that outfit is terrible

can't we just have her original one back

^, ^^ and ^^^, :monster:. Well at first glance it doesn't look as silly as XIII-2's, even though that one's pretty silly too. I mean giant plastic corset with bewbs are silly, imho :monster:.

But am I imagining things, or they said we'd be able to customize their looks extensively? From that, I took that the original outfit would be more of an excuse, rather than an iconic look.

You can bet your ass they're gonna have purchasable DLC outfits, ranging from original outfit ($2.99) to skimpy bikinis ($4.99), :monster:.

As for styles... well, it would make some sense with the fact that XIII-2 spans 700 years, but even there, outside of Lightning's outfit, they didn't really do much weirdness with the outfits - in fact, I do recall an NPC mentioning how Academia 4xxAF's fashion is liek totally retro from year 0, :monster:.

Could be worse though. Could be MC Hammer pants, :awesome:.


unsavory tart
My impression with outfits is that it works like X-2's, you get to make different outfits that correspond with different roles and customize from there.

So hopefully old Lightning will return
Toriyama in some interview said:
The game features something known as Styles as part of the customization system. You can set up several outfits comprised of various equipment which create different skills for battle. Players can preset different Styles and change between them in this way. Instead of selecting commands, you will be pressing buttons that correspond to individual abilities.

Dress Spheres from FFX-2 were similar to jobs, but the Styles here are more about deconstructing the individual elements that make up jobs. Abilities are also different from before. For example, you can’t create a pure “White Mage” – that’s why we are calling it Styles because it works differently from your typical job system. There is a lot of freedom in terms of customization, so you can create a well-balanced character or an all-powerful one.

Is it just me or do these games all feel...incoherent? In terms of style etc.
Yeah, but all of the Final Fantasy sequels are pretty incoherent. I'm sure there's one or two exceptions out there, but a lot of the Final Fantasy sequels rather reinvent the wheel rather than do the same thing twice.

It's kind of weird because it divides its own fanbase on a game that already is divisive.

And yeah, I actually liked the 13-2 armor, but it wasn't Lightning at all.
It's shifted from what Lightning-would-wear to something that reflect the environment around her. Valkyrie!Lightning looks odd on her but it fits Valhalla. Similarly to this new outfit, fits right in with the concept art



It's ugly but it fits right in with the world she's in. I just wish they put some of her into it.

And I don't mean the fact that they slapped her old coat as her waist skirt thingy.
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Ghost X

^Concept art is interesting. Lightning's new costume, not so much. I put it in the "Things that do not make sense" category.

Alex Strife

I think Lightning's personality means she'd wear stuff that does not look out of place, and that'd be comfortable to wear.

Whether her "XIII-3" (so to speak) attire fits those two premises, I know not, yet.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
And yeah, I actually liked the 13-2 armor, but it wasn't Lightning at all. I know not everyone is crazy about Cloud's AC outfit, but its comparable enough to still look like something he might wear.

(I had to give Elisa a 'thanks' for the Sephiroth 'Fuck's Sake' emote.)

The outfit is definitely - odd.

Is it me, or does it look a bit like Cloud Strife, AC-style?

That's what strikes me.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Final Fantasy XIII: Dynasty Warriors

Srsly she looks like a general
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