Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


To each their own I guess? We have our own preferences after all.

Honestly though I don't get the whole reasoning of "this is something Lightning wouldn't wear". I mean, how do we even know that actually? Throughout the games all her outfits corresponded with the environments she was/is in and the roles she had/has.

In XIII she was a 21-year-old ex-soldier wearing the GC uniform with slight modifications (cape, no tights but only a mini skirt and black tight shorts, and only having the sleeve less coat as a top with a turtle-neck sleeveless zip-up shirt).

In XIII-2 she sported a Valkyrie-like get-up because of her status as a warrior goddess in Valhalla.

Now in LR her outfit is similar to that of a traditional dark knight, showing off sort of a "legendary" vibe because of her age and role in LR's world.

What I'm saying is that people are just saying that her first one is what fits her the most because we were more accustomed to it for a much longer time and it was the first outfit we saw her in (therefore considering it as the original or staple). It was also unlike any other game outfit therefore we described it as "Lightning-like".

I would say that in time this new default outfit would grow into people's minds as Lightning-distinctive, but since we're getting more or less 25 other outfits I don't think it would matter that much later on.

peace out


Actually taking a look at that street design thing it looks a lot like the style of Gravity Rush, which is essentially a city outside time with an endless abyss around it :monster:



Great Old One
Re "her old outfit looked way more comfortable": IMO, the most comfortable stuff I wear are certainly not a miniskirt (you have to worry about not showing stuff, can be hard to run in) or a tall cape (AAA MY NECK I sat on that damn thing again) and also that thight leather thingy she has, how the fuck is she keeping that in place without it sliding down all the time?

Thank you Splintered for the concept art pics. It's so much fun to study all of them and see how certain angles and pieces are reused. I'm really excited about the graphics of this game.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
She wore shorts under the skirt. One of the things that made that outfit so memorable is that it was feminine without making her look less like a soldier or being impractical.


Are you sure she wears shorts? I've just had a look at some images and the only thing other than the miniskirt I can see on her legs is that pouch, I assume she keeps potions in there :monster:


EDIT: From the cover of my game I see the tiny hint of black, but I still don't think they're shorts. More like spandex underwear to avoid chafing/ NSFW'ness when she's flying about killing things ^_^
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Speaking of practicality, we can't really judge her LR outift's just from that bad image of a magazine. We don't even know what exactly makes up her outfit. Lastly, that position of her render makes her outfit looks so rigid. We can criticize its practicality once we see her in action.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
From the cover of my game I see the tiny hint of black, but I still don't think they're shorts. More like spandex underwear to avoid chafing/ NSFW'ness when she's flying about killing things ^_^

That's what I mean. Spandex shorts.

I took the time to get Scan Lv. 3 in X-2 just so I could rotate those bitches vertically. If there be panties to be seen, rest assured that I will know. :monster:

Speaking of practicality, we can't really judge her LR outift's just from that bad image of a magazine. We don't even know what exactly makes up her outfit. Lastly, that position of her render makes her outfit looks so rigid. We can criticize its practicality once we see her in action.

They're going to present her moving like a ninja regardless, but how she's presented in battle won't affect whether an outfit is actually practical to any degree. For instance, the spikes on her XIII-2 armor made it highly impractical whether it was ever presented as such.


Hey, they seemed practical to me. Her elbow and knee attacks would deal such high damage and they offer high degree protection to her elbows and knees.


unsavory tart
I honestly don't give a damn about practicality tbh. I just think the design is super ugly.

Then again XIII-2 had my least favorite clothes designs, I dislike it more than I dislike IX's designs and that's a feat. That said IX was one of my favorite games so it doesn't really change my view on the game if it's fun, still nrghehrh not a fan of the designs.

Thank you Splintered for the concept art pics. It's so much fun to study all of them and see how certain angles and pieces are reused. I'm really excited about the graphics of this game.
Yeah, if there's one thing I can't fault on the game, it's that they keep their pieces in universe. You don't necessarily need good clothes design but if they don't mesh well with the character or world, it becomes with a pet peeve (Like Lost Odyssey, great game otherwise but christ, they had Dynasty Warrior clothes during the industrial ageish environment).

Now in LR her outfit is similar to that of a traditional dark knight, showing off sort of a "legendary" vibe because of her age and role in LR's world.
It is kind of a chainkini version of the dark knight, that said one of the previous interviews indicated they incorporated white mage characteristics like the red and the white cape.

I suppose it has to do with the styles thing.
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That's why they're called "turdcatchers" over here. Actually, that's the search term I used.

Sorry Fangu, I had to :monster:.


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer

A better quality version of the LR scan, showing a clearer picture of Lightning, towns, the monorail station, the jumping mechanic, and a battle with a monster.

The jumping mechanic here reminds me of the AC games. :monster:

Ghost X

Okay, perhaps I shall put the clothes into a "makes somewhat sense" category... because everything else looks black, red, and white as well :awesome:.


And it's reminding me of Gravity Rush again, in which running on walls is the normal way to get around :monster:


Now that I have a clearer look of her outfit, I can now honestly say that everything else about it is good, except for that white clothing which is reminiscent of her XIII look. It's very out of place. Also, the shield actually doesn't look that good now that I see the front-- but oh well, they can be easily replaced in the game.

Moving on, dang-- everything else is looking really good. Loving the environments a LOT (as expected of Kamikokuryo's art) and look at her doing a pole danc-- I mean jumping around. More details on the world pls-- oh and I'm really, badly curious on how the new battle system works. So that as well.

Overall I'm impressed with what I'm seeing so far. Two days until the first trailer. /pumped


Great Old One

A better quality version of the LR scan, showing a clearer picture of Lightning, towns, the monorail station, the jumping mechanic, and a battle with a monster.
Leafe posted an even better quality one in IRC.

Overall I'm impressed with what I'm seeing so far. Two days until the first trailer. /pumped

<Fangu> OMG it's so fucking ninja
<Fangu> so eastern
<Leafe> The buildings ARE pretty awesome Fangu. And that tree looks pretty fucking real.
<Fangu> I get like Yuffie vibes

Alex Strife

You rock, Mwynn. It's official now. :D

I'm also rather excited. Game looks great. And will probably be quite a lot of fun... but I'll still complain about how unimportant XIII and XIII-2 will have been in the grand scheme of things, I guess.


Double Growth
Well here's the trailer.


While I'm afraid seeing the outfit in motion didn't improve it any for me, I have to say that everything else...pretty sweet. I like the redeisgned command pane, I like the look of the city. And of course any remix of Blinded By Light is fine by me.

I wonder if there will be other playable characters? Looking forward to actually playing as Lightning again though. Hopefully we'll see more of the old her come through.
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