Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
Actually fangirled when I saw this, wasn't expecting a trailer so early! :joy:

Lightning is even more of a bamf. :awesome:

Alex Strife

I think they said only Lightning would be playable.

The trailer confirms what I thought I'd think about the game: looks very cool but again feels detached from the previous story.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I'm interested, but not enough to get super hyped up. I'll probably keep track of updates and stuff, though.

I am not liking Lightning's new outfit. It just seems a little off to me. Ah, well. As long as some people find it appealing!

Also, I agree with Alex Strife. The trailer did feel sort of detached.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Strange. That's my reaction to the trailer. Looks great, but... Odd.

Seeing her new costume in action though, it makes it a bit more believable.


Force said:
While I'm afraid seeing the outfit in motion didn't improve it any for me, I have to say that everything else...pretty sweet. I like the redeisgned command pane, I like the look of the city. And of course any remix of Blinded By Light is fine by me.

Pretty much all of this. I also still don't like her new outfit. It just looks...rigid, or something, especially the stiff neck piece above the stark black framing her pale skin and soft, pink hair. Just...doesn't jive for me, at all. Also, not a fan of the sunglasses.

But I'm interested to see where this goes. I want this story to come to a conclusion! :P

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Disliked the outfit even more having seen it in motion. Really fucking awkward.

As for the trailer itself, I find that I'm completely unmoved by it. Not the sensation I was hoping for since even XIII-2's trailer got me excited.

Have to second the sentiments about how detached this all feels. The more we see and learn, the more odd XIII becomes.

Still entirely unconvinced even one sequel was necessary.


unsavory tart
I'm still remaining cautiously optimistic. The trailer didn't hit me as strong as I would have liked, but I'm mostly trying to figure out the new battle system and the game looks unfinished- which is to be expected I guess.

That said I love the environment.


unsavory tart
You see, all those centuries of fighting were not for nothing.

Anyway, so far I see three different roles in there, Enchanter, Divinity, and Cerberus- Cerberus being more oriented to physical, Divinity being more oriented to magic attacks, and Enchanter has magic but also an imperil debuff, and you can switch at any moment (each also have their own guard). Also if there's imperil there might be a stagger bar? I see "smite" thrown in there which is a stagger based ability.

It feels like it would be awkward doing the whole "battle in another screen" thing with only one character to control and with XIII's system but I'll have to see how it goes.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
So, after looking at it for awhile, I know what bugs me about the new outfit.

It's not armor.

It's fetish gear with armor added on. And the armor bits are nifty, but the arm length half gloves with the entire inner arm exposed belong on a dominatrix in a fetish dungeon instead of a warrior, secret or otherwise.

I do like the slightly new render they have for her face. It looks not like she's physically older, but very much emotionally so.

Cautiously optimistic. XIII-2 was far from perfect, but it had some CT-esque charm to it. If Lightning Returns manages to catch any Majora-esque spark, it will be a worthwhile game.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Those she's the Major from GITS. It just keeps building.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It's fetish gear with armor added on. And the armor bits are nifty, but the arm length half gloves with the entire inner arm exposed belong on a dominatrix in a fetish dungeon ...

Why can't we get that game starring Lightning instead? That's something I could get behind (:awesome:).


The glasses are so funny, cheesy, and cool at the same time. I dig it.

Things to point out in that trailer:

1. Luxerion is a beauty, but only showing this off in the trailer is not going to convince at least a considerate amount of people that the game will deliver a good open-world experience.

2. The flow of the models... how can I describe them-- they seem blocky. There's the fact that this maybe taken from really early stages of development, but still.

3. Noticeably, the graphics have been enhanced though. It's hard to see because of the dark colors of the environment, but if we just take a look at Lightning's real time render, she looks more refined than in previous games.

4. The battle system looks fun, but I don't know how I feel about it taking place in a separate field akin to the previous titles. I want to know more details about it.

5. Hope TT__TT

Of course, first trailers commonly are not that impressive compared to the later ones, so overall I'm still glad with what we've seen so far.


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
Anyone else think of CSI: Miami during the sunglasses scene? :monster:

Ghost X


No :awesome:.


Lightning Returns: Assassin's Creed II


Also yeah, the outfit is fetish gear basically. Dislike it even more now. =/


Great Old One
^ Oh god yes. YES! :lol:

I saw the trailer and like 50 screenshots when I logged into Facebook this morning on my phone. Must see it again on PC. Initial thought: With this trailer, during the battle scenes, I just wanted to START PLAYING ALREADY! I'm curious about the new system, I want to try it now.

Oh and Hope is a really good alternative to a Datalog <3


lol batglasses, :monster:. I'll withold any judgments for now, I guess. I do wonder about the battle system though, seeing that this looks like the first FF game where you only control a single character; that plus the poledancing makes it look like they're going more and more for an action game. You know, like how they added jumping in XIII-2, :monster:. It could work, I guess, if they do it in smallish iterations like this (instead of going right for a 3rd person shooter like in DoC and failing).
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