Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


Double Growth
Lightning's response to people who question her fashion sense:


That's good, but we just need it to freeze on the frame with "Deal With It" longer, imo. Then it will be fit to be a smiley :monster:


unsavory tart
So I was reading gameinformer and apparently they put Caius in their top ten villains (he's number 9). They also put Mog as their number 1 dork and XIII-2 in their top 50 games (granted, the games aren't numerically ranked and 50 is a lot of games).

Also some tumblr observations
Oh what's up, Noel's arm. Then again it could just be a texture, some of the NPCs wandering around are Serendipity's workers, and the owner is running around somewhere.

Actually, I quite liked the owner of Serendipity as an NPC, I thought he was interesting. Maybe Serendipity comes back in some shape or form?

And on tumblr someone broke down the gameplay mechanics

I have no idea what the hell the EP meter does, but someone is suggesting it's the Eidolon meter or the mana gauge. That said, I really hope they bring Odin back, because he's been with Lightning since the first game.

You can shift paradigms mid battle and apparently someone said that your HP changes with it. It could work like monsters did in XIII, where your percentage of your HP is the same but the number changes.

People also said that the ATB gauge looks to be upgradeable and that some screens have them at different capped levels.

The outfit also looks like it changes after paradigm shifts. Or atleast modified

And then someone noticed that the ATB looks a lot like the one back in the original XIII concept trailer


Different attacks costs pieces of your ATB gauge basically, but I don't see any numerical values in LR's attacks, just varying affects on it.


So I forgot to note it here, but the reason the framerate was not looking that good in the video is because it was just a 360/480p video that got upscaled to 720p. We're seeing the real HD one tomorrow.


Higher Further Faster
So I like Lighting and stuff

However I had to say that the jury is still out on her new design for me right now...


So I like Lighting and stuff

However I had to say that the jury is still out on her new design for me right now...

I saw Ryu stating it looks like bondage gear. And turns out he was right. Much to my amusement. It's laughably bad. I know I was on the chat talking about the impractical FF outfits. But this is just fetish gear.

And as an outside observer I must ask. How in the heck is this connected to the other games outside of Mistress Lightning?


unsavory tart
And as an outside observer I must ask. How in the heck is this connected to the other games outside of Mistress Lightning?
The connections are very loose, I mostly chalk it up to the fact that they developed an overarching mythology first, then the game came inside its universe and developed its own themes, so when a sequel was present- rather than build on the themes of the first game, they could just rely on the mythology to keep it coherent.

Anyway, there are four gods in this mythology, Pulse, Lindzei, Etros, and B-man (it is 330 AM and I don't know how to spell Bman's name correctly). B-man is the main god, Pulse, Lindzei, and Etros are under him, Pulse and Lindzei do B-man's bidding and Etros is on her own doing benevolent shit but really fucking up in the long run.

The first game has Lightning and co saving the world from some lesser-godlike beings (that were following Pulse and Lindzei's plan). The way the rules of the universe works is that Lightning, her sister, and friends were suppose to turn into statues at the end, but Etros has a habit of intervening when she's moved, so retcons the universe and gives Lightning and friends their lives back.

XIII-2 deals with the fallout and specifically focuses on the goddess Etros- basically the retconning of the universe has some serious effects, opens the barriers between the real world and the "other" world (maybe the afterlife?) slightly, and seriously fucks up the space/time continuum. So she retcons Lightning's happy endings to get her to fight for her to avoid the end of the world, while Lightning's sister tries to fix the timeline.

The world ends anyway, Lightning's sister is dead, and Lightning figures that the best way to assure that she and the memory of her sister is preserved is forcing herself to crystallize.

Lightning Returns deals with the fallout of XIII-2, and focuses on the major god B-man, who for the first two games was asleep and awoke once the barriers between the other world and the real world were torn down. Turns out the world ending just gives you a different world with immortality, which honestly doesn't sound like a bad deal, except not dying has some weird affects on society or some shit.

Lightning wakes up 13 days before the world probably completely ends, and probably goes to kill B-man.


The connections are very loose, I mostly chalk it up to the fact that they developed an overarching mythology first, then the game came inside its universe and developed its own themes, so when a sequel was present- rather than build on the themes of the first game, they could just rely on the mythology to keep it coherent.

Anyway, there are four gods in this mythology, Pulse, Lindzei, Etros, and B-man (it is 330 AM and I don't know how to spell Bman's name correctly). B-man is the main god, Pulse, Lindzei, and Etros are under him, Pulse and Lindzei do B-man's bidding and Etros is on her own doing benevolent shit but really fucking up in the long run.

The first game has Lightning and co saving the world from some lesser-godlike beings (that were following Pulse and Lindzei's plan). The way the rules of the universe works is that Lightning, her sister, and friends were suppose to turn into statues at the end, but Etros has a habit of intervening when she's moved, so retcons the universe and gives Lightning and friends their lives back.

XIII-2 deals with the fallout and specifically focuses on the goddess Etros- basically the retconning of the universe has some serious effects, opens the barriers between the real world and the "other" world (maybe the afterlife?) slightly, and seriously fucks up the space/time continuum. So she retcons Lightning's happy endings to get her to fight for her to avoid the end of the world, while Lightning's sister tries to fix the timeline.

The world ends anyway, Lightning's sister is dead, and Lightning figures that the best way to assure that she and the memory of her sister is preserved is forcing herself to crystallize.

Lightning Returns deals with the fallout of XIII-2, and focuses on the major god B-man, who for the first two games was asleep and awoke once the barriers between the other world and the real world were torn down. Turns out the world ending just gives you a different world with immortality, which honestly doesn't sound like a bad deal, except not dying has some weird affects on society or some shit.

Lightning wakes up 13 days before the world probably completely ends, and probably goes to kill B-man.

Of course. How obvious.


Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Too much lack of Vanille and Fang in Splintered's post! :monster: Totally the frue heroines of FFXIII you know :pinkmonster:

Seriously though sometimes these days I feel like Vanille and Fang after playing such a prominent role in the OG, especially Vanille from the early chapters and of course hundreds of years before the game's start have been all but forgetten by Square Enix these days in favour of Lightning, Serah, Hope, Noel, even Snow ffs (even though I adore Snow to pieces and he's my favourite male character from the original game) :aah:


Great Old One
I'm replaying XIII now and yesterday night I finally had Fang and Light as my party, Fang the party leader. It was like, all is right with the world again.

So yes to moar Fang. And Vanille. I'm just scared to be dissapointed again X(

Alex Strife

Well, if it's the last game of this story, they WILL appear. However, it's true they may be relegated to a passive role, which is a shame.

If Square listened to their fans, Fang and Vanille should have a relatively important role in the second half of the game (since having them be important since the start would feel forced).


I would say my usual "moar Fang" but I get the feeling there will be "moar Fang" than XIII-2 anf less than XIII which is just not what I want. Obviously I know now she isn't going to be a playable character but I won't be happy if her role in this game is completely passive.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
The way Square works, especially sequels: somewhere in the last 5 minutes of the game.

Probably as a quick sequence of flashbacks.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Oooh! TWO half-skirts. I see a certain character designer is getting creative again.

Actually, now that I saw her moving, with those two white skirts and the white cape she looks like an assassin to me.

I like it even more now.


I'm not sure about that; didn't the English versions of the other XIII games come with English lip sync, even in the pre-rendered movies? Or was that just me? If they're offering dual language, then either that goes, or somehow they'll cram dual lipsync into the game, :monster:


dem titans
Palumpolum, Jack the Ripper, Colonel AI, laurash65, Re-L Mayer
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII makes an appearance in this week’s issue of Famitsu, with some additional details about the game’s battle system and customization features. As we detailed before, Lightning returns to a world that is constantly changing — with the inclusion of a day and night cycle. NPCs in the game will have their own schedules, and will appear at certain times of day, making it imperative for Lightning to be aware of her surroundings. Some information she’ll need to gather may only be available at a certain time of day. Time will stop when you enter the main menu screen.

As for Lightning, you’ll be able to change her costume in a variety of different ways including her weapon, shield, armor, accessories, and abilities. As a collective, they form a “style” which Lightning can switch between in battle similar to how Paradigms functioned. (These styles are named “Cerberus”, “Divinity”, and so on in the trailer footage.) In Lightning Returns, you’ll be able to press a button to execute an ability immediately like guarding or attacking, and those actions will consume parts of the ATB bar. Each “style” has its own individual ATB bar.

In previous Final Fantasy XIII titles, you were graded with a star system in battle, and while it wasn't directly stated that it was returning — Lightning will be graded by her performance by how quickly she can defeat foes as well as how effective her “styles” are against them. Famitsu goes on to say that despite Lightning’s one-woman team in battle, the styles seem to (I paraphrase) “give the impression more than one person is fighting”.

A tentative name for the battle system is 'Sugoi ATB', which translated means 'Cool ATB' or 'Amazing ATB'.



I definitely like the sound of that! Looking forward to them releasing more information in the coming issue of famitsu.
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