Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


The people of Luxerion are quietly waiting for the end of the world, according to a Famitsu interview with the game’s development staff. However, not all of the citizens of Luxerion are content with sitting idly by. There’s an organization of people that are against the Liberator—ie; Lightning—and the followers of Bhunivelze, and are actively striking out against them.

This organization isn’t aware of Lightning’s identity, but they plan to lure the Liberator out by any means possible, and are the cause of a series of ongoing murders in Luxerion.

The people of Novus Partus have actually been living for 500 years since the conclusion of Final Fantasy XIII-2, but none of them are actually aware of it. The cycle of life has been put to a stop, without new life being born, and the people who question this phenomenon are quickly weeded out.

Lightning is going to be the only playable character in the game, and with that in mind, Square say that one of the biggest questions asked by fans is: “What happened to the rest of the characters from the previous games?”

To answer that question, the supporting cast will be appearing throughout the story in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. The NPC, Chocolina, will also make a reappearance, and will have a bigger role to play in this game than she did in Final Fantasy XIII-2.




Average Jiro
Gonna admit, I still have that fanboyism about me, and Lightning Returns has me super excited.


Great Old One
However, not all of the citizens of Luxerion are content with sitting idly by. There’s an organization of people that are against the Liberator—ie; Lightning—and the followers of Bhunivelze, and are actively striking out against them.

This organization isn’t aware of Lightning’s identity, (...)
Okay so who wants to bet which one of our previous playables is the leader of this group? CONFLICT!


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
So, let's get this straight. Lightning was Etro's campion during XIII-2, right? Now she's Bhunivelze's champion.

So much for her wanting to be free from higher powers.

Anyway, wasn't Bhunivelze portrayed as a power-hungry deity? Or, am I mixing things?


So, let's get this straight. Lightning was Etro's campion during XIII-2, right? Now she's Bhunivelze's champion.

So much for her wanting to be free from higher powers.

Anyway, wasn't Bhunivelze portrayed as a power-hungry deity? Or, am I mixing things?


I'll just link you to this. I'm one of the admin and I answered a question similar to this topic.


This is terribly off topic but what's with the absolutely miniscule font on almost every tumblr page? It's really annoying.

EDIT: Also that was a really interesting read (once I zoomed in), thanks for posting it :)


Great Old One
This is terribly off topic but what's with the absolutely miniscule font on almost every tumblr page? It's really annoying.
I wasn't going to say anything because I commented on the size of the font for the The Lifestream tumblr blog, but yeah, for the link in Mwynns post - I had to ctrl + a total of 4 times and highlight the text in order to be able to read it. It seems like those types of colors, those types of fonts and small sizes are very popular on tumblr. I think it looks good and stuff but I'm very sensitive to those things because I've taken Universal Design and I know how hard it can be for people with color blindness or other sight problems to view web pages with similar design. It's (one of the reasons) I prefer AO3 over, the font is big and it's much more relaxing on your eyes. gives me a headache and I have to ctrl + at least 2 times to get the font to a reasonable size.

/off topic


I see a lot of people irked by the fact that Lightning is working for a God yet again because of how Lightning was all, "I'm no one's slave!" and "I decide my own fate!" in XIII. Admittedly I kind of feel the same too; I did see the possibility of Bhunivelze siding with the good but I was still a bit taken aback that Lightning is actually working for him as it's similar to her position in XIII-2 and contradicts her signature lines in XIII.

Despite this, the reason why I can still accept it is because of the reasoning behind it. Although technically she is still a slave to a God it is not as negatively connoted as it was in XIII (the whole l'Cie/-humans-are-dispatchable-tools-of-the-fal'Cie business) and arguably in XIII-2 (where she was practically dragged to Valhalla to protect Etroll although she did still show loyalty towards her). Both Lightning and Bhunivelze have the same goal and wish of saving the world, so despite the technicality of her being a servant she is nevertheless still acting on "her own will".

Frankly speaking they should have just said it as, "working with him" instead just because it's generally better.

I'd be cool if she has a similiar attitude towards the affair as she did in Duodecim. Always found it funny she badmouthed WoL then turned into him in her next game.


Kitase and Toriyama touring Europe to promote LR:

Square Enix has started a tour for Europe and North America in regards to their upcoming multiplatform title, “Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.” You can check out some screens from the role-playing game in the slideshow at the top of this article and the details below.

The “Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII” began in France as Square Enix did a presentation on the product. Both the producer, Yoshinori Kitase, and the director, Motomu Toriyama, will be giving interviews with the western media population.



I wasn't too sure where to put this, but I might as well put it here.

As I reported some time ago, (in a random post months ago) there's a group known as Project Crystalis - basically a bunch of people that have banded together to promote campaigns/petitions about the lack of information re: Versus XIII/ Type-0 etc.

Anyway, they somehow managed to get an interview with both Rachel Robinson and Georgia Van Cuylenberg (FANG AND VANILLE!). I haven't listened to them yet, but here they are to peruse at your leisure:


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Awesome! Can't wait to listen to those interviews. Thanks for posting.

Kitase and Toriyama touring Europe to promote LR:

Square Enix has started a tour for Europe and North America in regards to their upcoming multiplatform title, “Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.” You can check out some screens from the role-playing game in the slideshow at the top of this article and the details below.

The “Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII” began in France as Square Enix did a presentation on the product. Both the producer, Yoshinori Kitase, and the director, Motomu Toriyama, will be giving interviews with the western media population.


I guess France would be the appropriate place to start a tour promoting "Éclair Returns." :monster:



Any idea if those are 'public' tours, where they will take place, and/or if we can get an interview? Would be lulzy.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
The only thing I really hope from this game is that we don't get a Gainax ending. I know it's still early to worry about that, but still...


Great Old One

The latest issue of VJump has begun leaking out and with it some new information on LRFFXIII.

The big scoop is an all new character by the name of Lumina who appears at Lightning’s destination. She is said to be both a help and hindrance – with an appearance somewhat like a gothic lolita Serah (complete with duck-lips), content with toying with Lightning.

Not much else is known about her, but more information should be available soon – or at least by next week when Famitsu provides the entire thing.

The magazine also has some updates on Lightning’s costumes. Known in the game as “Wear” Lightning can equip up to three at once and change between them in real time during battles. Each outfit has its own ATB gauge that fills as you continue to fight.

If you paid attention to the Jump Festa trailer, you might have caught a glimpse at one known as “Dark Muse.” It’s the one that has the grill-shaped shield, chap-like pants, a camouflage jacket and a knife. Her other outfit revealed looks similar to a samurai’s armor and is called “Alone in the Dust.” Lightning herself will have new magic and abilities such as guard and evade.

Quests can be retrieved from a bulletin board similar to Marks in FFXII. By completing quests you can extend the time left in the world.
From Novacrystallis, here


Very pleased by the sidequests bit. Also, I'm curious on how similar this Lumina is with Serah in terms of look.



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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon


I'd say she's
some remnants of Serah's spirit. As for the toying thing, maybe she's acting like James' wife from SH2. Who knows?

Or maybe
it's actually Caius who at last got to dress as he likes :awesome:


They coulda dropped the "somewhat" on her description. That's Serah alive and well, or I'm a Chocobo.


unsavory tart
It could be she's somewhat similar to chaos!Yuel or something?

If you paid attention to the Jump Festa trailer, you might have caught a glimpse at one known as “Dark Muse.”
I definitely liked Dark Muse a little more in the trailer, but man, Lightning really like her chaplike pants.


Great Old One

They probably need someone light and energetic to balance out the more serious Lightning. I think she looks cool. Not too sure about another pink-hair though... but there might be a good reason to it.


Well she's obviously going to have at least some connection to Serah, which is good IMO. As soon as I read "all-new character" my immediate thought was "piss off, no need whatsoever", but this doesn't bother me at all.


A Japanese friend of mine translated what Lumina was saying in the screenshot:

"Liberator? Who do you think you are?"

Well now.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
^So, Serah (or Serah's shadow) comes back to haunt Light.

If Serah is back fromt he dead I demand that both Raines and Rosch are brought back too!

Alex Strife

And Jihl! Only that Jihl was a totally uninteresting character, as opposed to Raines and Rosch. Actually, in the end I quite liked Yaag!
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