Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Honestly, I don't like how Lumina is a physical copy of Serah. I don't like the idea of recycling characters.

At the same time, I do understand that Lumina could have a very strong bond (if not some sort of reincarnation) to Serah.

Actually, thinking more about it, I wonder if *someone* (no, I don't know who, but fal'Cie, or other) could be using Serah's form to help and/or hinder Lightning. Keep her on her toes; maybe, on (or from) the right path.


Honestly, I don't like how Lumina is a physical copy of Serah. I don't like the idea of recycling characters.

At the same time, I do understand that Lumina could have a very strong bond (if not some sort of reincarnation) to Serah.

Actually, thinking more about it, I wonder if *someone* (no, I don't know who, but fal'Cie, or other) could be using Serah's form to help and/or hinder Lightning. Keep her on her toes; maybe, on (or from) the right path.

Strong theory right here, you're not the first one to mention it. It's very plausible.

Speaking of her design, I honestly thought that I will be disappointed because I didn't like the sound of her looking like Serah at first. But now I can totally neglect that fact because she looks awesome. And cute.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I don't think they are recicling characters. Lumina being the spitting image of Serah must have a strong reason.

They said that Lightning wanted to keep her sister's memories alive, right? What if Lumina is Lightning's projection on what her sister would do or think of her?

But I think the real explanation will be more complicated than that.


Great Old One
I don't think she looks exactly like Serah; if anything she looks more like Lightning, or a mix between them. She looks a lot younger than them anyway, I'd have guessed 15, but I thought Vanille was 16, so. ;)

Edit: Her style of clothing is probably too adult for a 15 year old though.


Yeah, I agree, her face renders both in real-time and CG are still noticeably different than Serah's. She does look like a mix between Lightning and Serah.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm calling it: She's Serah's Nobody. Now we wait for Nomura to say "There is no connection between Serah and Lumina" -- until the game comes out anyway.

I thought I would be annoyed at this recycling, but I don't mind her. She's hot. I dig that gothic lolita thing.

Alex Strife

Don't be fooled by the clothes style! If she's not a real human, the clothes style does not really matter, does it?

So yes, she could be implied to be 15 or 16 and wear much older clothes, and it'd still make sense.


Great Old One
Well from Square's POV, they might be a bit careful about stating someones age to be 15 and then dressing them up as 20. I haven't played many of their games (or a lot of Japanese ones) so I don't know what the usual do's and do not's are here. They dress up younger girls in school uniforms, but from what I've seen they're more careful about playing on the lolita thing (like the skirt lifting bc the weather is windy etc) until the character is a certain age.

I know that in Buffy, they waited until Dawn was 16 to let her wear anything black. Buffy is a US series though, but still.


Serah is 18 in XIII and 21 in XIII-2, according to the FF Wiki. Or have I completely missed the point of this conversation :/


unsavory tart
Yeah, I was wondering how they were going to keep Serah as a constant presence to Lightning. In XIII it worked because there was Snow constantly there, plus a good portion of the game was flashbacks to her incident with Serah, and her coming to terms with being a jerk to Serah.

As far as constant reminders go, Lumina is an interesting way to keep the memory alive. I'm also calling the "something is using Serah's likeness" because I subscribe to the idea that Yuel's presence is also being manipulates.

Or she's Serah's nobody. I'm all for that.

But I'm weird, I don't believe for a second Lightning's seriously working for/with Bhunivelze. Even if his goals were admirable, he's the guy that fucking started everything in the first place, and I'm not even talking about the fal'cie, I'm talking about killing Mwynn.

But mostly because unlike Etros, Bhunivelze created the system of slavery. He forced focuses on Lindzei and Pulse, and Pulse forced the fal'cie to do their focuses forever- all the awhile manipulating their love for them. Etros was different because she was discarded, and left without a focus and even if that was treated as negatively- it left her with freedom. So when humanity came from her, they also had freedom, it's only after the fal'cie force them to be l'cies do the whole eternal slaves happen. Because face it, that's all they know, it's how they were created.

I think she's going to take him down in the end. Whether or not they reboot their own world or a new world is made, I dunno. I had a silly theory that she does get them into a new world, which is the Type-0 world, just because XIII-2's ulti was considering linking the two games together.

I'd say Versus but I'm still positive Versus is an elaborate prank. It makes me smile.

Also going to be negative here but: ugh I am not a fan of the character designs. Did Nomura do all of them or just her initial one? Maybe the samurai one will look better in a different color? Who knows, I'm still holding out that there will be other ones.

Well, Lumina isn't too bad. I mean, if you like gothic lolita, there it is. She's still one of the more interesting tidbits to come out though. Someone pointed out on tumblr that she's most likely the Serahish figure that appears in all the concept art

Well from Square's POV, they might be a bit careful about stating someones age to be 15 and then dressing them up as 20.

There's Rikku.

Alex Strife

Rikku, why are you so random?!

What I mean is that they could pass anything they want by saying "Lumina has no age!" or "She's a thousand years old!" or anything like that.

By the way, I wouldn't mind seeing how Lightning looked when she was 15 or 16. I wouldn't mind at all. I actually would love to see that. And I'm saying this from a totally clean and respectable point of view. :)

Serahously. (See what I did there?)


Well, considering the age of consent in Japan is 13 (I believe), why wouldn't they put someone in "adult" clothes, despite the fact that they're only a young teen?


Great Old One
Well, considering the age of consent in Japan is 13 (I believe), why wouldn't they put someone in "adult" clothes, despite the fact that they're only a young teen?
Well that was sort of what I was getting to, asking/discussing what the Japanese culture could have to say about her clothing and therefore age. I know they are weird about certain stuff and enjoy their lolitas in school uniforms but at the same time, like any culture they still value their children. As in, there might be an unwritten age limit to what is okay and what isn't.


unsavory tart
Japan has no issues sexualizing their minors, for better or for worse. I know there have been some issues, like in DOA where they specifically don't age Kasumi in the US version because she's seventeen and therefore a no-no. That said, she's probably just suppose to be Serah's age, just looks really young because Serah always did. Serah's first outfit looked young too and she was 18/19 at the time.
Well, considering the age of consent in Japan is 13


wangxian married
when i prayed for lightning to have a female companion this is not exactly what i wanted

the gods look down and laugh


wangxian married

lightning can call tifa when she needs someone to make a cake

she'll call aeris when she needs someone who can rip a guy's balls off & then get her flowers


AI Researcher
light is too lesbo for any one woman

that's why she became a knight to a goddess

big old lesbian goddess

this thread is about light being a lesbian now
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