Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


Pro Adventurer
That outfit... That pose...
I agree that Lumina looks like a younger (14 - 16 year old) version of Serah or Lightning.


If the sky comes falling down
She should loosen up after all the crap she was put through.

Yeah but it's out of character for her and it really don't make sense character wise. This is Claire Farron a lady that's tough mentally and physically and it's extremely unlike her to dress in such a sexual manner.

yes she has gone through shit, but just because she's gone through a rough experience doesn't mean that she has to dress up in neko ears and short dresses that will make horny 12 year old boys explode.

I mean tons of Final Fantasy men and women have gone through tons of bull, doesn't mean say Sephiroth is going to start dressing in a sexy neko dress.

bad example but hey. :monster:



Moonrune Archaeologist
Translator of Things
Hi, I hope I'm not too late to join the party. I've taken the liberty of translating the scans:

I like Miqo'te's... Heck, I even play one on FFXIV, but I really don't see the Miqo'te in Lightning... It looks like the poor girl has been bent into that shape by some evil person!
I-I guess we can just have her wear one of her ~100 other outfits





AI Researcher
it takes a special kind of woman to be able to be a slut and a whore without any indication that they have even had sex with anyone

and those women are called 'any female who wears revealing clothes (who the speaker doesn't like)'


Great Old One
and those women are called 'any female who wears revealing clothes (who the speaker doesn't like)'
Or 'who the speaker hit on but was rejected'. This is hard to apply to video game characters though, unless you live in a very special magic world X)

Anyway, I am conflicted. On one side, I don't like how they're turning Lightning into fanservice. On the other, she's a pretty damn hawt woman with a right to be as sexual as she likes. I like her sassy side. It's more grown up, more relaxed, more playful. Which is very hot.


AI Researcher
I have similar feelings about this that I did about Bayonetta. In that game, Bayonetta is unapologeticly sexual but it isn't something forced on her by some male character or done to impress a man in the story. She is in charge, acting in that way because she wants to. On the other hand, she is doing that because that's what the predominately male developers wanted her to do. Which was probably because that's what they enjoy, and they're the ones in control of how she looks and acts. It's obvious a lot of it is framed around the 'male gaze'. So narratively she owns her sexuality herself, but it's ultimately the product of male fantasy.

But as I think more, Square's own The 3rd Birthday is a better parallel. You have a tough, capable heroine who is still attractive (although sexuality was always a bit more prominent with the Parasite Eve series, and let us just put T3B's narrative and character downfalls to one side). T3B is a far worse offender here regarding fanservice (the exact same shower scene FMV can be seen like 5? times in the game and the only relation it has to the story is that Aya will have a couple of lines of dialogue about what's going on in the story). But it features the same idea of alternate costumes (that all mostly suuuuuuuck), and in the Japanese version these would change how Aya spoke in some cases. In the maid (urg maids) outfit she speaks all cutesy and polite, in Lightning's one Maaya Sakamoto goes into her Light voice. They are just bonus thing you don't need to use, but it's the same kind of fetishy fanservice mentality.

idk I just find the majority of fanservice (read: sexy ladies) a bit alienating being a massive homo :sadpanda:

I am also considering streaming this when I get it? (Which unless I went for digital would be a week or more behind its actual release, but I want to have a disk :sadpanda:)


Hito you have to stream it that would be awesome!

My male gaze does not appreciate this costume, but hey ho.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
At times I'd love to cast the following spells on the insane side of the fandumb

Mega Flare
Day Of Lavos(not a spell but an event)


Moonrune Archaeologist
Translator of Things
I find it amusing that Light is totally glaring daggers at the viewer while she makes that victory pose. It suggests seductive but deadly?

That soon-to-be Yuna summoner outfit is a bit of a curve ball for me too. That's not exactly something I had imagined Light would be wearing either.

Regardless, I'm sure Sakamoto Maaya will have no problem making Lightning fit into such molds, being the pro that she is. I hope they will actually be worth using in battle now that they have taken the effort to include them.

Hmm, on another note, I do wonder how a Miqo'te Outfit would look on Fang, haha. Maybe that would sit better with me.

Edit: new trailer reminds me of a Hollywood movie preview. Also, hope Light beats some sense into Noel :D
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unsavory tart
Oh, that is probably their best made trailer. Nothing much new, just well cut.

Looks like Lumina summoned that big ass monster she fights about half way in the trailer. Lumina u little shit.


Looks like Snow brought the Coliseum with him to Yuusan again. But it's all time based so unless you are spending all your time there, you can't complete it 100%.

This is going to be a wreck for my completionist habit.


AI Researcher
decided not to watch any more trailers, i want more surprises. i don't usually follow things really closely, the only times i have was due to being involved with ff news sites :sadpanda:


unsavory tart

That you Atomos? Between this and Cactaur, maybe they are bringing back fal'cie for at least one sidequest? Or hell, even a mention would be nice.

I am also considering streaming this when I get it? (Which unless I went for digital would be a week or more behind its actual release, but I want to have a disk :sadpanda:)
if u stream, they (i) will come.


That Man
Personally I don't care what sort of outfit she wears so long as she's got cool swords and gunblades to go with them.

Also the thing about the "there can only be one" Extinction of a species where the last one is uber strong made me think of the Oversouls in FFX-2.

Only thing missing from this game now is Triple Triad. :D
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unsavory tart
Looking at some of the costumes in the trailer again, some of them are customized from Lightning's default



Same leg flaps with the pockets. Same chest piece. Different color scheme, boots, and she lost her cape. She may or may not be wearing pants.

I'm trying to figure out if this is also the same outfit, just heavily customized


It's got the capes and similar glove pieces. The chest piece is really different though, I like it a lot minus the weird ass ruffles.

Triple Triad
Triple Triad
Triple Triad
Triple Triad
Triple Triad
Triple Triad

Granted I'd rather have Triple Triad rather than the clock puzzle. But at least the clock puzzle has an online solver.

EDIT Moar of the same costume, This time it edited out the gloves and most of the boots, along with half of the leg flap

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Aaa the amount of time I'll spend in the customization... I cannot imagine.

The outfits are very Amano-like though because of the colors they chose. Ha.
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