Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


unsavory tart
Aaa the amount of time I'll spend in the customization... I cannot imagine.

The outfits are very Amano-like though because of the colors they chose. Ha.
seriously, thank goodness being in the menu doesn't eat up time, I have a hard enough time just trying to pick the best accessories, now you are telling me I can customize my weapon stats, outfit stats, and overall look.

Time management in games stress me out. Time based games that emphasize exploration and customization just may kill me (doesn't count if you can rewind time tho)


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
what happened to the man who showed up ashley riot's arse cheeks

Anshley? What about Sydney? He really was showing half his ass XD

Because real Lightning fans don't like a sexualized Lightning.

This is the quote that sums up my feeling concerning what I've seen so far.

But I feel like elaborating.

From what I've seen about this game I have mixed feelings. One part of me is actualy eager to know what's the story is about, but another part (and this one speaks louder) is really affraid that this is going to be a trainwreck with a Gainax Ending that will disappoint us to no end, seeing how XIII-2 was going to have an ending that would "make Lightning happy".

About the characters, Snow's looks have gotten better (much, much, much better), though the poor soul needs to be cheered up. I can't understand why Hope reverted to his 14-year-old; though I expect this will be explained, I can't cope with it right now: Hope grew up into an adult, a very handsome 21-year-old man, damnit! And now that he was interesting he gets dowgraded to a kid again (unless
it's not the real Hope the one who is living up there

Returning characters are ok; after all, Noel still has some unfinished business. About Caius, I had the impression that he was finally happy after sending everything to hell, but it looks like he also has some things to do (if it's true that he will be teaming up with Lightning it would be neat). Fang leading a group of outcast bandits sounds like something she really enjoys doing, and I expect that one of the next missions she gives Light will be rescuing Vanille (probably from the Luxerion Cult because, who else?).

Characters that I wish to see again? Aside from those from the main group, the three gentlemen I have in my signature, though I can only wish for that, and after reading "Fragments After" I want to see them even more because they were an awesome trio. Buy hey, they are too old (because everyone knows that being in your thirties makes you a grandad) and gamers won't identify with them!

Costumes (and this is where I get deep).

I always liked Lightning: She is sexy, beautiful and attractive without needing to show cleavage, her butt or a ridiculous pose. Remember Beckett and how Castle hit the nail with her on the first chapter? That's what would sum up Light's life so far. Her good looks and mind would have guaranteed her a profitable career in any other job, but she had to provide for her sister and took a job that would let her earn money, no matter how hard it would be. She has her flaws and her doubts and she even muddled it up along the way so she and her sister became emotionally appart, but she kept trying, no matter the cost.

My point with this rant is that Light, like other women on the media, taught me that being attractive or sexy has nothing to do with revealing clothes or poses, but on attitude. "I have shit to do and I want to get it done, whatever it takes", would be it.

With this "male gaze" thing, I get the impression that, no matter how far you go on your career, or how many achievements you get, as a woman you will always be judged upon how fuckable attractive you look according to current standards.

But I'm tired and I might be overreacting :monster:

tl;dr: While I find the Miqo'te outfit fun to have her wear, the pose is a big no for me.


My point with this rant is that Light, like other women on the media, taught me that being attractive or sexy has nothing to do with revealing clothes or poses, but on attitude. "I have shit to do and I want to get it done, whatever it takes", would be it.

With this "male gaze" thing, I get the impression that, no matter how far you go on your career, or how many achievements you get, as a woman you will always be judged upon how fuckable attractive you look according to current standards.

But I'm tired and I might be overreacting :monster:

tl;dr: While I find the Miqo'te outfit fun to have her wear, the pose is a big no for me.

I agree with this sentiment to an extent. Actually, they were doing really fine in showing that Lightning is still the strong woman we all know (whether you think her LR default outfit looks stupid or not, it still does a good job in showing off her strength as a character) until they blew it off with marketing that alluring pose. It's all fun and games when they decided to do a crossover with FFXIV:ARR but then they included that character trait too on Lightning. I hate them for their shameless fanservice.

I think I'll never forgive Square Enix with this one (damn it Japan, why didn't you spare Lightning at least with your catgirl fetishes? Now I'm remembering Naoto's bikini neko outfit too for P4, although that didn't affect me as much because I don't know how they marketed it), but I'll say though that I'm more than thankful for the great presentation of outfits for Lightning in the Comic Con trailer. A majority of them had her appropriately covered and protected, and overall most of the outfits they revealed were like that. The ballroom gown though was a nice touch, it's pretty and there's nothing wrong with emphasizing her femininity.

I'll have to say though that you maybe are a bit overreacting with that impression. I understand that you got that because of SE's stupid marketing damaging her image, but for the major part Lightning's portrayal in the game won't be like that. We are still given more-than-appropriate choices and the outfits we'll choose for her won't affect her character whatsoever. They've also assured and clarified that all of the outfits and poses except for the Miqo'te will be in-character.

On a lighter note...

I think Lightning always had a thing for clothes. Her GC uniform is very modified compared to the normal one. She even has a freaken cape.

I'm still waiting for my Lightning in a Butler outfit render.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I'll have to say though that you maybe are a bit overreacting with that impression. I understand that you got that because of SE's stupid marketing damaging her image, but for the major part Lightning's portrayal in the game won't be like that. We are still given more-than-appropriate choices and the outfits we'll choose for her won't affect her character whatsoever. They've also assured and clarified that all of the outfits and poses except for the Miqo'te will be in-character.

Exactly as I said :monster:

It's just that I got riled because of some comments calling her names. As Hito said, it's quite a feat to be a slut and a whore withouth having being in a relationship of any kind (as far as we know). It's like drinking water that is dry :monster:


AI Researcher
the 3rd birthday showed us already that square have no idea what an appropriate optional costume would be

aya's outfits from the previous games? no! bunny girl outfit!!! santa suit!!! bikinis for everyone!!!


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
My point with this rant is that Light, like other women on the media, taught me that being attractive or sexy has nothing to do with revealing clothes or poses, but on attitude. ...

With this "male gaze" thing, I get the impression that, no matter how far you go on your career, or how many achievements you get, as a woman you will always be judged upon how fuckable attractive you look according to current standards.

That "sexy" is an attitude more than a fashion-style is what I've been seeing in more inclusive advertisements and organizational messages.

Women are considered objects. It comes from a mindset that men are the leaders, the thinkers, the ones that make the world run. Women are the followers, the doers, the ones that clean up and keep things tidy for order to reign. It's from patriarchal societies, indeed a thinking that remains from the Greaco-Roman time periods, granted with some (small, and some big) changes.

EDIT: Women are still fighting the mind-set that they are objects. Not all men do this; and, women have come a long way in past 100 to 110 years.
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BGM04: love it. Hamauzu, good job. I don't know, I'm a bit of a sucker for church choir-like music. it sounds really sad though.

BGM05: I'm dealing with the Engrish at the moment but the instrumentals are really nice. It'll probably grow more on me.

BGM06: Like. Great job, Suzuki. I can see this playing while we're traversing the Wildlands.
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unsavory tart
The first one sounded a little like Journey until the choir. I don't know why people say they don't like Hamazu, I really like a lot of the stuff he puts out.

Despite the embarrassing Engrish in the second one I liked it until it bursts out in pure resort music.

Third one is also good, it does sound like background/exploring music.
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That Man
Optional Costumes I think are worth considering:

FF : Warrior of Light armor (Dissidia version)

FFII : Rebel Clothing (i.e. with turban)

FFIII : Cloud of Darkness Bikini (Yes, I went there!)

FFIV : Dragoon Armor/Dark Knight Armor/Paladin Armor

FFV : Dancer Disco Outfit

FFVI : Runic Armor (Based on Celes' outfit)

FFVII : <<SOLDIER already taken>> / Sephiroth/Genesis outfits

FFVIII : Fur Bomber Jacket / Retro Gunblade / Instructor's Dress + Whip (based on Quistis' outfit) / Rinoa's Sweater outfit

FFIX : Pluto Female Knight Armor (based on General Beatrix)

FFX : <<Summoner already taken>> / Al-bhed bodysuit (based on Chemist Job in FFX-2) / Gunner Dress

FFXI : ????

FFXII : Darksteel Judge Armor / Princess Ashe Outfit

FFXV: Stella Nox Fleuret Outfit

If you can think of more that would be cool, post em. :)


If the sky comes falling down
FF : Red Mage outfit because who doesn't like that pimp hat ? :monster:

FFII : Firion's clothes because i ship him with light shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you didn't hear this.

FFIII : Viking outfit with a viking like beard to match :monster:

FFIV : Cecil's Dark Knight lighting would look incredibly badass in it

FFV : Mystic Knight can you imagine Lightning in Arabian harem pants ?

FFVI : Setzer's grab because Setzer is boss

FFVII : Estuans interius ira vehementi Estuans interius ira vehementi Sephiroth! Sephiroth!

FFVIII : Squall's gear or Seifer's gear because either of them have gunblades

FFIX : Kuja's gear because it would look sexy on a lady maybe ? Minus the thong part ?

FFX : Rikku's X-2 bra and short dress

FFXI : ????

FFXII : Fran costume with bunny ears for extra added cuteness ?

FFXV: Stella dress is a neat idea i like

idk don't hire me SE i would bankrupt you.

Ghost X

I'm gonna be the odd one out and say I'd prefer original clothes. Original clothes that haven't been designed by outsourced fashion designers either :awesome: *frowns at Nomura*.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
FFXII : Darksteel Judge Armor / Princess Ashe Outfit

Princess Ashe's clothes were already very similar to Light's original uniform. It would be great to see her in those, though :)

I'm gonna be the odd one out and say I'd prefer original clothes. Original clothes that haven't been designed by outsourced fashion designers either :awesome: *frowns at Nomura*.

*looks at Prada designs*

Eh... I think I'll stick with Nomura's clothes.


FFI: Thief clothes (the latest version).

FFII: Leila inspired clothes.

FFIII: Luneth's default garb.

FFIV: Rosa's white mage garb (because a healing and defensive magic role would be neat).

FFV: Faris' default clothes.

FFVI: Setzer's clothes.

FFVII: Sephiroth's clothes, but with a shirt underneath (we are complaining about the Miquo'te reveaking outfit and then we want her with just two straps over her breats? XDDD). I think that outfit would have fitted Yaag better

FFVIII: Quistis Trepe's clothes (I think some people would be glad to add the whip too XDDD).

FFIX: Beatrix's armor (yeas, please!)

FFX: ???

FFXI: ???

FFXII: A Balthier inspired garb would be great (mostly because I love Balthier XDD).

FF V: I'm going with that mysterious hooded guy we saw on the trailer, even when he looked suspiciously like the rebel cult.


unsavory tart
I'm gonna be the odd one out and say I'd prefer original clothes. Original clothes that haven't been designed by outsourced fashion designers either :awesome: *frowns at Nomura*.
It's sad because I actually like Nomura's original Noctis design.

You can give Lightning that.


That XIII guy
I just got an idea of how the ending might be like. They have said that there is only one true ending, but maybe in some "false" endings you haven't been able to save everyone. Similiar to Mass Effect 2. Thoughts?


Great Old One
HSNFMFGH no Mass Effect spoilers in here please, some of us are only halfway in the first game X)

Or, like, spoilertag them. Even if

"'s something everybody already knows because it was talked about on tumblr even before the game came out"
"...I personally don't think that's a spoiler"
"'s not vital to the storyline"
"'s not THAT BIG of a spoiler, there are bigger spoilers than that"

etc and all those other reasons people defend their spoilers with WHEN THEY SPOIL ME

Sorry, just very spoiler sensitive :wacky:


Double Growth
I beat Mass Effect 2 and don't really know what Groodon's post means, if that makes you feel any better.

But you should probably get moving on that game if you're concerned about spoilers. The statute of limitations of spoilers on the first game at least is probably coming up :P


That XIII guy
Oh, sorry about that :(

ME2 Spoiler inside
I don't think you really know how the ending in ME2 works... on the last mission, if you haven't done everything correctly, some people will die, and will not be appearing in ME3. I just thought that because they say there might be different endings on Lightning Returns, those might be endings where we didn't have the time to save everyone, and we get different endings depending on who we have saved.
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