Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


That Man
HSNFMFGH no Mass Effect spoilers in here please, some of us are only halfway in the first game X)

Or, like, spoilertag them. Even if

"'s something everybody already knows because it was talked about on tumblr even before the game came out"
"...I personally don't think that's a spoiler"
"'s not vital to the storyline"
"'s not THAT BIG of a spoiler, there are bigger spoilers than that"

etc and all those other reasons people defend their spoilers with WHEN THEY SPOIL ME

Sorry, just very spoiler sensitive :wacky:

I've never played Mass Effect, so I probably won't ever understand it even if I do or might have or could have? (Maybe my alternate timeline self played it!)

Does that count as a spoiler? :awesome:

On topic: Paradox Endings were fun so long as they fell within the context of the game setting ever-so-much. Stuff like Mog scheming something just...kinda...erhhh...well whatever. I prefer something that has bearing on the mythos.


Mass Effect spoilers wouldn't be an issue if Fangu actually played through them instead of spending what will probably be another 200 hours on Final Fantasy XII.



Great Old One
When love takes over, yeah
You know you can't deny

Something happened with me and XII, we just clicked - love at first sight, if you will :monster:


That Man

I just realized that it's completely plausible for Lightning to get moves like Zack does in Crisis Core.

Jump, Spin-slash (Blitz or whatever it's called), and even Status-Attacks...heck, maybe even Limit Breaks specific to each Job Class.


Great Old One
News from NovaCrystallis

Japanese fans got their first hands-on with Lightning Returns today – courtesy of a Sony sponsored Play Community event held in Tokyo – where they were able to preview the beginning of the game. While most of the details shared at the event encompass information we already know, a few new tidbits have leaked out from those who attended the viewing.

Earlier this month, we learned that Fang would be rejoining the cast and it looks like she won’t be alone. Vanille is also back in some form, although details on her reappearance are still largely unknown. It seems she will show up in Luxerion.

The reason for Hope’s appearance as his 14 year old self is also still a mystery – one that will likely be solved during the course of the game. Apparently he went missing 169 years ago from the start of the game’s story, and although he can’t remember how he reverted to his teenage form he still remembers events from the past – just not in an emotional sense. Both Lightning and Hope seem to have thinning emotions. The older version of Hope from XIII-2 will make at least one appearance via a cutscene, but it’s still unknown if he’ll return to his adult form in the end. Snow has changed somewhat as well – no longer referring to Lightning in a casual manner, but now simply as “Savior.”

The fourth and final area in the game – the Wildlands – was shown off to the audience. It’s an open forest sort of area in which Lightning can ride chocobos through.

As previously detailed, the collaborative costumes from Final Fantasy VII, X and XIV will feature unique sets of victory poses as well as their own victory themes. Color customization will be available on these outfits as well for those wanting to change the look of Cloud’s SOLDIER uniform, however weapons and shields will not have the ability to be pallet swapped. Lightning will also be able to obtain Yuna’s summoner garb – which was initially revealed at E3 and will likely be a part of Square Enix’s Go There campaign.

For those that still have save files from Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2, you’ll unlock Lightning’s outfits from each respective game automatically.

Lightning’s other costumes will be available through quests or purchased at a shop, while some abilities can be gathered through enemy drops. She’ll also be able to wear a variety of accessories including necklaces, earings, mascot items (such as XIII-2’s Mog) and glasses. Equipping the right setup is key – by using the right configuration of equipment, the game’s final boss can be felled in under 50 seconds. Players more interested in a less action-based approach need not worry – Lightning can be stacked more on the defensive side of things which will eliminate the need to reply on Guard and Evade tactics.

Lastly, the staff took some Q&A time to answer fan questions – one in particular curious if Lightning’s bust size had really increased as indicated in a Japanese interview at E3. It’s true, according to Toriyama and her bust size will actually change depending on the type of Schema she is wearing.
Lot of stuff to chew on there.


Already provided my sentiments regarding the bust size topic being brought up again in the site's comments, so I won't be saying it here again.

Vanille showing up in Luxerion... my feeling that she's a part of the cult is getting stronger.

The reason for Hope’s appearance as his 14 year old self is also still a mystery – one that will likely be solved during the course of the game. Apparently he went missing 169 years ago from the start of the game’s story, and although he can’t remember how he reverted to his teenage form he still remembers events from the past – just not in an emotional sense. Both Lightning and Hope seem to have thinning emotions. The older version of Hope from XIII-2 will make at least one appearance via a cutscene, but it’s still unknown if he’ll return to his adult form in the end. Snow has changed somewhat as well – no longer referring to Lightning in a casual manner, but now simply as “Savior.”

= A=

I'm getting worried about this.


That Man
lol Schema that changes Lighting's bust... If it's anything like the Dresspheres in X-2, she might even get a personality change or get possessed by somebody.


I don't think so, unless they decide to not keep their word in making all her outfits in-character aside from the crossover ones.


Well wey-hey, got my save files ready and waiting. Still waiting to pre-order though because from what I read I need to pre-order from Game to get that Cloud DLC :/


Bunch of new pictures:

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
That's a lot of interesting information and pictures. Thanks :)

Yuuuuna! <333

No! No, Tori, no love.

*sees Vanille mention*


Details of Vanille's appearance are unknown but she seems to be in Luxerion? How did they know it was Vanille? Did people see her ... are they holding out!? :pics: Either Vanille is not who she seems or Luxerion is not what it seems hmmm.

Assuming it really is Vanille and she's really in Luxerion that means she's where Noel is. Take two of the most optimistic, cheerful, friendly, reasonable, down to earth and generally mellow normal types and ????, if Noel has become Cauis 2.0 perhaps Vanille will also be the same in personality. What happened to you Vanille!?

Emo, brainwashed Vanille, do not want. Hmmm evil brainwashed Stepford Smiler Vanille though ...

Anyway holding my hype in reserve until we know more. Ok, maybe a little bit ... Vanille!!!


unsavory tart
if u mother fuckers only give us a crap Sazh appearance i will fucking cut u squeenix. Also, laughed at Lightning's Yuna bow. And Lightning's amazing changing bust size, more powerful than she's ever been indeed. I'm excited for wildlands.

Well wey-hey, got my save files ready and waiting. Still waiting to pre-order though because from what I read I need to pre-order from Game to get that Cloud DLC :/
I'm trying to figure out how to get the Cloud dlc as well. It's suppose to be preorder right? Did I miss something because I want to know preorder where. It's amazon for the jp release but nothing said about the na release.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
The reason for Hope&#8217;s appearance as his 14 year old self is also still a mystery &#8211; one that will likely be solved during the course of the game. Apparently he went missing 169 years ago from the start of the game&#8217;s story, and although he can&#8217;t remember how he reverted to his teenage form he still remembers events from the past &#8211; just not in an emotional sense.
My theory:

That Hope we saw is not the real one, but a computer-generated holograph left by the real Hope, who knew that Lightning would someday arrive, and who at that moment is unable to stay at the Ark, so he has to live/hide somewhere. The reason why he looks 14 is because Hope thought that such was the appearance that Lightning could recognize more easily. That holograph has all the memories of the real Hope, but none of the emotional burden.

And, is Vanille in Luxerion?

Fang leading a group of outcast bandits sounds like something she really enjoys doing, and I expect that one of the next missions she gives Light will be rescuing Vanille (probably from the Luxerion Cult because, who else?).

I'd be very happy if I get something right :monster:


unsavory tart
My theory:

That Hope we saw is not the real one, but a computer-generated holograph left by the real Hope, who knew that Lightning would someday arrive, and who at that moment is unable to stay at the Ark, so he has to live/hide somewhere. The reason why he looks 14 is because Hope thought that such was the appearance that Lightning could recognize more easily. That holograph has all the memories of the real Hope, but none of the emotional burden.

And, is Vanille in Luxerion?

I'd be very happy if I get something right :monster:
I'm listening to you from now on.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Lastly, the staff took some Q&A time to answer fan questions &#8211; one in particular curious if Lightning&#8217;s bust size had really increased as indicated in a Japanese interview at E3. It&#8217;s true, according to Toriyama and her bust size will actually change depending on the type of Schema she is wearing.

I swear guys in Japan need to get more pussy.
Toriyama must be behind the "bust size" decision. He was the event planner of the Honey Bee Inn in FFVII (and Costa del Sol, which has some risque elements as well). He directed FFX-2, which ended up way sexualized. I am convinced that out there, there are more examples of how Toriyama's naughtiness translates to the games he is involved in. So I expect that Toriyama is to blame for the changing bust size of Lightning.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
The whining makes me hate being a fan at times, nobody cries about a certain FF chick whose known for big objects having jiggle physics in Disshitdia 012 or do they cry about things like in other games.


Double Growth
There was plenty of complaining about Tifa's jiggle physics in Dissidia around here, thank you very much.

I still liked the game though.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Oh, I'm not even complaining about any of it. Give me all the bust and jiggle physics you can muster. I'm not even complaining about Lightning in the bend-me-over-and-fuck-me skirt with matching pose. It's totally out of character for her, but it's fucking nice.

I just find it somewhat palm-to-forehead-inducing that Lightning's fluctuating boob size was a priority for both the game's director and a random fan who got a shot at asking any question they wanted.
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