Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


AI Researcher
is it silly that i still want to buy the magazine so i can get the actual physical booklet

i read the hope and sazh chapters so far. i kind of think it suffers from what rygdea's chapter in the ffxiii-2 novel suffered from, where it was a lot of basically recapping what happened before. but i'm still interested to see where it goes :sadpanda:


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Tumblr exploded in a negative way. I didn't get to fire my cannon because the battle I had ended pretty fast.


AI Researcher


is there not enough shipping, or the wrong kind of shipping?

i'm struggling to figure out where it might be coming from, unless the nora chapter has a big explosion of shipping stuff. or it was 'hope mentions lightning'.


unsavory tart
Of course it's shipping, it's always shipping. Eh. Not sure why, doesn't look like anything specific happened, it seems like all of this stuff is incredibly vague and nondescript.

Disappointed in the novels from what I'm reading, most of it is recapping, and honestly, why the fuck would you recap, if you are reading the novels you played the game already.

Some of it's interesting, like the inbetween 500 years. But honestly, hearing it as an interview is kind of dull. And Snow's savy and politics seems... weird tbh. I know it's been a few hundred years, but he's doing some very intelligent, political crap.

Also there's still no resolution. We know Vanille and Fang are together but it's still ambiguous, we don't know what they are doing, or if they're happy, or really anything but they're alive and talking. And it still drives me up the wall that it's still all about Lightning. I love Lightning and all, but the story was always about them all, up until the sequels.

No wedding also, thanks a lot. *sits in a corner*
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AI Researcher
the magazine apparently has a 4th chapter which is meant to be uploaded to the website later on

i thought the third chapter was more interesting because it wasn't really going over just stuff that we already knew. which i guess is the trouble with focusing on main characters like hope, we already know what he was doing.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
You're welcome! -


Apparently there was an interview or something as well but I can't find a copy of that :sadpanda:

People are saying the writer guy says Hope completes Lightning/Lightning completes Hope, they belong together or something like that? So think that is why tumblr exploded :faint:


AI Researcher
for one thing, the writer/journalist is a woman, so that information is a bit suspect right there :monster: i have only just started reading chapter 5, so i don't know about any of that

apparently this character appeared in the short story from the ultimania omega for ffxiii. i don't think i ever got around to reading that :sadpanda:


That Man
The bad news is, Tumblr is full of shippers with love and sex on their brains.

The good news is, I finally Beat Bhunivelze! (The game is forgiving apparently and even if it's Day 14, if you didn't beat him the first time, you don't face Bhuni+ until the second time around).

Also, nuking enemies with Ultima is really REALLY FUN...

Does anyone have any good Ultimatus garb builds? (I'm using ATB Charge and Mediguard).


That Man
Synthesis Text Dump (cuz I like sharing guides I find)
[Passive Ability Synth Rules]:
--White + White = Chance of Passive Ability
[Rare Passive Ability Synth Rules]:
--Must be Level 4 or Higher! (Level 5 + Level Up Item = Level MAX)
--Same Passive Ability + Same Passive Ability = Chance of Rare Passive (Yellow + Yellow)
Attack Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+5
>>Stagger Duration+5/7%
>>Stagger Duration +10% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Victor's Rush (Rare Synthesis)
Light Slash Lv.5
>>Max ATB+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Victor's Rush (Rare Synthesis)
Heavy Slash Lv.5
>>Stagger Duration+5%
>>Max ATB+5
>>Max ATB+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Committal (Rare Synthesis)
Punt Lv.5
>>Stagger Duration+5/7%
>>Max HP+1250
>>Max ATB+5
>>Max ATB+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Max HP+10% (Rare Synthesis)
Beat Down Lv.5
>>Stagger Duration+5/7%
>>Max ATB+5
>>Max ATB+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Committal (Rare Synthesis)
[Desdemona *Must Stagger*]
Fatal Sweep Lv.5
>>Stagger Duration+5/7%
>>Max ATB+5
>>Max ATB+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Max ATB+20 (Rare Synthesis)
[Cathedral Sentry/Desdemona *Must Stagger*]
Charged Strike Lv.5
>>Stagger Duration+5%
>>Max ATB+5
>>Max ATB+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Victor's Rush (Rare Synthesis)
Blitz Lv.5
>>Strength in Numbers+18/20%
>>Undaunted Lv.2
>>Stagger Duration+10% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Victor's Rush (Rare Synthesis)
Area Sweep Lv.5
>>Undaunted Lv.2/Lv.3
>>Group Defense+18%
>>Max ATB+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Max HP+10% (Rare Synthesis)
Flamestrike/Froststrike/Sparkstrike/Galestrike Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+5
>>__ Attribute Attacks+12/15%
>>__ Attribute Attacks+20% (Chaos Infusion)
>>Elemental Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
Heat Blitz/Ice Blitz/Electric Blitz/Aero Blitz Lv.5
>>__ Attribute Attacks+12%
>>Strength in Numbers+18%
>>Undaunted Lv.2
>>Str+250 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Committal (Rare Synthesis)
Ruin Lv.5
>>Stagger Duration+5/7%
>>ATB Recovery+5
>>ATB Recovery+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Victor's Rush (Rare Synthesis)
Fire/Blizzard/Thunder/Aero Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+5
>>__Attribute Attacks+12/15%
>>__Attribute Attacks+20% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Elemental Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
Flamespark/Firestorm/Icespark/Icestorm Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+5
>>Magic+250 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
[Aster Protoflorian/Shrodinger/Ectopudding]
Magnet Lvl.5
>>Max HP+600
>>Strength in Numbers+18%
>>Multiple Targets+20%
>>Multiple Targets+30% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
[Cyclops/Chocobo Eater]
Element Lvl.5
>>ATB Recovery+5
>>Multiple Targets+30% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Elemental Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
[Arcangeli/Omega Gremlin]
Fira/Blizzara/Thundara/Aerora Lv.5
>>__Attribute Attacks+12%
>>Strength in Numbers+18%
>>Undaunted Lv.2
>>Mag+250 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Strong Finale+15% (Rare Synthesis)
[Zaltys/Ectopudding/Neela/Chocobo Eater/Miniflan/Wendigo/Hanuman/Gaunt/Zomok/Dryad]
Flamesparka/Firestorma/Icesparka/Icestorma Lv.5
>>Multiple Targets+20%
>>ATB Recovery+5
>>Multiple Targets+30% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Elemental Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
[Aster Protoflorian/Goblin/Schrodinger]
Elementa Lv.5
>>Multiple Targets+20%
>>>>Elemental Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
Ruinga Lv.5
>>Multiple Targets+20%
>>ATB Recovery+5
>>Stagger Duration+10%
>>>>Grand Wizard (Rare Synthesis)
[Earth Eater/Meonekton/Sugriva]
Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga/Aeroga Lv.5
>>__Attribute Attacks+12%
>>Max ATB+5
>>Multiple Targets+30% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Grand Wizard (Rare Synthesis)
Elementaga Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>>>Vengeance Siphon (Rare Synthesis)
[Final Boss+]
Flare/Chill/Surge/Tornado Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>__Attribute Attacks+15%
>>>>Vengeance Siphon (Rare Synthesis)
[TempleBoss/PalaceBoss/RuinsBoss/WarrenBoss/Final Trial]
Guard Lv.5
>>Group Defense+18%
>>Undaunted Lv.2
>>Guard Efficiency+30
>>Max HP+1250
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>ATB Recovery+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
Light Guard Lv.5
>>Group Defense+18%
>>Undaunted Lv.2
>>Guard Efficiency+30
>>Max HP+1250
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>ATB Recovery+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
Heavy Guard Lv.5
>>Group Defense+18%
>>Undaunted Lv.2
>>Guard Efficiency+30
>>Max HP+1250
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>ATB Recovery+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
[Gertrude *Must Stagger*/Gurangatch]
Steelguard Lv.5
>>Max HP+600/1250
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>ATB Recovery+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
Mediguard Lv.5
>>Max HP+600/1250
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>ATB Recovery+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
NulAll Guard Lv.5
>>Max HP+600/1250
>>Guard Efficiency +30/40
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
[Gertrude *Must Stagger*]
Heroic Guard Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Max ATB+10
>>Max HP+800/1250
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
Evade Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Max HP+600/1250
>>Max HP+1500 (Chaos Infusion
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
[Cathedral Sentry/Skata'ne]
Counterblow Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Max HP+600
>>Str+250 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
Counterspell Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Max HP+600
>>Mag+250 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
ATB Charge Lv.5
>>Max HP+600/1250
>>Max ATB+10
>>Max ATB+15 (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Standby ATB Recovery (Rare Synthesis)
Debrave Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Crit.Protect/Regen(60sec) (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
[Desert Sahagin]
Defaith Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Crit.Shell/Regen(60sec) (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
Deprotect Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Crit.Bravery/Haste(60sec) (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Deprotect Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
[Fanatic/Goblot/Desert Sahagin/Triffid]
Deshell Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Crit.Faith/Haste(60sec) (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Deprotect Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
Slow Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
Poison Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Crit.Bravery/Haste(60sec) (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Deprotect Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
Imperil Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Crit.Faith/Haste(60sec) (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
[Desert Sahagin]
Dispel Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Max HP+600/1250
>>StatDmg+30% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Mag+10% (Rare Synthesis)
[Desert Sahagin]
Curse Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Crit.Haste+Vigilance(60sec) (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Deprotect Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
[Personal Guard/Skeleton]
Debravega Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>Undaunted Lv.3
>>Group Defense+18%
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>StatDuration+20% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
[Earth Eater]
Defaithga Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>Undaunted Lv.3
>>Group Defense+18%
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>StatDuration+20% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
[Earth Eater]
Deprotectga Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>Undaunted Lv.3
>>Group Defense+18%
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>>>Deprotect Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
Deshellga Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>Undaunted Lv.3
>>Group Defense+18%
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>>>Deprotect Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
>>Max HP+600
>>Undaunted Lv.3
>>Group Defense+18%
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
Poisonga Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>Undaunted Lv.3
>>Group Defense+18%
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>StatDuration+20% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Deprotect Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
Imperilga Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>Undaunted Lv.3
>>Group Defense+18%
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>>>ATB Recovery+20% (Rare Synthesis)
Dispelga Lv.5
>>Group Defense+18%
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
Cursega Lv.5
>>Max HP+600
>>Undaunted Lv.3
>>Group Defense+18%
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>StatDuration+20% (Chaos Infusion)
>>>>Deprotect Chaser (Rare Synthesis)
[Personal Guard]
Disaster Lv.5
>>ATB Recovery+10
>>Max ATB+10
>>>>ATB Recovery+20 (Rare Synthesis)
Rare Synthesis Abilities
[Victor's Rush] - Restores a set amount of EP upon defeating an enemy.

[Committal] - Triggers Bravery and Vigilance for 5 secs when using an ability with an ATB cost of 40 or greater.

[Grand Wizard] - Triggers Faith and Vigilance for 5 secs when using an ability with an ATB cost of 40 or greater.

[Elemental Chaser] - Unleash a physical attack after an elemental attack and it will take on the same elemental attribute.

[Vengeance Siphon] - Restores a set amount of ATB upon receiving % damage. (When an enemy damages you, you'll regain ATB depending on how much damage you took.)

[Standby ATB Recovery] - Slightly increases the ATB recovery speed of standby schemata.

[Deprotect Chaser] - Makes physical attacks like Attack more effective against enemies afflicted with Deprotect, Curse or Poison. Makes Ruin more effective against enemies afflicted with Deshell.

[Strong Finale +15%] - Strengthens the combo finale that Lightning deals after a series of hits by 15%.

[Maximum HP +10%]

[Magic +10%]

[ATB Recovery +20]

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Started playing this at long last today, and I'm quite liking it so far. Mostly I'm just dicking about at the moment, fighting monsters in Luxerion and doing sidequests, waiting until 6am. Zomok is kicking in my ass :wacky:

The whole clock thing's putting the fear o', Bhunivelze in me that I'm going to run out of time constantly....Which I s'pose is its purpose, the fear is just doing battle with my stinginess about giving up Eradia for Chronostasis =/


unsavory tart
Started playing this at long last today, and I'm quite liking it so far. Mostly I'm just dicking about at the moment, fighting monsters in Luxerion and doing sidequests, waiting until 6am. Zomok is kicking in my ass :wacky:

The whole clock thing's putting the fear o', Bhunivelze in me that I'm going to run out of time constantly....Which I s'pose is its purpose, the fear is just doing battle with my stinginess about giving up Eradia for Chronostasis =/
The time thing is completely manageable. You'll be stressed maybe the first or second day, but it's not worth the stress. I know people who actually advise taping over the clock, although imo, you shouldn't because there's at least two time sensitive quests.

Eradia is easy to get and chronostasis makes the entire time thing negligible. Don't worry about it.


That Man
Zomok will eventually become barely an issue at all.

Protip: Attack him right as he shoots his wind breath at you for free stagger.

Having a Soldier of Peace garb with any ATB-boosting setup will help too.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I am liking the time sensitive nature of the gameplay, with sidequests and such. Kinda makes me wish the original XIII had as much to do as this does, that wasn't just go to C'ieth stone, run to monster, fight monster. The quests seem varied enough so far


That Man

I defeated Aeronite, Noel+, Parandous, and Snow++! :D

With Aeronite, I stocked up on a ton of Turbo Ethers and just kept hitting Overclock chucking Elementa at him (I had Pain Dampener and White Strap equipped along with Chaos Revenge sword).

Sure it's not the fastest way to beat him, but at least I beat him. His black hole move is annoying though, and he has crazy long reach.

Also, I discovered something awesome.

Apparently, Meonektons can be a great source of Gil (outside of Cactuars).

1500 gil a pop (5040 gil in Chaos infusions) for each one (not including fights with two at once).

Aremite Plains (north of Wildlands Research Center/Omega Point) is the best place to farm them at night since it's right next to a Forge/Adventurer's Essentials/Synth shop all at the same time (and you can pick up greens from the old man there too).

Now that I've defeated everything short of Bhuni+, I plan on working on boosting my stats and defeating them faster if possible. So far the only bosses I haven't 5-starred are Aeronite, Bhuni+, and Ereshkigal.

I'm "this" close to getting my Platinum Trophy, I just need to upgrade my shields more to get the garb.


Fiat Lux
Not sure how I was able to 5 star Caius when it took two phoenix downs and I never once staggered him, from what I remember. Overclocking, mayhaps?

Totally not playing this game btw. :shifty:


That Man
Caius gets aggressive once his HP is low, so it's best to beat him quickly in one quick burst, that goes for a lot of bosses.

And I think this is the first time I got a platinum trophy off a Final Fantasy game... I've never been "this" dedicated before, lol


I lost a whole day to Caius the first time I played this game because I played it on normal and may have tried to take him down at the end of day 3 (ish). I'd done Noel and Snow and every side-quest in Luxerion, Yusnaan and the Wildlands that I could at that point. The thing about Caius is that he's one of the only bosses that doesn't get harder the longer you leave it.

On NG+ I beat him on hard with absolutely no problems. But my first time through I kept forgetting to use save/ chronostasis between attempts so I lost about a whole day of in-game time trying to kill him. Don't make my mistake XD.


That Man
Some navigation tips:

---Visit all the Prayer Boards in all four regions before taking on monsters (unless they require items you don't have), best to start strong.

---Luxerion South Station is where you'll do most of your Teleporting for quests in the beginning. The other areas would be Jagd and Wildlands Research Camp for shops. For Luxerion quests, 10:00 am, 16:00 pm, and 0:00am are the best times to talk to people and get stuff done, for the "ghost quest" you need to talk to 4 different people in the morning before the 3 ghosts show up at night.

---Caius (Wildlands), Goblotts (Dead Dunes), and Gremlins (Luxerion / Wildlands) don't change/enhance their item drops after Day 7, so it's okay to extinct them early on or later as you please... ideal for planning your routes in the game. Caius in particular does NOT get stronger as the days go by, so you can use him to kill time between bosses and earn stats/weapons/whatever or to farm Meonektons in the temple for Gil/EP/Ruin spells/whatever.

---1600-1800 (4pm-6pm) and 0400-0600 (4am-6am) are the best times to go out on quests if you're avoiding other monsters for better drops until Day 7 or Day 10. Monster drops improve on those days, but equipment in shops improves on the days after (Day 8 and Day 11).

---Your last Prayer Board missions show up after Day 9, which is when the Roadworks roads can be opened for Chaos Infusions (which is required for some rare abilities outside of rare synthesis, in fact there's an Omega exclusive infusion with a Goblin Last One that needs it).

---Once you get all your items (Head Accessories) upgraded from the 3rd Cycle, Item Spheres drop Gil and EP Item Spheres drop LOTS of Gil, so even if you already spent your EP before, every cycle is a good time to get more (at least until you buy all the garbs). So save up and get those Turbo Ethers from Online people! If you don't want to spend EP there's always Cactuars.

---Head Accessories are Garb Specific while Arm Accessories affect all three Schemata, so plan your combinations accordingly. Having accessories that boost elemental damagecombined with Enfire/Enthunder/Enaero/Enfrost etc is very helpful (especially once you get stuff like Elemental Chaser later on).

---Only a small group of monsters in the game drop Element / Elementa / Elementaga per cycle, so make those synths count and save beforehand. That goes for other rare spells as well (make sure you synth same abilities early on to different spells so that you can make rare synths).

---Once you've beaten the game once, Mog will have everything (except adventuring essentials) from the Final Day in his shop. If you don't have the Gil for his stuff, kill some Set monsters as they drop Executioner's Axes that sell for 9k gil a piece.

---Assuming you plan on extincting every monster before/during Day 13 know that it takes about half a day (0600am-1200pm) to clear the Ultimate Lair when there aren't any monsters there on Easy Mode so plan to spend EP to preserve the time afterwards. In Ultimate Lair, Meonekton is on floor 16 (which can't be avoided because the warp system teleports in multiples of 3, usually the Lair is mostly empty when I visit because I extinct most monsters before I visit the place). Cactuar Omega is on floor 17 so avoid it by warping if you plan on farming his buddies for Gil on the 13th day. Make sure you extinct the 3 monsters Neela (Sugriva/Wendigo), Arcangeli, and Chimera in the Final Day to clear the quest the next time you visit the old man by the Light House.

---Accessory drops from Last Ones will give you either an Accessory upgrade or Gil on subsequent pickups (unless the item is a weapon, in which case you could sell it for Gil or Upgrade it and sell it). Here's how it works depending on the drop:
---Head Accessory > + > ++ > Gil
---Arm Accessory > Gil
---Weapon > (another Weapon you can sell).

---Don't forget you can sell / rebuy DLC items at any time. I sold my Aegis shield for a hefty sum to get the Masamune before I was supposed to get it! Also note you can't sell to Online people, only in-game merchants. Also the items you upload online won't give you gil when they buy them.

---Don't forget to mark key quest points on your map for subsequent cycles (EP treasure, Rare Forge locations you spot him in, Lost Moogles, Gold Dust drops, Crimm Mushroom locations, for time-sensitive areas in the Dead Dune Ruins mark the treasures as odd hours or even hours so you know when it's good to come and pick them up, etc):
---Red Markers for Rare Forge/Red Treasure Chests/Crimm Mushroom/Music Chests
---Blue Markers for EP chests, Drop Respawns, Key individuals, Chaos Infusion spawn points.
---White for Moogles/Gold Dust/Rocky Crag Moles/etc.

---If you have the Gil to spend, it's worth it to buy all the different types of weapons/shields as "fashion accessories" to your schemata, as no matter which "grade" of weapon/shield you buy, they all end up with the same stats when fully upgraded, so even a weak shield that looks cool can have the same stats as a shield that doesn't look as great but works better. Even cooler, if you can buy/upgrade multiple copies of a weapon and shield, you can use it on different schemata that it looks good with.
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