I don’t know how the scenes are described in Japanese but I took the use of “resolution” to be referring to the act of resolving something, as in “this scene is the answer to the choices you made in-game.”
I think that indeed, it's the way it should've been understood.
Not that people are wrong in pointing out that Cloud does indeed resolve, as in “to be determined to do something”, to save Aerith. But I don’t know if that’s why the word “resolution” was used, and I’m not sure why calling it “Cloud’s resolution” grants it some sort of importance above the other scenes especially when there’s an equal chance of getting Tifa’s scene. Poor Barret though, he had such a great scene but an absurdly low number of people got it in their playthroughs.
The Ultimania is very clear that it's about the other character wanting to share something with Cloud, so by saying it's Cloud's resolution, they put it above the others by saying it's the only one that makes sense and the only one that shows what Cloud wants - no matter that only Tifa got true Cloud to show up.
Barret's difficult to get because you have to do no side quest, and most people will do the side quests so it's dumb down to who you awake in the sewers. And the game very much want you to awake Tifa, as she gets a bonus scene there - unlike Aerith - and the game's continuity acts as if you chose Tifa anyway (since it's the talk with Cloud that reassures her that Aerith is no spy).
As much as I love the OG and remake, the idea of relegating important relationship development moments to optional scenes really rubs me the wrong way. I think the dress options were enough of a reward, so I would’ve found a way to make as many optional scenes non-optional as possible.
I think Remake at least gets it better because it acts as if the three scenes happen during the night - there is not one canon, all 3 scenes are referenced in game after that. OG though? Good luck lol. Not that any of the dates is referenced after that anyway. And from memory, Barret's really silly in the OG.
If they were to pick one date, based on the OG I would guess they’d go with Aerith but I don’t think they’ll even do that. My guess is no matter how many options there are, Tifa and Aerith will both be equally obtainable. I’d be surprised if they went as far as making Tifa the only option but because of how memorable the date is, I think they’ll want to have fun with other characters too.
I said IF there is no option for the GS date - which is a big, big IF! However, while I agree that based on the OG it would be Aerith, I still think that based on Remake it would be Tifa. Reasons ahead:
For Aerith:
- Aerith told Cloud to not fall in love with her - and their relationship took a step back
- Aerith and Cloud already had their date, as per Aerith said
- Aerith's scene was a reminder of her own GS date in the OG, alluding to Cloud's identity crisis
These three points alone are making me consider if they're doing the GS date, although I do know that they will, I think they have an escape if they don't want to. But now, for Tifa:
- Tifa and Cloud didn't get their date
- Tifa's scene wasn't reminiscent at all of her GS date
- Tifa needs to get a step forward and show that she's in love with Cloud - if not for Cloud, at least for the player
- If there is only one pair that gets the GS date, then cloti makes more sense since it's the canon route and Remake paved the way for them to get such a scene
Again, that's WHY I think it would go IF there is no GS date system, but I do think that there will be a GS date system. I wonder just how much they'll have to add in because after Midgar and before the GS date, there is simply no romance in the OG. At all. That would mean adding new side quests with the girls (Costa del Sol maybe?). All the while advancing the main quest - the flashback in Kalm and Wutai and Dyne etc. is making me question when will that happen and won't the paddle be too much? We still have 3 new playable characters to meet - there was a reason romance took a stepback at that point, because there were a lot of things to discover and do. I worry a lot about this because it made sense for them to have side quests in Midgar, in their established sectors so we could discover the sectors with them, but now that we're out of Midgar? I don't know how they'll do it, honestly.