Fire and Blood
Honestly, I think they're just going to elaborate on her arc from the original. "Moving on" was never a part of Aerith's character arc(and she definitely fails by the end of Remake at doing it), because it was never her destiny to be with Cloud or anyone else. There is nothing for Aerith to move on to except her fate. Aerith's arc was always about embracing her destiny, meaning her death is still set in stone.
I agree that Aerith's arc is about embrassing her destiny, however in the OG it did come through falling for Cloud - even if he was not the real Cloud at this moment. Remake shows that Aerith *wants* to move on, and I still think this needs to be adressed. She was forced to let go of Zack only by the end of Remake, with her seeing that vision of him. Clearly, she wasn't aware of his fate prior to her first vision of him, before stepping in the portal. Only then, seeing all the whispers around Zack, she understood what happened, and decided to defy destiny. Yet she knows that if he survived, he's not with her anymore, as she is following Cloud who use(d) the Buster sword, and no Zack in sight. This is why she comments on how much she hates the sky - it's not a mistake, it's because *her* Zack is dead. She will never meet the one she saved and she is aware of that.
Thirdly, Remake-Aerith comes off like the queen of cloti-shipping, so I don't think the devs intend to do much more with clerith.
I always say it, but I don't think it's "shipping". Her reactions to Cloud, Tifa, and their relationship is also a way to display how her powers work. She really observes him a lot, like when they fall in the wagon and Tifa hurts herself and passes them briskly because she thought he was only checking on Aerith. There's also the flower that she finds on 7th Heaven's counter - and how she says that the flowers used to guide her. So to me, the flower on that counter shows her that what she had guessed was right: this is where Cloud's heart lies, and this is why there is a certain distance between them after this scene that is interesting to think about; did the devs really kill clerith here and there, or will there be more hints to come? With some of the story deviating, there are some things at stake.
Also, there is something, however, that makes me think about twice. Aerith in the OG had no clue about Cloud's true feelings; Aerith in Remake becomes aware of them rather quickly. Knowing that Cloud loves another girl, however, will not prevent her from falling for him. And as long as he does not remember his memories and where his heart is, she can't do anything about Cloud becoming closer to her. This is why I say there will be more clerith in the next game. However, knowing those feelings will certainly add some "resistance" from her; when you know a guy is all about your best friend, do you want to entangle your heart there? I think it's why she is so clear in her scene in ch14 with Cloud, it's because it's difficult for her, to be this attracted to him - also because he has some Zack characteristics - and he makes her happy, but she knows it's all fake. It must be heartbreaking for her, when you think about it. I think also it's why there are so many zerith shippers out there who wish that Zack and Aerith could reunite; it's because they want Aerith to be truly happy, and I can understand this feeling.
Ultimately, I think Aerith's role and feelings for Cloud are more maternal than romantic, regardless of what she thinks they were starting out. This is confirmed by Cloud's freudian slip during AC where he called her "mother" in the lifestream. This is referenced in the Remake when Cloud has a vision of his mother after he decides to sleep over at Aerith's house. Aerith views Cloud as a delicate flower who needs nurturing because she is "mother nature." This is evidenced by how she talks about Cloud in OtWtaS.
Yes and no. Ultimately, yes, she becomes a mother figure, with him calling her "mother", but also with her joking with Zack what should they do with such a big baby. However, in the OG, she is romantically interested in him. Lifestream White is very clear about that, that Cloud was her beloved. This is why I feel that her falling for Cloud was part of her arc, at least in the OG. Even in Remake, she is attracted to him, it's clear. So it's very possible that the devs will continue to also expand on this. And I say that as a cloti fan.
Thinking on this a bit, I'm getting kind of tired of experiencing the story from Cloud's perspective. At this point, I'd rather experience the story from Aerith's. Her story is far more interesting and relevant to the main plot at this point. I think the developers will give us this opportunity at some point in the future. If the story of Remake continues to follow the path of the OG up until the Temple of the Ancients, I think Aerith will be the protagonist post-TotA, at least until she dies.
FFVII, and thus, Remake, is the story of Cloud Strife. A lot of people find Sephiroth more interesting than Cloud, but it doesn't change that it's Cloud's story. Aerith may have a very important role, however, she is no hero nor heroine (!!) since Remake (promo and Ultimania) has made abundantly clear that these roles are for Cloud and Tifa to take. I think one of the things that, we'll say, "hurts" clerith, is Aerith's bigger role towards the external plot, because as to balance things out, they had to keep low amount of clerith scenes. In contrast, they upped Tifa's role in the internal struggle, so that mathematically means a lot more cloti scenes - since her role towards the external plot has always been minimal, it was never a problem.
To come back to this protag thing, let's not forget that the protagonist is more interesting to follow if he knows much less than other characters - look at The Lord of the Rings, Frodo knows much much less than Gandalf, yet he is the protag. Also, a lot of people forget it, but at the end of Remake part 1, Aerith *gives back* the lead to Cloud. Tifa asks *her* what to do now, and in turn, Aerith turns to Cloud. This is very significant, in terms of what's to come. The end of chapter 18 had her in the leading role, but it's not a role she seeks for herself.
That said, there's little guarantee the story will follow the same trajectory of the original game. We probably will visit the Golden Saucer, but at this point, there's little reason to include dating options.
Yeah I think how the story will turn in the next game will be very interesting to follow. I've already pondered about the GS date earlier in this thread; it is to note that Cloud and Aerith already had their date in part 1, while Cloud and Tifa did not have it yet. This didn't go unnoticed by me, especially since the midnight rendez-vous from chapter 14 is a nod to the GS date system. However, the player has much, much less control of the "romance" side of the game this time around, and clerith scenes are very little in comparison to cloti ones (which is logical given how they expanded the girls' roles). I still think that, the GS date being so iconic, we're bound to see it again. However, if it was a mandatory date with Tifa this time around, I wouldn't be half-surprised either. It all depends on how they go next game, both are possibilities, but I think players are quick to dismiss the possibility of a GS date system while I think it's one of the most obvious things to come ^^'
Personally I'm looking forward the GS because I think it will be more grandiose and at the same time darker than the OG one haha.