Tifa won.
Even if Cloud loves both girls, Tifa wins for obvious reasons. At the end of Advent Children, Cloud realizes his promise land is with Tifa, Denzel and Marlene. He spends the rest of his life with them. The Aerith endgame is only possible if Cloud has absolutely zero interest for Tifa. I can believe Cloud likes Aerith. I dont believe that Cloud likes Aerith to remain a virgin for life living next to Tifa. Tifa, in case anyone hasnt noticed, looks like Tifa.
Rebirth shows us that not only does Cloud like Tifa, but Cloud's feelings for Tifa are stronger. So the only thing shippers have to bicker about anymore is whether or not Cloud also likes Aerith. Which again, ultimately changes nothing.
Y'all wanna know why the LTD went on for so long? And why remake is only now making things so obvious? Because the graphics sucks back in the day. It woulda been awkward af to animate blockheads making out, so almost everything was toned down and/or implied during the highwind scene. Now that we can get these characters in 4k 30fps, there's no way Square Enix isnt milking the highwind scene for all it's worth. Which means they gotta set itnup in the previous games so Cloud and Tifa get progressively more intimate. So they dont just confess, and immediately start having sez in the last game.