SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
That scene... it's so emotionally raw that it hurts. I don't care if it's romantic or not, it gave me so many feels I almost ried too. Poor Tifa.
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(it's a huge image, I can't get over the tears trailing Tifa's face)

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The first time I saw this gif I haven't seen the whole scene, and given Cloud's expression I believed Tifa's grip had left Cloud breathless from pain -that or she was squeezing his nipples hard.

Wow! I never noticed Tifa's tears in that scene. When I first time watching it, I was yelling at the screen, YOU better hug her you awkward idiot!


Pro Adventurer
Okay I don't know why but "Yellow flower lost" always cracks me up for some reason.

Yeah, the key item left your inventory and went straight into Tifa's Heart! Look at her expression!

I guess he was trying to unlock her heart by giving her the flower....

huh....anybody? huh. Eh.... anybody? huh.....no? Yeah, I know it was bad! :whistle:

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
Wow! I never noticed Tifa's tears in that scene. When I first time watching it, I was yelling at the screen, YOU better hug her you awkward idiot!
He's quite the slowpoke. I've said this before, but looks like Red XIII had better socialization than Cloud. Idk, that scene is so sad... when he hugs her is even sadder. Tifa breaks down and Cloud... tries his best, I guess. It's... kinda cute, in a way.


Pro Adventurer
He's quite the slowpoke. I've said this before, but looks like Red XIII had better socialization than Cloud. Idk, that scene is so sad... when he hugs her is even sadder. Tifa breaks down and Cloud... tries his best, I guess. It's... kinda cute, in a way.

Right, it goes with what the Dev are saying about he has a 16 year old brain in a 20 year olds body. Thanks a lot Hojo!

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
if that is what you call an erection then this was a full-blown cumshot
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Cloud would have a foot fetish, that weirdo.

Aerith has huge feet for her size. Like, Uma Thurman big. O_O

Right, it goes with what the Dev are saying about he has a 16 year old brain in a 20 year olds body. Thanks a lot Hojo!
They sure did a good job conveying that, right? But I'm not sure it's all Hojo's fault (I never thought I'd have to type this), he was already awkward and poorly socialized before his long beauty sleep.
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I was almost shocked at how much more aggressively they pushed the Cloti moments for the remake. Then again, it makes sense. They want to establish early on the romantic/sexual tension between Cloud and Tifa, which will be important to build up for their admission of feelings without words underneath the Highwind.

Most notable to me was the train station scene where they had Tifa ON TOP of Cloud and their half-lidded, lusty eyes.

On that same note, they outright removed quite a few moments in the game that would have shown affection towards Aerith, or caused Tifa to be jealous. I suppose it's certainly a less toxic portrayal, and it also sets up Aerith and Tifa's close friendship early on so that the impact of her death is felt on Tifa's side, because we know just how devastated she was.

Re: Regarding Aerith's optional scene in Chapter 14- it's interesting to me that they used the word "imagination" in Japanese, considering this Aerith clearly knows something about the future. So, while I can see how a newcomer could largely see it as romantic without knowing the full context, there's also a huge "cloud" that looms over: Cloud's identity crisis and the obvious kind of "hiding" his feelings for Tifa.
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Lv. 1 Adventurer
the white life
Cloud you sly dog.....

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I think those of us who are pro Tifa and Cloud can say that this is her best character model ever.

I disagree. Her AC model is much better.

In Remake, her face is much, much rounder which makes her look "wrong" game-design wise and plain unattractive. SE fucked it up. It's pretty obvious when you interact with her throughout the game; i.e. whenever Tifa's emotions show up, they don't fit her rounder face.

Aerith, however, is perfection.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
In design and illustration, longer faces are usually used to appeal to a sense of "classical beauty", whereas rounder faces are intended for "maximizing cuteness". So... I think they knew what they were doing.
Tifa is 20, the round shape makes it look like she still has some babyfat. It fits.


Fire and Blood
I disagree. Her AC model is much better.

In Remake, her face is much, much rounder which makes her look "wrong" game-design wise and plain unattractive. SE fucked it up. It's pretty obvious when you interact with her throughout the game; i.e. whenever Tifa's emotions show up, they don't fit her rounder face.

Aerith, however, is perfection.

Tifa has a face that attracts to Asians I think. I know I can't look at Tifa's version and think how she is perfection and "MUST PROTECT BB", hard, while I did think her previous versions were just beautiful and leave it at that. Aerith's beautiful, but appeals less to me. I'm half JP BTW, and my own dad has a very round face lol. I'm used to roundish faces and find them more attractive than long faces (the elves in LOTR movies were all ugly to me).


Pro Adventurer
I keep hearing the argument "lots of OG CxA scenes were omitted in the Remake" & "Tifa got way more scenes in Midgar than she got in the OG."

Well, SE stated they wanted to keep it "equal" due to the social media discourse: "Team Aerith" vs. "Team Tifa"

But if that is the case, doesn't that suggest Aerith will be getting "equal" screen-time later in the game?

Does that suggest an alternate reality? Or her death occurring later in the game?

SE said major plot points will stay the same. Aerith likely still dies. But does she have to die at the same point in the game?

Cloud could save her this time but ultimately, Aerith still has to die so she can direct the lifestream from within the Planet to help Holy stop meteor.

Even if Cloud saves her, Aerith knows the future, and knows she has to die to direct the lifestream from within the Planet to assist Holy.

Killing Aerith later in the game keeps the major plot points the same (ie: Aerith dies), but allows us to be shocked (yet again) because we don't know exactly when it will happen.

It also ensures Aerith will receive "equal screen time" later in the game just like Tifa got in Midgar. Gotta keep it equal, right? If Tifa gets more in Midgar, doesn't that suggest Aerith will get more later?

In 1997, SE was bombarded with letters from fans about reviving Aerith. Gamers spent endless hours trying to bring her back. Maybe now they want a version where gamers can play with her to the very end of the game, but still keep the main plot points the same -- which would mean that Aerith still dies, but much later in the game.

Shock value? Check. Equal time? Check. Main plot points the same? Check.

And I know this isn't technically about the Remake, but it fits with the idea that Tifa is supposedly going to dominate the second half of the Remake once Aerith dies:

Bugenhagen takes Cloud and everyone back to the Forgotten City for an extended amount of time to talk about Aerith. REAL Cloud states he remembers Aerith "a lot."

This is both an underrated and forgotten moment of the OG.

Aerith's presences looms large over everyone. Aerith also comes back at the very end of the game and reaches out to Cloud from within the lifestream. Cloud's question to the Planet has been answered -- he can meet Aerith in the Promised Land.

Aerith's face is the last image we see -- just as it is the first image we see. Aerith's face is the "full circle" moment that ties everything together in a pretty pink ribbon.

If the main plot points stay the same, Aerith will still loom large over everyone during the second half of the Remake.


Our "omitted" scenes are more than made up for with picking flowers at Aerith's house, high-five's in the tunnel, the Wall Market battle arena, and the dream scene where Cloud wants HIS OWN SAY on loving Aerith.

If we are going to talk about who got what scenes omitted, I think it is fair to further analyze the scenes as they are placed within the narrative.

To me, Tifa's scenes felt overshadowed by Jessie (Tifa's promise scene is during Jessie's side-quest). I also believe new gamers probably forgot about Tifa's scenes by the end due to Aerith's storyline being the main narrative. Not only does Aerith propel the storyline to Shinra HQ, but she is the one who confronts Sephiroth and asks everyone to join her in stopping him.

I know I'll get criticized for bringing this up again, but if you look at this from the perspective of someone new to the FFVII fandom, I don't see how my analysis is far off.

Sure, if you already love Tifa and CxT, you will disagree. But I'm looking at it from the perspective of someone who played the Remake with no prior knowledge.

After all that transpires, what would a casual gamer likely think by the end of the game?

To me, the answer is obvious: Aerith. Aerith. Aerith.

Tifa's scenes happen way too early and are overshadowed by Jessie. On the contrary, Aerith's storyline drives the main narrative forward for the majority of the Remake.

I guess I come at this from such a polar opposite perspective from most of the people on this forum.

Point is -- what CxA lost from the OG in Midgar was more than made up for with what we gained. We literally have a scene that discusses LOVE. What more could we ask for? Cloud wants his OWN SAY on loving Aerith. That's f'ing amazing.

And why do people in this thread keep bringing up Zack as if he disqualifies Clerith?

We know the REAL Cloud grew to care for Aerith. That's why he has has feelings for her in AC. Can we just stop with the Zack nonsense? HE IS NOT IN THE OFFICIALLY ESTABLISHED LOVE TRIANGLE.

Zack is only brought up to delegitimize Clerith despite Aerith saying she wants to move FORWARD with her life & despite the REAL Cloud showing feelings for Aerith *AFTER* regaining his memories.
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Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
Tifa has a face that attracts to Asians I think everyone with good taste and culture.
Here, fixed it for you :monster:

I know I can't look at Tifa's version and think how she is perfection and "MUST PROTECT BB", hard, while I did think her previous versions were just beautiful and leave it at that.
Aerith's beautiful, but appeals less to me.
Yes, it's intentional (see my post above about design). It's not limited to Asians, though. Our brains are wired to see certain traits and react accordingly. Humans see "Big eyes+Round face" and go like "protect this cute youngling".
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