SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
@Yoru: I'm not blaming anyone, AltAerith, ReAerith, Aerith from the timeline where humanity is replaced by carnivorous wasp-folk :awesome: That whole thing is too vague for me to really engage with, so I'm still taking the Rick Sanchez approach of "just don't think about it" until we get details that spell out how this works.

But I will say, if as it seems we have two different Aeriths... Aerithi? If it's two different iterations of the individual with different memories, then DreamAerith's choices are largely irrelevant to whether or not the relationship of ReAerith and Tifa is meaningful or not :monster:

No I’m saying that Cloud and Aerith don’t actually bond outside of Cloud. Everything resolves around Cloud. So everything is tied to cloud

The friendship doesn’t have any actual legs to stand on or breathe

The game doesn’t have enough sections of Tifa and Aerith on their own in a party without Cloud tbh

This is literally not what you said before. I'd like that addressed, please. You spoke so confidently at the time, I wasn't expecting you to just drop it.

At any rate, I would love to see more of Tifa and Aerith without Cloud. I think it's a slight exaggeration to say they only bond through Cloud, but I could do with more non-Cloud bonding than we got. But yes, everything revolves around Cloud, Cloud is almost always in the main party, Cloud is the focal character. The whole game revolves around Chocobutt and his issues. I agree that better writing choices would allow this to still be the case while more clearly demonstrating the AerTi friendship forming. I agree that a few women joining the writing team would likely help with that. I do not agree that the whole friendship has no legs to stand on, or that it's ever rendered meaningless as you earlier asserted.


Pro Adventurer

This is literally not what you said before. I'd like that addressed, please. You spoke so confidently at the time, I wasn't expecting you to just drop it.

At any rate, I would love to see more of Tifa and Aerith without Cloud. I think it's a slight exaggeration to say they only bond through Cloud, but I could do with more non-Cloud bonding than we got. But yes, everything revolves around Cloud, Cloud is almost always in the main party, Cloud is the focal character. The whole game revolves around Chocobutt and his issues. I agree that better writing choices would allow this to still be the case while more clearly demonstrating the AerTi friendship forming. I agree that a few women joining the writing team would likely help with that. I do not agree that the whole friendship has no legs to stand on, or that it's ever rendered meaningless as you earlier asserted.
it was just spoken confidently from my personal viewpoint and opinion from what I got from it. Obviously I'm 100% wrong cause thats not what the Devs have said about it. It just didnt work at all for me

and going back to the relationship not having any legs to stand on. I just dont buy their friendship at all in a way by the end of the game they're best friends. This is 2024 and women dont suddenly become best friends because they decide to talk about boys and shopping.

im 100% in the minority but I just cant help take away from their scenes together tbh


Pro Adventurer
Furthermore, Cloud is also losing himself and they both can see that. Also a part of Aerith's arc is Zack and they do talk about him too.

which is still my issue. They only bond over Cloud. I cant buy speaking about men is the foundation for female friendship in 2024 tbh. But its just me tbf loool


Pro Adventurer
@Yoru: I'm not blaming anyone, AltAerith, ReAerith, Aerith from the timeline where humanity is replaced by carnivorous wasp-folk :awesome: That whole thing is too vague for me to really engage with, so I'm still taking the Rick Sanchez approach of "just don't think about it" until we get details that spell out how this works.
Wasn't talking about you lol. Just the people who're hyper focused on this dream thing to drag Aerith in the mud. My answer to you was just for the "why do you say she knows she will die?" part.


Pro Adventurer
I don’t think in pt3 Aerith will interact with the party until second half of the game. Cloud thinks she is praying at FC and the others know she is dead and they are not delusional either. It will take some time before they can sense Aerith. She will be in flashback for sure.
I think she will be in interlude with Zack in the livestream for the first half, and probably have one fight between she and S in the second half.

And for some people cloud might be able to have spiritual hand holding sex with her under the highwind, maybe.


Pro Adventurer
lmfao adding scenes resolution scenes for characters sitting underneath the highwind would be the stupidest lmfao

I can see them adding in a new resolution scene somewhere in the game before it I guess

but really should be like the OG where once you get real Cloud back you stop being allowed to choose


Pro Adventurer
I think
Call me naive but I think they're cooking. 20 years in the kitchen. I can't wait.
I completely agree. I can't recall a videogame series that has generated this much discussion in recent memory. Maybe Mass Effect. I am locked in for the duration of this ride.

I just have one maybe selfish desire that they do right by Aerith and Zack by the end. I have a huge soft spot for these two because Crisis Core was my first FF game. Seeing Zack back at the end of Remake messed me up pretty good.

That sector 5 dream date was heavy going before I understood the full context because C/A just repels me on a fundamental level, lol.

I just want them to follow through and deliver on the Zerith setup they seem to be going for so hard in the next game. Even if they never interact with the main party, they can still tackle omni-Sephiroth together. I would love to see them in a party of two doing that and then going off together at the end.


Pro Adventurer
a resolution scene of Cloud Tifa Aerith all holding hands underneath the highwind sounds so fucking funny


Pro Adventurer
aint no way NPTK discourse got so much that Nojima had to put out a tweet about it lmfao
So sad he got so many harassments because what he said. I don’t know why people sometimes feel so entitled. They don’t own the character, they don’t own the story, and they probably not even bought the game, and yet they feel like it’s okay for them to mock and harass the author.


Pro Adventurer
@Yoru: I'm not blaming anyone, AltAerith, ReAerith, Aerith from the timeline where humanity is replaced by carnivorous wasp-folk :awesome: That whole thing is too vague for me to really engage with, so I'm still taking the Rick Sanchez approach of "just don't think about it" until we get details that spell out how this works.

But I will say, if as it seems we have two different Aeriths... Aerithi? If it's two different iterations of the individual with different memories, then DreamAerith's choices are largely irrelevant to whether or not the relationship of ReAerith and Tifa is meaningful or not :monster:

This is literally not what you said before. I'd like that addressed, please. You spoke so confidently at the time, I wasn't expecting you to just drop it.

At any rate, I would love to see more of Tifa and Aerith without Cloud. I think it's a slight exaggeration to say they only bond through Cloud, but I could do with more non-Cloud bonding than we got. But yes, everything revolves around Cloud, Cloud is almost always in the main party, Cloud is the focal character. The whole game revolves around Chocobutt and his issues. I agree that better writing choices would allow this to still be the case while more clearly demonstrating the AerTi friendship forming. I agree that a few women joining the writing team would likely help with that. I do not agree that the whole friendship has no legs to stand on, or that it's ever rendered meaningless as you earlier asserted.
Don't think more women in the writing team would help anything, people just assume things are the result of "men writing women" but you could say the same thing about Clouds entire life story revolving around Tifa, or him becoming existentially depressed just because a woman died. If you want to look at things reductively then you'll always be able to criticize. The reason everything revolves around Cloud is because he's the main character. I find it as annoying as the next person that every woman seems to fall in love with Cloud, and it's one of the many reasons I don't want Aeriths affections for him to be genuinely romantic. But that has everything to do with writers wanting everything to revolve around the main character, and very little with the genders of the writers. The big problem with the writing of this game isn't the female friendship, it's the convoluted up-its-own-ass multiple timeline aren't-we-clever writing.

Also, I don't see what the issue is with Aerith not...comforting(?), I guess, Tifa. Tifa can't sense her, there would be no point, and the scene gave me the idea that when Aerith touched Red XIII Aerith was looking towards, and mourning for the loss, of both. I think this is nitpicking. I have criticisms about Aeriths behavior but her not caring about Tifas loss isn't the hill I am willing to die on, or even fight for. Yes, a scene where Aerith gives Tifa some special attention would have been a plus, but I don't count the lack of it as a minus, and I don't think Aerith is to blame for it either way, the writers are.
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Pro Adventurer
I find it as annoying as the next person that every woman seems to fall in love with Cloud
I legit always thought it was because of his Jenova/Sephiroth cells. Like Hojo is saying on the beach, when he creates an Hero, he wants him to be handsome first and foremost (sick bastard)

So I always assumed the alien shapeshifting thing inside of him plays a role in this hyper hormonal seductive Cloud lmao


Pro Adventurer
No, it really is simple as Aerith saw Zack in him. Jessie is implied to just be playing around but she wouldn’t mind if it became real, and Tifa is seeking the boy she once knew that left Nibelheim long ago.

But yes, it is somewhat main character syndrome too. I don’t Jenova plays any part in any of this, aside from Cloud’s fake persona seeming more like Zack.


Pro Adventurer
No, it really is simple as Aerith saw Zack in him. Jessie is implied to just be playing around but she wouldn’t mind if it became real, and Tifa is seeking the boy she once knew that left Nibelheim long ago.

But yes, it is somewhat main character syndrome too. I don’t Jenova plays any part in any of this, aside from Cloud’s fake persona seeming more like Zack.
A lot of girl NPC find him attractive. So that's why.

But yeah, main character syndrome it is surely.

But let's be honest. He's handsome as fuck lmao.
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