Don't think more women in the writing team would help anything, people just assume things are the result of "men writing women" but you could say the same thing about Clouds entire life story revolving around Tifa, or him becoming existentially depressed just because a woman died. If you want to look at things reductively then you'll always be able to criticize.
Ok, I'm confused why I'm being singled out here. I agreed with someone that a female perspective on the writing team could possibly be to the betterment of the writing. I didn't get reductive on anything that I can see or insist things were bad, only agreed that in my view they could be better. I know you quoted me, but it kinda feels like you should be talking to Clds7, as that was the person declaring that without women writers they
can't write this right.
The reason everything revolves around Cloud is because he's the main character.
I literally made the same argument. It was wordier, but the same point was made. Again not sure why this is at me.
I find it as annoying as the next person that every woman seems to fall in love with Cloud, and it's one of the many reasons I don't want Aeriths affections for him to be genuinely romantic.
Fair enough reasons for that, sure.
But that has everything to do with writers wanting everything to revolve around the main character, and very little with the genders of the writers.
I never argued this. What little I've said about the genders of the writers did not claim said genders being responsible for Cloud being at the center of everything. I believe my claim was that different decisions by the writers could have allowed for Tifa and Aerith's friendship to be shown more
without taking Cloud out of the main character position.
The big problem with the writing of this game isn't the female friendship, it's the convoluted up-its-own-ass multiple timeline aren't-we-clever writing.
Still just not thinking about it. Timey-wimey ball can bounce in the corner for now, it'll either make sense later or it won't. And I agree the female friendship isn't a problem, I've called it one of my favorite parts of this game multiple times and lamented how LTD shut overshadows it fir some people. Again, are you sure you're talking to the right person?
Also, I don't see what the issue is with Aerith not...comforting(?), I guess, Tifa. Tifa can't sense her, there would be no point, and the scene gave me the idea that when Aerith touched Red XIII Aerith was looking towards, and mourning for the loss, of both.
It's not an issue, exactly. It's something I think would be better. Again, it's not so much for Tifa, who currently can't even feel it. It's a show don't tell for Aerith's feelings. A visible desire to reach out to her hurting friend. There's nothing really wrong with the scene as is, it's just something I would've liked better.
I think this is nitpicking.
A bit, yes.
I have criticisms about Aeriths behavior but her not caring about Tifas loss isn't the hill I am willing to die on, or even fight for.
I never said this, so if it were the hill to die on it'd either need a different opponent or be ruled suicide

Seriously though, did I give this impression somehow in earlier posts? I don't see it but this is coming from somewhere.
Yes, a scene where Aerith gives Tifa some special attention would have been a plus,
That is all I said. You're better at saying some of this succinctly than me, but we agree on this.
but I don't count the lack of it as a minus, and I don't think Aerith is to blame for it either way, the writers are.
When you see something you could have had, but didn't get in the end, it can certainly feel like a minus. Still, I agree. It's not. The scene works fine as is, and to some it's probably better this way than the other. And no, it's not Aerith's fault. If we're talking meta, nothing is anyone's fault
except the writers. Sephiroth isn't responsible for killing Aerith or burning Nibelheim either, the writers made him do it after all

But, even looking at things from a character perspective I don't blame Aerith for anything here. Unless later material actually gives me a reason to change my mind, it's clear she did nothing wrong in this scene, it just wasn't portrayed to my taste. And that's fine.