SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
Gotta say, reading some takes on both Aerith and Tifa is a really unpleasant reminder that being a fictional woman sounds almost as exhausting as being a real woman, lol. It irks me because yes, the game is written by (old) men primarily for men, that was always the case and it should be pointed out, but at the end of the day there are still three main characters to this story – you remove just one of them and the plot breaks. And while Cloud is the main POV character, he’s also the most passive actor of the three until very late game, and his entire character arc struggles to justify its existence even as a concept if you remove Tifa from the equation… Yet it’s Tifa and Aerith that have to jump through so many hoops just to be considered little more than love interests, each and every action they take is constantly scrutinized and distorted beyond recognition, and they get absolutely no passes for not being able to deal with every traumatizing or difficult situation they find themselves in like a walking psychology textbook – but when Cloud does it oh it’s so fascinating! I also understand that people are annoyed and frustrated with the LTD, especially now that they’re killing it with flamethrowers and somehow it still moves, but you can’t complain that the LTD makes everything worse and dumber, then proceed to reduce every layered interaction between Cloud/Tifa/Aerith to “just the romance” and a new bullet point for the LTD.

That said, I thought there were still some really interesting points being raised in this thread about Aerith — some of which made me think harder about what certain choices could imply. I don’t necessarily think that the devs earned the benefit of the doubt with this game and many things could have been handled better, but my impression is that some of the frustrations I've seen raised at her are due to the fact that she suffers from what I would call the "OG Tifa problem”: because she seems to be tied to the “new” mystery, some key moments that would help contextualize certain scenes and choices more clearly are purposefully missing or are presented in a misleading way, to be resolved (one would hope) in the final game. Ironically, Tifa really shone bright in this game at least partly, I feel, because there's less of a necessity to save her for the surprise factor, as the game is written on the assumption that at least part of the audience already knows about it. Of course, the original plot twist involving Tifa was written much more... elegantly and didn’t require you to wait a decade and more than a hundred hours of playtime to get to the damn point, but.

For example, the games are openly toying with the idea that Zack is “alive”, so you view scenes with certain assumptions – but if he actually just died like he always did, and CC is canon to this continuity, that means that Aerith knows it on some level and that, more than simply reliving her lost romance in a new way with Cloud, with all the complexities that entails, she finds herself grieving Zack through Cloud’s warped facsimile. And if at any point she tried to tell herself that he just ghosted her to go live a happy life and then suddenly died five years later… by talking with Tifa as the game progresses she can now correctly assume that something really bad happened to him in Nibelheim that prevented him from getting back to her. What’s more, the one person that might be able to give her answers and closure – someone she’s grown genuinely attached to and that helped change her life in ways she might have never thought possible – is in no state to do so. Like Tifa would say, “it’s a little more complicated” than who does Aerith like the most and to what degree. This is of course just a possible interpretation and may not turn out to be correct, but I think it goes to show how things may not be as clearcut as they seem and we’re not getting the full picture.

Regarding her “dream date” with Cloud, I personally found this specific scene intriguing and bittersweet, but it's fair that people question the fact that what is (maybe?) one of her last few impactful scenes seemingly revolves entirely around Cloud, or even Zack, or just romance in general. I feel like that's a valid concern, and so is the fear that tying her death to Cloud’s mental state might diminish it to nothing more than fridging (which I’d really, really hate). Unfortunately, I don’t think we can fully address these points without the bigger context of Part 3, though I will say that I doubt this was really the last that we'll see of Aerith (for better or worse).

For what it’s worth, not only there are actual plot reasons as to why Aerith needed to get Cloud there somehow (the whole white materia thing that I honestly don’t give two shits about), but I feel like this is another one of those instances where some context is probably missing, or is apparently altered or misplaced. If you cut down the trippy bullshit and the “dreams” that the game bombards us with, Aerith's last real life interactions with Cloud range between creepy and outright violent. In the OG, we know that he brutally attacks her at the Temple, then almost kills her at the altar, and then she dies right in front of him. In Rebirth, what actually happens after they both fall at the Temple seems weird and muddled, to the point where I'm not entirely sure what went on (what if he tried to attack her still, but we just haven’t seen it yet?)… but I think it's safe to say that he's still quite horrible to her. It’s not beyond the realm of possibilities that she would want to give herself (and hopefully him, in time) one last good memory in which he's not being a deranged madman at her, while trying to get some shred of closure for once in her miserable existence.

About her death and the role it may play in Cloud’s mental collapse and general arc, I… think that especially Rebirth shows that they want to debunk a lot of the bad readings and misconceptions on the source material that have piled on over the years. If you’ve been in this fandom for as long as I have, you should be very familiar with all the discourse surrounding Tifa and her silence regarding Cloud’s recollection of the Nibelheim incident, and Rebirth went out of its way to show why that was kind of missing the point of the situation. And it’s interesting that now this ending seems to build up another common misconception: this idea that it was Aerith’s death that caused Cloud’s mind to break. Now, it’s very possible that they’ll double down on it and make it aaall about him, I wouldn’t be shocked if they did, but… would you say it’s really needed? Cloud seems so far gone already, way more than in the OG, and Sephiroth didn’t need it the first time around anyway. I mean, if I were him and I knew shit that I shouldn’t, maybe I’d try to use her death to break… someone else… you know, the real threat to my plan that I’ve been targeting for an entire game.

I also think that part of the issue is that Aerith’s and (to a much lesser extent) Zack’s deaths have become bigger than the characters themselves. And because these are games that are quite aware of the fact that they’re interactive experiences, the interactive element – our input and reaction to it – is part of the story. Actually, this whole project feels more and more like a post-mortem analysis of both the original and people’s experience with it. With that in mind, Sephiroth murdering her is not just one of Cloud’s perceived personal failures, but something that belongs to our own collective memory: we are the ones who couldn’t save her, because she was never ours to be saved, and we’re the ones that are being called to come to terms with it once again 30 years after the fact, through Cloud. I will also add that her death being reduced to the failure to save her could be considered a bad reading of the material, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Remake and Rebirth talk about it so openly precisely to debunk this particular take in the last installment.

Hopefully, once Aerith’s role in that particular conversation is played, Aerith-the-character will be disentangled from Cloud and mourned in-game for who she was, for what she meant to each character either directly or indirectly, and her death will be unquestionably presented as a waste rather than a noble sacrifice for the greater good (another wildly common misconception, at least to me). As to why they immediately showed Aerith being “fine” and not really gone in the last scene – I definitely think the OG was much more poignant in its simplicity, and braver in the way it firmly denied any real closure with death, like… they’re not even in the same league, but… I think it’s possible that they’re trying to do it almost in reverse: you get the consolation first (see? She’s not fully gone, and she’s more or less at peace! But you knew that already because we’ve been here before), to only later realize that it doesn’t really change things in all the ways that matter. Actually, Aerith says it best right after the Trials: “knowing the people that we love aren’t really gone […] doesn’t make it any easier to let them go”. Will it even work, will they make it feel meaningful at all? I don’t know – personally, I felt nothing when I played this ending. I can only hope they stick the landing better than they did with these first two games, but I do think there is a point that they’re trying to make.

And speaking of reverse, this kinda brings me to my last point (we finally made it!). Another interesting question that was raised was… what is even Aerith’s arc in this entire trilogy? I’ve been wondering about that for a while, because Remake already changed things quite a bit and it’s not linear at all.

So her original arc went pretty much like this: just a girl, uncomfortable with her identity, throughout the game she grows to accept it and comes into her own, but the more she embraces her heritage, the more isolated she becomes – and that’s how she dies, fundamentally alone, knowing things she never gets to tell the party, engulfed in this unbearable loneliness that she can’t share with anyone and that she seems to have accepted as an inescapable part of her life. In Remake, she almost felt like was at the end of her original arc: someone who’s keenly aware of her identity and her role, knowing things she’s not telling, doing “Cetra things” that we don’t quite understand, and probably being the loneliest she’s ever been. In Rebirth, the original arc is mirrored a bit more, though I think now there was an attempt to stress that her Cetra heritage is something that she really doesn’t want, has absolutely no idea how to use, and doesn’t exactly embrace – more like “resigns” herself to, all to save the people she loves. If they really want to give people full closure this time, then maybe one way to end her arc, after everything is said and done, could be to transition from “super Cetra goddess” to someone who’s finally free to be just herself, finding her personal promised land – where she can meet everyone she’s ever loved again. I guess we’ll see.

wonderfully put. I think you're spot on with this point

" Ironically, Tifa really shone bright in this game at least partly, I feel, because there's less of a necessity to save her for the surprise factor, as the game is written on the assumption that at least part of the audience already knows about it. Of course, the original plot twist involving Tifa was written much more... elegantly and didn’t require you to wait a decade and more than a hundred hours of playtime to get to the damn point, but."

the game does not seem to shy away from players who know about the lifestream sequence or know about the TOTP or OTWTAS or Disk 2 Cloud and Tifa

its annoying that they purposely have to make the Aerith and Zack stuff so messy and 'meta' because the best part of the OG was how they were meant to be 'hero and heroine' foils

they have become too larger then life in the whole context of FF7

but im willing to see what direction they will go in and where we end up


Pro Adventurer
Gotta say, reading some takes on both Aerith and Tifa is a really unpleasant reminder that being a fictional woman sounds almost as exhausting as being a real woman, lol. It irks me because yes, the game is written by (old) men primarily for men, that was always the case and it should be pointed out,

- OMG thnk you for sayin this. I'm not delighted as well people things Aerti's friendship is shallow ~ I'm not exactly happy as well feeling that before ( dissapointed a little bit but as @Yoru said maybe I'm too harsh on Aerith ) can't exactly point my fingers on what's wrong but it sure seems shallow before NPTK release ( right now I"m fine with Aerith creating that song for everyone and happy enough that she did treasure her friendship with Tifa and the rest of the team.

. What’s more, the one person that might be able to give her answers and closure – someone she’s grown genuinely attached to and that helped change her life in ways she might have never thought possible – is in no state to do so. Like Tifa would say, “it’s a little more complicated”

I hate it when C/A uses this as evidence I mean why wont you ever listened to the words itself? When Tifa says its complicated because it literally is complicated wiith Aerith.

Cloud was able to face the truth and his insecurities whilst Sephiroth was not able to

Especially point where Tifa says "You weren't here, Cloud never came to Nilbelheim 5 years ago" - although this line is important but the more important part for Cloud is when she added " I know cuz I waited! But Cloud never came" - meaning Cloud understood that she is waiting for him she wanted to see him because back then of course he wanted to see Tifa properly too but just too ashamed to do so hence he hide on his helmet.


Pro Adventurer
Especially point where Tifa says "You weren't here, Cloud never came to Nilbelheim 5 years ago" - although this line is important but the more important part for Cloud is when she added " I know cuz I waited! But Cloud never came" - meaning Cloud understood that she is waiting for him she wanted to see him because back then of course he wanted to see Tifa properly too but just too ashamed to do so hence he hide on his helmet.
I never noticed this but the Nibelheim incident is really a shortened version of what FF7 means

Cloud hiding behind his helmet, not willing to face his insecurities, hiding himself from saying hello to Tifa.... losing his mother to Sephiroth... he goes to the Reactor.. he loses his helmet.. even though he doesnt realise it he keeps his promise to Tifa and protects her and his love for her and his mother and Zack enables him to striker down Sephiroth


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Thing is, when people dislike a character they'll pretend their raison d'etre is the MC, for example, tifa has had this accusation levied against her for as long as she exists.

(As did inoue and hinata)
In this case it's really ironic because Cloud's raison d'etre is now literally, textually, to become someone special to Tifa.

This is crazy to me because Aerith is such a compelling character without Cloud.

It’s probably different in OG FFVII, but at least in the ReTrilogy it seems like she’s aware that she’s destined to die. What I like about this is that, even knowing her fate, she’s so full of life. She still comes up with fun ideas for “dates”, she plays along with Yuffie doing signals for the plane, she has Tifa teach her how to hitchhike, etc. Aerith just wants to experience the little things that life has to offer. She doesn’t let the fact that she knows that she’s going to die spiral into doing nothing.
I believe in Remake she KNOWS her fate is to die, but might also know how things turn out. Confirmed in Rebirth she had most of that information taken from her, but it seems like awareness that she dies young was one of the things she kept.

The anime was subpar compared to the manga for most of it. And it did add IchiOri that didn't exist - IchiRuki got shafted tho, a lot of times too.
But you know it's bad when Ichigo and Ishida's VA mocked her.
That's horrible of them.

Yikes, I wasn't on Twitter for the fandom but this is such a yikes don't do that kids moment for me. I just was out the day the chapter was out lol.
There's a considerable amount of salt that's been recorded for posterity. Especially in the leadup to the epilogue chapter and right after.

Agreed he's too hard on himself and this what I hate about C/A saying Tifa lied she could have told him bout the truth from the start could have saved Aerith or Zack can just tell him the truth makes LS scene less poignant.

Its not about telling Cloud the truth ~
Its about Cloud getting over his insecurities and trauma
It's also about the fact that Tifa "knows" he wasn't there, but he was, and his recollection of events are so eerily accurate (Apart from casting himself in it) that Tifa's not sure what's even going on. And part of THAT problem ironically comes from her faith in Cloud, that he did make it into SOLDIER, so she never thinks the grunt who never spoke and kept his face covered but was there the entire time could have been Cloud.

You cannot forced it! Someone need to understand his pain, his heart and his inner desires. The one who shares the same pain even back on that bridge, the lost of their town and same kind trauma he have.

Do they think he will be able to get over his trauma if a 3rd party POV pointed it out to him " this is what trully happened.. or its not your fault you both fell on that bridge.
It needs to be Cloud who pieces himself back together, but it basically has to be Tifa to do that because literally no one else has the right mix of connection, history and importance to him. Cloud isn't totally unaware that there's something wrong with him. He himself doubts if he's even Cloud. But he does believe in himself- in multiple senses of the word- because Tifa does.

Tifa's story is inseparable from Cloud's, but not because she has no story outside of him, but because without her, there is no Cloud.

For example, the games are openly toying with the idea that Zack is “alive”, so you view scenes with certain assumptions – but if he actually just died like he always did, and CC is canon to this continuity, that means that Aerith knows it on some level and that, more than simply reliving her lost romance in a new way with Cloud, with all the complexities that entails, she finds herself grieving Zack through Cloud’s warped facsimile. And if at any point she tried to tell herself that he just ghosted her to go live a happy life and then suddenly died five years later… by talking with Tifa as the game progresses she can now correctly assume that something really bad happened to him in Nibelheim that prevented him from getting back to her. What’s more, the one person that might be able to give her answers and closure – someone she’s grown genuinely attached to and that helped change her life in ways she might have never thought possible – is in no state to do so. Like Tifa would say, “it’s a little more complicated” than who does Aerith like the most and to what degree. This is of course just a possible interpretation and may not turn out to be correct, but I think it goes to show how things may not be as clearcut as they seem and we’re not getting the full picture.
For a few narrative reasons, we have to treat Zack and everyone else in Terrier Timeline etc. as "Alive" but almost wholly divorced from the world of "the living" the thing is, like Aerith herself says in the TOTA, knowing that they're still alive (or that their spirit still exists) doesn't make the pain of their death and being torn from you mean any less.
I think Aerith must have felt Zack die, but then I think she also keeps feeling that he exists, both in part in Cloud and in the Terrier Timeline.
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Fire and Blood
@youffie great post, made me think a bit xD

Regarding her “dream date” with Cloud, I personally found this specific scene intriguing and bittersweet, but it's fair that people question the fact that what is (maybe?) one of her last few impactful scenes seemingly revolves entirely around Cloud, or even Zack, or just romance in general. I feel like that's a valid concern, and so is the fear that tying her death to Cloud’s mental state might diminish it to nothing more than fridging (which I’d really, really hate). Unfortunately, I don’t think we can fully address these points without the bigger context of Part 3, though I will say that I doubt this was really the last that we'll see of Aerith (for better or worse).
I think the dream date can be seen as serving 2 essential purposes, if we forget about Holy:
  • tell us exactly what Cloud's feelings are towards Aerith: it's not romantic, she herself understands that they are super great friends but it's not romantic on his side. That is extremely important because given what happens with Aerith's death is something that must not be romanticised, it's Cloud losing his mind and creating his own new world inside his head about how he didn't fail Aerith;
  • recontextualise romantic love for Aerith: she has spent the game grieving and trying to get over Zack only for the game to show us that in the end, Aerith never moved on from Zack. So to me this is preparing Aerith for her reunion with Zack in p3.

It’s not beyond the realm of possibilities that she would want to give herself (and hopefully him, in time) one last good memory in which he's not being a deranged madman at her, while trying to get some shred of closure for once in her miserable existence.
I still feel that in her dream date, this is not "our" Aerith, but an Aerith who is already dead (maybe CoLW Aerith), just like in her resolution it was an Aerith pulled from the Lifestream, aka already dead.

I mean, if I were him and I knew shit that I shouldn’t, maybe I’d try to use her death to break… someone else… you know, the real threat to my plan that I’ve been targeting for an entire game.
You know, that's something interesting because I never thought it that way. Also what's interesting to me is that at this moment in the OG Tifa doesn't really talk, if you try she will be "..." so I think they amped up that at least. Not sure though for Sephiroth trying to weaken her since he was so focused on Cloud though - and since she had already proven that she couldn't do anything in ToA against him.

what is even Aerith’s arc in this entire trilogy? I’ve been wondering about that for a while, because Remake already changed things quite a bit and it’s not linear at all.
I was thinking about that yesterday while playing; thinking about her theme song and how Nojima explained it, and thinking about what I saw as I replayed - it made me think. I think what the devs were trying was to give us bits of Aerith, her personality; in the Grasslands, you see her kindness, she even convinces Cloud to give the bandits money in the protorelic quest. She wants to visit Kalm, and like the rest of the group, really is worried about Tifa and gives him an earring (which leads to the hilarious "No Tifa I swear this was not a date, I didn't agree to that!" kind of face from Cloud to Tifa later on lol; however I feel this scene is important because Cloud also will make sure to somehowe keep her at arms length after this).

In Junon/Under Junon, you see that just like Cloud and Tifa, she can get scammed (through her kindness, for Cloud and Tifa it was more like ignorance). You also see her friendship with Tifa develop as they play grunts in the Shinra army - they have fun together!

In Costa del Sol, we continue with her friendship with Tifa, but also Red. We see her wanting to visit and have fun, we see her going on a "date" with Cloud and having fun at his expense etc. We see the development of her relationships (Barret is like "what are you doing girl, having fun instead of thinking about the Planet uh?" lol in a very strict way he's playing father). That's also where you begin to see a pattern with Aerith: she doesn't seem to care much about her Cetra heritage, and just looks like a 22 years old who wants to discover the world, have fun, go in an adventure with her friends.

In Gongaga you realise that the girls have been talking about Zack, her first love. You can see how she still search for him, no matter what, even being a bit rude with his parents (really Aerith, telling them he's a womaniser? That was not kind of you). You can learn that she still is in love with him and that for him, she just can't help it really.

In Cosmo Canyon you finally learn about her loneliness as a half Cetra, which still leads back to her song, and how she wishes to be free of this. You finally understand why Aerith acts the way she does until now: she does not want her Cetra duty, she rejects them even. However maybe this was also a needed first step about how to accept this duty.

In Nibelheim, we learn that she treasures so much Tifa that she wishes she'd be Tifa's childhood friend instead of Cloud. That's how much the relationship between the two have progressed.

In the Golden Saucer, she writes a song that encapsulate all those feelings and memories of her two mothers, the boy she loves, the one she used as a proxy until then, her friends. And in her date, she tries to explain to Cloud that she hasn't been fair to him until then but she'll try to find the real him - which she cannot do before her death.

After that, mainly we have her accepting her Cetra heritage and beginning her personal fight with Sephiroth right after her death. The Planet, in those key chapters, became her goal; as she got lonelier and lonelier, she understood that she had no other option and that only her could do it.

👀so I wonder if we’ll play through this whole scene in the lifestream in the next one
I've always wondered since Remake, because this memory has been alterated by Jenova. So it'll be interesting to see if there's any follow up or not.


Pro Adventurer
I've always wondered since Remake, because this memory has been alterated by Jenova. So it'll be interesting to see if there's any follow up or not.

From what I have speculated it seems like Jeonva has seemingly altered this scene from Tifa crying and then running there to Tifa laughing and running. Still unsure why 🤔

Unless it’s Cloud not willing to remember him failing Tifa and letting her fall in Nibelheim because she was upset over her mother and he blames himself🤔


Pro Adventurer
From what I have speculated it seems like Jeonva has seemingly altered this scene from Tifa crying and then running there to Tifa laughing and running. Still unsure why 🤔

Unless it’s Cloud not willing to remember him failing Tifa and letting her fall in Nibelheim because she was upset over her mother and he blames himself🤔
Rebirth made pretty clear that Tifa is the real ennemy from Sephi POV.

So if it's really Jenova altering his memories, I assume she wants to push the narrative "Tifa never cared about you, she's the reason you were left alone" into Cloud mind. Cloud must never regain his true self. So Jeno/Sephi is trying real hard to ruin Tifa x Cloud relation.

OMG Clertih = Jenova all along !



Pro Adventurer
Rebirth made pretty clear that Tifa is the real ennemy from Sephi POV.

So if it's really Jenova altering his memories, I assume she wants to push the narrative "Tifa never cared about you, she's the reason you were left alone" into Cloud mind. Cloud must never regain his true self. So Jeno/Sephi is trying real hard to ruin Tifa x Cloud relation.

OMG Clertih = Jenova all along !



Praying part 3 gives us a scene of Cloud in is his uniform with his helmet on and saying everything to Tifa and she takes it off and says he was always the perfect hero she wanted not an imitation


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
From what I have speculated it seems like Jeonva has seemingly altered this scene from Tifa crying and then running there to Tifa laughing and running. Still unsure why 🤔

Unless it’s Cloud not willing to remember him failing Tifa and letting her fall in Nibelheim because she was upset over her mother and he blames himself🤔
Well, there are three distinct - as far as I can tell - minds at work editing Cloud's memories and imposing things on him. One is current Sephiroth, who is primarily denoted by a green tint, and analog static. There's future sephiroth who is denoted by digital static in the form of test pattern-esque visual aberrations, and I think Cloud himself, as denoted by a gray haze over memories. Check the static.

Rebirth made pretty clear that Tifa is the real ennemy from Sephi POV.

So if it's really Jenova altering his memories, I assume she wants to push the narrative "Tifa never cared about you, she's the reason you were left alone" into Cloud mind. Cloud must never regain his true self. So Jeno/Sephi is trying real hard to ruin Tifa x Cloud relation.

OMG Clertih = Jenova all along !

Tifa is the true enemy to "Riftiroth" from the future with the digital nonsense, while current Roth is essentially proceeding along his OG plan WRT the Black Materia. It's actually fascinating that the two Sephiroths have different priorities.


Pro Adventurer
Tifa is the true enemy to "Riftiroth" from the future with the digital nonsense, while current Roth is essentially proceeding along his OG plan WRT the Black Materia. It's actually fascinating that the two Sephiroths have different priorities.

I wonder how the Riftroth plot line will end hmmm. But you're right that is very interesting to think about


Pro Adventurer
You know, some extreme CTs were way out of line during the release of the TGA trailer but I don’t like what I’m seeing on Twitter that almost generalizes all of them to be like this.

There are extreme people on both sides. And if CA fans did this, I’d be the first to say “well, that’s still a minority from that fandom and I doubt most of them are like that.”

Plus, CT fans showing appreciation for Nojima might not be the same ones that harassed him way back when either. It’s almost like it’s not that simple.

The cynical side of me almost thinks that this is something they’ve grasped on to so they can justify villainizing the opposite side. But I’m willing to concede I might be reaching here.


Pro Adventurer
off topic but discussion in the Cloti thread and talking about the corruption of Tifa & Clouds memories in the lifestream. I always wondered what corruption of them could actually mean but if it ends up destroying them....


Pro Adventurer
off topic but discussion in the Cloti thread and talking about the corruption of Tifa & Clouds memories in the lifestream. I always wondered what corruption of them could actually mean but if it ends up destroying them....
I expect it will probably come down giving more for Tifa to do during that sequence as far as helping Cloud piece himself back together.

That entire sequence will probably be one long chapter.


Pro Adventurer
You know, some extreme CTs were way out of line during the release of the TGA trailer but I don’t like what I’m seeing on Twitter that almost generalizes all of them to be like this.

There are extreme people on both sides. And if CA fans did this, I’d be the first to say “well, that’s still a minority from that fandom and I doubt most of them are like that.”

Plus, CT fans showing appreciation for Nojima might not be the same ones that harassed him way back when either. It’s almost like it’s not that simple.

The cynical side of me almost thinks that this is something they’ve grasped on to so they can justify villainizing the opposite side. But I’m willing to concede I might be reaching here.
Classic technique : The lost of your opponent's credibility

When you're not sure to win with arguments, make the opposite side inaudible

In the end, whatever the side, it's just a loud bubble which don't weight for shit.
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Pro Adventurer
I expect it will probably come down giving more for Tifa to do during that sequence as far as helping Cloud piece himself back together.

That entire sequence will probably be one long chapter.

Yeh I wonder if it ties into Sephiroth saying to Cloud "you will never know love" etc. If this is Future Sephs plan to stop it all. To destroy the memories that would make Cloud healed.

but even if the black whispers destroy the memories, Tifa's love for the original Cloud will mean he can never be forgotten? Makes sense that even future Seph would not see this angle because of how much he despises concepts like this


Pro Adventurer
Yeh I wonder if it ties into Sephiroth saying to Cloud "you will never know love" etc. If this is Future Sephs plan to stop it all. To destroy the memories that would make Cloud healed.

but even if the black whispers destroy the memories, Tifa's love for the original Cloud will mean he can never be forgotten? Makes sense that even future Seph would not see this angle because of how much he despises concepts like this
No matter how much he tries to destroy Cloud’s mind, he cannot alter Tifa’s memories so maybe they’ll play up that angle.

This is why he’s trying to get Cloud to turn against her. She’s a threat to his plans, and this is the only way to get her out of the way.
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Pro Adventurer
I expect it will probably come down giving more for Tifa to do during that sequence as far as helping Cloud piece himself back together.

That entire sequence will probably be one long chapter.
It probably will look like ch13 in rebirth, where you have to do a dungeon before watching the trials ( in this case the LS sequence where we follow Tifa to explore cloud’s mind)
Ch13 is a long long long long long chapter though, I got tired at the end. I didn’t find a good place to stop during that chapter…
I hope they can actually put the LS sequence at the beginning of a new chapter…at least I can take a break before i start it


Fire and Blood
You know, some extreme CTs were way out of line during the release of the TGA trailer but I don’t like what I’m seeing on Twitter that almost generalizes all of them to be like this.

There are extreme people on both sides. And if CA fans did this, I’d be the first to say “well, that’s still a minority from that fandom and I doubt most of them are like that.”

Plus, CT fans showing appreciation for Nojima might not be the same ones that harassed him way back when either. It’s almost like it’s not that simple.

The cynical side of me almost thinks that this is something they’ve grasped on to so they can justify villainizing the opposite side. But I’m willing to concede I might be reaching here.
I know for sure that errrm some alts from the other side sometimes parade as Tifa or CT fans and attack Nojima... which is stupid because CTs fans love Nojima. And after the past few days honestly, I never want to hear both sides again my god, is it a festival of unhinged over there. I've never seen CTs do that, I know that we always report the bad apples here (yes, the ones on our side when they're being idiots).

As for the Lifestream scene, let's keep it simple please :D It was why it worked in the OG... New things and twists will definitely be added though, I have thought for a long time that it would be one chapter, seeing its length in the OG.


Pro Adventurer
I know for sure that errrm some alts from the other side sometimes parade as Tifa or CT fans and attack Nojima... which is stupid because CTs fans love Nojima. And after the past few days honestly, I never want to hear both sides again my god, is it a festival of unhinged over there. I've never seen CTs do that, I know that we always report the bad apples here (yes, the ones on our side when they're being idiots).

As for the Lifestream scene, let's keep it simple please :D It was why it worked in the OG... New things and twists will definitely be added though, I have thought for a long time that it would be one chapter, seeing its length in the OG.
Yeah. There will definitely be an entire chapter devoted to it.

Although, I’m also excited to see the kaiju moment with Weapon right before it as well.


Fire and Blood
With those pink and blue scales, are those Weapons created by Aerith? The one in the Lifestream? Hopefully we'll have some answers in the incoming Ultimania! Looking forward that!


Pro Adventurer
With those pink and blue scales, are those Weapons created by Aerith? The one in the Lifestream? Hopefully we'll have some answers in the incoming Ultimania! Looking forward that.
Same. I think it’s out next week right?

As for Weapons, I get the feeling that original ones will be corrupted by Sephiroth to some extent.


Pro Adventurer
But to be honest, I don’t like the argument that weapons of the planet are helping/protecting Tifa…which makes it sound like she is the “chosen one”…
One thing I really like in Og is that Cloud and Tifa really just feel like nobodies…


Pro Adventurer
But to be honest, I don’t like the argument that weapons of the planet are helping/protecting Tifa…which makes it sound like she is the “chosen one”…
One thing I really like in Og is that Cloud and Tifa really just feel like nobodies…
I prefer that too.

But I don’t necessarily mind it this way either, considering I feel that CoLW Aerith and CoLB Sephiroth are involved so their presence may be causing this.
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