Get them all a Sappy meal while he's at it.
Sappy Meal, that's the parody of Happy Meal I was looking for.
You have to listen to all the wrong people (Rufus, Hojo) to get that idea without listening to what Aerith herself says.
Materia Jesus said something only for her worshippers to ignore it so as to say and do what they want? Wow she's just like regular Jesus.
I remember pointing out that the goddamn fucking married man of the group didn't reference his wife, so why would we expect any of the others to reference their loved one.
We pointed out a lot of things that they never listened to.
Yes, do enjoy your debate/ debunking.
If you're not having fun the quality of your arguments will suffer, after all.
Ah yes, the "Anyone but Cloud" strategy. Tifa is with Barret, Johnny, Rude, Reno, Rufus, anyone but the man she formed a family with.
Anyone but Cloud is dishonest top to bottom. "Everyone Except Cloud" is wrong on a whole new level.
Har har, but no, this gacha actually gave those two characters a happy ending and also has allowed a bunch of characters to reunite (Lots of dead and missing parents in Fire Emblem.)
That's nice.
You always wonder the thought process of the ones so forthright about it.
I assume there is very little thought involved.
That's what it's used for most of the time anyways.
More like trying to use a weapon I casually tossed away like it was my primary armament. Like a spent flashbang she thought was my Excalibur.
So long as they proceed to harm themselves repeatedly in the attempt, I'm down for that comparison.
Why is BB? Existentially, that is.
A question that we will never answer.
Koroks vs 40K would be delightful and horrifying at the same time.
Did I mix up K names while referencing the proto-forest race from Skyward Sword? Though I agree Koroks in 40k would be demented either way.
Ideally one does, yes. Sadly not always.
Ideally one at least tries. Sadly, not always
There was a lot of shaming men for having highly sexual thoughts about Tifa, while his AV was a big titty Aerith with a materia in her cleavage.
Oh ok, my memory of him is clearing up. More than a hint of creeper. And a bucket of hypocrisy. Yeah, no thanks guy.
You heard the man, become porn stars.
I guess Lust is the sin of the day
No, it's Attenbrough, yes. Wouldn't want to startle the animals, after all.
Vegeta would be a horrible wildlife documentary guy, it is known.
Nah, 90's isn't yet old timey. Once the 2030s come around, it might be. I think the line is somewhere in the 70s or early 80s right now.
Ok true, mid-90's grunge gets played at n classic rock stations. So we're getting there, but not yet.
Never throw away your primary weapon and never throw out a weapon you aren't fully prepared to see used against you if it comes down to it."
I see you prefer the condensed version

I'm more accustomed to "Never throw your weapon if you haven't got another" for rule one.
Do note that rule one in any form is apt to be ignored by skilled shuriken wielders like Yuffie and anyone with a weapon enchanted to return to hand.
Vendel not having an off switch or settings below 10, but go ahead and give us the weed joke.
Of course, Vendel. That was actually intended as a set-up question for the joke, of course, but i shouldn't be surprised by you seeking clarity and certainty anyway.
At any rate, I think my phrasing needs some workshopping but: "Dude, this shit right here? The Great Gospel? Tastes like refreshing pink lemonade, dude, and just one hit can convince you what you wanna see us the literal truth against any and all evidence. It's potent shit, dude."
Exactly. The forensics of a false belief are important to understanding how to nip it in the bud in the future. Like knowing how the fusion swords became mistakenly known as "the first tsurugi" for example.
Hence people attempting to obfuscate the source point. It does them no good to make refuting their garbage easier. I see what you mean.
Instead of knocking walls down, you have to knock them sideways. And be careful with your direction so you don't knock them up. That gets you more houses, not more house.
Sounds very profitable, but gestation time s are just too long for good business. Plus the original house is nearly unlivable for the second and third trimesters.
Said in a complete deadpan, yes? You're not smug, you don't regret it. You just.. are.
Because he's the sort to try- or claim to try- and show a movie to grade schoolers to win an online argument.
That is never going to not be a wildly bad take.
I might just be strange but I never found FF8 confusing. Poorly explained, but not confusing.
I've seen worse time tangles. FF8 isn't my jam, but it's timey wimey isn't that slippy slidey.
Plus he's not actually looking for Aerith at all, but Sephiroth.
If KH actually mattered, oh CAltists, it still wouldn't matter
to you.
You know she would be. So would Zack, probably.
Remember Aerith watching Cloud at the Honeybee Inn? Yeah that's Aerith upon this suggestion. And if Aerith is into it, Zack is down to at minimum try it out once.
Nevermind everyone in FF7 can wear "her" ribbon.
In my long past youth, upon first viewing of AC, I didn't even get the significance of the ribbons. I just thought everyone was immune to status conditions