SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
(Someone correct me if I'm wrong)
ZA was described as innocent/pure (platonniku) at first. However, they were described as having something deeper as time went on and became "irreplaceable existences to each other." I believe Nojima wanted to portray their relationship as something deeper however due to the limitations of the hardware he couldn't flesh them out and started with love at first sight. They are described as koibito (mutual lovers) as well as ren'nai (a deep romantic love).

Both ZA and CT share a strong bond, just in different ways.

In case it was not clear: The aishiteru can work for both given their bonds. I just thought Tifa's line: "words aren't the only way..." held more weight/significance in expressing romantic love rather than explicitly saying: "aishiteru" given the context.
Something about Tifa running around post-LS knowing Cloud loves her and waiting for him to pick a time to say it intrigues me.


I saw the update for Rebirth's performance/sales and it made me kind of pessimistic for part 3, I hope too many corners don't get cut, SE execs can be ruthless when they have to be. It's such a shame because Rebirth is such a fantastic game, a real labor of love. It feels like love letter of staff and fans to me, like I can feel what staff felt and put into each detail and their anticipation for fans.


Fire and Blood
Looking for sources for Tifaret because I like to hurt myself while searching on my phone, here is what I found (which are only theories tbh):
I found a reddit link too but that was too recent so I discarded it.
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Pro Adventurer
I saw the update for Rebirth's performance/sales and it made me kind of pessimistic for part 3, I hope too many corners don't get cut, SE execs can be ruthless when they have to be. It's such a shame because Rebirth is such a fantastic game, a real labor of love. It feels like love letter of staff and fans to me, like I can feel what staff felt and put into each detail and their anticipation for fans.

They can milk this trilogy for the next 20 years with remasters and console/PC ports. Don't be afraid. It won't change anything to their plan. We're in for a long run.


Pro Adventurer
I saw the update for Rebirth's performance/sales and it made me kind of pessimistic for part 3, I hope too many corners don't get cut, SE execs can be ruthless when they have to be. It's such a shame because Rebirth is such a fantastic game, a real labor of love. It feels like love letter of staff and fans to me, like I can feel what staff felt and put into each detail and their anticipation for fans.
The economic situation with gaming is overall really weird. If you step back, the market is clearly trying to correct itself after incorrect forecasts that the boom in gaming over a certain year would continue.

Remake released right in the midst of that so I wonder how much of the fall in sales can also be attributed to the same phenomenon.

I don’t think Part 3 is in as much danger as people fear. A lot of the leadership got promotions and they did point out that carrying over the same team as Remake into Rebirth into Part 3 is proving more efficient. Surely that means more cost effective?

I dunno. My brain isn’t big enough to make any predictions, but I do think SE may do some shifting around after Part 3 releases.


Pro Adventurer
I don't understand exactly what they're trying to argue on Twitter with that but basically I just wouldn't open that can of worms anyway because yeah Jenova can become those we love and fear that's obvious lore and I don't think it's necessary to prove CT anyway.
In regards to today's tweets I don't think they were arguing anything, just asking Nojima his thoughts on the use of the word "Ai". He gave his opinion on both "Ai" and "Koi" and his answer was pretty poetic, but so far no one's really been using it as proof of ship. CTs found what he said about it really romantic so it's inspiring them for fanfic and stuff but that's about all I've seen so far, anyway. I'm sure by Friday things will have exploded though lmao


Pro Adventurer
In regards to today's tweets I don't think they were arguing anything, just asking Nojima his thoughts on the use of the word "Ai". He gave his opinion on both "Ai" and "Koi" and his answer was pretty poetic, but so far no one's really been using it as proof of ship. CTs found what he said about it really romantic so it's inspiring them for fanfic and stuff but that's about all I've seen so far, anyway. I'm sure by Friday things will have exploded though lmao
Yeahh considering CAltists do argue about ai and ai suru with Aerith's Advent Children description and Terra's line in WOFF.

Yeahhhhhh. That's just why I personally wouldn't touch it. It just sounds like a debate that will not die once it starts. But it's good to get inspiration I guess.
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Pro Adventurer
I saw the update for Rebirth's performance/sales and it made me kind of pessimistic for part 3, I hope too many corners don't get cut, SE execs can be ruthless when they have to be. It's such a shame because Rebirth is such a fantastic game, a real labor of love. It feels like love letter of staff and fans to me, like I can feel what staff felt and put into each detail and their anticipation for fans.
Well if it makes you feel better they were already getting ready to start voice recording for part 3 before Rebirth even came out, so Rebirth sales probably don't impact the budget much.


Pro Adventurer
Looking for sources for Tifaret because I like to hurt myself while searching on my phone, here is what I found (which are only theories tbh):
I found a reddit link too but that was too recent so I discarded it.
What I saw was a picture of a page scan. A very very old one. I can see it in my minds eye. But I literally cannot remember WHERE. It might have been an archive or something maybe a Tumblr.

I wonder if I will ever come across it again.


Pro Adventurer
Are they going to continue adding on to the story after they finish the remake because after the 3rd game I'm probably going to bow out.

They'll never leave the FF7 brand alone.

But it's definitely the last FF7 project of the old guard (Kitase/Nomura/Toriyama) so... I think for a time we're only looking at re-release of the Re-trilogy. They'll make the full 3-game package, then we'll have remasters with the release of new hardware and so on.

They can allow some ressources to re-balance the 3 games and make a unique one. The full experience. Perfect for a future anniversary.


Pro Adventurer
They'll never leave the FF7 brand alone.

But it's definitely the last FF7 project of the old guard (Kitase/Nomura/Toriyama) so... I think for a time we're only looking at re-release of the Re-trilogy. They'll make the full 3-game package, then we'll have remasters with the release of new hardware and so on.

They can allow some ressources to re-balance the 3 games and make a unique one. The full experience. Perfect for a future anniversary.
“Relive the Remagic of this beloved Remake.”

“A Restory of Relove and Rebetrayal.”

“Of a Relove that can never Re-be.”

“The epic Release of the Reconclusion.”

Final Fantasy 7 ReTrilogy: Reconstructed Edition Over 365 Days the Remixening.

So yeah, never bet against SE marketing. They are shameless and they will find a way to milk that stone.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
What if the Aerith death reveal isn’t even a big moment? Would that be bad? Genuinely asking as I don’t have much attachment to Aerith’s death scene for a few reasons:

1. I’ve known of her death forever.
2. I didn’t play the OG so I don’t have the shock/nostalgia factor
3. Because I knew she died it stopped me from getting attached to her character

So what if it’s a similar moment to how Cloud halfway remembers Zack? Granted, Aerith’s death is more heavy since Cloud is right there and feels he should have been able to save her. Would that make you OG players/ Aerith fans upset?

It’s just that, as far as I know in OG, didn’t they kind of make them move right on along after the death?

I’m not very familiar with OG, but I think someone says they go back to the place she died? I think it’d be better to have a scene where Cloud remembers what happened, and then they can all grieve together finally.

I hope my question isn’t rude in any way, I genuinely wanted to know opinions.
I'm the same as you, I also don't have that much attachments to Aerith's death scene.

I knew she died because I AC/C first & was curious how she die which started my journey to og & when her death happen I was just like 'that's how she die, ok moving on, let's fight this boss battle'. Not that I hated her or anything but she just... meh in the og while I actually really like her in Ac/C & remake. Sorry for the Aerith’s fan here.

When I found out there was going to be a remake of 7 I had my hopes up of her death affecting me this time but still nothing after watching Max Dood's playthrough & then me playing for the first time


Pro Adventurer
“Relive the Remagic of this beloved Remake.”

“A Restory of Relove and Rebetrayal.”

“Of a Relove that can never Re-be.”

“The epic Release of the Reconclusion.”

Final Fantasy 7 ReTrilogy: Reconstructed Edition Over 365 Days the Remixening.

So yeah, never bet against SE marketing. They are shameless and they will find a way to milk that stone.
Final Fantasy VII ReTrilogy: Reunion Edition, includes Crisis Core.

You know what I want, I want a Shinra Middle Manager game. Corporate Ascension.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
There are also a ton of counterexamples. From marriages (Dragon Ball) to couples with children (Naruto), even "harems" like Bakemonogatari have an established couple.

If they want to be clear, they can. So I stand by what I say. If they really mean what they say about ending ambiguities, they should tell us word for word what Cloud and Tifa are in Advent Children. No innuendos or unspoken words. It's not the end of the world to just describe them as a young couple.

They haven't done it up to now, to preserve this kind of balance and not offend anyone. Remake is a "now or never" situation.
I mean, C/T has already made it further than several other blatantly obvious FF couples in that they've had a kiss on screen.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Looking for sources for Tifaret because I like to hurt myself while searching on my phone, here is what I found (which are only theories tbh):
I found a reddit link too but that was too recent so I discarded it.
For the record, that first link isn't me, but I was expressing similar ideas at the time. This was before we had laid eyes on the early dev relationship chart, but Tifa being derived from and representing Tifaret was common enough.

Actually man, looking at that FF Wiki page, we really need to start doing a sweep for "Aerith was one of the first designed characters" because it's just... so not correct. The character who would become Aerith was but she wasn't Aerith at the time.... It's a whole thing.
I already made note of it on the character pages for Tifa, Aerith, Sephiroth and Vincent but there's a lot more pages that need fixing.

Addendum: Found a very old LTD post from that same forum, and holy fucking hell, TOTP actually canonized a supposition I put forward in 2006.
Specifically that Tifa always liked Cloud but didn't realize she liked him liked him until the water tower. I was technically off by a couple hours, but still.
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Fire and Blood
For the record, that first link isn't me, but I was expressing similar ideas at the time. This was before we had laid eyes on the early dev relationship chart, but Tifa being derived from and representing Tifaret was common enough.

Actually man, looking at that FF Wiki page, we really need to start doing a sweep for "Aerith was one of the first designed characters" because it's just... so not correct. The character who would become Aerith was but she wasn't Aerith at the time.... It's a whole thing.
I already made note of it on the character pages for Tifa, Aerith, Sephiroth and Vincent but there's a lot more pages that need fixing.

Addendum: Found a very old LTD post from that same forum, and holy fucking hell, TOTP actually canonized a supposition I put forward in 2006.
Specifically that Tifa always liked Cloud but didn't realize she liked him liked him until the water tower. I was technically off by a couple hours, but still.
Oh man yes Squall was Tres my bad. And that old LTD thread was actually okayish, I mean lots of wrong CAs (an orphanage really?? With only 2 kids, one being Marlene lol), but at least the arguments weren’t that bad. I’ve seen a lot of bad faith in other LTDs.


Looking for sources for Tifaret because I like to hurt myself while searching on my phone, here is what I found (which are only theories tbh):
I found a reddit link too but that was too recent so I discarded it.
That's not Ryu, that's The Twilight Mexican (formerly TresDias, formerly Squall of SeeD): The Twilight Mexican

He was staff member/ admin here for a long time. He wrote a pretty balanced novel-length article on the front page regarding the LTD. It's an interesting read for those who want to give it a go: Only the Evil Return - The Lifestream

(Sidebar: we really need to signpost some of this stuff better on the front page)
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