The economic situation with gaming is overall really weird. If you step back, the market is clearly trying to correct itself after incorrect forecasts that the boom in gaming over a certain year would continue.I saw the update for Rebirth's performance/sales and it made me kind of pessimistic for part 3, I hope too many corners don't get cut, SE execs can be ruthless when they have to be. It's such a shame because Rebirth is such a fantastic game, a real labor of love. It feels like love letter of staff and fans to me, like I can feel what staff felt and put into each detail and their anticipation for fans.
Remake released right in the midst of that so I wonder how much of the fall in sales can also be attributed to the same phenomenon.
I don’t think Part 3 is in as much danger as people fear. A lot of the leadership got promotions and they did point out that carrying over the same team as Remake into Rebirth into Part 3 is proving more efficient. Surely that means more cost effective?
I dunno. My brain isn’t big enough to make any predictions, but I do think SE may do some shifting around after Part 3 releases.