I decided to go for understated yet still likely to anger people.
I'm a fan of the Classy Burn, so don't mistake my surprise for disapproval
Someone says Common Sense and BB just goes thousand yard stare.
Don't mind her, she's just back in the trenches.
I'll stick to being the Carlin of the community.
I mean, if you have the option of being the Carlin and you don't take it, you know you've fucked up.
True enough, especially insomniacs replying on very little sleep. I feel no shame for it
Conclusion first arguments, natch.
For the edification of all, let's just say this. If you assume a conclusion and seek evidence to prove it/ignore evidence that would disprove it, you are wrong. Even if your assumption is genuinely proven by the narrative, you are wrong. The end.
Well naturally. Robin Williams was Mork.
So... Brutally Cunning then?
I know you meant beams, but "beans that cause massive dust and smoke plumes" was too good to not pounce on.
That is good. I need to check the DMG now, are explosions a possible effect from the ol' Bag of Beans?
Most things are, when you get down to it.
Whatever works, right?
Sometimes the new garbage is the very old garbage reheated yet again,
Let's see, "garbage in garbage out" is well known and broadly accepted. Does it then follow that "same garbage in, even worse garbage out" holds true?
You and everyone else on the show.
After all these years I'm still mad at The Sci-fi Channel.
too much sense and they'd have lot the reason for the forum, though.
Pfft, you can always find new purpose, and should when your original purpose is wrong.
As expected.
It's been happening a lot, recently.
In the context of the LTD respectively, right? Cause in general this just always be happening.
When there's blood in the water...
Someone has to clean the pool.
Yeah, they'd definitely doing a spider-man thing.
That axe-kick she used would turn a trooper's head and torso to jelly, so yeah it's pretty Spiderish.