SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
I was not supposed to read as many leaks as i did for Rebirth, so i likely will fall for the temptation again. Especially if someone drops something as juicy as the kiss leak before Rebirth.
I'm a sucker for leaks/spoilers so I will be on the lookout when part three comes out even if I won't believe it until I see it with my own two eyes lol

Yeah that was what made me doubt it at first too till they actually released the official clip that showed the swimsuits off.
Gotta see it with our own two eyes for us to believe it 😆
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Fire and Blood
I don't mind spoilers but I think it does impact my enjoyment of a game. I managed to avoid most spoilers around Gongaga and the ToA+ending and I did enjoy some parts of ToA + Gongaga the best. That's why I'm going to try to avoid most spoilers next time.

But I must say the PR for Rebirth was what made me look out for spoilers: there was almost no Tifa until really late, so I was mad and wanted to know a bit more about them. The GC where I hang out had really a lot of spoilers really early though so yeah.
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🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
I was not supposed to read as many leaks as i did for Rebirth, so i likely will fall for the temptation again. Especially if someone drops something as juicy as the kiss leak before Rebirth.
I spoiled myself WHILE playing rebirth.

I didn’t really understand the affection system, so I didn’t know it was leading up to GS date. When I got Aerith the first one (not knowing there was a second) I looked up Tifa’s and saw the kiss.

I made sure I did every thing to get Tifa for my play through after that. 😭


Pro Adventurer
Can we please dispense with the fallacy that the LTD is some sort of huge cash cow for SE? If that was actually the case, then they've been leaving millions on the table for the past three decades by featuring 0 love triangles in subsequent mainline Final Fantasy games.

The reality is, FF7 features two of the most popular heroines in the entire series, and yes, they're going to market both next to the most popular protagonist of the series at times.

I don't know if they care that much about shippers, per se, but they certainly care about keeping both Tifa and Aerith fans happy (obviously there's a lot of overlap) so they keep buying their merch. Aerith's role is what it's always been - the Cetra who gives her life to save the planet. So in what universe is undermining and retconning Tifa's role in part 3 so that she actually does become nothing more than a fanservice character a financially responsible one?

I doubt SE's recent financial woes will have much of an impact on part 3's story at all, but if anything, it would incentivize them to be more conservative in their storytelling and hew closer to the OG. If Part 3 ends up feeling like a huge middle finger to fans of the OG, how many of them do you think are going to be lining up to buy the inevitable remakes of FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, etc.?

Bad quarters mean two things: 1) layoffs, 2) less risk, not more.


Pro Adventurer
Can we please dispense with the fallacy that the LTD is some sort of huge cash cow for SE? If that was actually the case, then they've been leaving millions on the table for the past three decades by featuring 0 love triangles in subsequent mainline Final Fantasy games.

The reality is, FF7 features two of the most popular heroines in the entire series, and yes, they're going to market both next to the most popular protagonist of the series at times.

I don't know if they care that much about shippers, per se, but they certainly care about keeping both Tifa and Aerith fans happy (obviously there's a lot of overlap) so they keep buying their merch. Aerith's role is what it's always been - the Cetra who gives her life to save the planet. So in what universe is undermining and retconning Tifa's role in part 3 so that she actually does become nothing more than a fanservice character a financially responsible one?

I doubt SE's recent financial woes will have much of an impact on part 3's story at all, but if anything, it would incentivize them to be more conservative in their storytelling and hew closer to the OG. If Part 3 ends up feeling like a huge middle finger to fans of the OG, how many of them do you think are going to be lining up to buy the inevitable remakes of FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, etc.?

Bad quarters mean two things: 1) layoffs, 2) less risk, not more.
It’s also a culmination of multiple underperforming titles, not just Rebirth ( and I’m not even sure Rebirth is that big of a “failure” ).

I definitely want all 3 titles on PC purely for the modding potential. FF7 has endured for so long imo because the modding community for it is legendary.


Pro Adventurer
I think Part 3 will be fine. It’s what comes after that I might worry about in terms of Square Enix cutting budgets, etc.

Mind you, I’m not knowledgeable about this sorta thing so I might be completely off the mark.


Yeah, if you told me part 3 would feature a fully playable Aerith somehow (Chadley built automaton, "does not affect story message pops up" I'd buy it in a heart beat LT be damned.


Pro Adventurer
I think Part 3 will be fine. It’s what comes after that I might worry about in terms of Square Enix cutting budgets, etc.

Mind you, I’m not knowledgeable about this sorta thing so I might be completely off the mark.

Just don't put too much focus on what you can hear or see on the internet.

All this new restructuring stuff is for the next 4 years. We won't see the results immediately.

Game is already in production. Never really stopped to be honest.

Imo it won't change their plans for it.


Pro Adventurer
They’re laying off people in the EU and the US I believe. Although I wouldn’t be surprised about Japan as well.

A lot of layoffs this year. Sad.


Pro Adventurer
They’re laying off people in the EU and the US I believe. Although I wouldn’t be surprised about Japan as well.

A lot of layoffs this year. Sad.

Layoffs in Japan are more complicated. So I don't think the teams on site will change that much.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I decided to go for understated yet still likely to anger people.

I'm a fan of the Classy Burn, so don't mistake my surprise for disapproval :awesomonster:

Someone says Common Sense and BB just goes thousand yard stare.

Don't mind her, she's just back in the trenches.

I'll stick to being the Carlin of the community.

I mean, if you have the option of being the Carlin and you don't take it, you know you've fucked up.

Happens to everybody.

True enough, especially insomniacs replying on very little sleep. I feel no shame for it :awesome:

Conclusion first arguments, natch.

For the edification of all, let's just say this. If you assume a conclusion and seek evidence to prove it/ignore evidence that would disprove it, you are wrong. Even if your assumption is genuinely proven by the narrative, you are wrong. The end.

Well naturally. Robin Williams was Mork.

So... Brutally Cunning then?

I know you meant beams, but "beans that cause massive dust and smoke plumes" was too good to not pounce on.

That is good. I need to check the DMG now, are explosions a possible effect from the ol' Bag of Beans?

Most things are, when you get down to it.

Whatever works, right?

Sometimes the new garbage is the very old garbage reheated yet again,

Let's see, "garbage in garbage out" is well known and broadly accepted. Does it then follow that "same garbage in, even worse garbage out" holds true?

You and everyone else on the show.

After all these years I'm still mad at The Sci-fi Channel.

too much sense and they'd have lot the reason for the forum, though.

Pfft, you can always find new purpose, and should when your original purpose is wrong.


As expected.

I think they are.


It's been happening a lot, recently.

In the context of the LTD respectively, right? Cause in general this just always be happening.

When there's blood in the water...

Someone has to clean the pool.

Yeah, they'd definitely doing a spider-man thing.

That axe-kick she used would turn a trooper's head and torso to jelly, so yeah it's pretty Spiderish.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah that was what made me doubt it at first too till they actually released the official clip that showed the swimsuits off.
I had a hard time believing it because I just didn’t think they’d go that far. But yeah, the swimsuits in later trailer footage confirmed it for me.


Pro Adventurer
I don't blame people who don't care about spoilers, but I'm always a little sad for the creators when something leaks before its time.

Personally I'm going to keep the same strategy for part 3. I'm going to eat everything I can during the development cycle and block everything out 2 months before release. And of course, I won't be watching Square Enix's final trailer of any game. Ever.

Speaking of blocking, I think that's what I'm going to do with FF7 fandom on twitter. People are able to jump down to each other's throats when they supposedly like the same characters, it's just crazy to me.


Pro Adventurer
Only spoilers I don’t care to eat up are Ever Crisis spoilers because I have 0 interest in playing it.

Only thing I’ll look at for part 3 is trailer #1 for the title reveal, trailer #2 for the tone setter, and maybe trailer #3 for the highlight reel of key events. Anything beyond that is getting ignored.


Pro Adventurer
I don't blame people who don't care about spoilers, but I'm always a little sad for the creators when something leaks before its time.

Personally I'm going to keep the same strategy for part 3. I'm going to eat everything I can during the development cycle and block everything out 2 months before release. And of course, I won't be watching Square Enix's final trailer of any game. Ever.

Speaking of blocking, I think that's what I'm going to do with FF7 fandom on twitter. People are able to jump down to each other's throats when they supposedly like the same characters, it's just crazy to me.
I’ve basically started muting any FF7-related content on Twitter to avoid getting stupid stuff in my “For You” tab.


Pro Adventurer
I’ve basically started muting any FF7-related content on Twitter to avoid getting stupid stuff in my “For You” tab.
Good call, I just opened twitter for a second and the stuff that I saw was so delusional I just....I can't.

This is unhinged, this is INSANE. How are they able to type this stuff and at no point go "wait, what the hell just happened, I thought that was reasonable there for a sec".


Pro Adventurer
Good call, I just opened twitter for a second and the stuff that I saw was so delusional I just....I can't.

View attachment 16774
This is unhinged, this is INSANE. How are they able to type this stuff and at no point go "wait, what the hell just happened, I thought that was reasonable there for a sec".
Ah, the things you can believe when you choose to ignore the context behind every single one of these scenes lol


Pro Adventurer
This is why I fully expect some serious meltdown with Part 3.
They’re already gearing up to say Cloud’s condition in Mideel is because Aerith is dead and they’ll splice in screenshots of the full death and water burial.

I don’t expect part 3 to put this whole thing to bed once and for all. There will always be holdouts. I just want it to be a satisfying ending to all they’re setting up. If I get personal satisfaction/closure out of it, then I don’t really care what crazy corner of twitter is doing a Cloud-level memory rewrite.


Pro Adventurer
They’re already gearing up to say Cloud’s condition in Mideel is because Aerith is dead and they’ll splice in screenshots of the full death and water burial.

I don’t expect part 3 to put this whole thing to bed once and for all. There will always be holdouts. I just want it to be a satisfying ending to all they’re setting up. If I get personal satisfaction/closure out of it, then I don’t really care what crazy corner of twitter is doing a Cloud-level memory rewrite.
Yeah, they’ll inevitability come up with some headcanon or another to twist events regardless.

Perhaps this is a good sign that that Square Enix may not be afraid to to piss them off as they know they will sustain themselves with a headcanon.
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