SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
The thing with FFXIII was
Noel got his Yeul and Caius got his Yeul and the Yeuls that wanted to stay with Caius did, and everybody got some sort of ending
This is exactly what worries me w/ FF7re having multiple versions of Aerith and Sephiroth. I reaaaally am not interested in exploring multiple endings for Aerith and Sephiroth.


Pro Adventurer
This is exactly what worries me w/ FF7re having multiple versions of Aerith and Sephiroth. I reaaaally am not interested in exploring multiple endings for Aerith and Sephiroth.
Yeah, hopefully they don’t tangle themselves up when it comes time to wrap up the story. Part of me just wants clarification at key points early on before we go wacky.

There’s more character moments I’d much rather be separate from all the more meta stuff going on.


Pro Adventurer
In a similar note, it's a bit implied that Rei of BOF3 might have a bit of dragon blood in him, given he is the only Worent we know of with a secondary form.
Oh, I didn't even think of that, lol. But I can see it since Teepo had dragon blood too. So it kind of makes sense if the third party of their short-lived makeshift family had a bit of that too.

BOF2 is full to the brim with pun names. Aspara Gus, natch. Nimufu Mani.
Do you happen to know if Babaderu is a pun? I know that the Japanese love their puns but I'm not knowledgeable in Japanese enough to tell.

Out of curiosity, where do you fall on the BOF IV as alternate world verse BOF IV earliest in the timeline divide?
Oh dear, that's a difficult question, lol.

Okay, I'll preface first and say it's been two years since I last played the games so I might not remember all the details (as evidenced). Personally, I think Nina and Ryu are an easy way to keep track of timelines or worlds in BOF. So I guess I could see BOF4 as the earliest timeline if Nina is an indication that the Wyndians were in the process of evolving their wings. But I don't know, I never took it that way. I always saw them as devolving into humans instead of the other way around. So I guess I saw BOF4 as a timeline divergence from BOF1 where other Ninas didn't marry other Ryus or Ryus' dragon blood didn't dominate the Wyndian clan to the point they lost their wings. Or BOF4 could happen somewhere between BOF2-BOF3. On the other hand, the summoning ritual also makes me think it's an alternate world. So I guess I'd land somewhere between alternate world/timeline divergence from BOF1. But not the earliest timeline. If any of that made sense, lmao.

Do you mind if I ask what about you, lol?


Lv. 25 Adventurer
This is exactly what worries me w/ FF7re having multiple versions of Aerith and Sephiroth. I reaaaally am not interested in exploring multiple endings for Aerith and Sephiroth.
Sorry, are there multiple Aeriths? Or am I misunderstanding?


Pro Adventurer
Sorry, are there multiple Aeriths? Or am I misunderstanding?
Yes, but ultimately no, but sorta yes while also no lol

Right now I think we’re down to 2 Aeriths ( if I’m understanding things correctly ) while we’re also dealing with 2.5 Sephiroths ( maybe? )

Aerith we play as for most of the game and an Aerith that knows things ( aka “OmniAerith” or the Aerith who is in the Lifestream after death )

Sephiroth from the OG game that’s gaslighting Cloud, Sephiroth that knows things ( one wing version ), and Sephiroth who’s busy stargazing at the Edge of Creation ( the actual scary one imo ).

But again, I may be misunderstanding which is which and that’s part of my issue.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, but ultimately no, but sorta yes while also no lol

Right now I think we’re down to 2 Aeriths ( if I’m understanding things correctly ) while we’re also dealing with 2.5 Sephiroths ( maybe? )

Aerith we play as for most of the game and an Aerith that knows things ( aka “OmniAerith” or the Aerith who is in the Lifestream after death )

Sephiroth from the OG game that’s gaslighting Cloud, Sephiroth that knows things ( one wing version ), and Sephiroth who’s busy stargazing at the Edge of Creation ( the actual scary one imo ).

But again, I may be misunderstanding which is which and that’s part of my issue.
You are correct!

Although part of me is scared that there's actually 3 Aeriths but we have no direct proof of that yet, so I'm not letting myself believe it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Oh, I didn't even think of that, lol. But I can see it since Teepo had dragon blood too. So it kind of makes sense if the third party of their short-lived makeshift family had a bit of that too.
Yeah, we don't know for sure, but it just fits right.

Do you happen to know if Babaderu is a pun? I know that the Japanese love their puns but I'm not knowledgeable in Japanese enough to tell.
Not as far as I know, but it could be a loanword pun.

Oh dear, that's a difficult question, lol.

Okay, I'll preface first and say it's been two years since I last played the games so I might not remember all the details (as evidenced). Personally, I think Nina and Ryu are an easy way to keep track of timelines or worlds in BOF. So I guess I could see BOF4 as the earliest timeline if Nina is an indication that the Wyndians were in the process of evolving their wings. But I don't know, I never took it that way. I always saw them as devolving into humans instead of the other way around. So I guess I saw BOF4 as a timeline divergence from BOF1 where other Ninas didn't marry other Ryus or Ryus' dragon blood didn't dominate the Wyndian clan to the point they lost their wings. Or BOF4 could happen somewhere between BOF2-BOF3. On the other hand, the summoning ritual also makes me think it's an alternate world. So I guess I'd land somewhere between alternate world/timeline divergence from BOF1. But not the earliest timeline. If any of that made sense, lmao.

Do you mind if I ask what about you, lol?
I think it's the earliest in the timeline, as there's no indication of the bird form and the general geography of the world strikes me as similar to that of BOF 1 but different enough, plus the lack of any dragon clan as we know it and Deis being summoned into the world incomplete. I suspect Myria might be called into existence with a mix of the dragon summoning and what was done to Nina's elder sister.

I can see why it could be an alternate timeline, though I don't think it can come as an offshoot of 1 because Deis was already in the world with a body in 1 and well established, but she isn't in 4.

Sorry, are there multiple Aeriths? Or am I misunderstanding?

We have two confirmed Aerith's, "our" Aerith and the Aerith of the dream date confirmed to be a different one, and a possible third Aerith in a splinter timeline where Cloud saves her at the crucial moment.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Oh... I've been thinking they were the same Aerith this whole time, just at different points of the LS. That's fun :)


Lv. 25 Adventurer
This is exactly what worries me w/ FF7re having multiple versions of Aerith and Sephiroth. I reaaaally am not interested in exploring multiple endings for Aerith and Sephiroth.
Yeah by far my least favorite part of Remake has been the multiverse/alt timelines/whisper stuff. Rare is the storytelling work that pulls those kinds of mechanics off without leaving more questions than answers.


Pro Adventurer
I suspect Myria might be called into existence with a mix of the dragon summoning and what was done to Nina's elder sister.
What happened to Nina's sister was one of the most horrible parts of BOF4. If that happened, it would certainly explain Myria's... Myrianess, lol.

I can see why it could be an alternate timeline, though I don't think it can come as an offshoot of 1 because Deis was already in the world with a body in 1 and well established, but she isn't in 4.
Oh, right. I didn't remember/think of that. She wasn't in 5 either, sadly enough.


Pro Adventurer
Oh... I've been thinking they were the same Aerith this whole time, just at different points of the LS. That's fun :)
Functionally, I think this is also true because of how the LS seems to sit outside of time?

Like I said, p3 has some cleanup to do but I hope it can do that with as little distraction to the more character-focused plot we have to get to before leading up to the final dungeon

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
People tend to forget that he attacks Sephiroth from behind.

I have never forgotten this. Trying for a backstab on a distracted opponent is entirely sane and justified when the opponent is Sephiroth after all. Props to Cloud for being pragmatic in his rage.

And I think that's a pretty strong message.

And I don't. From how casually Sephiroth pulls ye olde impale and lift maneuver, he's clearly not weakened enough for just anyone to take on here. Could Zack take him in this state? Probably, if he wasn't already holding his own detached ass. But just some guy? Nah.

Yes, he underestimated Cloud. Precisely because in his new God status, which he seems to have attained, he's come to look down on everyone. To him, they're insects. He doesn't even calculate Cloud. He worships his mommy and doesn't even bother to accept the presence of the little blond boy in the room.

I somewhat agree, even if Cloud was legit a First Class Sephiroth still would've looked down on him. Maybe respected him a teensy bit as a potential threat and finished him faster, but not by much. Thing is, if Cloud were legit just some common shlub, he'd have been right.

Big mistake.

Agreed wholeheartedly.

And it's this message that's lost with this idea of a Cloud with unlimited but hidden potential.

I do not see how. Sephiroth is above everyone. Canonically the strongest one there is, the guy we've never seen go all out ever. And I've never said Cloud has unlimited potential. Unlimited is a no. Just quite high, enough to do things he shouldn't be able to do without Tifa-like training or Hojo enhancements.

It's enough to survive long enough to ruin Sephiroth's shit (with surprise on his side twice), and then (if not for Hojo) bleed out and die. No more, but also no less.

I prefer the story of the achilles heel.

And I think Achilles was a moron for not protecting his one weak point better.

Sephiroth thought he was immortal. He wasn't.

I mean, in the sense that dying repeatedly won't stop him from plotting and acting he kinda is.

He was defeated by a simple human.

I agree, it's just power scaling shut shows that everyone is a "simple human" in Sephiroth's view. Hell Angeal and Genesis together couldn't make him put real effort in. Cloud doesn't need to be some powerless chump for that to be true, for me it'd do nothing but bring Sephiroth down.

And by the time Cloud has the resources to lift him and send him in direction of Mako Express to the North Crater, he's already diminished. You can see he's having trouble walking.

Not enough diminishing for me to buy it. Yeah, he should be cut mostly in half by that stab. His organs should be in tatters. His spine should be gone. Instead he ... has a limp. Cloud was still fucked in a real fight, and would be just fucked without his reserves of extra potent spirit energy to break limits with.

At least that's always been my interpretation.

And that's fair. I'm not really trying to change your mind, exactly, just enjoying a respectful disagreement. If nothing else, I'm benefitting from having my view if Cloud pre- reunion project grounded. It's so easy to build people up too much with hindsight. And sure, I fully intend to build him up more than you want to, but too much is too much.

TL;DR: Thanks for the conversation friend.

Maybe I'll be wrong in the end.

Well, put aside the fall and the Sephiroth killing feat. Now tell me how Cloud handled those Ravens as a totally normal guy :awesome:

Tifa has no knowledge of Zack's death or survival outside of Cloud. The last she ever saw him, he was alive, and the next thing she reliably knew was waking up in an entirely different geographic region after life saving surgery.

I wanted to say this, but words were failing me. Luckily we can count in Ryu.

I'm Jackass and this is Jackass.

Seems fitting for a lot of that game.

I mean, if I could actually jump back in time 15 years I might do it. Not to stay, just to make a few timely investments.

Yo, if you get hold of consequence free time travel, would you take a list of names back with you for... let's say cautionary removal?

I've got a few Hells waiting I would love to backdate 15 years.

Much like the extremist shipper's knowledge of anything, when you get right down to it.

If only there was any down to get to. But, y'know, no depth.

People are what make fairness in life.

I like my phrasing better, since people CAN be fair, they frequently MAY not :monster: Yours is more poetic though.

Actually on second thought, what you said is more "what fairness exists in the world is made by people" so yours may just be better.

A hat to keep the fire warm and cozy!

I want an ironic firefighter's helmet for my fire.

All programmed to hunt him down and try and kill him, of course. It's considered a line item expense under the logistics and operations budget.

Sounds like good training. Geets is in.

If someone makes your job easier, let them.

And if they make your job harder, switch from Sloth to Wrath :muhaha:

Oh it absolutely does.

Insults just aren't as much fun if they're unearned.

A good way to put it.

I was trying to say "striving" rather than "arriving" but danke.

Here I thought Pete's flaw was editorial, with the responsibility coming in a very distant second.

Editorial is definitely his true nemesis. Sorry Norman, it's true and you know it.

We can call it his purple suit arc, then.

Ahhh good old Son Gohan!Cloud.

I was referring to their early depictions of blatantly obvious pining that everyone could see but them, but yes, the nonsense SJ have gone through because of the need to have the next big twist is insane.

Yup. Everyone can see it. They both very much have the more wholesome sibling of "would you two just fuck and get it over with?" written all over them. Which makes UTH even funnier.

She was enjoyably evil and really tied her season together, neither of which can be said of the trio (or 6's actual final antagonist) or of Season 7 as a whole.

The First Evil tied things together ok, it was just... kinda boring. Caleb dying really hurt that whole thing.

This is chekov's artillery line at this point.

Chekov's Orbital Bombardment. It's the only way to be sure.


Pro Adventurer
What happened to Nina's sister was one of the most horrible parts of BOF4. If that happened, it would certainly explain Myria's... Myrianess, lol.
That reveal was the stuff of nightmares. Like, it was very, very obvious something was wrong and the game still got me with just how wrong it was.

I swore to wring Yuna's neck for that, but, yeah...

Edit to add: I played BoF3, 4, and Dragon Quarter


Pro Adventurer
Functionally, I think this is also true because of how the LS seems to sit outside of time?

Like I said, p3 has some cleanup to do but I hope it can do that with as little distraction to the more character-focused plot we have to get to before leading up to the final dungeon
Some cleanup might be an understatement xD
That said, as long as P3 stays on track, we'll hopefully get a good enough explanation and a wrap-up for all this. Fingers crossed.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, put aside the fall and the Sephiroth killing feat. Now tell me how Cloud handled those Ravens as a totally normal guy :awesome:
He found a sword, got busy. Also worth noting, should he be downed in battle there, his KO quote references Tifa and the promise.

I wanted to say this, but words were failing me. Luckily we can count in Ryu.

Seems fitting for a lot of that game.
Fitting for a lot of Yoko Taro's games.

Yo, if you get hold of consequence free time travel, would you take a list of names back with you for... let's say cautionary removal?

I've got a few Hells waiting I would love to backdate 15 years.
For the sake of plausible deniability, of course I wouldn't. Wink.

If only there was any down to get to. But, y'know, no depth.
I never said there was much down to get to.

I like my phrasing better, since people CAN be fair, they frequently MAY not :monster: Yours is more poetic though.

Actually on second thought, what you said is more "what fairness exists in the world is made by people" so yours may just be better.
Yeah, that was the idea. People make fairness happen. Doesn't mean all of them.

I want an ironic firefighter's helmet for my fire.
Also a great idea.

And if they make your job harder, switch from Sloth to Wrath :muhaha:
Always good to have a backup plan, even if that plan is "SMASH"

Insults just aren't as much fun if they're unearned.
It's the catharsis aspect.

I was trying to say "striving" rather than "arriving" but danke.

Editorial is definitely his true nemesis. Sorry Norman, it's true and you know it.
Norman can ruin his day. Editorial can ruin his whole character development.

Ahhh good old Son Gohan!Cloud.
That's his secret, he was born Super Saiyin!

Yup. Everyone can see it. They both very much have the more wholesome sibling of "would you two just fuck and get it over with?" written all over them. Which makes UTH even funnier.
They both have sex on top of rocks before a pivotal moment.

The First Evil tied things together ok, it was just... kinda boring. Caleb dying really hurt that whole thing.
Hence the "enjoyably evil" qualifier. First Evil was a cohesive villain, just not, you know, that watchable.

Chekov's Orbital Bombardment. It's the only way to be sure.
I mean, if we're being thorough.

That reveal was the stuff of nightmares. Like, it was very, very obvious something was wrong and the game still got me with just how wrong it was.

I swore to wring Yuna's neck for that, but, yeah...

Edit to add: I played BoF3, 4, and Dragon Quarter
My sympathies, re: Dragon's Quarter.
I kid, but more seriously, 1 and 2 are also worth playing, though definitely pick up the GBA ports if you don't grab a retranslation mod. The OG translations are serviceable but they cut out a lot of detail for space. Also maybe rebalance patch for 2. Ryu's dragon forms are broken in the not actually usable way in 2.

In another installment of the "Have we fallen back in time" series, saw on the Clerith subreddit people talking about the Credits for Advent Children and the Cleriths there were talking about Cloud searching for Aerith. You know, forget the running a delivery service and him actually going around to visit friends to pick up a "closed" sign so he goes and takes a day off with his family. Shipping goggles, man.


Pro Adventurer
My sympathies, re: Dragon's Quarter.
I liked Dragon's Quarter, lol.

But I agree with Ryushikaze. BOF1 and 2 are also good games. :)

Shipping goggles, man.
You know, I don't think shipping goggles is strong enough of a word for this phenomenon, lol. Maybe something like shipping blinkers, like those horse blinkers that prevent horses from seeing the rear and sides.


Pro Adventurer
Viola A. Fox
You know, I don't think shipping goggles is strong enough of a word for this phenomenon, lol. Maybe something like shipping blinkers, like those horse blinkers that prevent horses from seeing the rear and sides.

I'd rather call it an obsession.

But yeah, I think I saw that Reddit post. Which reminds me, Advent Children was my actually my first encounter with FFVII. At the time, a friend told me that Clerith was VII's ship and that AC was about Cloud looking for Aerith etc. And while watching the movie I was so confused because it made no sense at all...


Pro Adventurer
I think the funniest "argument" I've seen recently was the extreme CAs and "both girls" thinking Cody was talking to CTs with his "not every relationship has to be sexualised", lol. I get that people have their preferences, interpretations and headcanons but at some point, I just have to wonder if they even like the thing they think they like.


Pro Adventurer
Viola A. Fox
I think the funniest "argument" I've seen recently was the extreme CAs and "both girls" thinking Cody was talking to CTs with his "not every relationship has to be sexualised", lol. I get that people have their preferences, interpretations and headcanons but at some point, I just have to wonder if they even like the thing they think they like.

I'm already very curious to see how the Highwind scene (if it's in there) will be excused by them. After the whole "the kiss was coping" etc.


Pro Adventurer
I think the funniest "argument" I've seen recently was the extreme CAs and "both girls" thinking Cody was talking to CTs with his "not every relationship has to be sexualised", lol. I get that people have their preferences, interpretations and headcanons but at some point, I just have to wonder if they even like the thing they think they like.

But I thought Tifa was a useless character, only sexualized for Western morons ? One day they should have a little reunion and tune their arguments to a common guideline.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, what Cody said really annoyed me actually, because you can have romantic without sexualised. In my books he could keep his opinions to himself, celeb or not.

And I think he's right. He's the voice of the main character. He follows the devs' guidelines for voice acting. If he thinks people are ruining it, he should be allowed to say so.

He just had fun with a Tifa meme after a trailer came out, and started getting attacked for nothing. Literally what he later denounced.


Pro Adventurer
I'm already very curious to see how the Highwind scene (if it's in there) will be excused by them. After the whole "the kiss was coping" etc.
Well, it depends a bit on how much they expand it and how explicit it will be. But I imagine the excuses will be the same as before: optional, mutual feelings of friendship, he was thinking Aerith the entire time, etc.

Yeah, what Cody said really annoyed me actually, because you can have romantic without sexualised.
To be fair, I think he did mean both. :) They are sort of linked even if they don't always go hand-in-hand. For an extreme example (and this is not a dig at shippers because people can ship whatever tickles their fancy), Sephiroth/Cloud is one of those relationships that doesn't need to be romanticised/sexualised. Of course, people can do that but it's a bit different to force canon to conform to that. If I made any sense, lol?

Also, this has nothing to do with FF7 but I've seen plenty of American tv shows where the storylines and characters have been ruined by forcing romance/sex into bonds that didn't need them. So I can definitely understand the sentiment, lol.
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