SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
Viola A. Fox
This is why I don’t buy the whole « she’s alive somewhere, he created a new reality »

No. She’s dead. And Tifa’s POV is just to show us that the team is seeing all the blood while Cloud can’t. Because he doesn’t want to.

What he did was creating a world in his head. At best.

Yes, but that raises the question for many whether it's a remake or a sequel. Even if Rebirth in particular makes the R trilogy look like an extended remake. For many, that's somehow not enough.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, but that raises the question for many whether it's a remake or a sequel. Even if Rebirth in particular makes the R trilogy look like an extended remake. For many, that's somehow not enough.

The developers always said that the story wouldn't deviate too much. A dead character suddenly being alive is the pinnacle of story modification. I think it's just that simple.

That's why Zack is still dead wherever he is. And that's why Aerith will be too.


Pro Adventurer
Viola A. Fox
The developers always said that the story wouldn't deviate too much. A dead character suddenly being alive is the pinnacle of story modification. I think it's just that simple.

That's why Zack is still dead wherever he is. And that's why Aerith will be too.
Despite all the interviews, parts of the community still think the devs are lying. It's a huge joke. Of course things are kept vague, but on the whole, facts were spoken in the interviews. It is also important to note that the remake trilogy is also aimed at a new generation of gamers who have not played OG and therefore the story is new to them.

What I'm trying to say is that from a marketing point of view it wouldn't be very smart to really take everything up front and lose the new community.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I've wondered why people think she's alive when they literally go to the body of water (or is it a lake? Pool?) they lay her to rest in, meaning her body is now underwater. She hasn't got a body to return to.

If her spirit, in another reality, were to exist and somehow try to come back, I hope she took some swimming lessons and someone warned her to hold her breath.

I'm not sure if anyone answered this and sorry if it's a silly question, but did anyone have a clue as to how Nanaki felt Aerith in that end scene? I simply thought like how Aerith felt Zack, Nanaki felt Aerith in the LS, but I realised Zack was touching the unconscious Aerith in the LS so now I'm not completely sure.


Pro Adventurer
I'm not sure if anyone answered this and sorry if it's a silly question, but did anyone have a clue as to how Nanaki felt Aerith in that end scene? I simply thought like how Aerith felt Zack, Nanaki felt Aerith in the LS, but I realised Zack was touching the unconscious Aerith in the LS so now I'm not completely sure.

He's a different species from humans. A species very close to the planet and the Cetras way. We see his father speaking "telepathically".

I think it's pretty clear that they have different sensibilities and so it's not abnormal that he can feel Aerith's presence from the Lifestream.

Just a reminder that Aerith could listen to dead poeple when she was a child. Proof that people close to the planet can have this sort of interaction.


Fire and Blood
Like dude was brought back just to learn about Aerith loving Cloud now and presumably to play some kind of role in the LS sequence
The fact that some people absolutely don't understand that there's more to Zack learning about Aerith falling for Cloud is fascinating to me. Also what role in the LS lol.
Cloud then supposedly rescues Aerith, she puts his mind back together
Second fascinating thought is how CAs absolutely want Aerith to be the witness of how much Cloud yearns for Tifa. Absolutely hilarious. "I knew he liked her, but there's like and like damn".
And I won't even attempt to make sense of what hardcore CAs desire for Tifa - I've heard Emilio and Johnny mentioned
And she talks about how the first one married and keeps rejecting the second one in game. Do people even play.
I need Part 3 and i need people to see how Cloud is actually like and not this brooding Heartless person they think he is.
Though Rebirth showed a lot of moments in this game so how they have come to this conclusion is Wild, though i bet if
i mention a certain character i can figure it out.
this is the video the comment is on really good video actually.
I agree with most of the video, and what's interesting to me is how he thinks there's only one Aerith in the Lifestream - it matches my own guess - and that she indeed was murdered by Sephiroth. I kept thinking about it, since there's no time and space per se in the Lifestream, and how it could work since well, the release I guess, and I've been thinking how it allows Aerith to "survive" Sephiroth. Of course there is a downside to this because plothole, if there's no time and space then this Aerith comes from the future and gets murdered. Which means that when our Aerith will reach the same point, then she'll get murdered too? Unless her fate has indeed changed and this was true!Aerith's plan all along (Sephiroth probably was referring to this). We can guess that reuniting with Zack before AC/C could change a lot of things, but it also means probably that our Aerith is indeed ACC!Aerith, while maybe true!Aerith we saw before she got stabbed was OG/COLW!Aerith. Maybe the dream date was even COLW!Aerith's answer as to how to meet Cloud and tell him what she wanted to tell him.

Someone tells this guy he missed the Weapons trying to protect Cloud's memories from the LS though, and Nibelheim looking quite different from what it was in game (maybe it doesn't matter though, must be another team working on it so could be different just because).


Pro Adventurer
Viola A. Fox
And she talks about how the first one married and keeps rejecting the second one in game. Do people even play.
About that... I saw Tweets that strongly implied that some people only watched some scenes on social media but didn't play the game by themselves...

I understand that people sometimes view media different which leads to different interpretations. But there is so much stuff in the games that was pretty obvious written, so that even someone with little media understanding could see it in the intended way.


Pro Adventurer
The fact that some people absolutely don't understand that there's more to Zack learning about Aerith falling for Cloud is fascinating to me. Also what role in the LS lol.

Second fascinating thought is how CAs absolutely want Aerith to be the witness of how much Cloud yearns for Tifa. Absolutely hilarious. "I knew he liked her, but there's like and like damn".

And she talks about how the first one married and keeps rejecting the second one in game. Do people even play.

I agree with most of the video, and what's interesting to me is how he thinks there's only one Aerith in the Lifestream - it matches my own guess - and that she indeed was murdered by Sephiroth. I kept thinking about it, since there's no time and space per se in the Lifestream, and how it could work since well, the release I guess, and I've been thinking how it allows Aerith to "survive" Sephiroth. Of course there is a downside to this because plothole, if there's no time and space then this Aerith comes from the future and gets murdered. Which means that when our Aerith will reach the same point, then she'll get murdered too? Unless her fate has indeed changed and this was true!Aerith's plan all along (Sephiroth probably was referring to this). We can guess that reuniting with Zack before AC/C could change a lot of things, but it also means probably that our Aerith is indeed ACC!Aerith, while maybe true!Aerith we saw before she got stabbed was OG/COLW!Aerith. Maybe the dream date was even COLW!Aerith's answer as to how to meet Cloud and tell him what she wanted to tell him.

Someone tells this guy he missed the Weapons trying to protect Cloud's memories from the LS though, and Nibelheim looking quite different from what it was in game (maybe it doesn't matter though, must be another team working on it so could be different just because).
I know some people think the ending from Intergrade where Zack goes to the church looking for Aerith got cut or something, but I suspect it’s a part 3 scene where Zack learns that Aerith died or he finds her in the church after Sephiroth killed her. You then get a mirror to her death in the FC. Maybe where Cloud gets sad, Zack gets super pissed.


Fire and Blood
About that... I saw Tweets that strongly implied that some people only watched some scenes on social media but didn't play the game by themselves...

I understand that people sometimes view media different which leads to different interpretations. But there is so much stuff in the games that was pretty obvious written, so that even someone with little media understanding could see it in the intended way.
I mean it's ok if you watch a full let's play as a fan, only clips don't cut it. A PS5 is expensive, not everyone will have the means to play this game. But watch a FULL PLAY not some clips. And from someone who doesn't favour a girl over another, who tries to give best answers to everyone.
I know some people think the ending from Intergrade where Zack goes to the church looking for Aerith got cut or something, but I suspect it’s a part 3 scene where Zack learns that Aerith died or he finds her in the church after Sephiroth killed her. You then get a mirror to her death in the FC. Maybe where Cloud gets sad, Zack gets super pissed.
I don't think it's the Remake church because it still has benches. IMHO it's closer to a CC church, just saying (and why I keep on insisting this is Aerith's Promised Land).


Pro Adventurer
I mean it's ok if you watch a full let's play as a fan, only clips don't cut it. A PS5 is expensive, not everyone will have the means to play this game. But watch a FULL PLAY not some clips. And from someone who doesn't favour a girl over another, who tries to give best answers to everyone.

I don't think it's the Remake church because it still has benches. IMHO it's closer to a CC church, just saying (and why I keep on insisting this is Aerith's Promised Land).
it matches the dream world church perfectly


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
This is why I don’t buy the whole « she’s alive somewhere, he created a new reality »

No. She’s dead. And Tifa’s POV is just to show us that the team is seeing all the blood while Cloud can’t. Because he doesn’t want to.

What he did was creating a world in his head. At best.

It's possible there's an "alive" Aerith out there same as there's an "alive" Zack, in that neither are technically dead but they aren't alive in the same way as Beagleverse folks are. Beagleverse Zack and Aerith are D-E-D dead, mind, and there's like a 99% certainty that was her ghost we were seeing in the end.

I've wondered why people think she's alive when they literally go to the body of water (or is it a lake? Pool?) they lay her to rest in, meaning her body is now underwater. She hasn't got a body to return to.

If her spirit, in another reality, were to exist and somehow try to come back, I hope she took some swimming lessons and someone warned her to hold her breath.

I'm not sure if anyone answered this and sorry if it's a silly question, but did anyone have a clue as to how Nanaki felt Aerith in that end scene? I simply thought like how Aerith felt Zack, Nanaki felt Aerith in the LS, but I realised Zack was touching the unconscious Aerith in the LS so now I'm not completely sure.
I this case I think the idea of a ghost wandering around like the ones in Remake makes the most sense.

Also come to think of it, wasn't one of those ghosts of a frightened Aerith as well? I wonder if she's dropping Jor-El esque mind copies of herself every so often during times of extreme duress.
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Rookie Adventurer
Just adding my thoughts --

I think some people in the fandom do not understand Aerith's character as well her character arc. Her relationship with Zack (especially her struggles with how she tries to cope with letting him go) is part of her character arc.

People misinterpret Aerith wanting to move on = Aerith moving on from Zack. However, they fail to see that Aerith's HEAD and HEART are in 2 different places. Yes, she wants to move on, however, she struggles to let go of him because she lacks closure. And when she thinks of falling in love again, she feels guilty because she thinks she'll forget Zack. But she also can't stop thinking about Zack. She is stuck. (This is explained in her monologue). We have further context in Gongaga, when she says: "He never gave her a reason to dislike him," (JP paraphrase) Its even more complicated when Cloud is a reminder of Zack at first.

On the surface it looks Aerith is moving on OR has moved on from Zack. (What the game is TELLING us). However, if we examine the scenes and look further, there is a lot of subtext that indicates Aerith has not moved on from Zack and may still linger for him. (What the game is SHOWING us). The problem is people just look at things at face value and will cherry pick anything that supports their head canon and confirmation bias.

I think the game does a great job in depicting Aerith's struggle regarding her conflicting emotions through the use of visual storytelling. (SHOW not TELL).

What we see on the surface is where Aerith's HEAD is at. If we look beyond the surface, we see where Aerith's HEART is.

I'd also add that it looks like the game is going towards something we never got in OG which is a ZA Reunion of some sort. Whatever waffling Aerith is having at the moment I doubt would survive an actual face to face meetup with Zack.


Fire and Blood
View attachment 16924

You can see the benches placed against the wall on either side of the entrance.
Yeah so basically interesting mhhhhhhhhh....... this is not Remake church in the dream date or in Zack's final scene, it's most likely CC church for both...... yeah I'm still back at "this must be Aerith's Promised Land", sorry. XD It works even better.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah so basically interesting mhhhhhhhhh....... this is not Remake church in the dream date or in Zack's final scene, it's most likely CC church for both...... yeah I'm still back at "this must be Aerith's Promised Land", sorry. XD It works even better.
Perfectly possible, but I can’t help but think we’ll have a brief tease at a happy moment only have it taken away to set the mood.

I was mostly joking about the whole “who’s Aerith” thing, but now that I think about it, Cloud’s mind blocking out any mention of Aerith like he did Zack would make sense. Rather than telling the audience how his delusions work, we’d have an example play out right in front of us.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Perfectly possible, but I can’t help but think we’ll have a brief tease at a happy moment only have it taken away to set the mood.

I was mostly joking about the whole “who’s Aerith” thing, but now that I think about it, Cloud’s mind blocking out any mention of Aerith like he did Zack would make sense. Rather than telling the audience how his delusions work, we’d have an example play out right in front of us.
They probably won't do a who's Aerith, but they might do a "When Sephiroth [static] Aerith" moment, maybe Tifa angry as a Sephiroth projection, to drive that point home.


Pro Adventurer
Wait up, isn't Remake church without any bench? I had this vague memory of a big free for all area to fight Reno lol? Am I misremembering?
Top image is Zack at the end others are the Aerith dream date church.


Pro Adventurer
Interesting how in interviews with the VAs, when it comes to relationships with Cloud, Briana (Aerith) seems to turn to interpetation, but Brit (Tifa) just says that Tifa loves him, and that there is a ton of subtext in their interactions.

Makes you wonder...


Pro Adventurer
She's actually right tho. Even without talking about not alienating anyone, the CA relationship is above all pretty based on each person's interpretation. Some see it as love. Others don't.

It's much more complicated to talk about interpretation with Tifa. Even more so now that ToTP is clear about her feelings.

Both girls are looking for the real Cloud. But not for the same reasons.
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