anyone wana check the japanese on this XD
I wouldn't bother, Sacky. I took that person up on that exact thing a couple of days ago.
Basically, they're just omitting any and all context in favour of construing a quote that says a man and woman belong together in a platonic way. There is absolutely NOTHING platonic about this quote.
That's something else that annoys me about the LTD, people love to ask Japanese people what a quote "means" (the wording and what it implies), but they're:
1: Omitting context from an extremely context heavy language
2: Isolating words from the sentence.
What really annoys me is 2, because you can do the exact same thing in English. Let's take this quote for example:
"Inside, I felt one thing was sure, Cloud and Tifa would be together, everybody would be back home where they belonged"
If you isolate every word in this sentence, and then ask an english speaker what they mean isolated like that, yeah of course they mean nothing and aren't inherently romantic. There's no "love" mentioned, but if we add context and treat the sentence as a whole and not a bunch of parts then the meaning is very obvious and clear.
And that's why this annoys me so much!