SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer

Let’s remember Aerith spoke about Zack FIRST on her date to Cloud and says it’s okay he isn’t like Zack she wants to be with Cloud to his face. My guess is you didn’t watch it. Also she doesn’t lie. The flashback plays, she says after, “I think so?” That implies from her tone that it happened but isn’t too sure why it matters this is proven by her saying “but not about anything important” which means that she did not consider the conversation about Zack to be touchy like Tifa makes it sound in her date. Even if Aerith DID lie, before Cloud even asks if she spoke to Tifa, let me repeat she talks about about Zack and how it’s okay Cloud isn’t him because she wants to be with Cloud now NOT Zack. You’re being willfully obtuse because you ship Cloud and Tifa and that’s okay. Fact is, Tifa did not have to blatantly lie the way she did. She says she was not able to talk to Aerith yet by her saying “not yet”, when we see the flashback just before she in fact DID talk to Aerith. Also Marlene says Aerith likes Cloud to Zack and he has to get Cloud better or he can’t save Aerith. So clearly whatever choices you make Aerith likes Cloud regardless and not Zack now. Why else have Marlene say that. Good luck with the rest of the game since you can play it for yourself instead of seeing out of context clips and opinionated discord shipping channels.
You will find out in the game that Aerith has a lot of very complicated emotions and isn't a reliable narrator with her feelings at all times. and the marlene argument is ridiculous; i dont even have to explain why you should know why
(Hint shes a kid and is not the main marlene)


Pro Adventurer
Trawling through every little detail in a creative work in order to unearth "evidence" that supposedly further proves your existing bias, IMO, is one of the worst ways to experience any sort of fiction. This is what drives me up the fucking wall when it comes to shipping in any fandom. Just trust the narrative, trust the writers, and let them guide you through the story and the characters in them.

In any work of fiction, there's a contract between creator and reader—that trust needs to exist for the work to be expansive and experienced in full. It's so clear there's zero fucking trust for the creators in the more extreme ends of the shipping war, which makes me really sad. It seems like a miserable way to be, honestly.


Pro Adventurer

Let’s remember Aerith spoke about Zack FIRST on her date to Cloud and says it’s okay he isn’t like Zack she wants to be with Cloud to his face. My guess is you didn’t watch it. Also she doesn’t lie. The flashback plays, she says after, “I think so?” That implies from her tone that it happened but isn’t too sure why it matters this is proven by her saying “but not about anything important” which means that she did not consider the conversation about Zack to be touchy like Tifa makes it sound in her date. Even if Aerith DID lie, before Cloud even asks if she spoke to Tifa, let me repeat she talks about about Zack and how it’s okay Cloud isn’t him because she wants to be with Cloud now NOT Zack. You’re being willfully obtuse because you ship Cloud and Tifa and that’s okay. Fact is, Tifa did not have to blatantly lie the way she did. She says she was not able to talk to Aerith yet by her saying “not yet”, when we see the flashback just before she in fact DID talk to Aerith. Also Marlene says Aerith likes Cloud to Zack and he has to get Cloud better or he can’t save Aerith. So clearly whatever choices you make Aerith likes Cloud regardless and not Zack now. Why else have Marlene say that. Good luck with the rest of the game since you can play it for yourself instead of seeing out of context clips and opinionated discord shipping channels.

can you please tell us why you don't think that cloud just genuinely wanted to know if aerith got the news about zack being alive with cloud 5 years ago? and that he genuinely wants to know because he's her friend not because he's interested in her?

and can you also tell us why you think the reason tifa lied was because she has feelings for cloud and not because she's worried about cloud's mental health.

like you keep ignoring these two really big issues lol. i feel like i've asked you multiple times and you just change the subject on me. like if you have an argument then i'd actually be interested in hearing it


Pro Adventurer
Trawling through every little detail in a creative work in order to unearth "evidence" that supposedly further proves your existing bias, IMO, is one of the worst ways to experience any sort of fiction. This is what drives me up the fucking wall when it comes to shipping in any fandom. Just trust the narrative, trust the writers, and let them guide you through the story and the characters in them.

In any work of fiction, there's a contract between creator and reader—that trust needs to exist for the work to be expansive and experienced in full. It's so clear there's zero fucking trust for the creators in the more extreme ends of the shipping war, which makes me really sad. It seems like a miserable way to be, honestly.
Real. It's not reading between the lines, it's jumped gymnastics over them to twist the narrative that has the rest of us reeling and going 'huh'?

Really happy we are on the week of the game. Thursday cannot come fast enough so we can finally have some discourse with the legit product.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm once again asking that we revisit the fact that square decided to release a novella from cloud's pov reconfirming that he wanted to join SOLDIER to become someone special for tifa a week before the game's release. like if you can't see the writing on the wall... then idk. please just use your brain (i mean this in the nicest way possible) and think about why they would remind everyone that cloud wants to be special for tifa if that's not relevant to rebirth?
What's the name of that Novella? I'd be curious to give it a go.


Pro Adventurer
Trawling through every little detail in a creative work in order to unearth "evidence" that supposedly further proves your existing bias, IMO, is one of the worst ways to experience any sort of fiction. This is what drives me up the fucking wall when it comes to shipping in any fandom. Just trust the narrative, trust the writers, and let them guide you through the story and the characters in them.

In any work of fiction, there's a contract between creator and reader—that trust needs to exist for the work to be expansive and experienced in full. It's so clear there's zero fucking trust for the creators in the more extreme ends of the shipping war, which makes me really sad. It seems like a miserable way to be, honestly.
Like just play the OG game the answers for endgame is there its not that complicated right? what other game series has people just refuse what happens in the story i dont get it. Its not about shipping its about keeping the canon of the game?


Rookie Adventurer
Cloud barely flinches when pulling and kissing Tifa, he's visibly hurt when Aerith denies talking about Zack and he's all flustered after holding her hand that he can't even look at her.

It could mean a variety of things: it could mean absolutely nothing, it could mean poor cutscene direction on Square's side, it could mean different girls provoke different reactions, or it could mean First Class Soldier Cloud kissed Tifa while Cloud (Cloud, you know, the one she's trying to find?) held Aerith's hand (which is pretty much their entire dynamic since Remake Part 1).
Who knows.
Regardless of OG arguments, why would an author of the remake games create two books, one focused on Tifa and Aerith's past, that very explicitly tells you the kind of love Tifa had for cloud and even retcons a bit of OG with them being close as toddlers and then he starts to distance himself and then right before Rebirth put out a book that says Cloud wanted to be Special for Tifa?
If they fell completely in love and openly declared it, her death wouldn't feel as impactful.
Again, read the Lyrics of Hollow and NPTK.


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Pro Adventurer
Like just play the OG game the answers for endgame is there its not that complicated right? what other game series has people just refuse what happens in the story i dont get it. Its not about shipping its about keeping the canon of the game?
IDK but I genuinely wonder if it's a life experience thing, honestly...


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Cloud barely flinches when pulling and kissing Tifa, he's visibly hurt when Aerith denies talking about Zack and he's all flustered after holding her hand that he can't even look at her.

It could mean a variety of things: it could mean absolutely nothing, it could mean poor cutscene direction on Square's side, it could mean different girls provoke different reactions, or it could mean First Class Soldier Cloud kissed Tifa while Cloud (Cloud, you know, the one she's trying to find?) held Aerith's hand (which is pretty much their entire dynamic since Remake Part 1).
Who knows.

If they fell completely in love and openly declared it, her death wouldn't feel as impactful.
Again, read the Lyrics of Hollow and NPTK.
To be honest, I think it's the genuine Cloud who's peeking through when Tifa asks if she's just getting ahead of herself again. The confidence of 'soldier' Cloud allows him to assure her that he loves her (True Cloud).


Pro Adventurer
Cloud barely flinches when pulling and kissing Tifa, he's visibly hurt when Aerith denies talking about Zack and he's all flustered after holding her hand that he can't even look at her.

It could mean a variety of things: it could mean absolutely nothing, it could mean poor cutscene direction on Square's side, it could mean different girls provoke different reactions, or it could mean First Class Soldier Cloud kissed Tifa while Cloud (Cloud, you know, the one she's trying to find?) held Aerith's hand (which is pretty much their entire dynamic since Remake Part 1).
Who knows.

If they fell completely in love and openly declared it, her death wouldn't feel as impactful.
Again, read the Lyrics of Hollow and NPTK.
Aerith tells him on her date let her have this just until the ride is over because she needs comfort in that moment. Hes not flustered holding her hand at first; its awkward; hes giving Aerith comfort; its a really heartwarming scene.
Also watch cloud and tifa after there kiss, they keep staring at each other and are really shy and dont know what to say


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Pro Adventurer
Oh, I'm aware lol. It's like Nojima has read up on every misconception and written ironclad armor for it all lol. It's almost absurd.
Same with this game ^_^also traces stuff is everywhere in this game from
references to characters even some conversations


Pro Adventurer
Same with this game ^_^also traces stuff is everywhere in this game from
references to characters even some conversations
I got that sense even from the demo! Still not over the fact that they named Tifa's cat FLUFFY in the english version. I can forgive LTD fuckery from the writers, but not that stupid name.
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