Pro Adventurer
I agree. In fact I think overall shipping shouldn't matter (no matter how much I enjoy discussing it) to the story. It's themes run so, so much deeper than that. But I think Clouds intense love for Aerith post death is an extremely natural psychological response to such a traumatic event. I would just disagree with anyone saying that means he loves her more than Tifa.. because that's really not how grief functions at all. Those intense feelings don't last forever and often they aren't a genuine reflection of a stable mindset because no one is stable when experiencing intense grief. Add that to the pre existing scrambled egg brain too. (Loved that description btw)Those are all really good points, for sure, especially with someone who has a savior/failure complex like Cloud.... with his current scrambled egg brains on top of it. It's funny because shipping doesn't even matter at that point and even with Tifa, I think she's back to being somewhat scared of Cloud, given his behavior after Aerith's death.
Was anyone else super disturbed by that final scene with the Tiny Bronco? I felt so much dread as everyone climbed into the plane while Cloud was just pretending everything was okay, that he was a mentally sound leader, that he would willingly pick up the slack if anyone fell behind. Like..... what the fuck. I am SO stressed lol.
Tifa is absolutely scared of/for Cloud. She doesn't know what's going on and probably doesn't understand who he is. Especially since he's acting like... chipper when she's just seen Aerith dead.
And yes, deliciously disturbed lmao. Clouds arc is my favourite without a doubt. His struggles with sanity, identity and being controlled are such compelling plot points. I thought they did such a good job with him falling under Jenovas influence in this game. I was unbelievably impressed. But yes, horrified in a 'manically grinning during the final scene because they really nailed how disturbing this is' kind of way