Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
- Tim, Ryu
I mean, don't you? Especially when they don't cost extra.Ah, so the love interest was Madam M all along. She’s got it all: aggressive hand-holding action and all the innuendo of a happy ending.
Isn’t that what we all want? A happy ending?
So, this is an amazing example of how even considering Cloud not being in love with Aerith is an outside context problem for Cleriths. They actually have trouble envisioning the scenario as being one in which Cloud doesn't love Aerith. So of course the Cloud that kisses Tifa must be doing it because he feels rejected because Aerith loves someone else.
To be a good man for Tifa is Cloud's mental anchor. If he thinks he's being a burden or harmful, he shuts down or as we see in ACC, removes himself from the equation.I know this was like 50 pages ago but this forum has been so dead you'd think Sephiroth caught it praying for HolySo I've been going through stuff I missed, liking old posts, and found this one. Thank you for posting it here Grim, I would likely never have seen it on my own (not the sorta thing my algorithm finds for me) and I loved it. What does Cloud cling to, to convince himself he's still him?
"I have to help her." My feels...
But only for now! [/sing song]Luthor...Ok I'll stop reacting to shit people said weeks ago. For now.
A lot of the problem is that they are so fixated on their desired conclusion they take it as their predicate. That twists absolutely everything else.Notice how in this scenario of theirs that they’ve invented in their mad lab, Cloud is an absolute jerk?
Like not spiky McJerkface jerk.
An actual terrible, hurtful, spiteful jerk who gets bitterly jealous and rebound kisses another girl. To what end? Hopefully make Aerith jealous?!
Oh how romantic! I’m actually swooning over this beautiful star-crossed lovers epic tale of romance and love
In every scenario they are inventing in order to make their ship work, it’s at such an extreme detriment to the characters, turning them into their literal exact opposites. Like it’s not enough they have to make poor Aerith a zombie in order to make Clerith work, but poor Cloud might as well be one too since apparently he’s not allowed any autonomy or decency in their scenario.
There’s coping, and then there is the complete lack of self awareness to realise that you are turning your preferred characters in your preferred pairing into awful people just to facilitate a “romance” that is founded on jealousy, rebound kisses, deceit, and hurting others feelings.
Romance of the century I guess smdh
That's another thing that burns a lot of Clerith bottoms. Aerith can be helpful to Cloud because she can sense things due to her special heritage. Tifa can be useful to Cloud because she is special to Cloud and he trusts her. She's just plain important to him. Sephiroth's been trying to take Tifa's ability to support him through gaslighting and one attempted murder. It didn't work.The claim's against it I have seen are
Cloud didn't move into the kiss or understand what was happening ( they must think Square Enix are idiot's to make an almost kiss scene not romantic and Square are not so they added Yuffie telling people who don't get it SO THE PLAYER knows XD.
They also say Cloud is Jealous when asking Aerith about Zack.
Cloud didn't react to Tifas supposed Death like he cared ( Yeah death reactions should be used as evidence apparently...)
They conviently don't mention
So yeah Gongaga is one of the most important scenes that they can't really have evidence against apart from saying it's not romantic which yeah ain't exactly gonna work for anyone XD.
- the talk between Cloud and Tifa before the Kiss
- the whole lifestream sequence with Tifas "Cloud I need you" wonder why developers added that line that absolutely won't come back in mideel.
- Tifa being able to see Clouds POV of his memories. Since when you actually think about it these aren't exactly Tifas memories of the events it's from Clouds POV. Possibly have connected Lifestreams? I'm not saying Soulmates but.... Would be funny.
There is one more claim I've seen that Sephiroth has removed Tifas power to be able to help Cloud in the lifestream. You know Tifa and her famous word superpowers.......
It's also about Zack's falsely remembered (In Nibelheim) Death.He asks if Tifa has already talked with Aerith, Tifa responds with "no", Cloud responds with "she must still have feelings for him", Tifa responds with "I think it's a little more complicated than that".
Honestly not too sure what Tifa means by that though, if she's referring to the weird connection between Cloud and Zack then that's a strange wording of the sentence in that regard. If she's referring to something about Aerith perhaps having feelings for Cloud now that feels irrelevant.
There is, yes. And real kisses are more serious than indirect kisses. A common comedy trope is to have someone blush about an indirect kiss regardless of how intimate they've already been.Isn’t there a Japanese trope about “indirect kisses” when it comes to sharing food and drinks? So imagine how much a big deal it is to actually kiss.
This is like the Bermuda Triangle of CA honestly I’m so confused
Like the lying, sure that checks out lol but a developer interview where they confirm a ship as canon?
That took place at WcDonalds?! which… doesn’t exist?
I think the internet was a mistake![]()
It was not a developer interview, but the rest is accurate about the wacdonalds interview. I will find it. I always do.
Edit: Found it. Original no longer exists, but this is a full transcript. I have screenshots as evidence as well.

The First Epic LTD of TLS forums
I'll give you a hint: it's the one with a penis. Ahh, the blonde one then. :):D = LOVE. You need to tell people these things before they make any unfounded assumptions Teef, Yeesh. I know, I know. Even I make mistakes, surprisingly. :awesome:

That is also an actual argument that was made. Repeatedly.When the Ultis said that Cloud and Tifa expressed their mutual feelings to each other, they did not clarify that they wereMutual Feelings of Friendship
Shit was wild. Meeting in the flower fields for spirit sex!I vaguely remember WcDonald's from the ACF days, but yes it was some CA claim. I can't remember if it was a fake dev interview or just something about how their Japanese friend at WcDonald's told them that everyone in Japan believed CA was canon. Also lots of discussion about how carp/koi fish symbolized romantic love in Japanese culture or something, lmfao. So there being a big ass fish in the lake in the Forgotten Capital = CA are soulmates. y'all are so lucky to have missed it. If you think the takes are wild now, you should have seen what we were working with back then!
What about Dissidia 012 where Cloud and Tifa spend most of their screen time worrying about each other. And of course, that classic standby Ehrgeiz.So I was reading some old posts in other threads and I saw some people bring up Final Fantasy Tactics and Dissidia as proof that Cloud loves Aerith. But these are AUs essentially.
But if they count, one must wonder why Kingdom Hearts 2 isn’t mentioned?
But yeah, Dissidia and Tactics are also bad arguments for C/A because there's nothing pro C/A there, apart from him meeting a flower girl that looks like Aerith in Ivalice and then.... not caring about her and never mentioning her again.
I could see an attempted kiss from spectral Cloud as we fade out, with a real kiss only coming later.in my head, i can just see a lifestream kiss once Cloud says we finally...meet...again. Thematically, it would be incredible and i think it could make sense depending on how intense Mideel is while Tifa is looking after him. Then Highwind could work with kissing while leaning over each other. Then waking up in undergarments since Costa Del Sol did not leave much up to the imagination for both characters XD. I guess we will see though but all i can say is Higwind Yuffie reaction might be the best part if they go that route XD