The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Higher Further Faster
My brother walked in on me watching ACC during the Cloud/Marlene scene. He said the animation looked awesome.

My mom once walked in on my watching regular AC and asked, "What language is that?" I replied, "Japanese, then she says, "Oh," in a way that sounded like she was disgusted by the whole thing and walked out of the room. :awesome:


Great Old One
My brother walked in on me watching ACC during the Cloud/Marlene scene. He said the animation looked awesome.

My mom once walked in on my watching regular AC and asked, "What language is that?" I replied, "Japanese, then she says, "Oh," in a way that sounded like she was disgusted by the whole thing and walked out of the room. :awesome:
My mom does the same thing. :awesome:

And my brother said Tifa was FAT! :rage:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
"I have a penis?"


Great Old One
I will agree that Tifa is curvy, but she's not fat at all. She keeps her body in shape... I don't see how my brother thinks she's fat.

He did say her boobs were huge though. :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
My mom does the same thing. :awesome:

And my brother said Tifa was FAT! :rage:

Needs his eyes checked.

"I have a penis?"

More than you know.

LOL, WHAT? My friend said that Tifa's shoulders were too manly once. O_O

Also needs eyes checked.

I will agree that Tifa is curvy, but she's not fat at all. She keeps her body in shape... I don't see how my brother thinks she's fat.

He did say her boobs were huge though. :awesome:

Well, at least he's not legally blind.


LOL. On the flip-side, they've also contacted children. Siblings, etc.
"My little sister drew Cloud and Aerith together when they only watched me play the game like once! Even they can see that Cloud and Aerith are in love. It's so simple! <333"

I do actually believe that the drawing was made by the "Clerith", and not the little sister. Just so they can say: "Oh! Clerith is sooo obvious, even little kids see it!" :awesome:

LOL. My dad is a total Clack. He came into the room when I watched AC and said: "Is that Cloud gay?" :monster:

And wtf, Tifa is NOT fat. T^T

Celes Chere

I do actually believe that the drawing was made by the "Clerith", and not the little sister. Just so they can say: "Oh! Clerith is sooo obvious, even little kids see it!"

Lmao, yeah, the pictures I saw were stick figures with some very suspicious teenage writing styles.

LOL. My dad is a total Clack. He came into the room when I watched AC and said: "Is that Cloud gay?"

Same with my Mom, except she said,
"Are those two gay?"
It was the ending of Crisis Core. . . Lol.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
If you didn't I'd be fucking disappointed. :( I am intrigued. Why?

If Tifa was fat, wouldn't we hear people going like "OMG TIFA'S SUCH A FAT WHORE" instead of "OMG TIFA'S SUCH A STUPID WHORE"? I dunno. :awesome:


Great Old One I am intrigued. Why?

If Tifa was fat, wouldn't we hear people going like "OMG TIFA'S SUCH A FAT WHORE" instead of "OMG TIFA'S SUCH A STUPID WHORE"? I dunno. :awesome:
So I can see one do it with you. :awesome:

Yeah, I don't know why my brother sees Tifa as fat.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I do actually believe that the drawing was made by the "Clerith", and not the little sister. Just so they can say: "Oh! Clerith is sooo obvious, even little kids see it!" :awesome:

That would be a new level of sadness and low, for that fandom. Seriously. Faking kiddie drawings so you can have evidence. Ouch...

The WacDonalds fiasco along with "koi_bito" is bad enough. Leave the children out of this, please.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
They can't be gay. For them to be gay, Cloud would have to be male.
Dammit Ryu, I have enough quotes in my sig as is, stop saying awesome stuff, I can't add anymore :(

The WacDonalds fiasco along with "koi_bito" is bad enough
What is WacDonalds?


Great Old One
Actually, even if there was a WacDonalds, they would have been spelling it wrong, as it is actually:


Wacdnalds! :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Here, I'll explain Quexinos.

It's over here.

the specific post is at

Japanese Fans of FFVII: Saicho K. And Kenji S. By Chirine H. said:
Notes: The interview occurred at 06.03.07 at WacDonald's, the Japanese version of McDonald's, to be exact. If you're wondering why they're both guys, most of my friends that are girls here doesn't play videogames that much and some I have lost contact with. *sob* Anyway, the Q/A is written exactly as what I've gotten from the two Japanese FFVII fans I've interviewed with.

ÁµÈË=koi bito in kanji.
￾Û¤·¤Æ¤ë= aishiteru.

Chirine: What do you think about the difference of koibito to koi bito that was used in the RF files?

Saicho: Hm¡*I think it doesn¡¯t really matter, whether you use it in koi bito or koibito, as long as they¡¯ll get your point. If its written kanji then you¡¯ll really get koi bito ¡®as the one who loves¡¯/or the love is one sided because that¡¯s how we actually use it.

Kenji: If you write it in kanas (hiragana/katakana), it would just give variety of meanings, it could be koi bito, or koibito. You will mostly find it in Japanese dictionary that koi bito/koibito will always have the ¡®sweetheart/girlfriend/boyfriend¡¯ meaning, along side, ¡®suitor¡¯. But in our case we don¡¯t use it like that, instead we add some extensions to our names to call people we love so they could get familiarized. As in, Chi-ai.

Saicho: I ran to a PM you showed me from a CloudxTifa fan, saying that I was wrong about my translations and my explanations and called me a baka. Hah, I never mentioned that koi bito is rarely used. I always hear it especially with fangirls. But I did say that it is rarely used as ¡®sweetheart/boyfriend/girlfriend¡¯. *grunts* What¡¯s the purpose of this interview again?

Chirine: For every misled and mistranslated fandom. Can you define the common mistakes of Japanese translators over the internet?

Kenji: Well firstly, they assume that they mastered Japanese-knew how to read, write and speak but the fact that they really don¡¯t, because they just throw off words without really knowing the use of it, our language uses more of the feelings and emotions than direct description. These so-called translators can either be: a. show offs b. Japanese- wannabes or c. diehards.

Chirine: B and C are pretty much the same¡*ah, Saicho¡*say, what do you think?

Saicho: Well, if you put up ¡®ore wa¡¯ ¡®watashi¡¯ which both means ¡®I¡¯, watashi would be more formal, while ore wa for informal. This kind of system usually goes to other words in Japanese, there will always be the formal/informal thing, if you get me. To be easier, most Japanese words has limits that foreign speakers aren¡¯t aware of.
I remember another PM you showed me that says that aishiteru can be used often¡*well, if we call it a teenage love and nothing serious yet, we mostly use ¡®suki desu¡¯, the only time you can use aishiteru is when you¡¯re in a serious sexual relationship. (his voice gets high and a bit furious) You can¡¯t just say that to your crush or something!
You can also find aishiteru used in songs, well, because they¡¯re directly speaking to their loved ones and with all the cheesy stuff. Supposedly that¡¯s what songs do, right? Give a sincere message!

Kenji: They did?! (he curses here)

Chirine: Are you mad? (o_O;) anything you want to say?

Kenji: Frankly kinda because I remembered how foreigners claim themselves Japanese already because they mastered the language. They just misunderstand us! It reminds me of my English teacher, I guess it¡¯s fair because I always get misunderstand English as well.

Chirine: Ah¡*okay¡*so, what about translators, who are Japanese descendants, but didn¡¯t grew up on Japan? Do their translations can be accurate?

Saicho: I don¡¯t really think so. Japanese inhabitants pretty much have more knowledge about the language and the culture itself than those who didn¡¯t have enough time to live here. It¡¯s really different when you live here. Hope you get my point.

Chirine: Forgetting the fact that I am a CloudxAerith fan, as a neutral, what are your thoughts in the LT considering the environment you have?

Saicho: I¡¯m not much of a fan of Cloud, Tifa or Aerith, but I personally think, that Cloud loves Aerith.

Kenji: I think Tifa and Cloud look good together!

Chirine: Aw. My heart is filled with joy. Why so, Saicho? What do you think about Tifa?

Saicho: Well, I think Tifa¡¯s cool and all but Cloud doesn¡¯t love her. Simple.

Chirine: How can you be so sure about that? (T.T)

Saicho: Eh? Didn¡¯t your brain receive the message of the ending of AC/FFVII? It¡¯s weird that Western fans are actually debating over this thing when the fact it is already answered, even if not verbally.

Chirine: It¡¯s not that we¡¯re unsatisfied¡*anyway, what about you (Kenji) as a Tifa fan, your thoughts on the LT?

Kenji: sad¡*Cloud and Tifa was better¡*but I guess Aerith will do for Cloud, as much as hard to admit it, Cloud showed more of his affection and he opened up to Aerith and I think, even though she¡¯s dead, AC ending pretty much screams CloudxAerith to me.

Chirine: Since I don¡¯t spend my whole life here in Japan, what do you guys think at other FFVII fans + LT?

Saicho: Well, I guess, in our environment, the thing that you tell me how Western CloudxTifa fans can be rabid, is exactly the opposite of that couple¡¯s fans here. Well, they don¡¯t really care about what is canon, but they do believe that Cloud and Aerith is. They don¡¯t bash around just like what you told me, instead, they spend their time for their fandom¡ªdoujinishi, fanfiction and fanart. They even make CloudxAerith for goodness sake, and the same goes for the CloudxAerith fans too. Hm¡*I guess both fandoms live peacefully. As for me¡*I don¡¯t know¡*I like a single Yuffie.

Kenji: just a question, for a 21 year old, why are you even bothering to prove yourself right to these CloudxTifa fans? No, this also goes for the Western fans and the Americans. You¡¯re all so worked-up!!! *they both laugh and we start to eat*

Because the Japanese version of McDonald' WacDonald's. :monster:

The fact this interview took place there, should pretty much answer any questions regarding its validity, relevance, and nature towards the LTD.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Uhm okay guys I get it, you can stop now XD

and why is the word of two Japanese friends at a fake restaurant so important?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal don't get it.

It's not "the word of two Japanese friends at a fake restaurant" that are so important.

It's "the word of two FAKE Japanese friends at a FAKE restaurant" that are important.

They're important because they're lies. Dirty lies. It shows just how desperate and full of shit the argument and post is.

Where the fuck did they get WacDonald's from? They confused their fantasy with reality. Which sums up the Clerith argument, pretty neatly.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Err no I got it Mako :monster: It was made up, I understood that.

My point is... even if the interview DID happen... why are these people so important anyway?
has anyone told them there's no such thing as a WacDonalds? Cause I'm tempted to do that.
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