SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Fire and Blood
Legit I saw a doujin once where the plot was Ghost Zack and Aerith hovering around Cloud and Tifa and the finisher was Aerith telling Tfia - who could not hear this - that she planned on being reborn as Cloud and Tifa's daughter as soon as she could. The punchline was that Zack better hurry up and be reborn too because she wasn't gonna miss him the second time around, too.
Well I knew FFVII had its horror themes but I feel like this is cursed.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
@ChaosandConfusion: Oops did I miss a wild noob appearing? I hate passing up a chance to say Welcome an' shit :monster:

That's the thing. I think he did both stab and not stab her. She's is 100% dead. But we did also change fate and created a world where he didn't strike true. So we have in essence created a second un-stabbed Aerith being kept in the pocket of the white whispers. That's not our timeline though. In our timeline she's d-e-d dead.

To me she's straight up Shrodinger's Aerith until SE lets me observe her actual state.

But like how we have a dead Zack and delusional cloud and a live Zack and a comatose Cloud, the rainbow effects spawned at the moment of the sword clash. That's our splinter point.

Resist temptation to reference Blackface-Norris. Resist.

It's part of why we made the sub-forum, actually.

Better insulation and an isolation bunker on the capacitors, gotcha.

I doubt, but you never know.

Feels like it could get ugly even if they did.

Yuffie is just great for comic relief.

I love how she can shift comedic stylings for each party member you pair her with and never feel OOC for it.

How many lives you have left?

I'd be on my last one, but y'know, devil cat. I cashed in a few that used to be someone else's here and there.

It's almost a shame she doesn't learn the laser move from it.

Almost nothing, that's just a shame. Going back to our talk of twists, one of my favorites is the twist silly reference joke. Example, back when MTG was just Eldrazi the game and we got "We know, you can't even."

I suppose that thinking was why they thought anything was fair play so long as "the side of good" won.

So they're chaotic in approach while lawfully devoted to their ship. Is Pink Hell a chamber of the Underdark? Cause this sounds Drow-ish.

I remember she flounced at one point while I was asleep and I just said "Okay, no reason to ever answer those, then."

I think that actually happened more than once. Their "arguments" weren't the only thing they tended to repeat after all. Was it Tres who compared it to Spira's whole Spiral of Death? Sounds like him but it could've been any number of folks. Hell I thought it, but someone beat me to the post.

The fanciest.

I'm quoting you on that later. I will provide ni context. The people receiving said quotation will be all "who the fuck is Ryushikaze?" and I will laugh.

Alright, but we do still get a little cat robot and that robot gets moogle armor too at some point. Deal?

It'd be criminal not to take that deal

I mean that technically wasn't her but a cosmic entity believing itself to be her. And the other one was her clone.

Ah but I never claimed Jean perpetrated the incident, only that afterward she was but rarely allowed to be the firey redhead of old by the editors.

Jubilee, I'd say. Also it is a bit odd that they don't team up his sidekick squad more often. They've teamed up Jubilee and Laura, but not AFAIK Kitty with them?

I think the readership let Kitty move further from her time with Logan than most. I seem to recall her straight up being Headmistress of Xavier's School for a bit? Jubes by comparison still has Wolverine's sidekick vibes much later. Plus Laura is Wolverine so she's the most primed to team up with the others in general.

A thought, would Kurt work for Nanaki as well or better than Cannonball? Scary looking, covered in fur, comes off as wise and genuinely is but is also a big old child with a fanboy mentality. Scales walls, backflips midnight as an offensive technique... I could go on.

Also, Mr. Sinister for Hojo?

Could easily go either way, though did he ever try and get money from people from his sob stories? I may need to ask a friend whose discord server he shat up with his nonsense.

I'm not aware of him scamming cash from what I've seen, just attention.

You saying they ought to know their place?

Well you can't take a swing at the blurnz ball if you stand outside the stadium :awesome:

And longer.

That's what she said.

Spite can rage can make people move mountains. Making the world better is a grand revenge.

True rage tears down empires, frees slaves, and emboldens us to outlive our enemies. It's not some evil thing from outside, it serves an important function in nature and society. It exists for a reason. It's why I could never fully get behind the Jedi order. Idunno if they ever got this but Obi-Wan didn't beat Maul (first time) until he got mad. Luke beat Vader by getting mad. The trick is knowing when you've accomplished what you can with your rage and stopping... which is admittedly hard to do.

It goes from 0 to Batshit crazy fast.

But how's it's mileage? :awesomonster:

The show is quite good. Also, it's being held to being canon once the next game comes out so it's not just a throwaway big of fluff.

That could be good or I'll depending on how it goes. Looking at you 76, with your fully modern Deathclaws and Brotherhood chapters and other such shite. Also just fir being shite.

So often it leads to copium addiction. Sad times.

Friends don't let friends debate fallaciously :monster:

Yeah, the motivation is internal there. She wants to be over him, because it hurts, but she wants him back even more.

NGL, I loved this part of Aerith's character.

Garden management sim?

Burger Time type customer service mini-games, but with flowers!

In this universe, Zack tripped and fell and has a bump on his forehead. That's the only change.

I insist that he be out cold just long enough for some bored slum kids to paint his face in candy skull patterns. Then we watch everyone lose their minds over "what does this mean?!" Beyond that, agreed.


Pro Adventurer
Legit I saw a doujin once where the plot was Ghost Zack and Aerith hovering around Cloud and Tifa and the finisher was Aerith telling Tfia - who could not hear this - that she planned on being reborn as Cloud and Tifa's daughter as soon as she could. The punchline was that Zack better hurry up and be reborn too because she wasn't gonna miss him the second time around, too.

Only not as cursed.

Do they think she said Aishiteru? Because.... No. That's not how that works.
that is what they said actually XD


Pro Adventurer
Sorry man, it happens, just be happy it happened to you now, hopefully three years before the final death throes, rather than 27 years ago as it was for some of us.

Run away, run away now, do not get caught up in this discussion. Just make up your own mind and then never talk to anyone about it again XD
You will hear someone say something that you think is factually incorrect, or just so alien that it motivates you to put in your two cents and that's it, you're stuck here now questioning your sanity.
Run Run away and never return in truth, though it does all start with one message or one reply and then its over. You start seeing more things you know is obviously wrong then you start seeing more takes but its not about the plot its about the characters and its horrfically wrong and most of the time disgusting then you can't help to reply, Then the rest of your time is spent debating on which pixels love which pixels while being curious just how crazy the takes get, and then you learn the lore of the LTD and you yourself start getting involved because you want to see the scenes and how they will piss off the toxic ones. Then you eventually start becoming bitter and toxic while people tell you you are wrong when you know you are right. Worst part is this what both sides think XD


Pro Adventurer
Run Run away and never return in truth, though it does all start with one message or one reply and then its over. You start seeing more things you know is obviously wrong then you start seeing more takes but its not about the plot its about the characters and its horrfically wrong and most of the time disgusting then you can't help to reply, Then the rest of your time is spent debating on which pixels love which pixels while being curious just how crazy the takes get, and then you learn the lore of the LTD and you yourself start getting involved because you want to see the scenes and how they will piss off the toxic ones. Then you eventually start becoming bitter and toxic while people tell you you are wrong when you know you are right. Worst part is this what both sides think XD
The LTD will live in our heads, rent-free.


Fire and Blood
ive only been here a couple months, but it traps you and the worst part is no matter how hellish and awful it is, its entertaining and enjoyable to discuss something you are passionate about. its a horrible trap XD
You say that but just tonight I saw the worst on both sides:

  • a CT being hateful and mysoginistic towards Aerith (like chill and go touch some grass, seriously); it's absolutely shocking when you're not used to seeing those attacks, like she's just pixels, is it even worth getting so worked up?
  • another CT being attacked because she dared to tweet that she found it cute that Tifa had only loved one boy all her life (literally the trope of childhood friends to lovers which is CT). She had to go private because of this tweet, it's insane actually to think about it (edit: I can see the tweet again so maybe she got out of private now).

So yeah fandom phew. Sometimes it's good but sometimes you're like "wtf dude".


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
You say that but just tonight I saw the worst on both sides:

  • a CT being hateful and mysoginistic towards Aerith (like chill and go touch some grass, seriously); it's absolutely shocking when you're not used to seeing those attacks, like she's just pixels, is it even worth getting so worked up?
  • another CT being attacked because she dared to tweet that she found it cute that Tifa had only loved one boy all her life (literally the trope of childhood friends to lovers which is CT). She had to go private because of this tweet, it's insane actually to think about it (edit: I can see the tweet again so maybe she got out of private now).

So yeah fandom phew. Sometimes it's good but sometimes you're like "wtf dude".
Twitter was and is a mistake.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
I think it’s sad for people who just genuinely want to share that they like Aerith or share that they like Tifa to get hate for it.

I can’t say there is a character I dislike at all. I love them all and their relationships with each other. Speaking more towards Tifa and Aerith…I don’t know how you can see the things they went through and dislike either of them. They are both such nice characters.


Pro Adventurer
I like both as well. But I like them as they were depicted, and not what fans want them to be. Which is where I think the Rebirth spoiler thread is really going off the rails, people are arguing for Aerith to return because they want something different. They say that the story can still explore the same theme if Aerith is alive, but I think it really does a disservice to what she's meant to represent if a lot what surrounded her is changed.

But I also think this is where the shipping "war" comes in as well. People want to be validated, so a lot of the ones arguing for Cloti like you and I are comprised of people that found that the canon story was pushing them by the end. There are people that enjoy the couple, I certainly do but it's still secondary as to what has been established as canon. Same for Clerith fans, they want their ship validated by canon, as if that is a requirement to be able to enjoy it.

To make a long story short, a lot of CT fans I feel are arguing for what is canon more so because that seems like the most natural read of the OG game... and while a good portion also enjoy the ship, I think for a lot of people it's more about not twisting the story than it is about a couple they like being canon.


Pro Adventurer
There’s also the problem that when people try to disprove CT, they usually distort the characters, and when you’re seeing your favourite characters being disfigured, it makes you want to fight back.
Yeah, the very fact that people need to besmirch Tifa kinda annoys me. Propping up your ship is one thing, but doing so by tearing another character down and completely mischaracterizing them is just gross.


Pro Adventurer
@Sacky I think Cloud cares for both women (everyone really) but Tifa seems to be the one he's in love with. My 71 year old nana said Cloud sounds like he's going home with Tifa after his mission's over.

@Gym Leader Devil Thanks an' shit

All these ominous warnings are making curious and not deterring me at all😅. 27 years is a long time to be squabbling over pixels, I've only been alive 19 years and my attention span allows me obsess over something for no more than 2 weeks at best.


Pro Adventurer
@Sacky I think Cloud cares for both women (everyone really) but Tifa seems to be the one he's in love with. My 71 year old nana said Cloud sounds like he's going home with Tifa after his mission's over.

@Gym Leader Devil Thanks an' shit

All these ominous warnings are making curious and not deterring me at all😅. 27 years is a long time to be squabbling over pixels, I've only been alive 19 years and my attention span allows me obsess over something for no more than 2 weeks at best.
damm you nailed the LTD in one game XD
which scene did your nana say this at by the way XD
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Pro Adventurer
@Sacky I think Cloud cares for both women (everyone really) but Tifa seems to be the one he's in love with. My 71 year old nana said Cloud sounds like he's going home with Tifa after his mission's over.

@Gym Leader Devil Thanks an' shit

All these ominous warnings are making curious and not deterring me at all😅. 27 years is a long time to be squabbling over pixels, I've only been alive 19 years and my attention span allows me obsess over something for no more than 2 weeks at best.
Personally, I have the same reading as you. I also think that:

Don't read this if you wish to remain unspoiled but OG FF7 spoilers
the original game presents Clerith in the first half but after her death, once his true memories return and he regains his real self it's pretty clear he loves Tifa. Especially considering the twist that his reason for wanting to join SOLDIER was so he could be special to her and feel worthy of her. In that, the romance he has with Aerith is a bit of a red herring. Although I would still say romance is maybe too strong a word, as it's mostly Aerith flirting and Cloud somewhat reciprocating

I'd say the real argument is over people who like the idea of Aerith and Cloud together, but there are other FF games where those archetypes have romance... namely FF8.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
Yeah, the very fact that people need to besmirch Tifa kinda annoys me. Propping up your ship is one thing, but doing so by tearing another character down and completely mischaracterizing them is just gross.
Yeah like slut shaming Tifa.

It’s weird to me how much I see people say she is designed for horny westerners when I’m like uh, do yall know what hentai is…


Pro Adventurer
You say that but just tonight I saw the worst on both sides:

  • a CT being hateful and mysoginistic towards Aerith (like chill and go touch some grass, seriously); it's absolutely shocking when you're not used to seeing those attacks, like she's just pixels, is it even worth getting so worked up?
  • another CT being attacked because she dared to tweet that she found it cute that Tifa had only loved one boy all her life (literally the trope of childhood friends to lovers which is CT). She had to go private because of this tweet, it's insane actually to think about it (edit: I can see the tweet again so maybe she got out of private now).

So yeah fandom phew. Sometimes it's good but sometimes you're like "wtf dude".
Its horrible the takes are just insane but some days there funny like the Fish XD some days they make you lose faith in humanity
i also saw those two takes the Photography one right absolutely insane and then the one boy which was just someone finding it cute


Pro Adventurer
Yeah like slut shaming Tifa.

It’s weird to me how much I see people say she is designed for horny westerners when I’m like uh, do yall know what hentai is…
That's just cope. She's hot and really busty... so it's an easy target to minimize her importance by saying she only exists for fanservice.

And I think it's pretty clear she seems to never have been interested in romance except Cloud. Just because she's really attractive doesn't mean she was going around dating people willy nilly. In fact, she was probably way busy, as ToTP confirms. And then when she gets the bar, she probably didn't have much free time. In fact, she even states she has barely enough time to decorate her apartment because she's got the bar to worry about.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah like slut shaming Tifa.

It’s weird to me how much I see people say she is designed for horny westerners when I’m like uh, do yall know what hentai is…
I've noticed the strange stance that Westerners are horny sex obsessed people who cant understand While Japan is pure non sex non kssing and undestands everything more than any other country. A lot of takes put westerners vs Japanese its really weird especially when you know the people saying this are in fact not Japanese


Pro Adventurer
I like both as well. But I like them as they were depicted, and not what fans want them to be. Which is where I think the Rebirth spoiler thread is really going off the rails, people are arguing for Aerith to return because they want something different. They say that the story can still explore the same theme if Aerith is alive, but I think it really does a disservice to what she's meant to represent if a lot what surrounded her is changed.

But I also think this is where the shipping "war" comes in as well. People want to be validated, so a lot of the ones arguing for Cloti like you and I are comprised of people that found that the canon story was pushing them by the end. There are people that enjoy the couple, I certainly do but it's still secondary as to what has been established as canon. Same for Clerith fans, they want their ship validated by canon, as if that is a requirement to be able to enjoy it.

To make a long story short, a lot of CT fans I feel are arguing for what is canon more so because that seems like the most natural read of the OG game... and while a good portion also enjoy the ship, I think for a lot of people it's more about not twisting the story than it is about a couple they like being canon.
im just saying if i need to open a 20 page thread to understand an ending its not a good ending
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