SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
What do they imply? That Stamp is Zack? :awesome:

Anyway to remind you, one of 12 lines in Aerith's farewell monologue in FF30th Anniversary Exhibition (2018) is:

Though I still dont get where and when exactly Aerith was musing this, is there any world that Stamp doesnt exist that makes her say that?
Stamp playing into the Shinra propaganda of SOLDIER and how Zack unironically lives up to the image that propaganda pushes is a change to the story I appreciate more and more as I think about it.

I don’t like ragging on other FFs to prop up one, but Zack in Rebirth strikes me as a Snow-type character done more to my tastes. Resiliently heroic almost to a fault, and the setting just keeps beating on him… but on his feet he gets and onward he goes. It’s endearing.


Thank you GamerSkull

Welcome to the forums pringlessingles! :cloudball::aeriball::cloudball::tifaball:aeriball::zackball:


I don't want Rebirth to ever end, I took a break from my post game clear up to play Grandia, when I do my beat every chapter on hard mode I will do Aerith route, I think I should go through the story again for Tifa too, then maybe Nanaki, maybe I'll just keep playing if that's what my viewers want :desucait: I still have OG and Remake replays on pause too :faint:


Pro Adventurer
The Snowman
GamerSkull said:
I’m generally curious how they’ll approach marketing for Part 3. Will they be baity for marketability reasons? Will they do it because of Rebirth allegedly selling poorly?

Moreover, how will this affect Part 3’s development. I’m expecting a 2027 release so I expect they’ll start marketing the game towards the end of 2025 or early into 2026.

It’s gonna be interesting, for sure.

I don't want anymore baity, LTD crap in part 3. I don't want will she be dead or will she not be dead, or is he dead or is he not dead bs, will Cloud save her from death or nah, speculation.

I just want them to lean into full nostalgia about handling this behemoth of a project, this labour of love that started what, 30 years ago and now took 10 years to realize. Show me the clips of when the project was first announced and the crowd went wild, then in 2020 when Tifa's first appearance broke E3 and how they're now at the tail end.

Have OG nomura, kitase, nojima, nobuo be interviewed about how their perspectives have changed since they were 20 somethings fresh in the industry to veterans where ff7 paved the way for their successes

Make it their swansong, have the people who didn't like the whispers and the new plot go, damn, that ffvii was a good game back then and I'll never forget the feeling i had playing it - I'll buy the triple pack.

Don't make their last game of the series a bunch of fcking shippers going into influencers / streamers / devs and harassing about why didn't cloud and Aerith kiss or have sex


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
Maybe it's just me fooling myself and SE is going to stick a knife in my back. But for now, given the exhibits, I think these people are going to fall hard with part 3. They can't say we didn't warn them.
Based on Rebirth and the newer novels/story, if the next part doesn’t go the way I’m assuming then I wouldn’t even feel backstabbed I’d just be disappointed in the writing and move on.

If there’s one thing I hate it’s for stories that build up certain things and then don’t act on them or the endings make no sense when you compare it to the first parts of the story.

It would just ruin Remake and Rebirths replayability to me if the third part goes a different direction then what it’s going.


Pro Adventurer
I thi
Based on Rebirth and the newer novels/story, if the next part doesn’t go the way I’m assuming then I wouldn’t even feel backstabbed I’d just be disappointed in the writing and move on.

If there’s one thing I hate it’s for stories that build up certain things and then don’t act on them or the endings make no sense when you compare it to the first parts of the story.

It would just ruin Remake and Rebirths replayability to me if the third part goes a different direction then what it’s going.

I think this is where my concern lies with all the multiple worlds angle they’re adding into the story. If it doesn’t stick the landing with that, and it doesn’t serve some greater narrative purpose ( tie into the original themes of the story for example or somehow undercuts them ) then that would be a real letdown.

There’s so much good going on here that I am willing to forgive the not-so-good if the whole trilogy pulls off something special.

I want them to be aware of the importance of scenes in part 3, but I don’t want to feel as if they know how nostalgic I am of them.


Pro Adventurer
Wait what ? Stamp was already a thing in 2018 ? 2 years before Remake ? And they "wasted" one of her 12 lines with it ?!

Bruh. They really are cooking since forever for this Re:trilogy
I vaguely recall Nojima saying he's had this written for like a decade and was just sitting on it because they never confirmed if they were gonna do a remake or not lol I'm sure he's changed some stuff between now and then but he definitely seems to know where he's going with it and has put a lot of his free time and effort into it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
On the left, second one down for people looking for it.
And Remake was definitely well into production in 2018, so they wanted people paying attention to the doggos.

Stamp playing into the Shinra propaganda of SOLDIER and how Zack unironically lives up to the image that propaganda pushes is a change to the story I appreciate more and more as I think about it.

I don’t like ragging on other FFs to prop up one, but Zack in Rebirth strikes me as a Snow-type character done more to my tastes. Resiliently heroic almost to a fault, and the setting just keeps beating on him… but on his feet he gets and onward he goes. It’s endearing.
I ironically think Snow was meant to be kind of annoying because he's annoying to Lightning. When you see him from Serah's perspective in 2 he's genuinely a good dude and a lot more like Zack and while giving this might be giving the 13 trilogy too much credit I do wonder if that was on purpose.
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Pro Adventurer
That strange moment when you just wanted to play a stylish game as a teenager and you find yourself 25 years later studying the various movements of Buddhism, the interpretation of the Japanese language and the psychology of characters in an attempt to understand the remake of said game...



Pro Adventurer
It sure was, my friend.... It sure was...
They also said this. I think people have completely lost the plot "and that you can recognise with demand in this capitalist society, the writer's story can't completely shine & Square Enix will do their best to cater to Tifa stans, and never reveal a canon ship. Although- they are always strongly hinting on Aerith as the female lead."


Pro Adventurer
They also said this. I think people have completely lost the plot "and that you can recognise with demand in this capitalist society, the writer's story can't completely shine & Square Enix will do their best to cater to Tifa stans, and never reveal a canon ship. Although- they are always strongly hinting on Aerith as the female lead."
Everytime....like clockwork lmao.


Pro Adventurer
Ah yes, making a point by being the most misogynist fucker in the universe. Another day on FF7 twt.

She never tried to bypass her village's old-fashioned way of thinking by emancipating (thank you @Ryushikaze sensei) herself, refused to wait for her prince charming by training to fight, didn't find herself homeless at 15, far from home, and still tried to survive by working without giving in to the "ease" of prostitution, didn't open her own business...

Totally a character who stakes everything on her looks, so much so that she hates being looked at like a piece of meat, and that's another of the reasons she fell for Cloud, compared with the village kids who saw her as a trophy.

Once again, in their world, you're not allowed to have your say as long as you're sexy. It's not as if Tifa's character was already something of a convention-changer back then, with a heroine far removed from the princess/priestess image. And that's what was awesome.

Like I said yesterday. They hate her because they fear her. As they should.




Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Another day, another person on twitter reducing Tifa's character down to her breasts and claiming we're all blinded by her sexiness and that she's just fanservice....
View attachment 16491

Send the fucking flood, I can't take this anymore
This is the flood.

They also said this. I think people have completely lost the plot "and that you can recognise with demand in this capitalist society, the writer's story can't completely shine & Square Enix will do their best to cater to Tifa stans, and never reveal a canon ship. Although- they are always strongly hinting on Aerith as the female lead."
The copium is intense, as are the buzzwords.
Also these people know that "female lead" and "love interest" are not synonymous, right? Even accepting that Aerith was "the" singular female lead and not one of two, it's entirely possible for the lead not to be the romance. Like Terra is THE LEAD of FF6, and yet she's not in romance with any of the men (or women) who could be said to also be Lead. Firion and Maria are the male and female leads of FF2, since it got mentioned, no romance for either.


Also they'll never read the book because that means learning more about someone they hate and if they learn more they might not hate her any more and all the hate will be a waste...


Pro Adventurer
They also said this. I think people have completely lost the plot "and that you can recognise with demand in this capitalist society, the writer's story can't completely shine & Square Enix will do their best to cater to Tifa stans, and never reveal a canon ship. Although- they are always strongly hinting on Aerith as the female lead."
It just pisses me off to see other women call themselves feminists and then immediately follow-up with the most misogynistic nonsense. They also have a tweet about how Tifa's popularity would decrease massively if SE put her in a turtleneck sweater. I'm like ???? You do realize she's like almost completely covered up in Advent Children and that's one of her most popular outfits amongst her fans?

As a woman, it just really triggers me to see other women being so obtuse, male-focused, and misogynistic while claiming WE'RE the misogynistic ones for liking a character who just so happens to have large breasts.

Personal anecdote: two years ago, I had the exact same breast size as Tifa. I got a breast reduction because they were destroying my back but my worth and value as a person did not increase with the decrease of my bust. Reducing a female character down to the size of her breasts is so cartoonishly misogynistic that it feels like a damn joke.

And then to praise men who can "see past Tifa" and recognize Aerith as the main heroine is just.... such an infantilization of men that it makes me sick. They're essentially suggesting that men can't think past their sexual desires, so of course Tifa is their preference, but if they prefer Aerith then we gotta throw them a party for not falling into temptation. Like wtf kind of puritanical nonsense is that?


Pro Adventurer
It just pisses me off to see other women call themselves feminists and then immediately follow-up with the most misogynistic nonsense. They also have a tweet about how Tifa's popularity would decrease massively if SE put her in a turtleneck sweater. I'm like ???? You do realize she's like almost completely covered up in Advent Children and that's one of her most popular outfits amongst her fans?

As a woman, it just really triggers me to see other women being so obtuse, male-focused, and misogynistic while claiming WE'RE the misogynistic ones for liking a character who just so happens to have large breasts.

Personal anecdote: two years ago, I had the exact same breast size as Tifa. I got a breast reduction because they were destroying my back but my worth and value as a person did not increase with the decrease of my bust. Reducing a female character down to the size of her breasts is so cartoonishly misogynistic that it feels like a damn joke.

And then to praise men who can "see past Tifa" and recognize Aerith as the main heroine is just.... such an infantilization of men that it makes me sick. They're essentially suggesting that men can't think past their sexual desires, so of course Tifa is their preference, but if they prefer Aerith then we gotta throw them a party for not falling into temptation. Like wtf kind of puritanical nonsense is that?
They legit think us men can only like a female character for their attractiveness and not because of the characters writing, its so strange. What's weird is some of the male fanatatics repeat that they are better for not liking the character with the larger chest size like that matters at all for the actual fans of the characters. If this were true scarlett would be the most popular character but she isn't and then they cant answer why not cause they say well scarlett is evil and Tifa is not, see personality and writing point disproven


Pro Adventurer
And then to praise men who can "see past Tifa" and recognize Aerith as the main heroine is just.... such an infantilization of men that it makes me sick. They're essentially suggesting that men can't think past their sexual desires, so of course Tifa is their preference, but if they prefer Aerith then we gotta throw them a party for not falling into temptation. Like wtf kind of puritanical nonsense is that?

Aerith being the most "princess in danger in another castle" character ever seen in the first half of the game lmao. But of course, this is the character who tells you that you're a better man than the others. Literally the caricature of the woman who needs the man to save her.

(Again, nothing wrong with that, it's an archetype, it's just a setup and she's much more than that. Just laughing at their bad faith takes).


Pro Adventurer
It just pisses me off to see other women call themselves feminists and then immediately follow-up with the most misogynistic nonsense. They also have a tweet about how Tifa's popularity would decrease massively if SE put her in a turtleneck sweater. I'm like ???? You do realize she's like almost completely covered up in Advent Children and that's one of her most popular outfits amongst her fans?
The funniest part about claiming that Tifa would be less popular if she was "covered up" in a turtleneck, is that it's not even true. People still love Ada Wong from Resident Evil even though she's "covered up" in a turtleneck lmao.

And then to praise men who can "see past Tifa" and recognize Aerith as the main heroine is just.... such an infantilization of men that it makes me sick. They're essentially suggesting that men can't think past their sexual desires, so of course Tifa is their preference, but if they prefer Aerith then we gotta throw them a party for not falling into temptation. Like wtf kind of puritanical nonsense is that?
It always annoys me aswell when people praise men for not being overtly horny for characters/people. Like yeah? that's the bare minimum.


Pro Adventurer
The funniest part about claiming that Tifa would be less popular if she was "covered up" in a turtleneck, is that it's not even true. People still love Ada Wong from Resident Evil even though she's "covered up" in a turtleneck lmao.

Not even have to search in another series. We have Advent Children Tifa. Maybe the most loved outfit of the fandom lmao.


Pro Adventurer
It just pisses me off to see other women call themselves feminists and then immediately follow-up with the most misogynistic nonsense. They also have a tweet about how Tifa's popularity would decrease massively if SE put her in a turtleneck sweater. I'm like ???? You do realize she's like almost completely covered up in Advent Children and that's one of her most popular outfits amongst her fans?

As a woman, it just really triggers me to see other women being so obtuse, male-focused, and misogynistic while claiming WE'RE the misogynistic ones for liking a character who just so happens to have large breasts.

Personal anecdote: two years ago, I had the exact same breast size as Tifa. I got a breast reduction because they were destroying my back but my worth and value as a person did not increase with the decrease of my bust. Reducing a female character down to the size of her breasts is so cartoonishly misogynistic that it feels like a damn joke.

And then to praise men who can "see past Tifa" and recognize Aerith as the main heroine is just.... such an infantilization of men that it makes me sick. They're essentially suggesting that men can't think past their sexual desires, so of course Tifa is their preference, but if they prefer Aerith then we gotta throw them a party for not falling into temptation. Like wtf kind of puritanical nonsense is that?
Tifa aka the filter for players and “players” who don’t actually look deeper than the character design and ignore all aspects of the story that systematically says the opposite of that snap judgement.

It’s weird behavior inside and outside of games.
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