SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
The Snowman
I think it might be too late to avoid a melt down, as far as extremists go, if things don't go the way some want as far as influencers, streamers, etc.

For my part I shall try to fade with peacefully/quietly/gently with dignity and grace :pinkmonster:
I'm hoping the extremists will be bored waiting on p3, and find something else to focus their energies on.

The fake feminism, fake "women need to be independent from men, so Tifa should decenter Cloud and live her life as strong independent woman", "Aerith needs to live because its a story about fighting fate", I can sorta roll my eyes and ignore because the real reason for these posts is transparent, but the constant getting into streamers chats mocking and passive aggressively forcing them to play the game a certain way irritates me endlessly

I thought Rebirth was very generous with Cloud/Aerith though, though to me its clear to me where compilation is heading.

I probably missed the earlier posts but how do you think P3 will end?


Pro Adventurer
Update: said account has a following list that is almost exclusively Cleriths, go figure.........

Could be the greatest Cloti enjoyer, doesn't change the fact this take is shit.

I don't even care if it's about defending their ship or not. It's just disrespectful, and a great lack of understanding. Literally misogynist behavior reducting a woman by her look. Women don't need men to tell them what they can do or not with their body. Girl is training everyday to have a body she loves and make her feel good ? Good for her if she wanna show it. Just shut up.

Tifa is a character loved by a lot of women too. So what ? They're dumb and just thirsty ?


Pro Adventurer
Could be the greatest Cloti enjoyer, doesn't change the fact this take is shit.

I don't even care if it's about defending their ship or not. It's just disrespectful, and a great lack of understanding. Literally misogynist behavior reducting a woman by her look. Women don't need men to tell them what they can do or not with their body. Girl is training everyday to have a body she loves and make her feel good ? Good for her if she wanna show it. Just shut up.

Tifa is a character loved by a lot of women too. So what ? They're dumb and just thirsty ?
There's a whole sidequest about it and these people want to be stupid about her because they don't care enough to do Tifa quests but then complain that there's no content for her outside of Cloud. Well MAYBE if you actually liked this game, you'd care about exploring all the characters 🙃 It says a lot that they don't.


Pro Adventurer
There's a whole sidequest about it and these people want to be stupid about her because they don't care enough to do Tifa quests but then complain that there's no content for her outside of Cloud. Well MAYBE if you actually liked this game, you'd care about exploring all the characters 🙃 It says a lot that they don't.

Crying about Square Enix pleasing the dumb kids with fan service while asking a dead character to be alive again, and fuck the hero. Because why not.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It just pisses me off to see other women call themselves feminists and then immediately follow-up with the most misogynistic nonsense. They also have a tweet about how Tifa's popularity would decrease massively if SE put her in a turtleneck sweater. I'm like ???? You do realize she's like almost completely covered up in Advent Children and that's one of her most popular outfits amongst her fans?
That sort of person views everyone else as an NPC, and tend to be the most hateful and regressive people once you get beyond the buzzwords.

As a woman, it just really triggers me to see other women being so obtuse, male-focused, and misogynistic while claiming WE'RE the misogynistic ones for liking a character who just so happens to have large breasts.
I don't even think it's male focused. It's seeing other women as the enemy, as a threat. They view men as a prize and other women as an enemy coming for what is rightfully theirs.

Personal anecdote: two years ago, I had the exact same breast size as Tifa. I got a breast reduction because they were destroying my back but my worth and value as a person did not increase with the decrease of my bust. Reducing a female character down to the size of her breasts is so cartoonishly misogynistic that it feels like a damn joke.
It's the kind of misogyny that you get specifically from women to women.

And then to praise men who can "see past Tifa" and recognize Aerith as the main heroine is just.... such an infantilization of men that it makes me sick. They're essentially suggesting that men can't think past their sexual desires, so of course Tifa is their preference, but if they prefer Aerith then we gotta throw them a party for not falling into temptation. Like wtf kind of puritanical nonsense is that?
Neo-puritanicalism, in fact. Men are nothing but slaves to their base desires and women are eternal victims who can do no wrong except becky for looking like a slut and tempting my man.

I might be being a little reductive here, but not by much I don't think.
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Pro Adventurer
It's going to be really weird for them when after 2 games hammering the fact that Tifa is an unhealthy people pleaser, that it's a flaw in her personality, that she can't do anything about it and hates it ... we see her throwing everything in the trash and say a firm no for the first time in her life... when the team needs her the most but the man she loves is sick in a wheelchair and she decides to stay by his side through thick and thin.

As if we had planned to write it in such a way that this decision seemed significant to us because it was in total opposition to what we had seen so far but at the same time logical.

We should invent a term for that... like story telling.


Pro Adventurer
It's going to be really weird for them when after 2 games hammering the fact that Tifa is an unhealthy people pleaser, that it's a flaw in her personality, that she can't do anything about it and hates it ... we see her throwing everything in the trash and say a firm no for the first time in her life... when the team needs her the most but the man she loves is sick in a wheelchair and she decides to stay by his side through thick and thin.

As if we had planned to write it in such a way that this decision seemed significant to us because it was in total opposition to what we had seen so far but at the same time logical.

We should invent a term for that... like story telling.
I’m hoping that little segment gets proper time to sit, maybe even require Barret to be present because it’s something started back in remake when Tifa wasn’t so down for hardcore ecoterrorism.

This whole series of events has taken one too many things from her, and she’s gonna hold on to this one to the end of the world if she has to.


Pro Adventurer
It's going to be really weird for them when after 2 games hammering the fact that Tifa is an unhealthy people pleaser, that it's a flaw in her personality, that she can't do anything about it and hates it ... we see her throwing everything in the trash and say a firm no for the first time in her life... when the team needs her the most but the man she loves is sick in a wheelchair and she decides to stay by his side through thick and thin.

As if we had planned to write it in such a way that this decision seemed significant to us because it was in total opposition to what we had seen so far but at the same time logical.

We should invent a term for that... like story telling.
Its so peak because it is selfish of Tifa but its also her finally choosing for herself to be selfish. Its so interesting,
And every comment will be about her being obsessed with Cloud which yeah because she's in love with him and wants to help him
its not that simple XD


Pro Adventurer
Its so peak because it is selfish of Tifa but its also her finally choosing for herself to be selfish. Its so interesting,
And every comment will be about her being obsessed with Cloud which yeah because she's in love with him and wants to help him
its not that simple XD
They love to act like Cloud wouldn't choose the same thing if the roles were reversed even though we literally saw that exact scenario play out in Gongaga lol


Pro Adventurer
I’m hoping that little segment gets proper time to sit, maybe even require Barret to be present because it’s something started back in remake when Tifa wasn’t so down for hardcore ecoterrorism.

This whole series of events has taken one too many things from her, and she’s gonna hold on to this one to the end of the world if she has to.

Yes ! 100% ! I need daddy Barret being sad, telling her they still have a fight to win but then finally accepting her choice and give his blessing to his second daughter.

They love to act like Cloud wouldn't choose the same thing if the roles were reversed even though we literally saw that exact scenario play out in Gongaga lol

It's so hypocritical. Aerith faking death, spaning over Zack's dead body, just to be with Cloud is not suddenly ?


Mr. Thou
So, went to the place where the person was quoting the wacdonalds interview. Touched the poop trying to correct some misunderstandings. The response I got was interesting. "Prove this is a fake interview. It being set in a wacdonalds was a joke, obviously! That's why it got removed when the interview was reposted later"
Said person also linked the infamous "Koi space Bito" argument, you know, the one where Koibito means something entirely different when you write it with Kanji as opposed to not.

But more than anything, the rules there are extremely telling. Basically all of them are "This is a place for CXA, Do not mention Tifa or Zack or Zerith and argument is right out!" Out of curiosity I checked the Cloti subreddit and the rules were normal "be polite, don't be a dick" style rules. Also the difference in members was insane. 600 members of the CXA sub versus 138K for Cloti.

It definitely put me in her good graces.

They're most fun. Next time you get yourself a laptop or the like try doing a couple.

Being exploded is typically not a problem for Cloud.

It's better for him this way, honestly.

Hey now. They might also be dying to Zero.

Throat/ voice nonsense, but enjoy it as nonsense anyways.

The Uranium talks? We might be getting into entirely new ethical quandaries here.

Finish it in an hour and it's on the house.
Only Cloud and Barret have ever finished it.

And Aerith with a Chain-Gun. Or maybe she should be Scout and Cait Sith can be heavy.

I think the only thing he knows now is pain.

It's also very indicative of Scout's character. Regardless of how sane it is, he's the guy who wants to be where the fighting is, even if he's hopelessly outnumbered and outclassed.

I meant the turrets for Barret, but yeah, I can see Scout using his brothers as a distraction while he slipped behind and bonked his enemies in the back. Why it might even bring a smile to The Spy Tom Jones' face and a tear to his eye.

I'm reminded of the fact that all the cocktails at Artnia had Summon themed names.

True that.

On a related note whenever Yuffie fins a beau it's going to be very scary for him. Or her.

It's why he goes ham trying to make sure everyone has a good time on the booby prize date.

We could go deliberately dumb and call them the Jennies.

There's overlap between the groups, I think.

Such is the way with him and Marlene.

So did I, but that's still an accurate statement of how you play the game. Weapons improve the more you use them, you improve strength and agility by attacking, improve evasion by not being hit, you improve most of the rest of your stats by being hit, and basically all spells other than L16 toad and healing are traps. Ultima most of all, of course.

But L16 toad works on literally all enemies in the game, last one included. Plus it's how to get the best equipment.

I take it the bajillion deleted comments in that post are yours. Got the mods working hard for their money.

After all this time, why do they still have a death grip on that interview? Is it that hard to find Japanese people and/or people living in Japan hanging around JRPG discussions? Why don’t we just ask them? Well, on second thought, if it were that easy someone would have thought of it already. Clearly we need these Final Fantasy anthropologists to conduct offline WacDonalds interviews about spaces in written Japanese.


Pro Adventurer
Yes ! 100% ! I need daddy Barret being sad, telling her they still have a fight to win but then finally accepting her choice and give his blessing to his second daughter.
Makes me think they’ll have Tifa give Barret the little talking to that Cait Sith does in the original, while also lumping herself into it. Considering the change of how the bombing run went down, it’d be a little weird to have Cait be the one to say it.


Pro Adventurer
I take it the bajillion deleted comments in that post are yours. Got the mods working hard for their money.

After all this time, why do they still have a death grip on that interview? Is it that hard to find Japanese people and/or people living in Japan hanging around JRPG discussions? Why don’t we just ask them? Well, on second thought, if it were that easy someone would have thought of it already. Clearly we need these Final Fantasy anthropologists to conduct offline WacDonalds interviews about spaces in written Japanese.
They are trying to say because of the "streaming era" more people like cloti than before and because of the pesky compilation
adding in bits of lore to the story


Pro Adventurer
They are trying to say because of the "streaming era" more people like cloti than before and because of the pesky compilation
adding in bits of lore to the story

Translation : Devs are making clear what their initial attempt was, and now a lot more people can see and feel it, with voice acting, characters motions and so on. The headcanon we chose to believe in is not a real thing.

Again, we'll never know the whole truth of it, because in 1997 they didn't know the game will become their war treasure for the next 20 years. Personally I think the canon was pretty clear but whatever

Edit : My 1997 canon being Cloud thinks he's another dude during 2/3 of the game. Meets a new girl. He's intrigued by her and starts to fall for her. She dies. He sad. He has to move on. Discovers the truth about himself. Loses it. Recovers with the power of love thanks to his childhood friend. Kill the bad guy. Bad guy succeed ? No Aerith saves the day with her new Jedi ghost powers. Cloud is at peace because he knows that the afterlife is real thanks to Aerith. They didn't say goodbye to their dead loved ones, it's just a see you later. Cloud and Tifa may now live happily ever after ? Maybe. The end.
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Pro Adventurer
What do they imply? That Stamp is Zack? :awesome:

Anyway to remind you, one of 12 lines in Aerith's farewell monologue in FF30th Anniversary Exhibition (2018) is:

Though I still dont get where and when exactly Aerith was musing this, is there any world that Stamp doesnt exist that makes her say that?
The only time I recall Aerith mentioning stamp is in her inner monologue. (Can anyone confirm?)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Weren't Maria's feelings for Firion implied, though?
Yeah, but he doesn't actually notice them in game ever.

I take it the bajillion deleted comments in that post are yours. Got the mods working hard for their money.

After all this time, why do they still have a death grip on that interview? Is it that hard to find Japanese people and/or people living in Japan hanging around JRPG discussions? Why don’t we just ask them? Well, on second thought, if it were that easy someone would have thought of it already. Clearly we need these Final Fantasy anthropologists to conduct offline WacDonalds interviews about spaces in written Japanese.
Actually no, I think all mine are still up. The deleted ones were comments about C/A vs Z/A and C/T in one of the mobile games. Bravest squadron I think? They were making a big deal about Aerith being in a wedding dress and someone came in to say "Oh, that game has a ton of Z/A and C/T stuff in it too, it does not say what you want to say.

They are trying to say because of the "streaming era" more people like cloti than before and because of the pesky compilation
adding in bits of lore to the story
How the streaming era and Cloti are related is rather beyond me. Honestly, I think it's just all sorts of cope. "Aerith is recognized in japan as the true pairing" is shit I've been hearing since the turn of the century if not a bit before. In short, the cope has always been here.

Translation : Devs are making clear what their initial attempt was, and now a lot more people can see and feel it, with voice acting, characters motions and so on. The headcanon we chose to believe in is not a real thing.

Again, we'll never know the whole truth of it, because in 1997 they didn't know the game will become their war treasure for the next 20 years. Personally I think the canon was pretty clear but whatever
I mean, you kill someone and then reveal her love rival was always the reason for a guy to carry on, you're pretty soundly killing her chances even deader.
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