Mass Effect Series


Pro Adventurer
All GI HQ scans:

Also, about this post:

I agree.

People who only have a PS3 and pick this franchise up from ME2 won't understand just how good the games are, and are missing probably the most important aspect of the series itself. Then your gonna get people saying that its 'Hyped up' when it just so isn't.

So yeah, calling it now ^. When you hear this in 2011 from PS3 users, direct them to this post.

I only got into ME when ME2 came to PS3. I had thought it was overrated before I played it, just from watching videos, but now I know how wrong I was. Since then I bought the original ME for my POS PC and have played through ME2 twice. So there's some hope. :monster:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
lol looks like they're recycling Liara's ME2 model :monster:

uhhhh no

me1 did that

idk what this insinuates

Also, it might seem a little hypocritical of me but I'd actually appreciate missions with stuff slightly closer together, or at least a faster vehicle. There are times in ME1 where I'm driving across this huge flat plain of nothingness for a few minutes and nothing's really happening. I guess that was part of the beauty of the Mako sections, but it would have been nice to initiate something like random encounters to put some shazam into the driving :awesome:
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c

That's not HQ at all ffs. I still have to strain my eyes to read them in the browser, and what's with the grainy shit.

I only got into ME when ME2 came to PS3. I had thought it was overrated before I played it,



Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
You think an elcor husk will just be a giant tank?

Anyway found this scan if anyone wants a read.
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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Joe: Cannon-Fodder posted all the scans Mr Scott, they be here

Alex: I love Joe, he is amazing.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Raiden as a short-lived salarian lizard!

Short lifespan, hyperactive brain, less bishonen look!
What's not to like?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Raiden as a short-lived salarian lizard!

Short lifespan, hyperactive brain, less bishonen look!
What's not to like?
though.. that raiden has actually managed to turn into a woman this time around


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Hmmm well at least there's an excuse for being ladylike

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku


The Cerberus armour kinda looks like it's trying a bit too hard, but still, shweet.

Also there's some speculation that the bars on the back of Shepard's suit is the new health bar a la Dead Space, but I think those have always been there.

Edit: Yeah, those lights were in ME2 as well.
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Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
They were in ME1 as well, they serve as a spot on the armour to hold whatever weapons Shep is carrying on his/her person.

Edit: Also, those shots and that scan are all in the new GameInformer. Nearly died when I saw the cover, which is literally just Commander Shepard posing like a badass with epic vast space BG.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
You mean Commander Shepard trying to pass a stone against the epic vast space BG.


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Mass Effect is a blockbuster franchise with a legion of loyal followers, and certain pieces of information about Mass Effect 3 are on everyone's must-know list. What characters are returning? How will Shepard's choices affect the fate of the galaxy? However, some questions about the series go off the beaten path; they are born from an attention to detail, an affinity for speculation, and the will to thoroughly read the in-game codex. To get answers (or at least hints of answers) pertaining to these topics, we talked to Mass Effect 3's lead writer, Mac Walters. Some may dismiss the following interview as trainspotting, but dedicated Mass Effect fans are likely to learn a few tidbits of tantalizing info – and learn which storylines might resurface in the trilogy's conclusion.

GI: Was the fact that Harbinger is a Reaper supposed to be a surprise at the end of ME2? It was presented like a reveal, but players (and Shepard) would have to be pretty dense to not have it figured out.
Walters: No, it wasn't meant to be a surprise, but it was important that we make the connection clearly at the end of the game. The goal was to reveal just how close the Reapers were to returning to our Galaxy, and to foreshadow the fate of humanity if Shepard failed to stop them.

On the original cover of Mass Effect: Revelation, both of Saren’s arms appear normal. However, in the first game, one of them is clearly made from Geth/Reaper technology. Did this aspect of his design change during development?
Good eye! It is common for most of our characters, especially those as important as Saren, to go through many revisions throughout the course of the game. And it's not just the visual concept – the voice, background, and even the gender of our characters can change (Saren got off lucky with just an arm change!). However, in this case, the difference is because we’re seeing Saren before he was indoctrinated and working with Sovereign (the time period for Revelation was about 18 years prior to the events of Mass Effect).

Why do most of the Reapers we’ve seen so far have similar insect-like appearances? The human Reaper looked different, but otherwise it seems like the Reapers mainly build themselves out of bugs. Is that correct?
The exterior of the Reapers does follow a similar pattern, an efficient design for the purpose they were created for. However each Reaper is created from a unique species, and as we saw at the end of Mass Effect 2, the core of each Reaper is designed in the likeness of that species.

In ME 2, Conrad Verner seems to the think that Shepard held a gun to his face, even if players chose the paragon option in ME 1. Was this just a glitch, or is there some story reason behind this?
Well, it may have been a glitch, or maybe Conrad was just having an off day (even more off than usual). Stay tuned in Mass Effect 3 to see how Verner deals with this embarrassing misstep with Shepard.

Where is the Illusive Man physically located during the course of Mass Effect 2? What’s going on with that colorful cosmic display outside his window?
The colorful cosmic display is a clue to the location of the Illusive Man, which I can't reveal. Not yet.

Some Asari have eyebrows. Some don’t. Are they born with or without? Or does it vary based on the individual?
Actually, they aren’t eyebrows at all. They are unique color patterns that vary for every Asari. We, being humans, naturally associate those particular markings with eyebrows, but the Asari don’t think of them in that way at all.

Legion couldn’t fully answer Shepard’s question about the reason it chose Shepard’s armor to repair itself. Can you give us any insight?
Legion is a complex organism. And like many of us evolved organics, he is not always certain about why he does the things he does. But I think it's safe to assume that Legion saw in Shepard a sort of kindred spirit. Legion is unique among his kind, as is Shepard, and he no doubt inferred a sort of bond with this unique human individual. And… there was a hole.

Some fans were disappointed by Liara’s apparent lack of enthusiasm when re-encountering Shepard in ME 2, especially given the lengths she went to in the Redemption comic. From a story perspective, is there an explanation for why she isn’t happier to see the Commander?
Liara was happy to see Shepard. But she was confused about his return from the brink of death and his role with Cerberus. Add to that, she was dealing with the loss of Feron, and maybe struggling with her feelings for the roguish Drell who had sacrificed himself for her. Of course, as we saw in The Lair of the Shadow Broker, once that situation was put to rights, her feelings for Shepard were once again made clear.

Some fans have speculated that Aethyta (the Asari Matriarch behind the bar at Eternity) is Liara’s “father.” Is there any truth to that? Will we find out more on that topic in Mass Effect 3?
The writers are keenly aware of the speculation and there are indeed discussions about how this plot line will resolve in Mass Effect 3. And that’s all I can say about that.

Do Reapers have individual personalities?
That's right up there with "Do Reapers have a soul?" or "Are they truly alive"? All great questions, but all questions that we are waiting to answer in Mass Effect 3.

Also, here's an assload of new scans confirming characters and some other details.

Article highlights taken from neogaf:

New Confirmed Characters:
-Tali: Has unfinished business with Shepard.
-Jack: Had a character redesign. Was a popular romance option.

Confirmed Part of Squad:
-Kaiden/Ashley (Has achieved Spectre status)
-James Sanders

-Admiral Anderson
-The Illusive Man
-Mordin (The plot dictates that he stays close to Shepard)
(And, from Game Informer earlier, Wrex)

Confirmed Locations:
-Salarian Homeworld
-Quarian Homeworld Rannoch (The Geth Occupied One)
-Mars (A human-mining operation)
-A human mega city that formed when Vancouver and Seattle merged.
Add: That's where you'll spend your time on Earth. So not London or New York like previously mentioned. Describes the planet: 'It's curved, futuristic buildings bathe in beautiful light as the sea laps into the waterfront and docks.' They also saw the aftermath in which the Reapers decimate it.

Heavy Melee Attacks
-Class based one hit kill melee move.
-There is a new charged-up melee attack where Shepard uses his Omni-Tool to inflicting a big burning hit.

Additional Details:
-Casey Hudson says, the game will have some epic moments, as well as 'smaller, more personal moments' that exceeds the previous 2 games. The player will start realising things from Shepard's personal life. He will have to deal with the consequences of the sacrifices he's had to make.
-Obvious: Your choices will all have an impact in ME 3 such as the genophage, the collector base, your LI choices etc.
-New enemy type: The Cannibal. Part Batarian, part Human and part Reaper. Consumes other enemies in combat to gain strength.
-The Turret that Engineers can use won't kill enemies, but distract them.
-Gunfights are quicker and more deadly (confirmation).
-Visually it's tapping the heels of games such as Killzone 3 and Crysis 2, with 6 months development time left.
-The Rachni decision may haunt you in ME 3.
-Character customisation will be as extensive as ever.
-The action, rather than the all-linear affair of ME 2, will be more along the lines of Uncharted.
-New Cerberus troops are called Phantoms and Assassins.
-Shepard faces full-on bosses in the game's story. Some are really huge. One part, you have to lure a Reaper up to a Thresher Maw so they can duke it out.
-"Many of the core story levels are built around the largest, most dramatic moments in the galaxy."
-The Mass Effect series has sold over 7 million copies.

Interesting developments.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
-New enemy type: The Cannibal. Part Batarian, part Human and part Reaper.


-Gunfights are quicker and more deadly (confirmation).

What does this even mean =/ Less health in enemies? Fewer enemies at the time? People run and shoot faster? +1 for specificity. :monster:

-Character customisation will be as extensive as ever.

If this means "more extensive than the previous two games", then good. :awesome:

I will probably stand by my decision to save the Rachni queen, even on my second playthrough in ME1.

Kaiden/Ashley as Spectres? Sounds juicy. :3

Also, throwing out the theory that TIM is sitting near the sun. (ie. Sol, ie. somewhere between the star and Mercury) :monster: In fact, I'd never really thought about where the Illusive Man is this entire time. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

EDIT: Also, I can totally see Aethyta as the "father" between her and Benezia. Roflfuckingcopter.
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We have come to terms
How is anyone drawing a connection between Benezia and Aethyta? O.o

Also, ILM's location changes constantly, as readers of the books would know :oscar:

lol @ Kaden the Wooden Spectre with the Heart of Wood

glad to see Tali and Jack back, tho.



unsavory tart
The Salarian homeworld looks kinda like the Citadel :/ I kinda hope they mix up the environments. And I hope Earth looks awesome.

-Jack: Had a character redesign.
That's good, cause she looked kind of ridiculous.

Though I killed her off so it won't matter too much
Was a popular romance option.

-Mordin (The plot dictates that he stays close to Shepard)
Good. I put him at the top of the best new 2010 characters, I'm glad he is still with Shepard.
-The action, rather than the all-linear affair of ME 2, will be more along the lines of Uncharted.
Huh. I don't quite understand what this means.
-Kaiden/Ashley (Has achieved Spectre status)
That's interesting. I mean, I'm not sure why I'm surprised, should have seen it coming. But still surprising.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
How is anyone drawing a connection between Benezia and Aethyta? O.o
Aethyta stares at a picture of Liara sadly in TSB's files. Therefore, a lot of people feel that this is good evidence that she is Liara's estranged father.
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