Mass Effect Series


What's the multiplayer like?
I didn't bother with it.

Well I am having fun with it. I don't play many online shooters but I suspect it's like any number of them. In that your results may vary depending on who you are teamed with.

As a person who pretty much just plays soldier it's fun learning the ins and outs of the different classes. Although as a soldier It sucks having to unlock ammo powers and then pick one before starting a mission.

But the most frustrating part is the randomness of the things you unlock. I have gotten tons of shotgun stuff. I have 1 maybe 2 characters that use shotguns. That is why I was so excited about the 3 rare pack that I got. :joy:


We have come to terms
I have somehow managed to unlock both the Widow and Black Widow for mp

the latter of which is vastly superior

though what I really want is a way to make the Arc Pistol weigh less ;.;


I have somehow managed to unlock both the Widow and Black Widow for mp

the latter of which is vastly superior

though what I really want is a way to make the Arc Pistol weigh less ;.;

Unlocking the upgrades to that gun will probably help. At least I think........


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I've unlocked only about 5 weapons, one rare sniper (Raptor) and one rare shotgun (Disciple).

Considering I unlocked about 2-3 times more stuff in the demo, I'd say i've been running a spate of bad luck. :monster:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
i unlocked that assault rifle that shoots grenades (m37 falcon i think?) and it's hella fun, it staggers just about everything except boss units

only character i've unlocked so far though is the turian soldier which makes me kinda sad since i've already got my bf3 soldier to level 20

wtb something krogan or asari


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
i've unlocked quarian infiltrator like
4 times
I mean I like it an' all but I'd rather unlock more weapons rather than the same characters lolo

kenneth and gabby being cute together
drunk!tali conversation with javik


Mr. Thou
I finally got a goddamn Krogan sentinel and it only took the money from two gold wins.

Bunch of weapons I haven't used, like the Disciple. Tried that Spike Thrower and hated it. The Revenant was like holding a firetruck hose and the Reapers shoved the Geth Plasma Rifle up my ass sideways. Pretty much stick with the Black Widow or Claymore on every character now.


We have come to terms
^edit: try adding the stability thing to the revenant

I literally KEEP getting character shit, especially for characters I haven't created (human male adept, for example, when my human adept is female). That, and somehow always getting upgrades for the crap basic assault rifle and pistol =/

on the plus side, the only class I'm missing now is the turian sentinel >:3


We have come to terms
I like the Falcon, but it's an assault rifle that shoots grenades ;.;

The Avenger is fine for me so far, but only because I don't have something better like the Saber or Mattock.


I've only played multiplayer a few times, but I really want to unlock the Drell Vanguard. I've got an Asari Vanguard but I think everyone gets that with a starter pack or something. Also she's the only character I've unlocked ^_^.


We have come to terms
No, everyone doesn't get it with a starter pack. I got a quarian infiltrator in mine.


Well that's good to know. I'm not sure how I feel about the random nature of the packs though. I suppose it's better in the long run, like opening a present and you just don't know whats inside! ^_^


Well that's good to know. I'm not sure how I feel about the random nature of the packs though. I suppose it's better in the long run, like opening a present and you just don't know whats inside! ^_^

A big pile of useless shit at least half the time. :moar:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Asari Vanguard was the starter pack unlock for me as well.

Any news on that event reward? I haven't seen it pop up in my Store yet.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Holy crap, just been reading TVtropes....

Anyone else hang around the hospital on the Citadel long enought to hear the whole story of the Asari with PTSD?

And did anyone else here Joker talk about this sister?

I heard both stories but didn't connect the dots, well... :(

In Mass Effect 3, a conversation between two Asari, one a shell-shocked commando, can be heard. Repeated visits reveal the commando to have been a survivor of a Reaper attack on a farm on a planet called Tiptree. She had been escaping husks and other Reaper-converted monsters with a fifteen year-old girl named Hillary in tow. Eventually, Hillary became injured and would not stop crying, endangering them both. Unable to silence her, the commando, in desperation, ultimately shot the girl.

This is pretty bad in itself... and you later learn that Joker has family on Tiptree. He hasn't heard from his father, but he's pretty sure that his fifteen year-old sister, Hillary, made it off safely.
Damn. :scared:


We have come to terms
Heard both of those things.

And yeah, his sister is fine, but he assumes his father is not fine.


Chloe Frazer
Yeah man.
As soon as I heard Joker say his sister's name was Hilary I was like "Oh shit". Did anyone give the asari the gun? I didn't.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
The only people who gave her the gun would be people who just authorize absolutely everything in the Spectre terminal without actually reading them. :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
March 20, 2012

Phaeston Assault Rifle
- Damage increased from [29.7-37.2] to [34.7-42.2]

Revenant Assault Rifle
- Damage increased from [52.9-66.2] to [57.9-71.2]

Claymore Shotgun
- Damage increased from [152.8-191.0] to [167.8-206.0]

Falcon Assault Rifle
- Increased refire time on the Falcon to 0.65 seconds
- Decreased rate of fire from 125 to 50
- Decreased max spare ammo from [24-34] to [18-28]

Sentry Turret Power
- Increased base shields from 500 to 1000
- Increased base damage from 25 to 30
- Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade damage increased from 150 to 250
- Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade radius increased from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters

Combat Drone Power
- Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade damage increased from 150 to 250
- Evolve 5 Rocket upgrade radius increased from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters

Ops Survival Pack Consumable
- Increased amount of bonus shields given from 1000 to 1500

- (Silver) Armor increased from 11250 to 12940
- (Silver) Shields increased from 11250 to 12940
- (Gold) Armor increased from 16875 to 21094
- (Gold) Shields increased from 16875 to 21094
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