Mass Effect Series


I agree with everything you just said.

I wish I had more dialogue with my LI though, but it suffices enough toward the end, those moments are just amazing.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I thought synthesis was basically the icing on the cake. Flawed as the Reaper logic was, I felt it was a more literal interpretation of the sort of unity that Shepard had been working on throughout the entire game. The god-machine thing/deus ex machina :monster: itself admitted that the original concept of the cycles no longer would work, since Shepard had achieved a shitload of things that previous civilisations had never achieved before. So it proposes the new solutions.

Shepard spends quite a bit of the encounter calling out on the bullshit, anyway. The glaring flaws in the Reaper directives are due to the uncaring nature of the machines in charge of things. The story acknowledges that Shepard has proved them wrong, but at the same time it's trying to assert that although there would be immediate peace, sometime in the very distant future civilisations are going to screw themselves over again unless some deep-seated change occurs.

There are plot holes and mistakes here and there, the execution could have been improved, but there's some solid ideas. For all the shittiness, I don't feel that all of it can be trivialised. And a part-contradictory ending does not a completely ruined franchise make.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I ended the game with not knowing quite sure how I felt about it. I didn't know any of the spoilers and I didn't know there was a huge hate wave. I just sort of... sighed and stared and tried to sort out what the fuck just happened.

The more I felt about it, the more I thought it was just insulting.

Especially the option I chose, synthesis. Even the Adam-Eve symbolism of EDI and Joker just felt like it was piling more half thought out bullshit symbolism on my plate. But mostly, I hated the idea that synthesis would bring the "end of the conflict."

No. You know what brings the end of conflict? Shepard. Shepard stopped the salarians-krogan-turian tensions. Shepard united the geth with the quarians. And they didn't need to be "all the same." They needed hard work, understanding, and a badass to show the way. The idea that you can magic the meaness away, when you just spent hours arguing and fighting to unite a galaxy that was torn because of racism and historical differences doesn't sit right to me.

It's not thought provoking, it's dumb.

Even more annoying is when they tried to make it about synthetics versus organics, which might have worked. I mean, we did see this problem since game one. Except we RESOLVED that issue in this game. In a much better way, and one affected much more by the choices you made throughout the franchise. It's like if the godchild said the reason he did it was because of the genophage. I JUST CURED THE GENOPHAGE. We addressed and put an end to this discussion last game arc.

That said, the ending didn't nullify my love for this game. I enjoyed this game tons, even if the quest journal seemed to do everything within its power to piss me off. Nor am I in the "change the ending with free dlc" camp because at this point, I'm not sure I can play another ending without what happened stuck in my mind.

This is completely right, mass effect 3's ending insults the entire trilogy, contradicts itself, and doesn't even make sense.

They're not in the spirit of the series at ALL.


unsavory tart

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Biotics > Reapers

we didn't lose a single silver challenge tonight

raped dem banshees in da butthole


I'm a pussy, I haven't even tried a match that isn't bronze.

Had to post this because it's Hilar.
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So..... does anyone play on PS3? If so, add me! (Also, has anyone had trouble on the server today? I've had "connection lost" twice now and I've never had it before).

PSN ID: Prince-Lex.

I levelled my Asari Vanguard to level 20.... and now I can't play any other class. I unlocked Krogan sentinel and Turian soldier but just missed my Vanguard :(

So I think that needs to be my choice until I unlock some more characters. I have no desire to play as a human, but I might try it for the infiltrator just to see what it's like.


Can someone break down the unlocks for me? Like, I know you randomly unlock through the packs you buy, but what about the customisation options? When do you start unlocking those? I feel like I've played it loads now and haven't really unlocked anything.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I do love me a fellow Vanguard who's measured, calculating, and paces themselves when the time is right, but most of the time Vanguards don't last 5 minutes on anything harder than Bronze.

I don't feel a character class that actively encourages splitting away from a team really helps much on Silver or Gold, :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
So..... does anyone play on PS3? If so, add me! (Also, has anyone had trouble on the server today? I've had "connection lost" twice now and I've never had it before).

PSN ID: Prince-Lex.

I levelled my Asari Vanguard to level 20.... and now I can't play any other class. I unlocked Krogan sentinel and Turian soldier but just missed my Vanguard :(

So I think that needs to be my choice until I unlock some more characters. I have no desire to play as a human, but I might try it for the infiltrator just to see what it's like.


Can someone break down the unlocks for me? Like, I know you randomly unlock through the packs you buy, but what about the customisation options? When do you start unlocking those? I feel like I've played it loads now and haven't really unlocked anything.

Vanguards are great when people know what they're doing. Which most of them don't, i.e idiots who think the class means they can fly all of the map solo.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon


We have come to terms
Looks like Citadel during that thing?

also, customization options are unlocked via packs - it'll be called 'character training' for whatever class and race, and is usually a silver (Uncommon) unlock.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c

've been poking around the audio files and this is what I have found so far. Also the lines are not in order.
Sounds to me that Joker was originally supposed to show up and save the day. These lines of dialog are in the same file as the dialog of Shepard screaming to run in the deleted scene.
Joker: scoff I wasn't going to let you guys take all the credit.
Anderson: Joker, good timing.
Anderson: Joker, are you a sight for sore eyes.
Joker: Now get the hell on there so we can end this.
Joker: ah late to the party but the girls are coming home with me.
Joker: Just make sure EDI gets back in one piece.
Joker: That was for Cortez. <- I guess he can die?
This sounds like a choice might have changed this dialog, does EMS effect this?
in game: Anderson: Hackett just reported in several Soverign class Reapers including Harbinger have broken off from the battle with sword they're headed here.
cut: Anderson: Hackett just reported in several Soverign class Reapers have broken off from the battle with sword they're headed here.
cut: Anderson: Hackett just reported in several Reapers have broken off from the battle with sword they're headed here.
Looks like Major Kirrahe was cut from the end as well
Everybody check your thermal clips
And Stenven ask nicely... Let's not start another war.
Captain Stenven ask those Geth about countermeasures against Reaper signal jamming, see what they know.
Captain Stenven ask the Quarians if they can spare any fusion batteries, we're running low.
Make sure we're on the same comm frequency as the Asari.
The Salarians were here! They did not fail! They did not faulter, and they did not Surrender!
Someday when the Reapers are just a memory the nations of the galaxy will come together and remember this place, this very ground and say, "There is no enemy we cannot defeat together, no threat we cannot neutralize, no challenge we cannot overcome."
Today Humanity has asked for our help and today we will deliver.
In this war we are all citizens of the cosmos.
You all know the mission and what's at stake while this may not be our world, it is our galaxy.
We're ready Commander, just give the word.
And don't worry we're here to hold the line (said very oddly), but failing that I'm happy to take it back from the Reapers.
Commander I'd have liked to have seen your world under better circumstances.
There is a ton of Geth dialog in the file end001_geth_prime_a_d_Int that sounds like the Geth primes that join your cause after the mission with Legion. I'm too lazy to transcribe it right now but if enough people want to see it I'll do it later.
Conclusion? Sounds like the game was rushed to me.
Edit: A Mistake and some clarity.

So I went through some other files and it's blatantly obvious that one of two things happened. Either a) Bioware ran out of time to implement the ending they wanted or b) they're going to just replace this all with DLC.
I say this looking most specifically at Primarch Victus' dialog (below Admiral Raan). Victus' dialog shows pretty plainly that Bioware planned for your decisions in ME2 and ME3 to affect how the events on Palavan played out. If Wrex and Eve survived and the Genophage was cured, the Krogan and Turian allied together and essentially saved Palvan. If the alliance fell apart because Wrex was dead or Eve was dead or both then there were serious ramifications for Palavan and the Turians.
Now, based on some of the Geth dialog and some of Anderson's dialog it seems like there may have been a design around sending reinforcements to specific areas. Remember the map Anderson as using? There could be potential there for some sort of rock/paper/scissors gameplay there, sort of like the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2. I'll keep digging though the audio but holy fuck there are some implications in here. I'm... angry that this didn't make the final game.
Shepard: Have the Reapers tried contacting you since Rannoch?
Prime: They made an attempt. We rejected it.
Shepard: Hope our guys haven't taken any shots at you.
Prime: Allied fire has been minimal.
Prime: Your military commanders briefed your soldiers extensively on Geth organic cooperation.
Shepard: How are you and the Quarians working together?
Prime: Geth platforms have been integrated with Creator Squadrons. We serve as front line uints.
Prime: It is a tactically sound strategy and there is (pause) synergy when we are in consensus.
Prime: Our hardware can withstand more damage than Quarian envirosuits and creators are skilled at providing cover fire.
Prime: We have coordinated with creator forces. Our platforms will support their ground units.
Shepard: What's your status?
Prime: Hostile outbreak suppressed. Self repair protocols engaged.
Prime: Hostile outbreak!
Prime: We are ready Shepard Commander.
Prime: Standing by.
Prime: Ready to join allied forces.
Prime: Awaiting counter-attack signal.
Prime: Once the war is over, we will help rebuild yours.
Prime: Today the Geth fight to secure our future.
Prime: We will not relinquish sentience. There will be no more compromise with the Old Machines.
Prime: Preparations are complete. We stand ready.
Prime: The Geth are prepared to face the Reapers.
Prime: New targets acquired.
Prime: Assessing platform losses. Sixty-four units offline.
Prime: Hostile contact!
Prime: Targets acquired.
Prime: Additional platforms will arrive via orbital drop once clearance is achieved.
Prime: Shepard Commander?
Prime: Tracking!
Prime: Deploying prime units. Orbital drop commencing.
Prime: Old machine forces spotted. Targeting.
Prime: Insufficient unit strength requesting reinforcements.
Prime: Creator squadrons are encountering heavy fire. Mobilizing support.
Admiral Raan
Shepard: Thanks Raan, good luck.
Shepard: I appreciate your support admiral. Those live ships will bring a lot of firepower, just keep them protected.
Raan: The live ships are safe, Commander.
Raan: We will do whatever we must to win.
Raan: Commander Shepard, a pleasure to see you again.
Primarch Victus
Shepard: I want to thank you for deploying your fleet. How did they manage?
Victus: About as good as I could have hoped. Which is to say there isn't much of a fleet left.
Victus: Taking the main reaper force head on?
Victus: They were decimated. Earth is now the largest Turian graveyard outside of Palavan.
Victus: This is our last stand Commander. There are no more reinforcements.
Shepard: I never got the chance to talk to you about your son
Victus: I know I'm just one of many who have lost their son to war.
Victus: Then our victory today is for those who won't see their children again.
Shepard: Well your son gave us a real chance at winning this one.
Shepard: Your son honored the Victus name. He was a true hero.
Victus: Thank you commander. Hearing that... means a great deal.
Victus: Yes he... rectified an unfortunate mistake made int he past. I'm sorry I couldn't be more open with you about it.
Shepard: I'm glad we got this chance to speak.
Shepard: How are things back on Palavan?
Victus: The Krogan put up a magnificent fight. Fearless to the last soldier. Please make that worth something today Commander.
Victus: They bought us time to evacuate civilians.
Victus: Our alliance didn't survive and neither did millions of Turians because of it. Our only hope now is the crucible.
Victus: Then the bomb, our bomb, exploded on Tuchanka as you may have heard.
Victus: Wreav kept his word but he couldn't get the other clans to fall in line. We never got the reinforcements we needed.
Victus: Wreave kept his word, until the bomb, our bomb, exploded on Tuchanka as you may have heard.
Victus: And our civilian casualties have been far worse because of it. The Krogan lack... leadership.
Victus: But we still had support from the other Krogan clans. The female you saved rallied them. They were fearless to the last soldier.
Victus: Wreav kept his word, surprisingly enough. And the female Krogan you saved rallied the other clans. They were fearless to the last soldier.
Shepard: I'm surprised you're not back on Palvan.
Victus: I wanted to return the favor in person.
Shepard: Garrus said you pulled your fleet away from Palavan for this.
Shepard (surprised): Primarch Victus. I didn't realize you were here.
Victus: Good luck Commander.
Victus: May the spirits be with you
Victus: Commander.
Victus: Likewise.
Victus: Yet even then the Reapers were still too much. The only hope for my world now is victory here on Earth.
Victus: Urdnot Wreav was true to his word.
Victus: Urdnot Wrex was true to his word.
Victus: Wrex pulled out, the lying bastard. We never saw him again.
Victus: This war will be won or lost today. Here. On Earth, not Palavan.
Victus: He made our choice rather clear.
Victus: Yes, Commander.
Victus: And history will record that the Turian hierarchy stood among the brave.
Victus: Everything comes down to this moment.
Victus: As promised, we didn't forget where you live.
Victus: Though I'm sorry to see your world look as bad as ours.

Here is some more dialog. I'm not sure if all of this was cut. I certainly don't remember a Salarian Leader anywhere:
Here's dialog from Jack (fucking fuck this is making me angry) - this is NOT her radio dialog with Shepard:
Jack: Keep it up. You can rest when you're dead.
Jack: Come on, all together!
Jack (holding back tears): And whatever happens... I am so damn proud of you guys.
Jack (holding back tears): So, heads down, barries up, watch your flanks.
Jack: You can do this. I mean damn, you're keeping step with career soldiers. You are kicking ass.
Jack: This is the perfect time to be scared. I'd be worried if you weren't.
Jack: We've been fighting hard. Saw some things we've never seen before, and we're getting ready to make the push.
Jack: How you feelin' guys? Huh? Tired? Scared? Good.
The two lines below were in the game, I just missed it This seems to be some stuff cut from the radio dialog
Jack: Rodriguez actually tore the little shoulder head off one of those Batarian things. It was great.
Jack: We saved some resistance fighters with Barrier support. Bringing a bit more firepower your way.
Jacob (non radio)
Jacob: Bring it!
Jacob: Got another one!
Jacob gives a battle cry
Jacob: Push!
Jacob: This is my planet you assholes!
Jacob: Keep it up!
Jacob: Lets go!
Salarian Leader (Colonel Vakom)
Vakom: The Salarian Union stands ready commander. Just give the order.
Vakom: Lets hope this is the last war any of us will have to fight.
Vakom: Oh, I should mention the Dalatrass sends her thanks for your handling of the krogran... situation.
Vakom: I need an update on ground conditions. Where are those maps!?
Vakom: Captin Arlon* see if the Asari can spare a few of their huntresses for biotic support. We could use them to defend out fire teams.
* or something
Vakom: Remember, I want full tactical coordination with the Geth. Whatever they need, we'll cooperate.
Vakom: That's an order I never thought I'd give.
Vakom: Remeber, I want full tactical coordination with the Quarians. Make sure our encryption is synced with theirs.
Vakom: I can only imagine how those two sides are getting along.
Vakom: Remember, I want full tactical coordination with the Geth and Quarians.
Vakom: Leiutenant Jenson* check with the Turians. Make sure our supply of thermal clips got here.
* or something
Vakom: Salarians once fought alongside you on Virmire and we're proud to do it again.
Vakom: You've assembled an impressive force. My men are eager for the fight.
Vakom: Commander Shepard, Colonel Vakom at your service.
Vakom: Years ago a hero faced a pivotal moment not unlike this one.
Vakom: Today, in this grave hour, we honor his memory.
Vakom: Captain Kirrahe, wherever you are, know that the soldiers of the Salarian Union stand ready once more to face the darkness.
Vakom: Major Kirrahe, wherever you are, know that the soldiers of the Salarian Union stand ready once more to face the darkness.
Vakom: When the forces of destruction threaten galactic peace he urged his men to stand their ground. To keep the enemy at bay. And above all to HOLD THE LINE.
Vakom: And once more, we will HOLD THE LINE.
Shepard: I want to thank you and your men for being here.
This catalyst dialog is in the game, it's just the dialog you get with a low EMS.
Catalyst (not sure if these were in - they weren't in my ending)
Catalyst: You don't need hope. You have choice, more than you deserve.
Catalyst: The Reapers are mine.
Catalyst: The Reapers are mine. I control them. They are my solution.
Catalyst: Why are you here?
Shepard: The defining characteristic of organic life is that we think for ourselves. Make our own choices.
Catalyst: It is a very elegant solution in a path you have already started down.
Edit to add more:
Zaeed - keep in mind that you can't have him in your squad
Zaeed: Battle cry (kinda like Jacob, just yelling)
Zaeed: Hell, never did think I'd live forever!
Zaeed: Grab cover!
Zaeed: Ha, got another!
Zaeed: That one's dead, keep moving.
Zaeed: Burn you son of a bitch!
Zaeed: Set up a crossfire.
Zaeed: I don't know what we're fighting but get on its left.
Zaeed: Shit!
Grunt (these are not from the radio) - also, he can't be in your squad
Grunt: For the Krogan!
Grunt: Forward!
Grunt: Make'em bleed!
Grunt: Move, move, mooove!
Grunt: You gonna let a few Reapers stop you?
Grunt: For Tuchanka!
Grunt: Ready to fight Shepard.
Grunt: Aralakh company is ready to finish this.
Grunt: You sure know how to show a Krogan a good time.
That's it for the stuff labeled "end0001-end0003" I'll look through some of the other files. If I find anything I'll be sure to post again.

Looks like bits and pieces of the dialog made it into the game too, but a significant amount of it was removed from the final cut

I'll continue to stalk these guys as they dig deeper into the files in the game


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Considering the volume of game content in Mass Effect 3 on par with the amount of development time Bioware were given, I'm not surprised they cut out content, especially with things like Palaven and the final push on London.

That isn't to say that such extra stuff wouldn't have been great to have, but when they said they'd pushed Martin Sheen's recording sessions back to November 2011 just for rewrites, you can tell that they were on a really tight schedule. And it's generally known that recording lines for a script =/= the actual content being delivered on release.
My hypothesis is that the writers had all these really set-in-stone ideas as to how to implement this stuff, but just didn't have the time or resources to do it.

aside: the more I listen to Keith David's voice the more I fall in love with it
move over James Earl Jones
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
No shit, it's common knowledge that they were on a tight schedule and time constraints held them back big time.

EA wanted the game out in December 2011, Bioware had to beg them to give them until march.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I just don't really get OP's supposed raeg. :monster:

Also, going back to ME2 to finish my third character - gameplay feels wierd and slow an' stuff. Lack of infinite sprint and slow turning speed feels blarg.
Takes a retrospect for me to really appreciate how much better Mass Effect 3 plays.


No shit, it's common knowledge that they were on a tight schedule and time constraints held them back big time.

EA wanted the game out in December 2011, Bioware had to beg them to give them until march.

Whoever at EA was in charge of that must be utterly insane. Would it have really made any difference if this game came out at Christmas? How many new Mass Effect buyers did they really think they could get?


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
uh if you've heard of the Christmas season cash-in for shooters, well


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
If anything Mass Effect 3 probably would have sold more in the holiday season.


Chloe Frazer
So I went ahead and started ME2 again to fix some things and I've tried twice to go to the war room and shuttle bay.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Vega was pretty right about one thing, though.

Like seriously? The armory up near the top level of the Normandy, sittin' around under the Captain's Cabin?



Chloe Frazer
I also stood for a minute in front of a planet trying to scan it before I realized I wasn't playing ME3 and I may have also tried to kill someone with my omni tool.
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