Metal Gear Solid 5 (+ General Series Thread)


Harbinger O Great Justice

X :neo:

Ghost X

Apparently, Konami is dropping development of all their AAA titles besides MGS and Pro Evolution, in favor of gambling games/machines; AAA titles cost a lot of money to develop but don't have as much return on investment as gambling machines do, apparently. I read that MGSV cost about 80 million to develop, has sold about 3 million copies atm, but needs 6 million to break even.





That Man
Let's not turn this in to another Konami bash-fest, guys. Already have one thread for that.


Got a PS+ trial so I can play some FOB. One guy had his base guarded only by decoys...:huh:

One guy infiltrated my base and stole like two measly containers before he was taken out by my guys.
I retaliated by stealing half his guys and all of his containers (of which there were plenty...)
I feel a bit bad now. :P

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney

I got excited that the FJ is BB theory was proven right. Then I realized I named my character Frank Jaeger...

I feel stupid.
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I thought that Gray Fox face switcheroo theory was nonsense and mocked people who believed in it.

I felt punched in the gut when what I thought was a fucking joke turned out to be the story of the game (minus Gray Fox).

I don't hate a lot of things and don't genuinely nerdrage a lot, but this twist is fucking idiotic. I get the meta stuff Kojima was trying to get across, but it was still ridiculous. I don't know why anyone would be more interested in some plot twist for the sake of a plot twist instead of a genuine dark and personal story about Big Boss's final fall from grace.

Instead we essentially got an MGS Gaiden game. It's a distraction, a diversion. Big Boss is out there building the real Outer Heaven while you piss about with yet another fucking oil rig.

Not to mention it doesn't even make any sense. Big Boss needs to go into hiding because "the whole world wants (him) dead." Except it really doesn't, it's only Skull Face. Everyone else is happy to contract BB's services again and the real BB becomes commander of FOXHOUND once more somewhere down the line.
And Venom dealt with Skull Face just fine so I don't see why BB couldn't have done the same. It's just contrivance to make this plot twist work but it really doesn't.

And Miller doesn't find out until the end. Except, he was *there* at the hospital and saw Snake when he fell into the coma. Without any shrapnel in his head. And he saw the medic too - *with* the shrapnel.
Should've made him suspicious imo. Granted, that was nine years ago but still. I feel like he would remember Big Boss taking shrapnel to the head and he clearly didn't.

And Venom Snake doesn't even have an agenda due to being a player avatar. It feels like he just passively goes along with whatever Miller wants to do.
I felt like I was playing Miller's story and just acted as a proxy.

Even without the twist, the story would've been entirely underwhelming and really didn't live up to the hype of the trailers.
Hell, even Ground Zeroes managed to feel darker with what little plot it had.

I can't even look at Venom's face anymore. I just play as cute female combat unit members now

Other shit:

I liked having Sahelanthropus as a trophy of sorts at the R&D facility. It looked so cool towering over the facility and flying around it with the helicopter. Sucks that the fucking children(!) took it.
And the whole time Chapter 2 was building up to this, even included a trailer after Chapter 1 showing Eli getting into the Metal Gear. Only for the actual conclusion and boss battle to not even be in the game.
Quiet was also my favorite buddy. She's awesome. After Episode 45, she's now permanently gone, even for previous episodes where I still had her.
The knowledge of using the Butterfly emblem to prevent that from happening came a little to late.

I feel like I get punished for beating the game. Take away my Metal Gear, take away the true final battle, take away Quiet, take away Big Boss. One gut punch after the other.

All we get is the stupid "Truth" mission. Just pops up, no buildup, no lead-in. Just appears without a fanfare and then presents you with the stupidest of truths after making you play through the prologue again - with zero deviations and even all the damn tutorial prompts. =/

I love this game. I really do. Still playing it after all. But at the same time, fuck this game.

...yeah, I had to get things off my chest.


And Miller doesn't find out until the end. Except, he was *there* at the hospital and saw Snake when he fell into the coma. Without any shrapnel in his head. And he saw the medic too - *with* the shrapnel.
Should've made him suspicious imo. Granted, that was nine years ago but still. I feel like he would remember Big Boss taking shrapnel to the head and he clearly didn't.

The conversation between Ocelot and Miller could take place any time after his rescue. Also Miller is either blind or nearblind after his captivity.
And presumably it was before Ocelot hypnotised himself.


I'm only at mission 15 or so, this game gonna be looooooong :awesome:

It better be though, I paid full retail price for it :monster:.

I just unlocked Quiet but... don't find her particularly useful. She shot my side ops target in the face, too :/

Also I'm just going around bases and ninjaing everyone away. I have 250 dudes in the waiting room ATM. Can I use them to take over a country or something?

I am a bit short on BossBux though, need to get moar monies.


I'm only at mission 15 or so, this game gonna be looooooong :awesome:

It better be though, I paid full retail price for it :monster:.

I just unlocked Quiet but... don't find her particularly useful. She shot my side ops target in the face, too :/

Also I'm just going around bases and ninjaing everyone away. I have 250 dudes in the waiting room ATM. Can I use them to take over a country or something?

I am a bit short on BossBux though, need to get moar monies.

More departments at Motherbase open up soon. Press R3 too autosort. And yeah, Quiet ain't great till you unlock silenced and nonlethal options for her.


AI Researcher
i've only gotten to the bit when it says 'v is awake' and the start menu appears :sadpanda:

i enjoyed the david bowie song

is there a way to get the login bonus (which i guess i will have to finish the hospital bit to get) without all the other online stuff? because when i started it up it was telling me all these things about the login bonuses (that i've mostly missed/if not completely missed) but then stuff about people killing or stealing your staff members and i don't want that :sadpanda:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
You don't get FOB stuff (and the corresponding online bullshit) until about 20-ish missions into the game, so you can stay online until the "base defense" mission shows up

You'll know it when you see it
I'd really only log in to get the bonuses (which are pretty miniscule really) if I were you. There's no other reason to be logged in, and it can slow down how fast your menu loads because it has to ping the server.


130 hours in and I'm 83% done :monster:

I haven't even spent that much time on any RPG.

Did some more FOB shenanigans as well. My PS+ trial period ends tomorrow after all (and as of now I have no intention to pay for a subscription).

Some guy managed to steal 25 guys from me yesterday. Got to the core of his FOB and stole 'em right back :monster:
FOBs can be pretty intense when you infiltrate one with high level defenses. Tons of guards, in battle dresses, sometimes with helmets too, mines, IR sensors and drones fucking everywhere.
Was pretty satisfying to get through all that and get my guys back. Didn't go without an alert or two though :monster:
Also, no defender online. Could have made things a bit hairy.

Also, semi-auto anti-tank sniper rifle with suppressor. OP as fuck. Battle dresses and helmets don't do shit now :wacky:
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Ghost X

I couldn't resist seeing a playthough. I got the basic idea of the story. I think it ties everything nicely together. Seeing as the loop seems to be closed, I sure hope a successor of the genre surfaces :P. That is, with both great gameplay and engaging storyline :P.


I just realized I can play FOB mission without PS+, the game even tells you as much. :wacky:
Only direct PvP won't work. If I get a message for an emergency mission, I can't accept it. Though I wonder if defenders can still pop in when I'm infiltrating?


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That Man
Closed Loop of Story or not... whatever happened to Quiet?

Is she "Chekov's Gunman"?


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Finally finished the first Act. Story beats are sparse but what's there is awesome.


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