Erotic Materia
Y'know Tets, when I'm faced with situations like those...I forgot we had a general series thread for MGS.
Anyway, the past couple of days I've been on a quest to get the platinum for MGS2 which is a quest I had temporarily abandonded because I couldn't be arsed with the VR missions back then (temporarily meaning it's been on hold since 2012)
The VR mission trophy is literally the last one left so MGS2 has been sitting at 91% completion for eight years. This cannot stand.
Anyway, I finally reached the MGS1 Snake missions and JESUS the difficulty spike is ridiculous.
I generally have a low frustration threshold so I need to take breaks frequently when stuff takes multiple attempts to beat so I have a feeling these missions will break me.
But I got so far already, I don't wanna give up now
But on the other hand
it's really really really hard
There is no radar and enemies see you from miles away and you have zero equipment and basically I just revived this thread because I need an outlet to whine and vent my frustrations
I just say "fuck it" and leave. Maybe something to consider.

I don't often get 100% on many games, clearly. But then again, I have yet to break any controllers and/or televisions.