Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Madara can eat a bazillion frog dicks.

That is all.


Harbinger O Great Justice
This week, was interesting.

We got our first good look at Gedo Mazo's whole body. He's sitting on a lotus flower that's made from the DNA of the First Hokage, which is a fitting symbolism of the Outer Path and everything Madara's trying to accomplish. The somewhat disturbing part is that something appears to have been removed from it's stomach. No idea what it could be though.


I find it interesting that the pale side of Zetsu still calls Madara "Tobi" and the whole chapter's made me more curious about him. He's the first member of Akatsuki that we met, and we still know virtually nothing about him as a character, though it's clear that he and "Tobi" had a previous relationship, likely even before Akatsuki was put into place. Zetsu probably watched the organization, and allowed Madara to manipulate it from a distance without being directly involved until later on, giving him time to accomplish all this crazy shit.

So, in exchange one 1 of the 100,000 Zetsu for his experimentation, KabutOrochimaru is going to take down the 8 & 9 Tails (Naruto & Killer Bee). That seems a little odd that he'd do all that for just ONE of them. Him departing with Deidara and being in the sky actually means that there's a possibility that he could find the Zaratan, since that's apparently why they're sending the Tsuchikage, because it'll be easier to locate it while it's on the move.

There's also the fact that Anko & Konoha's ANBU know where Madara's current base is, because KabutOrochimaru left a trail of bodies leading there. It isn't quite clear if he's doing it ALL intentionally, or if there's some inner conflict between Kabuto & Orochimaru, or if he's playing both sides. Either way, this means that Konoha, and thus the other nations in alliance might be starting out a full blown conflict fairly soon.

Lastly - did anybody wonder where the hell Sasuke is right now? Obviously Madara is keeping him and KabutOrochimaru as far away from each other as possible, but still- what's he up to now?

X :neo:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
sasgay is just hiding, plain and simple. I'm excited about the upcoming battles and if Naruto and Killerbee will ever confront KabutOrochimaru or if he will fight Tsuchikage. :B


unsavory tart
Madara can eat a bazillion frog dicks.

That is all.

I find it interesting that the pale side of Zetsu still calls Madara "Tobi" and the whole chapter's made me more curious about him. He's the first member of Akatsuki that we met, and we still know virtually nothing about him as a character, though it's clear that he and "Tobi" had a previous relationship, likely even before Akatsuki was put into place. Zetsu probably watched the organization, and allowed Madara to manipulate it from a distance without being directly involved until later on, giving him time to accomplish all this crazy shit.
Madara-Tobi is one of my favorite characters in the manga, but I kinda wish that Madara would stop god-villaining and go back to something like Tobi, although I do think he's still got some of the attitude with him

Zetsu has always been one big question, nobody quite understood how he fought or what his abilities were, but as soon as the fandom started speculating, attention was taken elsewhere (like, ooh! Kisame fight!) It's interesting especially since no one ever really considered him to be really strong, he always seemed like a passive observer, and there are no explanations about his motivations or habits at all.

Well until now. It'll be interesting to see how Kishimoto plays his character.

Oh, and if Kabuto turns out to be the final villain, I'm going to lol


Joe, Arcana
I wouldn't particularly mind if Kabuto was the final villain, although they would have to do it pretty well. I think its mainly because he was introduced extremely early on, and although we've seen a lot of him, his motivations are never entirely clear.
It would be interesting to say the least.


Harbinger O Great Justice
KabutOrochimaru has REALLY conflicting motivations with what he (they) are currently up to.

- He dares Kabuto to kill Sasuke back before he attacks Konoha.
- He outlines his plan to use Sasuke as the bullet to begin a conflict that will start a war.
- He tries to kill Naruto back during the whole 5th Hokage Arc, because he knows that he'll be problematic later.

- He's served under so many different people, and betrayed most, if not all of them.
- He likely knows more from everyone (Konoha, Akatsuki, & Orochimaru) than any other character at this point.

KabutOrochimaru seems to be playing both sides.
- He's helped Naruto by giving him information.
- He's lead Konoha to Madara's base
- He's bostered Madara's forces.
- He's off to capture Naruto & Bee.
- It seems that this would almost certainly facilitate the beginning of a war like Orochimaru was talking about WAY back during the Chunin exams.

That's my first suspicion that Orochimaru may still be around.

The other thing that makes me wonder is that I still can't figure why Kabuto would still be pining after Sasuke though, because it doesn't seem to match with ANY of Kabuto's motivations.

But now you've got Zetsu, who I almost feel is Kabuto's equivalent for Madara, and I think that especially now, everyone in the manga might be underestimating him, because his motivations are still TOTALLY unknown, which at this point makes him one of the more frightening characters.

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I fucking love Kabuto. He's probably the most intriguing and amusing villain thus far.

It's hilarious that this young bastard was able to checkmate Madara, a guy who's stronger, older, and more dangerous than him. Whatever dirt he has on him, in terms of that coffin, is highly suspicious.

But one thing that bothers me, is his physical form.

I don't know if you noticed, but his face has changed. Look back at chapter 487 when he makes his return, and then look at him now in the current chapter.

Kabuto's face is literally changing. He's getting the Michael Jackson nose, and square jaw Orochimaru had. His face is literally BECOMING Orochimaru's.

So whatever struggle for control he's looks like he's losing it slowly but surely. He's losing himself.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I don't think that he's got the Michael Jackson nose quite yet, but his JAW change is way different, and I hadn't noticed that at all until I went back and looked.


I think that these next several chapters will be interesting with KabutOrochimaru slowly changing. I hope it starts to address his internal struggle, though we're likely to see it start to manifest when he's fighting with the 8/9-Tails, if Tsuchikage doesn't run into him first.

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
His nose looks like its turning thinner and thinner, until it just vanishes.

And yeah, the jaw thing, honestly creeps me out. Orochimaru's cells are like Hepatitis. They won't ever go away.

The side text for the last chapter was perfect:

"When all is said and done, will it be the monster or the serpent that emerges?"

I'm thinking the serpent's winning this fight.

Why else would Kabuto have such a sudden fixation on Sasuke, and wanting to obtain all the jutsu of the world and complete jutsu understanding? When in the hell did he ever want that?


unsavory tart
I wouldn't particularly mind if Kabuto was the final villain, although they would have to do it pretty well. I think its mainly because he was introduced extremely early on, and although we've seen a lot of him, his motivations are never entirely clear.
It would be interesting to say the least.
Oh I actually really like Kabuto. Kabuchimaru is pretty fascinating. My lol has more to do with this being a completely unexpected turn and a sort of ongoing joke at a different forum.

I hope Kishimoto changes the "I did it for Orochimaru <3" the way he changed Madara's and Pein's plan a couple of times. I just found it kind of lame when I was expecting so much more from his character.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
The jaw scares the bajeezus out of me. and this quote is the best thing I've ever heard,
"Orochimaru's cells are like Hepatitis. They won't ever go away."

I'm thinking the serpent's winning this fight.

Why else would Kabuto have such a sudden fixation on Sasuke, and wanting to obtain all the jutsu of the world and complete jutsu understanding? When in the hell did he ever want that?

If Orochimaru managed to stay around inside Sasuke's tiny little mark, to the point that Itachi had to pull him out and kill him, I think that he's WAY too powerful for Kabuto to take on inside his on body, even with his medical ninjutsu expertise. I think that talent is the only reason he lasted this long, and managed to use that much of his power.

357 Page 6.

Kabuto wanted to kill Sasuke first, and then return to fight Naruto, once he was completely able to control Orochimarus power. He's probably as tough as he's going to get at this point, before he starts losing to Orochimaru as he's shown testing out his power against the Taigakure ninjas.

He's tried, in a VERY sly way to get access to Sasuke. But after his and Madara's confrontation, he knows that there's no way he can get to Sasuke until after the war, even with his arrangement with Madara. That means that he's coming after Naruto now, like he promised he would.

As for Sasuke

If you read Sasuke talking about rejecting his brother's eyes in 403 and then taking them 486 & 487. Naruto's slowly seeing more about Sasuke, and drawing parallels to how they could have been in each other's shoes. He even talks about how Sasuke has to see them as equals before he can break through to him, which at this point, and probably even now in the Manga, he doesn't.

Another big point is that Naruto had to face his inner self, showing how he would win over, by using Love, instead of Power (the running theme in Naruto). He's essentially got the experience, but not quite the talent to take on, and win over Sasuke. Naruto has to refine his abilities in his new form to get to that point, which I think is why the battle with KabutOrochimaru is set up, so that he can hone his skills against the last big obstacle before it's all out War.

This is especially important, because Kabuto is in the situation of being split between his own motivation, and Orochimaru's control, somewhat like how Sasuke is manipulated by Madara, according to Itachi, "Sasuke is still pure, he could be easily colored by anything."

Naruto's getting closer to be able to take on Sasuke and win the way HE wants to. Itachi's power HAS to fall in there somewhere, though I'm not sure how. But I think that's what we're going to see during Naruto's conflict with KabutOrochimaru. That's why I don't see him as being the end villian, but he's still VERY important.

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
See, there's no reason for Kabuto to want to kill Sasuke though. Sasuke never did anything to him except kill his sugar daddy Orochimaru, so unless Kabuto's still carrying a torch for that freak, it makes no sense. Unless the Orochimaru inside of him wants revenge.

Kabuto's medical skills are formidable but as you said, I'm not seeing any indication at all that Kabuto is "winning" this inner struggle for control.

As for the inevitable confrontation between Sasuke and Naruto, I'm thinking the gulf between those two has lessened significantly, thanks to Naruto finally taking full control of the kyuubi's power. But I'm worried that Naruto really would make true on his promise to die with Sasuke if it came to it.

The rational part of my mind says that there's no way Naruto would end on such a downer ending with them both killing each other in battle, especially with Madara being the bigger threat. But that's just some pretty heavy shit to say to someone so casually.

Naruto's a sweetheart, but also stupid as hell. And it's kinda morbid he's so accepting of such a conclusion. Mutual death.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm pretty sure that he wanted to kill Sasuke for his own reasons, but at the same time, since he wasn't able to, the Orochimaru inside him still wants access to his body.

I'm not saying that Kabuto is winning, I'm just saying the only reason he was able to control things this well, and will probably be able to fight Naruto as himself, is because of his skills.

I don't think that the two of them could die in combat until Madara's out of the picture, which won't happen TOO soon. I think that he's letting Sasuke know that there's absolutely no way that he'll allow him to win, or go easy on him, and that Sasuke can either choose to die and kill him forcing his way past Naruto, or listen. He's very fully committed to absolutely everyone and everything mattering, and he won't accept failure for his best friend.

Something else to note:

Chapter 499, pages 14 & 15. Naruto makes a promise to Kyuubi. He says he won't hurt him, and just to wait. There's some part of me that thinks that Naruto at one point won't have to control Kyuubi by overpowering him, because that's not his way (again, Love > Power). He'll need all of Kyuubi's power, not just the Yang portion that he has by overpowering him, but the Yin portion that's the hatred that he shows after Naruto seals him. I think that there's a REALLY big thing that needs to happen here still too.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice

I was hoping to see how Tsuchikage & crew actually accomplish flying, even with a brief explanation of the Jutsu. Oh wells.

Kabuto's WAY more capable than I'd given him credit for previously. Breeding a mutant Manda was rather surprising, though I thought it was odd that he had claws. It was interesting how he brought back Deidara with a portion of his original mental capabilities, though I'm curious who he sacrificed for it. I'm kinda bored by the idea of recycling people we've dealt with before, though hopefully it'll turn out to be interesting, since it gives a target that we can see the Tsuchikage blast to pieces.

They flipped the Zaratan over, but hopefully he'll get to do something awesome. I'd like to see him chomp on Manda 2.

I can't imagine Naruto and Bee not finding out, though, but it'll be interesting to see how capable Kabuto is about taking them on... There's no way Naruto won't find out about the war through this though. I'm assuming that's Kabuto's underlying motive.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well well well....

Kabuto is one fucking CREEPY bastard. He's also a LOT more sly than I'd given him credit for. I was curious about how Zetsu isn't the best close combat fighter, but with Yamato hostage, it might be a big issue if they're able to enhance him, and with the amount of knowledge that KabutOrochimaru has, it could potentially be nightmarish. It was nice to get a feel for how absolutely CRAZY powerful the Tsuchikage's techniques are, (would have destroyed the whole Zaratan), but it was somewhat unfortunate that we didn't get to see them. I liked that it got to show a couple of the other ninja, Akatsuchi & Kurotsuchi, because they're pretty awesome too.

At this point, I doubt that they'll be able to keep Naruto tricked much longer, since Yamato's been taken. I have to say that this chapter was interesting, because it sets you up, and turns things around in just a few pages, which is what scares me the most about Kabuto. Complete turn of events from where things were going last week. Lastly - I was totally right about how Madara burned out his left Sharingan, and replaced it with the Rinnegan.

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well well well....

Kabuto is one fucking CREEPY bastard. He's also a LOT more sly than I'd given him credit for. I was curious about how Zetsu isn't the best close combat fighter, but with Yamato hostage, it might be a big issue if they're able to enhance him, and with the amount of knowledge that KabutOrochimaru has, it could potentially be nightmarish. It was nice to get a feel for how absolutely CRAZY powerful the Tsuchikage's techniques are, (would have destroyed the whole Zaratan), but it was somewhat unfortunate that we didn't get to see them. I liked that it got to show a couple of the other ninja, Akatsuchi & Kurotsuchi, because they're pretty awesome too.

Dear God, that was fucked up how he just hopped out of his own fucking mouth. He's beyond Orochimaru now. His body's no longer fucking human. I really wish he'd kept that goddamn cloak on.

Yamato's fucked. Poor bastard.

Tsuchikage is hardcore though. LOL angry short old man is some major win. I find it interesting Earth Country ninja can apparently fly. That's surprising.

At this point, I doubt that they'll be able to keep Naruto tricked much longer, since Yamato's been taken. I have to say that this chapter was interesting, because it sets you up, and turns things around in just a few pages, which is what scares me the most about Kabuto. Complete turn of events from where things were going last week. Lastly - I was totally right about how Madara burned out his left Sharingan, and replaced it with the Rinnegan.

X :neo:

Naruto's kinda wise to them now. He's suspicious. And I'm sure shit's gonna go down next chapter. Too bad they'll be on break next week.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Bastards I say, I was getting pumped up for the next chapter and received this bad news. : (


Harbinger O Great Justice
So I've been reading through Naruto again, and Chapters 290 - 300 strike me as very interesting in regards to the recent events concerning Kabuto, and got me thinking about him, and what we know about his character.

He's an AB Blood Type, and the sole survivor of a massacre, and a medical ninja. Both, the absolute antithesis for anyone who would want to cause a war. He was originally a sleeper agent for Sasori, though while the subject of a brain washing ninjutsu at the time, means that he's essentially the ultimate spy. He went from there to work for Orochimaru, because he liked his way of thinking, and helps to save Orochimaru on multiple occasions.

Both he and Orochimaru are generally anti-Akatsuki: Orochimaru tries to kill Naruto during the Tsunade Arc and mentions Akatsuki/Naruto being problematic in the future, Kabuto seems to abide by assisting the "enemy of his enemy." During Naruto & Neji's match in the Chunin Exams, he heals Hinata, and knocks out Kiba when he seemingly has NO reason to. He mentions when moving to assist Saukra after she's injured by Naruto in his 4-Tails form, that he's intentionally helping them out for the purpose of thinning out Akasuki, because they conflict with his/Orochimaru's motivations.

The only people that I recall Kabuto killing were the ANBU squad guarding Sasuke. That brings up the point that he may or may not have been there to kill Sasuke, and stop Orochimaru, because it's the only time in the series that he's acting without being observed/accompanied by Orochimaru, but he's interrupted by Kakashi so we don't really know what he was thinking.

In addition to that, he keeps leaving breadcrumbs for Konoha to follow what's happening and thereby reduce the overall damage that's done. He's the one who mentions that Hayate's spying on them, which leads to his death, and then a hightened security during the Chunin Exams. He creates a fake dead body of Sai, and leaves stitches oddly so that Yamato can tell that it's a fake. This is similiar to how he leaves the dead ninja that Anko and the ANBU find, and follow to Madara's hideout.

That brings us to the current situation: kidnapping Yamato.

Yamato is one of the few people in the series that is known to be able to neutralize a Jinchuriki's power. That's incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands, and could potentially be an immense asset to Madara in stopping the 8 & 9 Tails. On the other hand, I'm wondering if Yamato's abilities might be able to manipulate the cells of the first Hokage, and work against Madara and Zetsu from inside, since he's specifically mentioned to be the only successful of 60 experiments with those cells by Orochimaru.

Overall, I get this feeling that we should be trusting Kabuto, especially since he's expressed interest in Naruto, and it's been stated that Naruto makes friends with everyone he meets. If that's the case, it makes sense that he would be asking about Sasuke, since Sasuke is, in Orochimaru's words, "the bullet that's being used to fuel the war." If he does get Sasuke, he can get him away from Madara's control, because he's one of the few people that really understands how Sasuke's Avenger Complex is making him easy to manipulate, and that the one person's influence that could turn him is Naruto.

All of Naruto & Sasuke's conflicts and intereactions thus far are incredibly brief, so Naruto never really breaks through to him. I get the feeling that Kabuto might be the final piece to get that conflict resolved, but he's also got to deal with the fact that Orochimaru (if he's still alive), will try harder than ever to get Sasuke at that point. On a related note, Orochimaru's body became more awkwardly snake-like in his battle with 4-Tails Naruto, when the host body was starting to fail on him. I think that this may also be happening to Kabuto, which means that this may be happening a lot sooner than anticipated. The only issue here is Madara not wanting to give up Sasuke until after the war, but Kabuto's as sly as they come...

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
How much clearer does it need to be that Madara is that bastard in the mask?

That's who he is. Whether or not he's a corpse, a monster, or a disembodied spirit is another question. But that man's identity and mind is Uchiha Madara's. It's not some ass clown cosplaying and calling himself that. How else would he have the power of the Senju in him AS WELL as the Uchiha?


Joe, Arcana
Thats not what I'm saying. I KNOW thats Madara.

Put it the other way around. I'm not convinced that Madara is Tobi. I feel as if Tobi is more than just a guise created by Madara.
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