Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
..Why do people think this? Just because of the letters? That's it?
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Ok since i've given up catching up o the manga and resorted to the anime to play catchup can anyone explain if these points ever actually get discussed outwith the pain battle?

* Hinata telling naruto she loves him
* The revelation of Naruto's father
* Naruto being told by pain that Danzo was the one who betrayed them
* Danzo's absence from the battle with Pain
* The weird lil scroll frog that Jiraiya said held the key to unlocking the Kyuubi being handed down to Naruto.

Like I said, I haven't caught up with the manga but really can't be arsed with the 30+ filler eps they are going to spew out in the anime to fill the gap.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
This is kind of random, but I had a dream last night that randomly featured Sasuke's mom running over someone with a pink convertible.

This somehow lead to me waking up and thinking: I bet Naruto's gonna end with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura fighting together against Madara.

I'm not sure how Sasuke's mother running over someone in a crazy dream lead to this epiphany, but just thought I'd share nonetheless. :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
@X-SOLDIER The idea of trusting Kabuto sounds crazy, but I get why they should. So far, he's been their most accurate sources of information regarding Akatsuki, and he's one of the few people that has an edge over Madara, even if Naruto and Co. don't know that yet. I have a feeling that Orochimaru is going to throw a kink in whatever plans Kabuto has though.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I was looking back through the recent chapters for information in regards to Kabuto and I noticed some interesting facts he let loose as well as some of the ramifications of exactly who he resurrected with Edo Tensei.

Back in Ch. 489, when Kabuto meets up with Madara for the first time, he mentions that he is the third person who can use Edo Tensei. The others, he says, are Orochimaru of course, and the Nindiame Hokage. Back when Orochimaru uses Edo Tensei for the first time, it is never stated who 'invented' Edo Tensei, but it we asume Orochimaru invented it because of all the other forbidden jutsu he invented. It now sounds as if he could have learned it from somewhere. Incedently, when Orochimaru uses Edo Tensei in his fight with Sarutobi, the first jutsu that Sarutobi thinks of using to end Edo Tensei is the Shiki Fuujin; he knows that it will work. He had to learn that from somewhere. Also, if the Nindaime can do Edo Tensei, who did he resurrect with it?

Kabuto's decision to resurrect both Itachi and Nagato is interesting. It's also one of the few times I've wondered if he thinking everything through. The main reason is because if Sasuke finds out what Kabuto has done to Itachi and if Naruto finds out about Nagato, they are both going to want to make Kabuto pay for resurrecting them. Of course, since it's Kabuto, that could be exactly what he wants.

The seals Kabuto uses to bind the spirits he resurrects are interesting too. It's obvious from the Orochimaru vs. Sarutobi fight that the spirits Edo Tensei resurrects are the actual spirits of the dead and that they have all of the abilities they had in life including bloodlines. Orochimaru uses seals that bind the spirits' will to him completely, but Kabuto uses seals that do not bind their will completely, or at least, that's what he uses on Deidara. I'm wondering what that would do to someone like Itachi who is shown to be one of the most intelligent ninja when he was alive. If anyone would be able to find a way around the seal, it would be him. If he did, the first person he would go against would probably be Madara, which would be very helpful to Kabuto.

The most interesting person Kabuto resurrects is of course, the person in Ch. 490 who even Madara fears. One person I think it is not is the Yondiame. He is in the Shinigami's stomach along with the Kyuubi's yin chakra and it's implied that you can not be resurrected from there. Speaking of the Kyuubi's yin chakra, Naruto has said he will need to combine it with the yang chakra at some point. If the yin chakra is in the Shinigami's stomach, how is he going to get it?


Harbinger O Great Justice
@ Obsidian Fire: Doesn't Orochimaru attempt to bring back 4th Hokage during the first with the 3rd, but the 3rd blocks the seal? I remember that from the anime, when he brings up the two coffins (marked 1 & 2), and gets the other (marked 4) half way up, but it gets pushed back down. I can't find the manga chapter, however.

On a different note:

So, it's theory time again. I was thinking about Tobi as I read back through ~370-400, and I think that I've got him figured out, and it ties VERY closely in to current events.

Zetsu hasn't been fully explained, it got me thinking about why he's there, and what he has to offer. Orochimaru left Akatsuki 10 years ago. Of the known members, he was the one who primarily experimented on the 1st Hokage's cells. Yamato was the only one of 60 subjects who survived, and Danzou was hardly perfect. That means that normally it's an incredibly risky procedure, and it can go wrong, like it did with Danzou. The only person who is able to successfully posses and use the First Hokage's cells aside from Yamato in any way is Zetsu. While not a direct integrations, he is able to integrate with his other half, created from the 1st Hokage's cells.

Zetsu has the habit of talking of even having thought conversations with "himself" between his dark, and his light half, suggesting that they are entirely unique personas. Tobi was introduced as Zetsu's pupil, which in a sense may be true if Zetsu was responsible for Tobi's creation on Madara's behalf to have the first's cells and the Sharingan. We know that Zetsu and Madara have been working together with the 1st Hokage's cells, it makes sense that Zetsu is the one who allowed Madara to successfully merge with those cells.

If the process was anything similiar to how it works for Zetsu, it's likely that Tobi was the manifestation of a completely unique newer/younger/goofier persona generated by the 1st Hokage's cells. Until Madara gained some semblance of control over it, he couldn't be an active member of Akatsuki. This would also match with Itachi's observation that he's a shadow of his former self. As he becomes more active in Akatsuki, we slowly see his Madara emerging more completely, and gaining full control over the 1st's cells' personality - Tobi. and he "becomes" Madara. This would also make sense as to why Zetsu still calls Madara "Tobi" during their conversations.

It should also be noted that we've ALMOST never seen the left side of Madara's face. In chapter 510, on Page 8, 10, & 16, after he breaks off the right side of his mask to save himself, and then speaks with Konan. This half of his face seems covered in Shadow, but his skin is SUPER dark even for being shadowed, and it's also pitch black when viewed from above. This is also the opposite side of Zetsu's Black half. If so, this would explain where Zetsu's other half is, and what it's being used for, in addition to who Tobi was/is, and what Madara's relationship with Zetsu is. This would also explain his need to constantly wear a mask.


The only question is - now that they've got Yamato, what implications does this have for Madara & Zetsu...

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
You could be right about the Yondaime being able to be resurrected with Edo Tensei. In the manga (Ch. 117), the Yondaime's coffin doesn't even appear because Sarutobi somehow stops it (it's never mentioned how he stops it). I got the idea that the Yondaime couldn't be resurrected because of a line Sarutobi says to Orochimaru in Ch. 124.
Sarutobi: With this jutsu [Shiki Fuuin]... the one whose soul is sealed will suffer for all eternity in the belly of death never gaining release... the one who is sealed and the one who preformed the seal... their souls will mingle, hating each other and battling the other for all eternity...
On the next couple of pages, you see what the Shinigami does with the Shodai, Nindaime and Sandaime's souls. I assumed that was what had happened with the Yondiame and the Kyuubi's yin chakra. In Ch. 500 - Ch. 504 we get to see what the Kyuubi's sealing was like. There are a lot of differences between it and the one in Ch. 124, so I'm not going to rule the Yondaime's resurrection out yet. It seems like it should be harder to pull off then the other resurrections though.

Your Tobi theory seems solid so far. Compared to all the other ones out there, it makes a lot of sense. I always thought that Tobi was an act Madara put on, but this is more in line with the Naruto world so to speak. Madara letting Nagato be the leader of Akatsuki seemed out of character for him. With this it isn't.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Kabutochimaru revived all the former kages and jinchuurikis -- Does this mean that we'll be getting a zombie Yondaime and Kushina?

oh god please let this happen


Harbinger O Great Justice
Totally blown away by this chapter.

They're pulling out ALL the stops.

One question- Where's Kakashi?

X :neo:


Joe, Arcana
Pretty sure Kakashi was standing next to Gaara at the end of the latest chapter. Also says that he is Division 3's General.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Hahaha. I read it on my phone and TOTALLY missed that. Thanks!!

Seriously. The, "oh no.." / "Hell yes!!" factor of this chapter is off the charts. The series has made a very significant turn. I'm so damned excited for everything that's coming up.

X :neo:


Joe, Arcana
I'm happy to see the likes of Zabuza/Haku/Asuma.

I feel these especially were killed off before they could really demonstrate themselves.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm curious to see what Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyo looks like. In the backstory, Madara's looked like a combination of his own and his brother's. I assume it would be the same for Sasuke, but his and Itachi's eyes are an odd design to match. Also- when looking at the map, I think that Sasuke will use this opportunity to kill the other two elders from Konoha, since they're probably still in their home country.

While I'm ok with everyone shown coming back, and the possibility of the 4th, I hope they leave Jiraiya deceased. Almost moreso than the Jinchuriki, I'm stoked about Hanzo. He's gonna be one HELL of an opponent.

(I hope this means that ALL these people will make it into Ultimate Ninja Storm 3) :P

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Wow. This is getting serious. Kabuto really knows how to psych people out. Fortunately, none of the Hokage are there. It only gets worse when you consider the fact that all of the resurrected shinobi can not die.

What I find most ironic is that the Shinobi Alliance thinks that they think they can fight this entire war without Naruto finding out about it. I get the feeling that Naruto is going to find out about it and when he does, everybody's plans are going to be thrown thrown out the window.

I"m thinking Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyo is going to have six tomoe in it somewhere and the colors might be inverted, red tomoe on a black background. Itachi's Mangekyo had three tomoe connected at the base with normal coloring. Sasuke's Mangekyo has six points and the colors are inverted. It's different than everybody else's. I can't help think that is significant.
Last edited:


Joe, Arcana
I'm having trouble remembering (Or realising) who two of the Famous nins are.

The first is the one standing next to Zabuza and Haku. The other is between Asuma and the Hyuuga.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Well, just read the latest chapter and all I can really say is holy fucking shit.

This is gonna be awesome. :awesome:

Alex Strife

Indeed, I agree. You know, I love how he built the tension on this chapter. This war is going to be one huge freaking mess. And I love that. (so long as Hinata gets one damn good fight so she can show some good skills already!)


Joe, Arcana
Damn thats gonna really bug me now. They wouldn't just add a random unknown character next to 8 already known ones.
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