Cloud is Marlene's guardian, but Barret is her "papa". She calls him as such in front of Cloud in ACC. And then, Cloud proceeds into combining her, Denzel and Tifa in the unit he calls family that always supported and protected him, so it's time he returns the favour, about which Marlene has an excited nod. Meaning, she sees them as family as well. But Barret is her papa.
Plus, in CoT, Marlene has no problem to call herself, Tifa and Cloud as "this family" she will be a good kid at when she waves bye-bye at Barret.
It's mixed. When, for example, a child goes to stay with his/her uncle and aunt until his/her father is back on his feet, the child will develop a father/son/daughter relationship with the uncle, maybe a stronger one with his/her biological father (not arguing that this is the case in our hands) but will always call his/her father "papa".
I always thought that Marlene was raised from Avalanche as well back in the days, but only Barret was her "papa". Denzel, on the other hand, is raised in a pretty standard family archetype and so he sees Cloud filling both roles as guardian AND "papa" (I just love typing this word, don't mind me <3).
However, what on earth has this to do with Cloud and Tifa? What, a couple in fiction cannot be canon unless they are parents in the story, or something?????

(Not to mention that with Denzel, Cloud and Tifa ARE.)
That's how I see it, at least.
My point is that he would have been willing to die for the others, and if he were dying without having secured their safety, he would have asked Cosmos to protect them too. That's all.
I'm not gonna argue that the real Cloud is that anime anti-hero douche he acted as in the beginning of the OG ("not my problem", "not interested", etc) and that he would give the genuine cold shoulder to any of his comrades, but if we take it from an author's intent, yes, the fact that they put *Tifa* as the person he acted for like this (or, vice-versa, they made Cloud acting in this specific way when Tifa was decided to be in Duodecim) tells something.
I would swear I saw an article that said what I thought...

Meh, my memory must be screwed.