So I said
and posted an image. And you said:
Then when I pointed out that I photoshopped it you said:
So you weren't talking about the image I posted after I said look closely? Why did you think I posted the picture? What did you think I was telling you to look at exactly?
I thought you were asking me to examine how the crystal looked in Dissidia. So I did. I loaded up Dissidia. I honestly didn't consider the picture much at all.
I mean you must have at least seen it, right? Why not "I can tell that's the white Materia, but in the game.." or something?
Because I didn't really consider it.
Stop being a pouty bitch about it. You really want me to go through game forums and post the threads on people asking what Cloud's crystal is and the 50 responses that call it the white materia? Is that really what you want me do, because, fuck it, I got the weekend off and I can. Otherwise, please note that there ARE in fact people that play Dissidia and do not live their lives in FF and do not know what the hell materia is. SHOCKING, I know. And yes, a quick google of 'What's Cloud's Crystal in Dissidia" will give you examples of people that cannot see it as materia. So again, cite or fall back.
So yes, you are just being an asshat for the sake of asshatery. Thank you for clearing that up.
I'm well aware of what materia is--I was being sarcastic in phrasing as in we're arguing the SAME SHIT with different wording. Pay attention, I really shouldn't have to spoon feed you like I do some people. And since we're in agreement that it doesn't matter what the crystal is, then I'll happily call it WM and you can call it Ice (or whatever).
But you're still making a positive claim without support when you call it the white Materia, which is not the case when you say 'we can't be sure what it is'
And CG from 1997 is probably not a reliable counter to current CG production. Also noted.
Even the current CG production is different than the merch. And still the size of a marble.
Which, imo, really diminishes what Cloud's Crystal ends up being if it's some generic whateverthefuck. But hey, different strokes, different folks.
It only diminishes it if you think the shapes of the crystals are supposed to have some story importance. Given Firion, I don't think they do.
And my argument would be there is no default claim. You can't default to generic materia without it ever being confirmed as materia. Again with citation if such a requirement is being slapped on the other crystals. If someone wants to claim Squall's crystal as Sephiroth's wing or a deformed dildo, then until confirmed or refuted, you can't say: "You're wrong, because such and such reasons and criteria I've implemented to form my own infallible opinion." Because, guess's still just your opinion. Which may be more logical in some cases, but ultimately not factual. Just as my opinion that Cloud is holding the WM and that Squall's Crystal is a winged gunblade is still only my opinion on the matter-- even though I am fabulous and my opinions should be treated as such.
FHS, there is always a default claim. That claim is "we can't be sure." And that's all I'm saying. Squall's crystal could be any of those things, but we don't have a good enough shot of it to tell.
With Squall being the exception, then, right?
Yes. And only because we're not sure what it is. His could still be a source of power. We're just not sure what it is.
It's not as if SE has never ever been inconsistent... ever. So yeah, totally ludicrous that in the cases where an item may simultaneously be a power source and hold some personal meaning that they would use them.
They're generally not so bad as to be inconsistent regarding the rules within the same work.
1. Yes. For the record, if Tifa was there, I still say the materia would be the WM. 2. No. But not ruled out.
I didn't refer to Cloud's crystal alone, but to your list, where you speculate the crystals as being "rather personal representations of the world/quests these warriors have to go through "
And there's still nothing personal about the crystals for Firion or Cecil.
Joke or not, you walked into a pile of shit as a result.
Well, you're the one giving it to me.
No, as explained above. I was referring to the actual game when making my comparison. PSPs are handy.
I don't think she was trying to trap you, but more prove that the distinctions between the materias wasn't quite as 'obvious' as some people purported them to be.
I don't think she was trying to trap me specifically, but she was laying a trap.
This has been entertaining. I've missed this thread. I so rarely get to play with Ryu because we're often of a like mind. It's really fun! Thank you, for the good debate. It's rare to find.
If he really wasn't I'd like to know why he thinks I posted it
Explained above.
Thank you

As you can see,
I tried to do the same thing to Vendel a few pages back. It wasn't personal Ryu, you just happened to respond.
I didn't think it was personal.
Also googled "What is Cloud's crystal in Dissidia" and got this as a result:
What idiot wrote that? Huh?
Whoever they are, we should never trust anything they say ever again. They're obviously completely insane.
Addendum: BTW, taking a look at the picture of the black materia Tres posted, the dark spots on the Dissidia Crystal actually fit those rather well, which is intriguing.
Oh, and Tres, I didn't think the crystals made it back (I did note Tidus's didn't return with him), just wondering what might happen if they did.