I totally understand the position of not bothering to get one now since there really aren't that many games. I mean the free PS Plus indie games have been really fun and stuff, but I don't think I'll be moving away from my PS3 full time until this Playstation Now thing comes out and lets me play my PS3 games on it.
Having said that, I've been pleasantly surprised with all the games I've played so far. Killzone Shadow Fall for example - I have zero interest in the Killzone series but that's the game I got with the console and I'm really enjoying it. Resogun is super fun and was free, and Contrast has also been interesting.
tl;dr, there's no rush right now to get one. Rayman Legends is coming out for it this month and I'll be buying that even though I already have it on PS3, I love that game. And Infamous: Second Son and Watch Dogs are just around the corner.
Also coming this year: Destiny, Dragon Age: Inquisition, possibly Uncharted 4 and some others I'm dying to play. So the game library will have shot up by the end of this year. I wouldn't have one now if it hadn't been a Christmas gift, so I'm glad I do
