So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Also, I don't remember Marlene asking when Cloud will come back. However, in the church, after Tifa says they should leave and Marlene refuses, Tifa says, "So, say he comes back," to which Marlene replies, "We'll all go home!"
I think this is it. It just gives me the impression he hasn't been gone for very long. If Cloud's been gone for a long time she wouldn't be expecting him to come home with them.


Your Mom
Aren't we meant to understand that AC picks up right where CoT leaves off? Cloud had just left when CoT ended.

Not that it matters whether he was gone two days, two weeks or two months. It's the reason why he leaves that matters, and we've already been told that flat-out.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Aren't we meant to understand that AC picks up right where CoT leaves off? Cloud had just left when CoT ended.

Not that it matters whether he was gone two days, two weeks or two months. It's the reason why he leaves that matters, and we've already been told that flat-out.

Cloud tells us. When talking to Marlene, he flat out explains his motivation for leaving, so i really, really don't understand how people STILL think he left because he was pining over Aerith. Hell, he spends more time lamenting Zack than he does Aerith... but that may just be my hidden Clack coming out... O.O

Celes Chere

Hell, he spends more time lamenting Zack than he does Aerith...

Well, Zack is the closer friend. :monster: Actually, I think it's about even with the lamenting, same with his reaction to their deaths. Neither lament or death is romantic- it's just logical to become screwed up mentally or otherwise, when someone close to you dies. Everyone has a different way of coping, and different ways of showing it with different people too. Zack and Aerith were both dear friends, and I don't think he cares about one of them more than the other- they're equal.


reality is a prison
Hell, he spends more time lamenting Zack than he does Aerith
Really? I always thought Aerith got more attention because of the meetings and such, but that's just me. -_- Maybe I should make a comparison chart seeing the difference, any takers? :3

Celes Chere

You should KTR, because I'm curious how someone could see Cloud caring more about Zack or Aerith. It seems pretty darn equal to me. ^^;

What meetings do you mean?


reality is a prison
You should KTR, because I'm curious how someone could see Cloud caring more about Zack or Aerith. It seems pretty darn equal to me. ^^;
Okay, I'll go to it then. ^_^ I think it is sorta equal, but idk I felt there was more Aerith, but maybe that's just me being a biased Aerith fan. XD

What meetings do you mean?
I mean when Cloud says that he wants to be forgiven and such, those scenes. c:

Btw, should I do the remembrances of A/Z starting after there death or just do AC/C with the cases or what?

Celes Chere

Of course he would want to be forgiven by Aerith, but Zack is a HUGE portion of his life. AC did a shit job in showing it, but ACC made it very clear. Cloud still feels guilt over what happened to Zack, it's not all Aerith centric. ^^;

Anything you feel like doing, lol. Though, considering Cloud's entire mind fell apart after Zack died, I think you should compare their death scenes.


The Wanderer of Time
One thing I didn't fully understand was how the two back-to-back sequences were handled. It's a subtle difference, but it's there.

When Aerith appears to Cloud, She speaks to him, Cloud is shocked but, judging by his eyes before she spoke he already knew who was there.

When Zack appears to Cloud, Zack speaks, Cloud is shocked and has to ask if it's Zack before he responds.

Why was that difference made? He just knows it's Aerith, but has to ask if it's Zack. I know it's minor but I still find it odd, maybe even insulting to Zack.

"If it were me, I still wouldn't give up."
" jackhole, it's Genesis, of course it's Zack! Geez, you knew it was Aerith but I'm not good enough, you gotta ask to make sure? Fuck it, Sephiroth, kill him!"

Celes Chere

I think Cloud just questioned Zack's name because he's surprised. Or maybe he's inquiring,
as in, 'what should I do' or 'what do you mean'. I never found it offensive to Zack's character and hey, it was in the middle of a big fight. Maybe Cloud is wondering how Zack is appearing at that exact time. xD I actually find it more touching than offensive. (Actually, not offensive at all lol)

With Aerith, she's a Cetra and her presence can probably be felt especially at her church. Maybe that's why it was less surprising.


reality is a prison
@Celes Chere- Yeah I know he cares about Zack too, it would be ignorant to say he didn't, but imo I was more feeling the Aerith. xD

I suppose I could do the death scenes, but anyone is gonna be upset when someone dies except the X people, HELLO AURON ANYONE! so what level you act of them later seems to matter because of the stages of accepting death. Hmm, I could do it after TLS event so Cloud is Cloud and there is no confusion. :faint:

@Drake Fangclaw- Hey it could have been Gippal. :lol:


The Wanderer of Time
I think Cloud just questioned Zack's name because he's surprised. Or maybe he's inquiring,
as in, 'what should I do' or 'what do you mean'. I never found it offensive to Zack's character and hey, it was in the middle of a big fight. Maybe Cloud is wondering how Zack is appearing at that exact time.

The same could apply to the Aerith appearance too, but he doesn't ask if it's her does he?

Heeeey.....I just had an idea. Aerith didn't appear to Cloud until he approached the Forgotten Capital. That's where she died, maybe she chose to appear to him then because her power is stronger there somehow or something.

Celes Chere

They are completely different situations and, Aerith's a Cetra that Cloud has probably sensed before. I bet Zack could never be sensed by Cloud. I'm assuming Cloud thought he'd never be able to speak with Zack again.


One thing I didn't fully understand was how the two back-to-back sequences were handled. It's a subtle difference, but it's there.

When Aerith appears to Cloud, She speaks to him, Cloud is shocked but, judging by his eyes before she spoke he already knew who was there.

When Zack appears to Cloud, Zack speaks, Cloud is shocked and has to ask if it's Zack before he responds.

Why was that difference made? He just knows it's Aerith, but has to ask if it's Zack. I know it's minor but I still find it odd, maybe even insulting to Zack.

So Cloud was shocked both times but because he said Zack's name he somehow didn't think it was him?

Maybe he was just expecting Aerith again?

Any way you look at it it's not really something worth discussing. Not in a LTD thread anyways.


AI Researcher
I don't think Cloud saying Zack's name is asking if it's him. The subtitles just put it as 'Zack...', it's just him saying his name.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Maybe Barret did call the bar but no one answered the phone? Maybe Barret wanted to have some man talk? Or maybe it was just a plot device to explain to us where he was and what he was doing and to also set up his return later on? ;)

But really, no one besides Tifa and the kids seemed to know that Cloud had left. Not even Rufus and the Turks realized this. I mean, if Cloud was really gone for so long people would know, and Rufus wouldn't have asked Cloud about the orphans that were living with him. Because, well, you know, Cloud wouldn't have been living with them anymore would he?

Well, perhaps Barret doesn't think he's 'worthy' to talk with Marlene yet? Or maybe he doesn't want to risk ruining the surprise of his visit?

Aren't we meant to understand that AC picks up right where CoT leaves off? Cloud had just left when CoT ended.

That is the case, yes.

Not that it matters whether he was gone two days, two weeks or two months. It's the reason why he leaves that matters, and we've already been told that flat-out.

Not that it seems to have sunk in everywhere...

One thing I didn't fully understand was how the two back-to-back sequences were handled. It's a subtle difference, but it's there.

When Aerith appears to Cloud, She speaks to him, Cloud is shocked but, judging by his eyes before she spoke he already knew who was there.

When Zack appears to Cloud, Zack speaks, Cloud is shocked and has to ask if it's Zack before he responds.

Why was that difference made? He just knows it's Aerith, but has to ask if it's Zack. I know it's minor but I still find it odd, maybe even insulting to Zack.

"If it were me, I still wouldn't give up."
" jackhole, it's Genesis, of course it's Zack! Geez, you knew it was Aerith but I'm not good enough, you gotta ask to make sure? Fuck it, Sephiroth, kill him!"

I cite, "Mother?" In response.


Higher Further Faster
The same could apply to the Aerith appearance too, but he doesn't ask if it's her does he?

Heeeey.....I just had an idea. Aerith didn't appear to Cloud until he approached the Forgotten Capital. That's where she died, maybe she chose to appear to him then because her power is stronger there somehow or something.

When Zack appears during the fight with Sephiroth Cloud didn't ask if it was him. He just said his name out of surprise, maybe even relief. But he wasn't asking, "Yo Zack is that you?" lol

Also the times and instances of Aerith's appearances is a topic that I have discussed at long length with other peeps before. You've hit the tip of the iceberg with that observation, Drake. Want me to explain my theories on the rest?

Well I'm going to whether you want me to or not. :P

1.) There is a hint of her in the church after Cloud and Tifa both pass out. Only a hint for now, mind you. She's still being blocked by Sephy. But she can come out a little bit because it's the church, which has a tie to the Lifestream and is also her own little sacred space.

2.) She appears near the forgotten city. Where she died, yes, but also sacred ground for the Cetra. This was the only place in which one could go to summon Holy. It would be safe to assume that this place holds much power as well as a deep connection with the Lifestream. Creepy cell phone scene is included in this.

3.) She appears inside Bahamut's energy ball. Summon monsters are called forth by materia using the memories and energy of the Lifestream. Yet again a connection that we've seen once before, and Aerith appears in within it? Hmm...interesting.

4.) She speaks to Cloud after Kadaj messes up her church when the water breaks out. Lifestream mixed with water and Aerith's next appearance? I do say...

5.) The purifying rain has been released, but is still blocked from falling by Sephiroth's will. Aerith is seen praying for Cloud's victory, but there isn't really much she can do here it seems.

6.) Sephiroth is defeated, and the rain now falls freely. Aerith comes for Kadaj, and even makes her presence known to Tifa on the airship. Aerith's presence is now able to go wherever the rain falls.

7.) Aerith heals Clouds wounds, but this time is in some weird life/death limbo. Now said to be Cloud's promised land in the Ultimanias. More Lifestream? I think so.

8.) I'm assuming that since her water is still everywhere and it's so soon this is how Aerith was able to make the phones ring. But maybe she made the call from the church? lol

9.) Last appearance in the church, which has been covered before. We see her going off for good this time to presumably join with the Lifestream finally.

Either way I think that's it. The phone part is a new addition to my theories and I haven't given much thought to Zack yet. I came up with this a while ago now. lol

I would assume, though, that due to his absorption of parts of his memories and personality/mannerisms that Cloud and Zack may have an indestructible connection. This could, however, also be due to the water being released in the church. The effects are still being held back by Sephiroth, but perhaps Zack wasn't. Maybe only Aerith with her connection to the planet was held back.

And those are my theories. :)

Just theories mind you.

But yeah it's interesting how all of Aerith's appearances seem to be only when there is Lifestream nearby. :)
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so if there is a hole in the bedroom ceiling and cloud and tifa are having sex..aerith can be a part of it too since rain is falling through the ceiling into the room? nice.

also just out of curiosity, is this a cloti moment in ACC when yuffie says "that cloud is a real pain in the ass sometimes" then she looks at tifa with a faint smile (she didnt have to look a tifa ya know, she coulda looked at the ground). THEN, tifa smiles and says "cloud is cloud".
hmm idk i just find tht part so cute and it screams cloti each time i watch it.


The Wanderer of Time
so if there is a hole in the bedroom ceiling and cloud and tifa are having sex..aerith can be a part of it too since rain is falling through the ceiling into the room? nice.

also just out of curiosity, is this a cloti moment in ACC when yuffie says "that cloud is a real pain in the ass sometimes" then she looks at tifa with a faint smile

I'm sorry, I can't resist

Yuffie: "Cloud's a pain in the ass."
Tifa: "You're telling me, last week he....nevermind."


rofl here is the ending to that.

Yuffie: "That cloud of yours is a real pain in the ass tifa.."
Tifa: "Your telling me..i had him on a leash step is sleeping outside the bedroom door"
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