So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
The only thing I know of Clerith's touting as some validation to their pairing regarding other FF pairings, would be from the FFX International bonus disc, that features a video interview with Nojima, talking about how he worked on the scenarios of FFVII, FFVIII, and FFX, and it shows a montage of Cloud burying Aerith, Squall embracing Rinoa, and Tidus.
I guess Yuna finally dumped him, good for her :monster: (and yes I'm aware the the video shows just that)

Anyways I'll get more info and a scan for you guys.. just... not right now cause I guess I'm under a tornado warning... damn I hate those things.. -_-


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
If it even exists :awesome:

More than likely, it's just something else they've twisted into saying what they want by taking it completely out of context.

Case in point: Wacdonalds and Japanese fans on Cloud/Aerith being so obvious.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Yeah that's why I asked you guys about it, I wanted the full scoop. I'm sure something like that does exist but there's probably a reason CxT isn't listed or is only listed as childhood friends.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Cloud and Tifa are always going to be listed as childhood friends in subsequent relationship charts and diagrams related to FFVII. Because again, a relationship chart only highlights the basic premise and initial bond that the characters have. It's not a clear cut, and thorough answer to how X character relates to Y. It's a basic flow chart.


AI Researcher
I don't see why people would want to use relationship charts as evidence, since Aerith and Cloud would just be 'bodyguard' and 'Aerith likes Cloud'.

Unless they wanted evidence for no one being together :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I think most of them would prefer no one being together vs Cloud and Tifa being together.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's really kinda pathetic. It makes no sense. How the hell do you prove C/A is canon by going through the strategy of "mutually assured destruction?"

Celes Chere

About the relationship charts, I noticed that in the Ultimanias the canon pairs have arrows like this connecting one another:

Squall <------> Rinoa

But Cloud and Tifa has one green line connecting them, and then it has another arrow that looks like this:

Then a separate from Cloud (on a different page)
Cloud ----> Tifa

But no shared one like the other pairings. And for Aerith, it's:

Cloud <-----Aerith

Zack takes Cloud's place in the CC one of course. XP So... no canon in this flow charts or what? Of course, if I could read the blocks of of Japanese in between the arrows it'd make more sense I'm sure. XD


wangxian married
Case in point: Wacdonalds and Japanese fans on Cloud/Aerith being so obvious.

This Wacdonalds thing was brought to my attention the other day and I cried tears of blood. )8

But no shared one like the other pairings. And for Aerith, it's:

Cloud <-----Aerith

Actually Cloud and Aeris have lines just like Cloud and Tifa; not mutual but each one has an arrow pointing at the other. I think for Cloud it was "guilt" towards Aeris, and for Aeris it was "likes" towards him. I don't remember which book it was specifically, though. There's like 5723907523907 books with this crap.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That's probably the AC relationship chart from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania.

And yeah, I think anyone with sense would cry over such a fake interview that essentially self incriminates itself :awesome:


AI Researcher
But what a waste. When I think of how people just ignore all the hard work of that interview now, it just makes me...


Celes Chere

Actually Cloud and Aeris have lines just like Cloud and Tifa; not mutual but each one has an arrow pointing at the other. I think for Cloud it was "guilt" towards Aeris, and for Aeris it was "likes" towards him. I don't remember which book it was specifically, though. There's like 5723907523907 books with this crap.

Yeah, there's one where it's Cloud---->Aerith too. I wish I could read this crap, lol.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The only thing I know of Clerith's touting as some validation to their pairing regarding other FF pairings, would be from the FFX International bonus disc, that features a video interview with Nojima, talking about how he worked on the scenarios of FFVII, FFVIII, and FFX, and it shows a montage of Cloud burying Aerith, Squall embracing Rinoa, and Tidus.

Nah. That doesn't help either. It's about the relationship between player and character and the ways he cultivated that relationship, the tricks he used to get people closer, such as Cloud's tics, and Squall's private thoughts- neither of which is featured in his clips- and Tidus's narration. Now unless their's self insertion going on, it doesn't help their case.
It also doesn't help their case that several insist that the Tidus bit also has Yuna in it, which it does not.

Teef, which flow chart is this?


reality is a prison
Damn, where all these lines coming from?

Well we all know Tifa <--> Aerith so why don't we never mind Cloud, ehh?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Honestly I didn't even know you guys didn't know about the canon couple listing thing. I came in here expecting an explanation as to why they weren't listed... though I guess Mako kinda touched upon it.

Quex, we may not know about it because it simply DOESN'T EXIST.

I'm sure the people I know with the book would have mentioned something like that if they came across it.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Yeah, I'm pretty sure if there was a "Canon Couples" or "Official Couples" list, someone would have mentioned it... Maybe...


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Nah. That doesn't help either. It's about the relationship between player and character and the ways he cultivated that relationship, the tricks he used to get people closer, such as Cloud's tics, and Squall's private thoughts- neither of which is featured in his clips- and Tidus's narration. Now unless their's self insertion going on, it doesn't help their case.
It also doesn't help their case that several insist that the Tidus bit also has Yuna in it, which it does not.

Teef, which flow chart is this?

Oh, I know Ryu :monster:

It's just that's all I've heard. I'm curious to see what part of the 20th Anniversary Ultimania they're referring to. :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Actually, I think I may have found what Quexinos was talking about...

Link here.

statement from link above said:
Sorry, if I post this in the wrong thread since I'm a noob. If it doesn't belong there, please feel free to delete the post.

Anyway, a few day ago I got the File 1: Characters book. At first I didn't really pay attention to the FFVII section as I'm currently very much into FFXII, but then I noticed a page about romance in different Final Fantasies. At the first glance I saw that there was no mention of FFVII, yet you had the couples from VIII, IX, X and even XI shown with pictures.

That got me interested and I looked through all the character relationship tables (or whatever you call them). I have to say that I'm very, very anti-CloTi since the rabids made me despise it. I never really cared for Tifa, but because all of their talk about how she and Cloud had sex and an established relationship from the end of FFVII on made me strongly dislike her.
Besides, I was always a fan of Cloud's and Aeris' relationship in the game...

So what did I notice? All pairings like Squall and Rinoa, or even Celes and Locke get mark as such while in the FFVII it's only shown that Tifa had onesided feelings for Cloud, while they were only addressed as "friends from childhood".
So I'm asking now... if CloudxTifa had an estabilished relationship in the Compilation-verse why did SE choose not to lable it as such in their newest release? The book even states that Yuna's brother has a crush on her in FFX-II. If they even state that fact, why not the "oh-so-obvious" (*cough*) relationship of Cloud and Tifa?
Could it be because there is none? >_>

And don't get me started on the "friends from childhood" crap. If that indicates a love relationship that means we have a canon yaoi pairing in FFX-II with Yuna's cousin and some other guy on the airship (while Brother still lusts after Yuna) as they are called the same.

I know that this book doesn't include the Compilation, but as the rabids claim that Cloud and Tifa became a couple at the end of FFVII there should be no other "proof". For me everything is clear, I never had a doubt that CloudxTifa was intended by the creators, but as I just looked into the LTD thread on ACF I got angry again.
If they could just come down from their high horses and look at the evidence AGAINST their pairing without snapping at the poor Cleris fans.

I won't discuss with those people but I wonder how they would counter this argument. And no, "it's so obvious the creators don't have to mention it" won't do.

Sadly, though, the book also doesn't confirm Cloud's and Aeris' relationship. I had really hoped for it. ;o;

Anyway, I just wanted to mention this anti-CloTi observation I've found and know what you think about it.

Again sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread, and sorry for my crappy English! *backs away*

That's the totally, unbiased observation regarding the contents of the book there. :monster:

It's just statements regarding the relationship charts. Because those totally are the end all and be all of character interaction and nuance.

Celes Chere

Here's the flow chart in the 10th anniversary for FFVII (one of the ones I'm wondering about). There's one for AC, DOC, BC, and CC too.


And here's the 20th Anniversary one with the colors.

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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Their strategy has changed from "C/A is definitely canon!" to "C/A may not be canon but neither is C/T SO THERE!"

I just imagined one of them coming into my room saying that and then running off :lol:

Actually, I think I may have found what Quexinos was talking about...
Yep that's the one... but I read some other posts that made it sound like all canon couples were listed and what not... :nah: well see this is why I ask you guys such, so we can clear it up. I'd still like to see a scan of it just to see what it's all about.

Celes: Is that the chart they're talking about? do other FFs have chats like that as well?
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
The burnssssssssssssssss... **hiss**

But seriously, why place so much on a statement/chart that doesn't include all of compilation? That's a bit backwards, IMO.Then again, I still see Cloud referred to as "Ex-SOLDIER"...
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