So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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See, I can understand the desire for realism in not wanting the characters to forever be in love with their first boyfriend/girlfriend. And yet, the same people believe the NEXT love is their one true love and they will never, ever get over them, not even when that love died and they moved in with someone clearly interested in them. Which makes me happy I've never seen the argument for 'realism' from the other side, because it just doesn't make any sense.

It's ttly okay for Aerith to move on from Zack, and be with Cloud. Even thought, she obviously wasn't. But when Aerith was ready to move on and start to know the real Cloud, she died instead. And of course Cloud is so depressed and miss his girlfriend so much, so he starts to search for her. That's why he wants to start a new life with Tifa, and smiles around her/is happy. Yeah, Cloud is so not over Aerith... He's not allowed to be over her.

Okay, maybe he wanted to live with Tifa was because he never loved Aerith in that way, he just saw her as a very special friend. A comrade. It's never been stated anything else.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Not quite self strawmanny enough, but you're getting there.

I'll work on it.

The Deepground left because reinforcements were coming and they'd gotten what info they'd needed. The defeat of the WRO was not considered worth delaying their plan, I think. Turns out that was STUPID of them, but it's a believably fuckup.

I would have thought the main purpose of the attack was to wipe out the WRO, though. At that point, they already had the Protomateria. All else that they could have been concerned with would be Shelke and Azul, and it doesn't seem like Azul had any trouble getting out.

You make a good enough point about the reinforcements that were on the way, though.

If nothing else, though, the transition is extremely jarring. We go from Vincent and Shelke making a run for it while Shalua gets beaten into a door by Azul -- the impression being that the WRO is trying to escape a base lost to them -- to Vincent and Reeve casually talking about not giving up, Deepground absent just as they had their most powerful opponent abandoning ship.

This. A thousand times this. I even made a picture of all this so I wouldn't have to type it again.

Glad to be of service.

No treaty, it's just considered rude to 'make fun' of specific individuals who can't- or rather, won't- fight back personally.

Ah. Well, I wasn't going so much for taking the piss out of the individual whose comments I paraphrased, so I hope they don't take it that way. I was just using their post as an example of what I was referring to.

I think most of the problems with consistency stems from the fact that the creators enjoy looking at their scenarios and storylines from differing perspectives and viewpoints, according to the character.

For example, the Nibelheim Incident. The Nibelheim Incident has two fundamental perspectives. The Turk perspective as seen in LO and BC, and the original perspective, as shown by Zack, and Cloud.

Certainly that can be enjoyable, but they take it beyond looking at it from different perspectives. It becomes completely different realities, with details that couldn't possibly accomodate one another.

When I think of different perspectives of the same events, I don't think of different histories emerging that are irreconcilable. It's one thing to show the same event from a different point of view, but another to show it from a completely separate foundation in reality.

Reality, of course, is subjective and co-mediated, but for the Turks to have had a perspective on the Nibelheim incident at all, one of them had to be there, right? A detail like that goes beyond interpretation of the individual. Crisis Core, then, should have included this, but doesn't.

LO and BC's depiction of the event is not the one they show or discuss in most Ultimania's now, as the true telling of events. They refer to these scenarios as either the Turk's recollection of events, or Tseng's recollection of events, as per the 10th Anniversary Ultimania.

But because of the text in the file Tseng was looking at in LO, we know that what LO showed wasn't what the Turks thought had happened. The same is true of BC.

In both LO and BC, Sephiroth jumps in. Also in both, the Turks concluded that he had been beaten and knocked in by Cloud.

Honestly, I think that comment in the 10th Anniversary Ultimania was SE trying to cover their rears on what they'd decided was a bad retcon. Of course, they underestimated their fanbase if they didn't think attention would be payed to what the text said in the file Tseng looked at, or that a comparison wouldn't be made between what BC actually showed and what the Turk there informed Tseng had happened

I'd even argue that Crisis Core isn't necessarily broadcast straight from Zack's eyes. He wasn't there when Tseng and Cissnei spoke on top of the Shin-Ra headquarters, after all. He couldn't have a perspective on that.

I think they do this because it's a way of freshly telling a story, that they've already told before. They enjoy it. Even in real life, you can hear a lot of differing variations and interpretations regarding a single a event. I think that's what they like doing but they know that they have to keep a few fundamentals the same for it to make sense.

I don't know what it is, really. I'm sure they enjoy portraying it different ways, but since their claim of different perspectives doesn't hold up with regard to the Turks, I honestly think that sometimes they just make mistakes and realize it themselves later.

As for Genesis not grabbing the Jenova specimen himself, he probably intended to but due to Sephiroth's appearance and his failure to convince him, decided to back off until he saw what he was gonna do. Until...well, you know the rest. :monster:

So the best explanations we have for the villains making stupid villain mistakes are that they're stupid? XD

Sometimes it really seems like SE lets the plot outline do more of the driving in these new games than the characters themselves.

EDIT: Oh, almost forgot. Aerith sucks. Keep staying dead, Aerith. We don't want you.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I believe Deepground was in WRO headquarters for further information, and crushing the WRO was a fringe benefit.

As for Genesis, the man had gone wiggy by that time. Had he been rational, he would have tried J-cells, but he BELIEVED he needed Sephy's cells in particular. It was FAITH, not reason, that drove him to do what he did.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
That's a good point about Genesis. He's more of an Ezekiel Rage than a Jeremiah Surd.

I kept waiting for him to say, "So it is written in the Book of Loveless!"

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Okay, time to flare up the herpes LTD. :monster:

So, do you guys really think Cloti is absolutely canon? By this, I mean, do you really think that Clerith never happened and that Cloti was the only Cloud pairing that was intended? I know about Clack... but right now... :awesome:

Peanut butter and jelly or tuna? :monster: Which is it?



Your Mom
So, do you guys really think Cloti is absolutely canon? By this, I mean, do you really think that Clerith never happened and that Cloti was the only Cloud pairing that was intended?
I don't think Clerith has to never have happened for Cloti to be canon. Cloti being canon just means that Cloud ends up in a romantic relationship with Tifa, officially.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Well, yeah, but it doesn't mean that Cloud could never have liked Aerith romantically before getting into a romantic relationship with Tifa, right?

It could have been the author's intent to have Clerith and then Cloti. :monster: Both can be canon if viewed this way.

I do think Cloti is canon, but I don't think it's absolute that Clerith isn't.

...if that even makes sense. :awesome:


Your Mom
As I've said in the past, I think the Clerith part of the equation is up to interpretation. The player controls Cloud's preferences while Aerith is alive. I don't think Cloud loving Aerith romantically is canon, but I don't think it's impossible, either.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
But was it specifically stated that Cloud didn't at least like Aerith romantically? I don't really remember if they really said Aerith wasn't a love interest...

I'm kind of wondering about this. Cloti being proven canon is good and all, but all interpretation aside, it was never specifically stated Cloud didn't like Aerith romantically so we can't really say that Cloud never liked Aerith, right? I mean, if Clerith really is up to interpretation, then we don't really have to hang around the LTD anymore, right?

I think.

Sorry, I'm trying to get the Clerith side of things right now. :monster: I'm feeling adventurous. :awesome:

There has to be something solid about Clerith besides Aerith's feelings.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
You know, I've heard it being said that Cloud saying "What about US? What are WE supposed to do?" referring to himself and Aerith in a romantic sense, but that claim doesn't make much sense since obviously, AVALANCHE is going to be pretty upset too. I mean, Aerith was Tifa's lovergood friend, she saved Barret's daughter, was part of the team that freed Red XIII, and she was generally pretty nice and fun. So why wouldn't they also be upset that she was just murdered in front of their eyes?

Unless everyone is a secret complete hardass who doesn't care when close allies die...

Hinata Hyuga

Juniper, Rinali, Legretta
I saw that in one of their essays, and it kinda blew me away. They acted like the idea that AVALANCHE would be upset about Aerith's death was ridiculous in some way.

Yeah, Cloud is obviously referring to himself and the rest of the party. How does it make sense for it to be him talking about Aerith and himself like a couple? Even if he does have romantic feelings for her, he's still supposed to be, according to creator statements, 'none the wiser' to both women's feelings at this point, isn't he?.

They're acting like they were practically engaged or something. This is right after the date where Aerith says "Cloud, I've been chasing the ghost of my dead love that I saw in you, but I'd like to put all that finally aside and meet the real you."

That's a big jump.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
well clearly they wouldn't miss her fighting capabilities cuz she sucked duh.

I mean really, you can't be emotionally connected to someone if their fighting abilities are sub-par. Unless you're Cloud of course, then it's the opposite. :monster:

Hinata Hyuga

Juniper, Rinali, Legretta
Cloud: "Aerith!!! Now that you are dead, what are WE supposed to do? (I love you. U so pretty.) Waaaaahhhh!!!"

The party: "Oh Aerith is dead? Oh well, whatever. Her magic stat was good, but it wasn't that good. I mean, we could equip Magic Plus and have the same stat or better. And her limit breaks, what the hell was that? They're like, all healing spells. Are we really hurting for them that much? We can all equip Restore materia...."

*hold up a 2/10 sign*


reality is a prison
Wolverine said:
She says Tseng is one of the only people in the world that really knows her, so if guy who stalks her for his job cause he loves her SO much knows her like a bff, I think Aerith had some friend issues. XP
Oh your only saying that because your a Tseng/Aerith fan. :awesome: Yeah, that's waht I was kinda thinking, it's not like she is a total social tard just something about her seems distant, imo.

I Am Not Me said:
There has to be something solid about Clerith besides Aerith's feelings.
Well now there is the koibito line, which could be mutual, but isn't neccesarly. Disk ones's optional lines could infer that Cloud likes Aerith, parts of the story could be seen more touching like Aerith's death or the hand reach at the end if Cloud was in love with Aerith, the reason behind Tifa's jealousy, why he went to the church, quotes like "undying feelings" or "engraved in his heart" I think that's a good baseline to lead you to believe Clerith is canon. Believe though, but without a solid fact no one should be claiming it as official canon only speculated canon.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
But was it specifically stated that Cloud didn't at least like Aerith romantically? I don't really remember if they really said Aerith wasn't a love interest...

I'm kind of wondering about this. Cloti being proven canon is good and all, but all interpretation aside, it was never specifically stated Cloud didn't like Aerith romantically so we can't really say that Cloud never liked Aerith, right? I mean, if Clerith really is up to interpretation, then we don't really have to hang around the LTD anymore, right?

I think.

Sorry, I'm trying to get the Clerith side of things right now. :monster: I'm feeling adventurous. :awesome:

There has to be something solid about Clerith besides Aerith's feelings.

No, there doesn't. Type 3 love triangle.

You know, I've heard it being said that Cloud saying "What about US? What are WE supposed to do?" referring to himself and Aerith in a romantic sense, but that claim doesn't make much sense since obviously, AVALANCHE is going to be pretty upset too. I mean, Aerith was Tifa's lovergood friend, she saved Barret's daughter, was part of the team that freed Red XIII, and she was generally pretty nice and fun. So why wouldn't they also be upset that she was just murdered in front of their eyes?

Unless everyone is a secret complete hardass who doesn't care when close allies die...

Well, TOTALLY. I mean none of them mourned or cried or anything when she die....wait...

Cloud: "Aerith!!! Now that you are dead, what are WE supposed to do? (I love you. U so pretty.) Waaaaahhhh!!!"

The party: "Oh Aerith is dead? Oh well, whatever. Her magic stat was good, but it wasn't that good. I mean, we could equip Magic Plus and have the same stat or better. And her limit breaks, what the hell was that? They're like, all healing spells. Are we really hurting for them that much? We can all equip Restore materia...."

*hold up a 2/10 sign*

Yeah, is unrealistically dicky of the party who are otherwise depicted as LIKING her for them to not care that she's dead. Wasn't their reasoning 'She's not that useful to them so they wouldn't care that she's dead? That's character assasination of the ENTIRE PARTY for their ship. That's just silly.


unsavory tart
Okay, time to flare up the herpes LTD. :monster:

So, do you guys really think Cloti is absolutely canon? By this, I mean, do you really think that Clerith never happened and that Cloti was the only Cloud pairing that was intended? I know about Clack... but right now... :awesome:

You called :monster:

I'm that infuriating people that constantly blabbers about interpretation and thinks deliberately placed hints for CloudAerith means something. I don't think that the couples are on equal ground, but I don't think Cloud and Aerith have no ground whatsoever.

I honestly despise any arguement that uses "throw X a bone" since I first encountered it in a CA arguement, (seriously, throw Cloti a bone? Did you see the highwind scene? That wasn't a bone so much as an entire skeleton) but I see it on the CT partyline as well. "Throwing a bone" doesn't disprove anything, it's a stupid catch phrase you use when you can't think of a way to say anything else.


I honestly despise any arguement that uses "throw X a bone" since I first encountered it in a CA arguement, (seriously, throw Cloti a bone? Did you see the highwind scene?

Oddly appropriate phrasing for the HW scene.

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